Download Music 200 Midterm I Review Sheet

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Music 200 Midterm I Review Sheet
Antiquity – early 18th Century
from “Harmony of the Spheres” to “Masters of the Universe”
Elements of Music
Style & Genre
Phythagorean School & Music; Harmony of the Spheres
Boethius; Musica Mundana, Humana & Instrumentalia
Gregorian Chant
Sacred & Secular Music in early medieval era
Early polyphony and its developments: Organum, Conductus & Motet
Notre-Dame school; Leonin & Perotin
Renaissance & the background of the paradigm shift
Counterpoint & Polyphonic a-cappella texture
Rise of the individual artist; DuFay, DesPrez, DiLasso …etc
Palestrina & his importance in counter-reformation
The scientific revolution
The Baroque
Emergence of national/regional styles
Harmony & Homophonc Texture
Opera; early opera, aria, recitative, overture
Terraced Dynamics
Descartes “Les passions de l'âme” & the Baroque Doctrine of Affections
Ride of instrumental music
Idiomatic writing
Other vocal & instrumental new genres
Masters of late Baroque
In addition;
Be sure to go over each period along with the “exam worksheet” which can be found in
Courseware@KUAIS as well as going over the musical examples we have covered in classes.