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AP US History Blizzard Bag 2014 - 2015 New Nation and Expansion
1. Alexander Hamilton created the country's first national bank to establish financial stability
and credit for the new government. This was opposed by Thomas Jefferson because
A. Hamilton did not have broad political support for the proposal
B. northern states would benefit more than southern states
C. the Constitution does not authorize Congress to create a federal bank
D. the Federalist party would gain too much power with the creation of a bank
E. all signers of the Constitution had to agree to the proposal
2. Anti-federalists like Patrick Henry and Samuel Adams opposed the creation of the U.S.
Constitution because they felt that
A. the national government did not need a federal court system
B. the national government did not need a bi-cameral legislature
C. it would give the federal government too much power
D. the most power should be held by the executive branch
E. the states should not have to abide by the laws of the federal government
This illustration depicts which Native American movement that led to Wounded Knee
A. the Rain Dance
B. the Mountain Chant
C. the Ghost Dance
D. the Powwow Festival
E. the Midwinter Ceremony
4. What impact did Alexander Hamilton's economic plan have on small farmers?
A. Most small farmers benefited from lower interest rates.
B. Most small farmers complained about rising commodity prices.
C. Most small farmers became strong Hamilton supporters.
D. Many small farmers enjoyed post-war tax relief.
E. Many small farmers bore a disproportionate tax burden.
5. As white settlers made their way west and occupied Native American territories, how were
the Native American children affected?
A. They were forced onto special reservations, often far from family.
B. They were able to keep their Native traditions.
C. They were treated with respect as required by the U.S. government.
D. They were able to continue living freely, unlike their adult family members.
E. They were forced into boarding schools.
This map shows the territory gained by the United States as a result of the Louisiana Purchase.
Which two central figures were involved in this transaction?
A. Thomas Pinckney and James Monroe
B. James Monroe and Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
C. Charles Maurice de Talleyrand and Napoleon Bonaparte
D. James Monroe and Napoleon Bonaparte
E. Thomas Jefferson and Napoleon Bonaparte
7. Which proposal set forth in the Constitutional Convention of 1787 would have resulted in
larger states having more representation in the legislature?
A. New Jersey Plan
B. Connecticut Compromise
C. Three Fifths Compromise
D. Virginia Plan
E. Missouri Compromise
8. The "XYZ Affair" of 1797 demonstrated that
A. Great Britain had considerable political influence on the Americans
B. Great Britain and France would soon conspire against the Americans
C. France and the United States would soon become allies against the British
D. France was not interested in easing political tensions with the Americans
E. the Americans were not interested in trade relations with France
9. As part of the Indian Removal Act of 1830, President Andrew Jackson, when addressing the
future of the Cherokee, promised "their white brothers. . . will have no claim to the land. . .they
can live upon it, they and all their children, as long as grass grows and water runs."
What was Jackson essentially asking of the Native Americans when speaking these words?
A. He asked them to move back east toward the Atlantic to make room for settlers.
B. He asked them to move further west to make room for white settlers.
C. He was asking for a truce after a great Native American resistance throughout the
D. He was asking them to voluntarily hand over their land west of the Mississippi
E. He was asking them to bring and end to the frontier wars.
10. Shays' Rebellion began in Massachusetts in 1786 as a protest against
A. government taxation of farmers
B. the Direct House Tax on land and slaves
C. Native American raids on frontier towns
D. government taxation of whiskey
E. increased government investment in foreign products
11. The concept of republican motherhood included all of the following EXCEPT:
A. fighting to eliminate the Federalist Party
B. raising daughters to tend to domestic life
C. pursing more literary education
D. promoting Republican values in everyday life
E. raising children to be ideal citizens of the new nation
12. After signing the final draft of the Constitution, states like Massachusetts, Virginia, and New
York ratified the document on the condition that
A. a bill of rights would be added
B. further amendments would increase states' rights
C. a ban on slavery would be added
D. further amendments would increase trade rights
E. a stronger Congress would develop
Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the map?
A. Most westward expansionist policies did not include reaching the West Coast.
B. Westward expansion did not begin until after the U.S. went to war with Mexico.
C. Native American tribes were not affected by settlers' movements west.
D. The Louisiana Purchase resulted in America's first territorial expansion.
E. America's territorial gains out West were entirely a result of the Spanish ceding
land to the U.S.
14. The Missouri Compromise, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and the Compromise of 1850 were
similar in that they all involved
A. citizens' individual rights
B. practices of state governors
C. U.S. intervention into foreign affairs
D. the prevention of Native American reservation policies
E. the issue over expanding slavery into new territories
15. Upon the Mexican cession, the United States found itself
A. with advanced technology
B. expanding east
C. at war with Texas
D. consumed with more slavery debates
E. without a proper military
16. Federalist opponents of the Louisiana Purchase argued that Thomas Jefferson should not
pursue the sale because
A. the French were strong enemies
B. the territory was dangerous
C. it was unconstitutional
D. it would lead to westward expansion
E. it was an isolationist move
17. What was the intent of the Northwest Ordinance?
A. Settlers would have the right to take lands and property from Native Americans.
B. The U.S. would expand into the provinces of Canada.
C. The U.S. would achieve its goal of westward expansion by creating new states.
D. Native Americans would occupy only areas in the Northwest portion of the U.S.
E. Farming families would be allowed a certain amount of acreage in the West.
18. What made Andrew Jackson a vastly different president than his predecessors?
A. He was the first president to be impeached by the House of Representatives.
B. He was the first president to win nearly the entire popular vote.
C. He was nominated mostly due to his policies regarding the expansion of American
D. He was not well-educated and had little political background.
E. He came from a wealthy family and experienced a highly privileged childhood.
19. Which of the following statements is true of slavery in the United States at the beginning of
the nineteenth century?
A. The number of slaves decreased as indentured servants immigrated to the U.S.
B. The institution of slavery began to decline.
C. The number of slaves increased at a substantial rate.
D. The South grew less dependent on slavery.
E. Every white family owned at least one slave.
20. James Polk had great territorial expansion ambitions upon entering the presidency, which
eventually led to
A. war with Mexico
B. the creation of a new political party
C. the American Civil War
D. his impeachment
E. the dissolution of the Whig party