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Forest Ecology and Management 252 (2007) 52–66 www.elsevier.com/locate/foreco Ecological impacts of different harvesting scenarios for temperate evergreen rain forest in southern Chile—A simulation experiment Nadja Rüger a,*, Álvaro G. Gutiérrez a, W. Daniel Kissling a, Juan J. Armesto b,c, Andreas Huth a a UFZ Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Department of Ecological Modelling, Permoserstr. 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany b IEB, Departamento de Ciencias Ecológicas, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 653, Santiago, Chile c Centre for Advanced Studies in Ecology & Biodiversity, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, P.O. Box 114-D, Santiago CP 6513677, Chile Received 7 February 2007; received in revised form 8 June 2007; accepted 8 June 2007 Abstract Current forestry practices in Chile largely rely on exotic tree plantations, and limited management experiences are available for the species-rich native evergreen rain forests. Yet, conservationists and forest scientists call for sustainable management of native forests as an alternative to plantations so as to maintain important ecosystem services. We parameterised the process-based forest growth model FORMIND for a Valdivian coastal temperate rain forest in Chiloé Island, Chile, to assess the ecological implications of different logging practices including selective logging and strip-cutting. We tested the model by comparing simulation results with field data from the study site and carried out an extensive sensitivity analysis to explore the impacts of parameter values on model results. Simulated logging practices were compared in regard to expected timber harvest and long-term impacts on forest structure and composition. Results showed that highest harvests could be achieved when strip-cutting was applied, because it promoted the regeneration of the relatively light-demanding and fast-growing Eucryphia cordifolia. However, forest structure and composition were severely altered by this practice. In contrast, selective logging, although providing lower harvests, better conserved old-growth forest structure and composition. Canopy gaps created by selective logging were not large enough to ensure regeneration of E. cordifolia, but favoured the shade-tolerant Laureliopsis philippiana. Overall, the similarity of logged stands to undisturbed forest decreased linearly with increasing harvesting intensity. Management strategies that rely on native species and keep an uneven-aged forest structure ensure the maintenance of native biodiversity, protect ecosystems from exotic species invasions, and promote the conservation of biotic interactions essential for tree reproduction. # 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Selective logging; Sustainable forest management; Forest model; FORMIND; Chile; Valdivian temperate rain forest 1. Introduction Temperate evergreen rain forests cover more than 40,000 km2 along the western margin of southern South America, mainly in Chile and small adjacent areas of Argentina (Donoso, 1998; CONAF-CONAMA, 1999). The Valdivian forest subtype has been classified among the 200 biologically most valuable and critically endangered ecoregions of the world (Olson and Dinerstein, 1998). Today, southern temperate forests are severely threatened by land conversion to grassland or monospecific plantations of Pinus radiata or Eucalyptus * Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 341 235 2598; fax: +49 341 235 3500. E-mail address: [email protected] (N. Rüger). 0378-1127/$ – see front matter # 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2007.06.020 species. Exotic tree plantations have increased substantially since 1974, when the Chilean Government began subsidising the cost of planting and management (Lara and Veblen, 1993; Donoso and Lara, 1999). Today conifer and eucalyptus plantations in Chile cover nearly 21,000 km2 (CONAFCONAMA, 1999) and sustain more than 95% of timber and wood pulp production for domestic use and export. It has been estimated that 55% of the native forests have been substituted by exotic plantations (Lara et al., 1999). Before being cleared and substituted by exotic tree plantations, native forests have often been degraded through high-grading, i.e., selective cutting of the biggest and best trees, leaving unhealthy, twisted and small trees behind (Neira et al., 2002). To change this situation, Chilean foresters, scientists and environmentalists have called for a new forestry legislation that N. Rüger et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 252 (2007) 52–66 could foster the sustainable management of remaining native forests as a way to maintain ecosystem services (Lara et al., 2003). Native forests deliver a number of ecosystem goods and services including clean water, timber, fuelwood, non-timber forest products, cultural, religious and recreational values, and harbour a large fraction of native and endemic biodiversity (Armesto et al., 1999a; Lara et al., 2003; Smith-Ramı́rez et al., 2005). Sustainable management of native forests could increase their economic value and prevent further loss to other land uses. While largely monospecific stands of Nothofagus pumilio and Nothofagus betuloides at higher latitudes (45–558S) offer promising perspectives for sustainable timber harvest (e.g. Armesto et al., 1996), the management of Valdivian temperate rain forest (VTRF, Veblen et al., 1983) is considered more difficult (e.g. Arroyo et al., 1999). Doubts arise from the higher structural complexity and tree species richness of VTRF, and its stronger dependence on biotic interactions for pollination and seed dispersal (Armesto et al., 1996; Smith-Ramı́rez et al., 2005). During recent decades, pilot silvicultural experiments have explored the recovery of evergreen rain forests from timber harvest and strip-cutting and selective logging have been identified as feasible management options (e.g. Donoso, 1989b; CONAF-CONAMA, 1999; Donoso et al., 1999; Lara et al., 2000). However, the design, execution and monitoring of large silvicultural experiments remains costly and operationally difficult (Armesto et al., 1999c). Thus, modelling approaches which are complementary to experimental studies are needed to assess the long-term consequences of different management options and to provide guidelines for forest managers aiming at reconciling conservation and production objectives (Lindenmayer and Franklin, 2002). Here, we apply the process-based forest growth model FORMIND (e.g. Köhler and Huth, 1998; Köhler et al., 2001) for the first time to Chilean evergreen rain forests to explore potential management strategies. FORMIND calculates the carbon balance for each individual tree on the basis of the light 53 environment in the forest. Hence, the model allows for the detailed incorporation of different logging treatments. The simulated logging strategies are either practiced by small forest owners or companies (selective logging) or were suggested to promote the regeneration of light-demanding species after harvesting (strip-cutting, Donoso, 1989b). The objectives of this study are (1) to parameterize FORMIND for VTRF in Chile to evaluate the ability of the model to reproduce observed forest characteristics, and to explore the impact of model parameters on simulation results by carrying out an extensive sensitivity analysis, and (2) to compare different logging strategies in regard to expected timber harvest and long-term consequences for the structure and species composition of the managed forests. Our simulation results highlight opportunities for the sustainable use of native forest resources and for the conservation of biodiversity outside protected areas (Franklin, 1993; Armesto et al., 1998). 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Study area The study site used as a reference for the simulations was a large remnant (200 ha) of VTRF located in Guabún, Chiloé Island, Chile (418500 S), about 30 km northwest of Ancud (Fig. 1). The prevailing climate is wet-temperate with a strong oceanic influence (Di Castri and Hajek, 1976). Rainfall occurs throughout the year. The nearest meteorological station in Punta Corona (418470 S, 738520 W) has an annual average of 2444 mm of rainfall and a mean annual temperature of 10.7 8C. Mean maximum and minimum monthly temperatures are 13.8 8C (January) and 8.3 8C (July). Floristically, this forest type is dominated by Eucryphia cordifolia (Eucryphiaceae), Aextoxicon punctatum (only member of the endemic Aextoxicaceae), Laureliopsis philippiana Fig. 1. Location of the study area Guabún in northern Chiloé Island, Chile. Old-growth forests are shown in dark grey. 54 N. Rüger et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 252 (2007) 52–66 Table 1 Density, basal area, and importance value ((% of density + % of basal area)/200%) of tree species in the Valdivian temperate rain forest of Guabún, northern Chiloé Island, Chile Species Family Aextoxicon punctatum Eucryphia cordifolia Laureliopsis philippiana Myrtaceaea Other speciesb Aextoxicaceae Eucryphiaceae Atherospermataceae Myrtaceae Total a b Density (N ha1) Basal area (m2 ha1) 116 72 432 976 319 11.1 40.7 13.7 36.9 2.6 1915 104.9 Importance value 0.08 0.21 0.18 0.43 0.10 1 Includes Amomyrtus luma, A. meli, Luma apiculata, Myrceugenia ovata, M. planipes. Includes Caldcluvia paniculata, Dasyphyllum diacanthoides, Drimys winteri, Ovidia pillo-pillo, Rhaphitamnus spinosus. (Atherospermataceae), and several myrtaceous tree species (Table 1). Dendrochronological data of oldest cohorts show no evidence of catastrophic disturbance, such as fire or stand-scale logging for at least 400 years (Gutiérrez et al., unpublished manuscript). Stand structure and floristic composition are similar to other coastal old-growth VTRF stands in Chiloé Island and mainland sites in the Chilean Lake District (Donoso et al., 1984, 1985; Veblen, 1985; Smith-Ramı́rez et al., 2005). 2.2. Model tree species The model focused on three main canopy-dominant tree species and one multi-specific group of sub-canopy species. E. cordifolia is a canopy-emergent tree species (up to 40 m height and 2 m diameter at breast height, dbh). It is considered lightdemanding and requires medium to large-scale disturbances for establishment (Veblen, 1985; Donoso et al., 1985). A. punctatum and L. philippiana are both shade-tolerant species occurring in the main canopy of the forest (e.g. Donoso et al., 1999). They reach heights of 30 m and dbh of up to 1 m. Finally, five tree species in the Myrtaceae family (Amomyrtus luma, A. meli, Luma apiculata, Myrceugenia ovata, M. planipes) were combined into one species group because of their similar ecological characteristics. They are shade-tolerant species with maximum heights of 15–20 m, which often dominate the lower canopy and understorey (e.g. Donoso et al., 1999). A few other tree species (e.g. Drimys winteri) also occur at the study site, but they are less common in the forest and were not included in our simulations. 2.3. The process-based forest growth model FORMIND The forest growth model FORMIND simulates the spatial and temporal dynamics of uneven-aged mixed species forest stands (e.g. Köhler and Huth, 1998; Kammesheidt et al., 2001; Köhler et al., 2001, 2003). The model simulates a forest (in annual time steps) of up to a few hundred hectares as a mosaic of interacting grid cells of 20 m 20 m, which is the approximate crown size of a large mature tree. The model is individual-oriented, i.e., small trees are treated as cohorts of identical individuals while larger trees are modelled individually. Light availability is considered the main driver of individual tree growth and forest succession as rainfall in the study area is high (e.g. Pacala et al., 1994). Nutrient availability is considered to be homogeneous at the stand-scale. Within each grid cell all trees compete for light and space following the gap model approach (Shugart, 1984). For the explicit modelling of the competition for light, each grid cell is divided into horizontal layers. In each height layer the leaf area is summed up and the light climate in the forest interior is calculated via an extinction law. The carbon balance of each individual tree is modelled explicitly, including the main physiological processes (photosynthesis, respiration) and litter fall. Growth process equations are modified from the models FORMIX3 and FORMIX3-Q (Ditzer et al., 2000; Huth and Ditzer, 2000, 2001). Allometric functions and geometrical relations are used to calculate above-ground biomass, tree height, crown diameter and stem volume from the dbh of the tree. Tree mortality can occur via self-thinning in densely populated grid cells, senescence, gap formation by large falling trees, or medium-scale windthrows (800–1600 m2), which are observed in the study area (Veblen, 1985; Gutiérrez, personal observation). Gap formation links neighbouring grid cells. Tree regeneration rates are maximum rates of recruitment of small trees at a dbh threshold of 1 cm, with seed losses through predation and seedling mortality being incorporated implicitly. These maximum recruitment rates are reduced by shading. There is no inter-annual variability of climatic conditions in the model. A detailed model description is given in Supplementary data. 2.4. Model parameterisation The model was parameterised on the basis of values given in the literature, data from the study site and expert estimations. All parameters, their description, values, and sources are summarised in Table 2. Parameters, for which no direct measurements or literature values were available, were estimated based on different but related field observations. The form factor was adjusted such that simulated stem volume corresponded to empirical volume functions (Emanuelli and Pancel, 1999; Salas, 2002; see Sections 2.5 and 3.1.2). A genetic algorithm was used to fit parameters of maintenance respiration parameters such that simulated maximum diameter growth for the different species (i.e., under full sunlight) generated an upper envelope for measured diameter increment (see Sections 2.5 and 3.1.1). N. Rüger et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 252 (2007) 52–66 55 Table 2 Parameters of FORMIND2.3 for Valdivian temperate evergreen rain forest in northern Chiloé Island, Chile Parameter Description AP EC LP Environmental parameters Average irradiance above canopy I0 [mmol(photons) m2 s1] k Light extinction coefficient [m2 ground m2 leaf] Tree geometry parameters Maximum diameter [m] Dmax Hmax Maximum height [m] h0 Parameter of diameter–height relationship [cm m1] h1 Parameter of diameter–height relationship [m] cd Parameter of diameter–crown diameter relationship [m cm1] f Form factor c L Crown depth fraction Leaf area index per tree [m2 leaf m2 ground] Fraction of stem wood biomass to total biomass sw Biomass production parameters r Wood density [t m3] pmax a rg r0 r1 r2 m codm Maximum rate of photosynthesis [mmol(CO2) m2 s1] Light-use efficiency [mmol(CO2) mmol(photons)1] Parameter of growth respiration Parameter of maintenance respiration Parameter of maintenance respiration Parameter of maintenance respiration 1 30 Mortality parameters Basic mortality [year1] mb mmax Maximum mortality of small trees [year1] Diameter up to which mortality Dmort is increased [m] Dfall Minimum diameter of falling trees [m] pfall Probability of dying trees to fall [%] Technical parameters Diameter of ingrowing trees [m] Ds a Patch size [m2] Dh Step width of vertical discretization [m] Lovengreen (unpublished data) 0.5 Pierce and Running (1988) and Brown and Parker (1994) 1 30 0.7 20 40.1 27.7 0.4 0.35 1.2 41.6 Reference 700 2 40 48.7 Brun (1969), Echeverrı́a (unpublished data) and Gutiérrez (unpublished data) 0.12 0.4 0.4 0.25 4 Estimated based on Emanuelli and Pancel (1999) and Salas (2002) Estimated Saldaña and Lusk (2003) 0.7 Köhler (2000) 0.59 0.72 0.55 1.15 5.6 10 6.4 7 Pérez-Galaz (1983) and Diaz-vaz et al. (2002) Lusk et al. (2003) 0.25 0.2 0.2 0.35 Estimated 0.1 0.0 0.0001 0.11 0.0 0.0 0.13 0.0008 0.0 0.1 0.003 0.0 Ryan (1991) Estimated based on diameter increment data (Gutiérrez et al., in preparation) 0.2 Transmission coefficient of leaves Parameter for conversion in organic dry matter [t mmol(CO2)1] Recruitment parameters Minimum light intensity for Imin establishment [% of I0] Imax Maximum light intensity for establishment [% of I0] Maximum recruitment rates of Nmax small trees [ha1 year1] MY 0.1 0.6344e12 Larcher (2001) Larcher (2001) 1 70 3 1 90 100 90 100 50 100 150 250 0.01 0.006 0.006 0.004 0.12 0.1 Estimated based on inventory data (Gutiérrez, unpublished data) Estimated based on Lusk (2002), Lusk and del Pozo (2002), Coomes et al. (2003), and inventory data (Gutiérrez, unpublished data) 0.45 30 0.01 400 0.5 AP, Aextoxicon punctatum; EC, Eucryphia cordifolia; LP, Laureliopsis philippiana; MY, myrtaceous species. – – – 56 N. Rüger et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 252 (2007) 52–66 Recruitment and mortality parameters were adjusted such that the simulated forest structure and composition 400 years after a large-scale disturbance resembled the inventory data (see Sections 2.5 and 3.1.3). Using available data on average light environments occupied by juveniles (e.g. Lusk, 2002; Lusk and Kelly, 2003; Lusk et al., 2006), it was not possible to reproduce the observed forest structure and composition of the inventory data. While the data confirm that A. punctatum, L. philippiana and the myrtaceous species can establish and survive at low light levels, E. cordifolia had to be assigned a much higher minimum light intensity for establishment (70%) to produce episodic recruitment as observed in the inventory data. To our knowledge, there are no data available on adult tree mortality for this forest type and mortality parameters had to be estimated in accordance with inventory data. We assumed a constant mortality rate for trees >15 cm dbh. Smaller trees experience an additional mortality that declines linearly with dbh. This pattern of tree mortality has been found in a global data set as well as in New Zealand forests (Coomes et al., 2003). Experiments with artificial light environments showed that seedling mortality of M. planipes and A. luma was low compared to the other species (Lusk and del Pozo, 2002). Annual juvenile (<100 cm tall) mortality under field conditions was reported for E. cordifolia (3.7%) but sample sizes were low and the other species showed no mortality (Lusk, 2002). 2.5. Model evaluation To test the ability of the model to reproduce observed forest characteristics, we compared simulation results with field data at different levels. At the level of individual trees, we compared simulated and measured diameter increments and stem volumes. At the species-level, we compared inventory data for the old-growth forest stand in Chiloé with the simulated forest structure and species composition 400 years after a largescale disturbance. Inventory data consisted of six transects (2 transects of 20 m 50 m and 4 transects of 5 m 100 m, together 0.4 ha) within a forest stand that has not been affected by large-scale disturbances for at least 400 years (Gutiérrez et al., unpublished manuscript). All trees >5 cm dbh were measured and their species identified. To estimate radial growth, 87 randomly located trees (38 for A. punctatum, 35 for E. cordifolia, 14 for L. philippiana) were cored and cores were analysed with standard dendrochronological techniques (Gutiérrez et al., 2004; Gutiérrez, unpublished manuscript). Annual diameter increment was approximated by multiplying tree ring width by two. To simulate an upper envelope for actual diameter growth for each species in the model, we simulated the growth (from seedling to maximum size) of a single tree of each species under full sunlight conditions. To assess the reliability of stem volume values of single trees calculated by FORMIND using geometrical relationships, we compared them to empirical volume functions for the three main tree species and the Myrtaceous species group (Emanuelli and Pancel, 1999; Salas, 2002). To study forest succession and the dependence of the current forest composition on natural medium-scale canopy disturbances, we started the simulation from a treeless area that is suitable for the establishment of all species. We simulated forest dynamics during 1500 years with and without stochastic medium-scale canopy disturbances. Ten simulations were carried out for an area of 1 ha, and the means (over the 10 simulations) and standard deviations were calculated for stem numbers and basal area of the three tree species and one species group. We carried out an extensive sensitivity analysis to explore the impact of model parameters on model results. We used the software package SimLab2.2 (Simulation environment for uncertainty and sensitivity analysis, Saltelli et al., 2004). We applied the extended Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test method (FAST) to compute first order sensitivity indices (Saltelli et al., 2000). This method is a variance-based method that avoids making the assumption of a nearly linear relation between model parameters and output. If Y is the model output and Xi the parameter of interest, then the first order sensitivity index Si = (V(E(Y/Xi))/V(Y)) indicates the amount of variance that would be removed from the total output variance if the parameter’s true value was known, and hence the relative importance of a given model parameter for a given model prediction (Tarantola et al., unpublished manuscript). We simultaneously varied all model parameters by 20% of their standard value (Table 2). Simulations were run for 119770 parameter combinations for 1 ha and 1000 years. The model was initialised with inventory data from the study site (extrapolated to 1 ha). Selected model predictions are aggregated forest characteristics such as stem volume, biomass, basal area, stem number, and leaf area index of the entire forest stand, as well as basal area, stem numbers, maximum diameter increment and maximum age for each species. Model predictions for old-growth conditions were assessed at 10 points in time, every 50 years from simulation time 550–1000 to allow the model to reach dynamic equilibrium, and then averaged. 2.6. Logging scenarios We simulated three logging treatments (selective logging with and without retention of large old trees and strip-cutting). Large-scale clear-cutting is not an acceptable silvicultural treatment for VTRF due to problems with soil erosion, nutrient losses, and tree regeneration requirements, and was therefore not considered in the simulations (Donoso, 1989b; Armesto et al., 1999b,c). Within each logging treatment, we varied both the extracted wood volume and logging cycle (in the case of selective logging) and the logging cycle only (in the case of strip-cutting). The model was initialised with inventory data from the study site. Inventory data from 0.4 ha were extrapolated to an area of 9 ha. As tree locations were not measured in the field, we assumed a random distribution of small individuals. Additionally, we avoided that more than one individual >70 cm dbh was assigned to any 20 m 20 m plot. Logging cycles were repeated over a period of 400 years. N. Rüger et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 252 (2007) 52–66 2.6.1. Selective logging Here, selective logging refers to the extraction of trees with a dbh of 50–100 cm. The two simulated selective logging strategies differed in the way large, old and probably senescent trees were treated. In the first case (with retention of large trees), trees >1 m dbh were left standing, as they often exhibit heart rot and do not provide valuable timber, but they provide habitat and resources for birds and other species (e.g. Dı́az et al., 2005). In the second case of selective logging (without retention of large trees), all trees > 1 m dbh were felled before the harvesting took place to enhance the growth of potential future crop trees by reducing shading. These trees were left in the forest and not regarded as harvested timber. We varied the time between two sequential harvests (logging cycle) from 10 to 50 years. For each logging cycle we also varied the annual volume of harvested wood (harvest aim) from 1 to 10 m3 ha1. For a 10-year logging cycle this corresponds to harvesting 10– 100 m3 ha1 and for a 50-year logging cycle to 50– 500 m3 ha1. When, at any time, the harvestable volume was lower than the harvest aim, the logging operation was skipped. Within the dbh range of 50–100 cm, the largest trees were always logged first. Logging damages were simulated as direct damage by the falling tree and additional damage due to skidding. We assumed reduced-impact logging where falling trees are directed to existing gaps if possible. No damage occurred to trees >50 cm dbh. Skidding damages were assumed to increase with increasing volume of extracted wood (Donoso et al., 1999; Fig. 2). Donoso et al. (1999) report that 16% of trees >10 cm dbh were severely damaged by harvesting (cutting and skidding) in evergreen temperate rain forest in Chile, and another 29% were slightly damaged. The slightly damaged trees might be more susceptible to pathogens and experience elevated mortality in the future. Thus, we assumed rather high skidding damages. 2.6.2. Strip-cutting Strip-cutting has been suggested to promote the regeneration of light-demanding tree species after harvesting VTRF (Donoso, 1989b). Strip-cutting was simulated by clear-cutting all trees in a 20 m wide strip in each ha. Thus, 20% of the forest area was harvested in each logging operation and after five logging operations the first strip was logged for a second time. The return time to each strip was varied from 50 to 150 years. Skidding damage was assumed to be only 10%, because logging strips can be used to extract trees from the stand. No damage occurred to trees >50 cm dbh. 2.6.3. Assessment of logging scenarios To evaluate the economic and ecological consequences of logging scenarios, we used four response variables, namely mean annual harvest (in m3 stem volume), an index of structural change (ISC), an index of compositional change (ICC), and the stand leaf area index (LAI). Mean annual harvest is an economic indicator of profit from timber harvest, ISC and ICC are ecological indicators of changes in forest structure and species composition, and LAI is an environmental indicator of erosion risk in this region with high rainfall. 57 Fig. 2. Proportion of damaged trees due to skidding operations assumed in model simulations. Mean annual harvest was calculated for a period of 400 years under each simulated logging scenario. ISC was calculated as ISC ¼ 3 1X jx̄si x̄ci j ; 3 i¼1 x̄ci i.e., the difference in average stem numbers (over the last 100 years of the simulation, i.e., time steps 300–400) in three different diameter classes (x̄si , s1: 5–50 cm, s2: 50–100 cm, and s3: 100–200 cm dbh) in logged and control forest. In the control forest no logging is applied (x̄ci , i = 1–3). ICC indicates the change in relative importance of the three tree species and one species group (i) in logged forest compared to the control forest based on importance values (IV), calculated as 1 bai ni IVi ¼ þ ; 2 batotal ntotal i.e., the sum of relative basal area (ba, m2 ha1) and relative density (n, trees ha1) of the focal species in relation to all species (total). ICC was calculated as ICC ¼ 4 1X jIVsi IVci j ; 4 i¼1 IVci i.e., summing the differences between average IV (over the last 100 years of the simulation, i.e., time steps 300–400) of species i in the logging scenario (IVsi ) and the unlogged control forest (IVci ) relative to its mean IV in the control forest (‘species’ are A. punctatum, E. cordifolia, L. philippiana, and the Myrtaceae species group). LAI values were directly determined from model output and averaged over time steps 300–400. To contrast economic benefit and ecological impact of a logging scenario, we calculated an ecological index (EI), which measures the similarity of a logged forest to undisturbed oldgrowth forest. EI takes into account the ecological variables ISC, ICC, and LAI, and the number of old trees (>1 m dbh, OLD) which were divided by the maximum value obtained 58 N. Rüger et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 252 (2007) 52–66 Fig. 3. Simulated (lines) and measured (dots) annual diameter increment. Simulations were carried out under full light conditions (700 mmol(photons) m2 s1) and represent maximum potential growth. Field data are derived from radial growth measurements (Gutiérrez et al., unpublished manuscript). from all logging scenarios (ISCmax, ICCmax, LAImax, OLDmax), respectively, and summed up as follows: EI ¼ 1 4 1 ISC ISCmax ICC LAI OLD þ 1 þ þ ICCmax LAImax OLDmax For reference purposes, we also calculated EI for a simulated undisturbed old-growth forest, bare ground, and a fictitious Eucalyptus plantation. For bare ground, LAI and OLD are 0, whereas ISC and ICC are 1. For the Eucalyptus plantation we assumed a mean annual volume increment of 22 m3 ha1, as an average between reported average (11 m3 ha1) and maximum (32 m3 ha1) annual volume increments of Eucalyptus globulus plantations in the study region (Geldres and Schlatter, 2004). Average density of the plantations was 1356 stems ha1 with all stems being in the smallest diameter class (5–50 cm). The resulting ISC was 0.73. ICC cannot be calculated with our formula, because Eucalyptus is not a natural component of the native forest, and ICC would theoretically be infinite if another term was added to the index. To be able to calculate EI for the Eucalyptus plantation we assigned ICC an arbitrary value of 2. LAI of the plantation is assumed to be 4.5 (Battaglia et al., 1998). 3. Results 3.1. Model evaluation 3.1.1. Diameter increment Simulated maximum annual diameter increments (SMDI) and empirical diameter increments (Gutiérrez, unpublished data) for the three main canopy species and the Myrtaceous species group are shown in Fig. 3. SMDI should correspond to the mean diameter increment of trees growing under full sunlight in the field. Outliers in field measurements are attributed to absent tree rings or measurement errors. SMDI of A. punctatum corresponded well with the highest values recorded in field data. For E. cordifolia, SMDI matched well the maximum values measured for small diameters. For intermediate diameters, SMDI was lower than highest values from field data. For diameters >140 cm, no field data were available. For L. philippiana, SMDI corresponded well with highest observed values. No field data were available for myrtaceous species at the study site. However, SMDI of 6 mm year1 compared well with measured maximum diameter increment of 6.2 mm year1 (maximum radial increment was 3.1 mm year1) for myrtaceous species from Puyehue National Park in the Andean Range, Chile (Pollmann and Veblen, unpublished data). In general, we recognize that SMDI values are optimistic because SMDI lies consistently at the upper limit of field data and that, as a consequence, forest growth might be overestimated by the model. 3.1.2. Stem volume For the three main canopy species and the Myrtaceous species group, stem volumes calculated by FORMIND corresponded well with empirical volume functions (Emanuelli and Pancel, 1999; Salas, 2002; Fig. 4). 3.1.3. Simulated long-term forest dynamics The simulation of long-term forest dynamics over 1500 years in the absence of medium and large-scale disturbances (e.g. windthrow of multiple trees) is shown in Fig. 5(A and B). Total tree density reached a dynamic equilibrium within the first 100 years of simulation (Fig. 5A). E. cordifolia tended to disappear from the forest after approximately 800 years. A. N. Rüger et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 252 (2007) 52–66 59 Fig. 4. Stem volume of single trees calculated with FORMIND and empirical volume functions from Emanuelli and Pancel (1999) and Salas (2002). punctatum stabilised at relatively low density, L. philippiana at intermediate density, and the myrtaceous species reached a high density. In terms of basal area, the first 400 years of forest succession were dominated by E. cordifolia, which was then replaced by the shade-tolerant species (Fig. 5B). The myrtaceous species group accounted for the highest basal area in old-growth forest, followed by L. philippiana and A. punctatum. According to field data, the forest at the study site has not been affected by disturbances other than single tree falls for about 400 years (Gutiérrez et al., unpublished manuscript). Assuming that the forest at the study site is 400 years old, the Fig. 5. Simulation of forest dynamics following large-scale disturbance (e.g. clear-cut or stand-devastating event) without (A and B) and with (C and D) stochastic windthrow events. Mean and standard deviation of 10 simulations for stem numbers (A and C) and basal area (B and D) for all individuals 5 cm dbh. Simulations were run for 1 ha and 1500 years. Inventory data from the study site (estimated age: 400 years) are shown in the grey bars on the right side of each chart. 60 N. Rüger et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 252 (2007) 52–66 simulated forest can be compared to the inventory data 400 years after the beginning of the succession (Fig. 5(A and B)). The symbols in the grey bars on the right side of each chart (Fig. 5) represent inventory data. Simulated stem numbers and basal areas after 400 years (left grey bars) correspond well with inventory data for all species, suggesting that the main trends of forest dynamics are captured in our model. Incorporating medium-scale disturbances (e.g. multiple tree falls) in the model changes long-term forest dynamics (Fig. 5(C and D)). This is to the same simulating forest dynamics on a larger spatial scale, where forest patches representing different successional stages co-occur. Again, total stem numbers and total basal area reached a dynamic equilibrium after approximately 100–200 years of simulation (Fig. 5(C and D)). Stem numbers levelled off at about 1950 trees ha1 and total basal area reached 95 m2 ha1. At the beginning of succession, the forest was dominated by myrtaceous species in terms of stem numbers and by E. cordifolia in terms of basal area. Stem numbers of the main canopy species and the Myrtaceous species group rapidly reached a dynamic equilibrium, whereas basal areas continued to change for about 1000 years. Again, there was a trend towards displacement of E. cordifolia by shade-tolerant species. But in contrast to forest dynamics without medium-scale disturbances, E. cordifolia now persisted over the entire simulation period, with a few large E. cordifolia trees accounting for a large proportion of the stand’s basal area. As a consequence of the higher spatial and temporal variability of the forest due to the medium-scale disturbances, the standard deviation of stem numbers and basal area was larger than in the simulations without disturbances. 3.1.4. Sensitivity analysis Aggregated forest characteristics, namely total stem volume (SV total), biomass (BM total), basal area (BA total), stem number (N total), and leaf area index (LAI) were most strongly affected by the parameter of the linear relationship between stem diameter and crown diameter (cd), the light extinction coefficient (k), the proportion of stem wood biomass to total biomass (sw), and the LAI of a single tree (L) (Fig. 6). Average irradiance above the canopy (I0) was a parameter of intermediate importance. Total stem number was additionally influenced by the parameters of increased mortality of small trees (mmax, Dmort), and total basal area by several characteristics of the myrtaceous species (form factor f, maximum photosynthetic capacity pmax, light-use efficiency a, wood density r, maintenance respiration parameter r0). Basal area of the different species (BAAP, BAEC, BALP, BAMY) was most strongly affected by production parameters ( pmax, a, r). Additionally, f and, to a lower extent, r0, had an effect. Stem numbers of the different species (NAP, NEC, NLP, NMY) were most strongly affected by production and morphological parameters (a, r, f, cd). The number of individuals of myrtaceous species (NMY) was also significantly influenced by the size-dependent component of mortality (mmax, Dmort). Only recruitment rate of A. punctatum (Nmax AP) had an impact on stem numbers. Stem numbers of E. cordifolia depended on minimum light intensity required for its establishment (Imin EC). For all species, maximum diameter increment was most strongly affected by cd. A parameter of the diameter–height relation (h1), f, L, sw, pmax, r, and r0 had intermediate effects on maximum diameter increment. For maximum age, again the parameter with the strongest influence was cd. Mortality rates (mb) and sw were of minor importance. 3.2. Logging scenarios 3.2.1. Mean annual harvest We simulated wood extraction for three logging treatments (selective logging with and without retention of large old trees and strip-cutting). For the selective logging scenarios, we varied the logging cycle from 10 to 50 years and the harvest aim from 1 to 10 m3 ha1 on an annual basis (Fig. 7). Up to about 4 m3 ha1 year1, the harvest aim could be met by all scenarios. Selective logging scenarios with large tree retention reached a limit of sustained wood extraction at 6.5 m3 ha1 year1 when the harvest aim was 180 m3 ha1 and the logging cycle was 20 years (in this case six harvesting operations had to be omitted because the harvest aim could not be reached). When large trees were removed prior to the simulation of logging scenarios, up to 8 m3 ha1 year1 could be harvested when the harvest aim was 160 m3 ha1 and the logging cycle 20 years. Strip-cutting achieved a higher annual harvest that ranged from 6 m3 ha1 year1 for a logging cycle of 150 years to 13.4 m3 ha1 year1 for a logging cycle of 60 years. 3.2.2. Forest composition The impacts of the logging scenarios on forest composition were measured by importance values (IV = relative stem numbers plus relative basal area) for the main canopy species and the Myrtaceous species group. Logging scenarios had strong effects on IVs of E. cordifolia and L. philippiana (Fig. 8). IVs of E. cordifolia were more than twice as high under stripcutting as under selective logging. This increase occurred at the expense of L. philippiana, for which IVs in the strip-cutting scenarios halved compared to selective logging. The inverse pattern was observed within the selective logging scenarios for increasing levels of wood extraction. While E. cordifolia’s IVs decreased, IVs of L. philippiana increased. The IVs of A. punctatum remained relatively constant under the different logging scenarios. The myrtaceous species showed the same trends as L. philippiana, but to a lower extent. 3.2.3. Forest structure To assess the impact of logging on forest structure, we distinguish three diameter classes (5–50, 50–100, 100– 200 cm dbh). The number of smaller trees (5–50 cm dbh) increased for increasing levels of wood extraction (Fig. 9A). The number of larger trees (50–100 cm dbh) remained relatively constant for low levels of wood extraction (up to 5 m3 ha1 year1), but decreased sharply for higher levels of wood extraction (Fig. 9B). For strip-cutting, the decrease of the number of large trees occurred at higher levels of wood N. Rüger et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 252 (2007) 52–66 61 Fig. 7. Mean annual harvest for three logging strategies. For selective logging, logging cycle varied from 10 to 50 years, harvest aim (i.e., amount of extracted wood aimed at by the logging scenario) varied from 10 to 500 m3 ha1, depending on the logging cycle. Converted to an annual basis, harvest aim ranged between 1 and 10 m3 ha1 year1. For strip-cutting the logging cycle was varied from 50 to 150 years. harvest (i.e., long logging cycles) had a lower impact on forest structure than selective logging scenarios with similar mean annual harvests. Stand leaf area index (LAI) decreased from about 6 for low levels of wood extraction to about 4 for intermediate levels of wood extraction (Fig. 10C). LAI further decreased to about 2–3 for strip-cutting with highest levels of wood extraction. Fig. 6. First order sensitivity indices for model parameters and selected model predictions (SV, BM, BA, N, LAI), species composition (BA, N for the different species), maximum diameter increment (Dinc), and maximum age (Amax). Indices were computed with the extended FAST method (Saltelli et al., 2000). SV, stem volume; BM, biomass; BA, basal area; N, stem number; LAI, leaf area index of forest stand; AP, A. punctatum; EC, E. cordifolia; LP, L. philippiana; MY, Myrtaceae. For a description of model parameters see Table 2. extraction (8–14 m3 ha1 year1). The number of old trees (>1 m dbh) decreased linearly up to a mean annual harvest of 8 m3 ha1 (Fig. 9C). Beyond that threshold, no old trees remained in the forests in the long-term, because large trees were harvested before they attained a dbh of 1 m. 3.2.4. Ecological indices The index of compositional change (ICC) increased with increasing levels of wood extraction for both selective logging scenarios (Fig. 10A). ICC was very high (0.8) for all stripcutting scenarios but remained relatively constant regardless of the level of wood extraction. The index of structural change (ISC) increased almost linearly with increasing levels of wood extraction (Fig. 10B). Only selective logging scenarios with the highest logging intensities altered forest structure more than proportionally. Strip-cutting with comparably low mean annual 3.2.5. Ecological integrity versus harvest With increasing harvesting intensity, the ecological index (EI), which describes the overall similarity of the logged forest to the undisturbed old-growth forest, decreased almost linearly for both selective logging scenarios (Fig. 11). Hence, every increment in the amount of harvested wood was accompanied by a proportional increase of ecological impact. For stripcutting scenarios, EI remained relatively constant at a low level. Compared to bare soil and a pure Eucalyptus plantation, selective logging scenarios are still relatively benign in terms of ecological impact. This is mainly due to the conservation of native species composition and a higher LAI. 4. Discussion We parameterised the forest growth model FORMIND for the first time for a temperate evergreen rain forest in southern Chile to assess the ecological impacts of potential harvesting methods and to augment the scientific support for forest management aiming at sustainable use of the species-rich native forests. We used available knowledge about the evergreen forest type to parameterise the model. Where data were lacking, we applied the pattern-oriented modelling approach to estimate model parameters in a way that field data were reproduced (Grimm et al., 2005). Here, the individual-based approach proved to be valuable as it allowed for a comparison of model results with field observations on different hierarchical levels, i.e., individual trees, populations and the forest stand. 62 N. Rüger et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 252 (2007) 52–66 Fig. 8. Impact of logging intensity on importance values ((relative abundance + relative basal area)/2) for three species and one species group and three logging strategies. Values of simulated unlogged old-growth forest are displayed for comparison (). 4.1. Natural forest dynamics The results of our simulation are in agreement with empirical observations that medium to large-size canopy openings (e.g. due to multiple tree falls during storm events) are necessary to maintain the characteristic tree species composition of VTRF (Veblen et al., 1981; Armesto et al., 1999b) because E. cordifolia, a relatively light-demanding tree species, depends on large canopy openings for regeneration (Veblen et al., 1981; Donoso et al., 1984, 1985; Veblen, 1985). Without such disturbances which also affect much of the advance regeneration of shade-tolerant species, the abundance of E. cordifolia gradually declines over successional time. Only few large individuals remain in the forest because of E. cordifolia’s long life span, which has been estimated to be at least 400 years (Lusk and del Pozo, 2002; Gutiérrez et al., unpublished manuscript). The relative importance of shade-tolerant species increased steadily for 1000 years and in the absence of medium to large-size disturbances they eventually dominated the forest almost completely. Such a successional trend has also been suggested by other field studies (e.g. Donoso et al., 1984, 1985; Veblen, 1985). The fact that the relative basal areas of the main canopy species and the Myrtaceous species group continued to change for 1000 years indicates that VTRF canopy has a slow turnover, which is greatly influenced by the long life spans of its dominant tree species. The long life spans, in turn, are an evidence for the low frequency of large-scale disturbances (e.g. Veblen et al., 1980; Armesto and Figueroa, 1987; Lusk and del Pozo, 2002). Inventory data provide relevant information about forest dynamics, structure and composition. However, at the scale of inventory data available for this and other stands in the region (0.4 ha or less), forest structure and composition are highly heterogeneous. Available inventory data (Gutiérrez et al., unpublished manuscript) represent an old-growth forest with large, old E. cordifolia trees in the canopy, but lack of E. cordifolia regeneration. We argue here that because of their limited scale, inventory data may not fully represent the spatial heterogeneity at larger spatial scales, which is associated with different disturbance histories. Therefore, field data from larger sampling areas encompassing different successional stages and forest gaps or inventory data from secondary forests, would provide a better basis for model evaluation. 4.2. Ecological impacts of logging Selective logging and strip-cutting are two largely contrasting harvesting strategies considering their potential for continuous timber yield and ecological impacts. Strip-cutting provided highest harvests of up to 13 m3 ha1 year1. Maximum sustainable harvests under selective logging were limited to 7.5 m3 ha1 year1 without large tree retention and 6 m3 ha1 year1 when large trees remained in the forest. However, these results should be compared in relative terms rather than as absolute values, because annual diameter increments are rather optimistic. Strip-cutting altered forest composition and structure to a greater extent than did selective logging. The stands regrowing after strip-cutting were dominated by E. cordifolia with an understorey of shadetolerant species. Selective logging, in turn, favoured L. philippiana and the myrtaceous species, which benefited from the small canopy gaps created by logging. Under the strip-cutting scenarios that resulted in the highest yields, no large, old trees (>1 m dbh) remained in the forest. The forest stand was converted into a secondary forest with a more homogeneous structure and larger number of small trees. For the selective logging scenarios, the number of large, old trees also decreased with increasing harvest intensity, but the N. Rüger et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 252 (2007) 52–66 Fig. 9. Impact of logging intensity on forest structure (i.e., stem numbers in three diameter classes) for three logging strategies. Values of simulated unlogged old-growth forest are displayed for comparison (). structural complexity of the forest was maintained better. Mature and senescent trees are known to play important roles as habitat for many animal and plant species, such as woodpeckers or vascular and non-vascular epiphytes (e.g. Franklin and Armesto, 1996; Galloway, 1999; Lindenmayer and Franklin, 2002; Muñoz et al., 2003; Dı́az et al., 2005). Therefore, the retention of some large, old, and dead trees has been recommended to conserve components of biodiversity that depend on them as well as to increase the structural complexity of logged forests (Armesto et al., 1999c). Due to the low levels of atmospheric nutrient inputs and high rainfall in the study area, it is essential that sustainable forest management ensures the retention of significant canopy cover to prevent soil erosion and maintain soil processes such as nutrient retention and recycling (Hedin et al., 1995; Galloway et al., 1996; Pérez, 1999). In the model, LAI of single trees was 63 Fig. 10. Impact of logging intensity on (A) the index of structural change (ISC), (B) the index of compositional change (ICC), and (C) leaf area index for three logging strategies. Values of simulated forest without logging are displayed for comparison (). See Section 2 for a description of indices. Fig. 11. Impact of logging intensity on the ecological index (EI) for three logging strategies. Values of simulated unlogged old-growth forest, bare ground, and a fictitious Eucalyptus plantation are displayed for comparison. 64 N. Rüger et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 252 (2007) 52–66 4. This means that as the LAI of the entire stand falls below 4, there will be areas of the soil that are unprotected by canopy cover and exposed to rain. Therefore, logging methods should maintain LAIs of at least 4 for the entire forest stand to ensure a sufficient canopy cover to prevent erosion. The three stripcutting scenarios that provided the highest timber yields did not satisfy this minimum requirement. One fundamental assumption of ecosystem management is that silvicultural treatments should mimic natural disturbance regimes to minimise negative effects on biodiversity and ecological processes (e.g. Perry, 1994; Armesto et al., 1996; Lindenmayer and Franklin, 2002). In the study area, the natural disturbance regime comprises frequent single and less frequent multiple tree falls that create canopy gaps usually smaller than 400 m2 (Armesto and Fuentes, 1988; Armesto et al., 1999b), as well as rare windthrow events that may affect larger areas. The simulated low-intensity selective logging mimics natural gap creation by single tree falls, and strip-cutting can be regarded as a form of simulating medium to large-size disturbances. Smaller canopy gaps favour advance regeneration of shadetolerant species already present in the understorey, whereas regeneration of E. cordifolia is enhanced only by larger gaps. To maintain spatial heterogeneity, the creation of gaps of different sizes could be incorporated into future forest management planning. At the same time, this would allow for aggregated retention of original forest structural elements, such as old trees (Armesto et al., 1999c; Lindenmayer and Franklin, 2002). 4.3. Sensitivity analysis The sensitivity analysis revealed that aggregated forest characteristics such as total stem volume, biomass, basal area, stem numbers and LAI were most strongly influenced by model parameters directly related to an important process of the forest model—competition for light due to canopy shading. The parameter of the linear relationship between stem diameter and crown diameter (cd) and LAI per tree (L) determine the stand’s leaf area, whereas the light extinction coefficient (k) controls how incoming light is absorbed through the canopy. Maximum diameter increment of the different species as well as the species composition of the forest in terms of basal area and stem numbers were – additionally to cd and L – strongly affected by parameters related to biomass allocation (e.g. wood density r, form factor f, a parameter of the diameter– height relationship h1, stem wood fraction sw) and physiology (maximum rate of photosynthesis pmax, respiration parameter r0). This indicates that growth characteristics (biomass production and allocation) of the different tree species largely determine species composition of the forest (cf. Lusk and Matus, 2000). Recruitment and most mortality parameters only had minor impacts on model predictions. A previous sensitivity analysis of FORMIND parameterised for a tropical lowland rain forest in Venezuela yielded different results (Kammesheidt et al., 2001). In their study, model parameters related to recruitment and mortality most strongly affected species composition. This difference may be due to different types of sensitivity analyses applied. Kammesheidt et al. (2001) varied only one model parameter at the time. For high dimensional non-linear models, however, global sensitivity analyses such as the one applied here are more appropriate (Saltelli et al., 2000). First order sensitivity indices reveal which model parameters provide opportunities to significantly reduce uncertainty of simulation results. According to our results, more detailed information on morphological parameters, as well as on physiological processes such as photosynthesis and respiration are needed for Chilean trees, in order to improve the data basis for parameter estimation of process-based forest models. Although model results were not particularly sensitive to mortality parameters, the credibility of model results and understanding of forest dynamics would be substantially improved if stand-level mortality data became available. 4.4. Limitations of the modelling approach One potential shortcoming of the developed model parameterisation for VTRF is the omission of the understorey bamboo species Chusquea quila, which is known to be an aggressive coloniser of canopy gaps. Chusquea has been reported to inhibit tree regeneration (e.g. Donoso, 1989b; González et al., 2002; Donoso and Nyland, 2005). Likewise, the pioneer tree species D. winteri was not included in this study. Both species are absent or rare at the study site but can be expected to respond positively to large-scale logging and to have a considerable impact on forest dynamics (e.g. Veblen, 1982; Donoso, 1989a). Future simulation studies on forest management should incorporate these species. Future studies should also consider disaggregating the myrtaceous species group, because their light requirements seem to differ substantially despite their relatively high shade tolerance (e.g. Lusk et al., 2006). Furthermore, the model has been parameterised for one study site in Chiloé Island. As growth, mortality and regeneration rates may differ at other sites due to differences in climatic variables, disturbance regime, nutrient availability and other site conditions, simulation results have to be regarded as a reference, rather than as predictions that hold true over large areas. An important assumption underlying our simulations is that nutrient limitation can be neglected. For the studied ecosystem, the nutritional balance strongly depends on nutrient retention and recycling by the vegetation, and therefore massive biomass extraction should be avoided (e.g. Pérez, 1999). Thus, model results have to be examined keeping this restriction in mind. Simulations of forest dynamics were run for 1500 years without taking into account changing climatic conditions. This may be justified here because we were interested in the theoretical implications of our model parameterisation for long-term forest dynamics. The same argument applies to simulations of harvesting scenarios in that they provide qualitative comparisons based on current conditions. Another study is currently underway, which explicitly deals with climate change effects on the dynamics of Chilean temperate rain forests. N. Rüger et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 252 (2007) 52–66 5. Conclusions We simulated a wide range of possible harvesting scenarios in species-rich Valdivian temperate rain forest in southern Chile. Each of the scenarios achieves a different balance between timber yield and conservation of old-growth forest structure and tree species composition. Overall, the similarity of the logged forest to an undisturbed old-growth forest decreases linearly with increasing harvesting intensity. For areas where the least possible ecological impact is desired (e.g. buffer zones of protected areas) selective logging combined with large tree retention should be the recommended management approach. In gently sloping terrain with reduced erosion risk, however, strip-cutting could achieve higher yields. Management strategies that rely on native species and keep an uneven-aged forest structure ensure the maintenance of native biodiversity, protect ecosystems from exotic species invasions, and promote the conservation of biotic interactions essential for tree reproduction. Acknowledgements We wish to thank C. Echeverrı́a, C. Lovengreen, C. Lusk, A. Ortega, and W. Pollmann for provision of data. A. Altamirano and C. Zamorano helped with literature search, and L. Kammesheidt provided a literature review. NR is grateful to C. Donoso, A. Lara, and I. Dı́az for discussions on forest dynamics, V. Grimm and several anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on the manuscript, J. Groeneveld for important discussions on modelling issues, and J. Ávila for a joyous walk through the Chilean woods. The work was funded by the European Commission; project BIOCORES [ICA4-CT2001-10095]. Sampling of inventory data was partially funded by Fondecyt-Fondap [1501-0001], and by Millennium Scientific Initiative, Chile. This is a contribution to the research programme of Senda Darwin Biological Station, Chiloé, Chile. Appendix A. Supplementary data Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2007.06.020. References Armesto, J.J., Figueroa, J., 1987. Stand structure and dynamics in the rain forest of Chiloé Archipelago, Chile. J. Biogeogr. 14, 367–376. Armesto, J.J., Fuentes, E.R., 1988. Tree species regeneration in a mid-elevation, temperate rain forest in Isla de Chiloé, Chile. 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