Download Avogadro`s Number of Particles in a Mole

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Concept of Moles
Application and Relevance Activity: Avogadro's Number of Particles in a Mole
Avogadro's number is such a huge number, and moles are so small, that it is difficult to relate their sizes to common
objects. Imagine that a mole is the size of a planet or moon in our solar system. Choose a heavenly body to represent this
supersize mole and use Science in Context to find its volume.
Imagine that the large body is a mole containing Avogadro's number of densely packed particles. Think of an everyday
object that is approximately the correct size to be a representative particle for this supersize mole. Write a summary of
your work presenting your physical data, assumptions, calculations, and conclusion.
This Activity will be evaluated with the following checklist:
Student finds required physical data for a heavenly body.
Equations are mathematically correct and indicate understanding of Avogadro's number.
Student uses appropriate and consistent units on all data.
Work is well organized with all data clearly labeled.
Work indicates that the everyday object is of approximate size to be a suitable representative particle for a
heavenly body.