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Ancient Mesopotamia -From the British Museum
Name _________________________Date:_________ Period#_____
Launch Internet Explorer, type in the address bar at the top of the page. Use the links on the left to
locate answers to the following questions. Click on the Tigris and Euphrates to return to the main menu.
1. What does Mesopotamia mean? ____________________________________________________________________________
2. What are the two rivers that flow through Mesopotamia? ________________________________________________________
3. What is the geography of Northern Mesopotamia? ______________________________________________________________
4. What is the geography of Southern Mesopotamia? _____________________________________________________________
Gods and Goddesses
5. About how many gods and goddesses did Mesopotamia have? ____________________________________________________
6. Each city had its own god or goddess. What did the god/goddess do for the city? _____________________________________
7. Where did the gods/goddesses live? _________________________________________________________________________
8. About how long ago were the early civilizations started in Mesopotamia? ___________________________________________
9. What is a ‘tell?’ _________________________________________________________________________________________
10. Click on Explore.
When did Gilgamesh Rule? __________________________________________________________________________________
11. What are pictographs? ___________________________________________________________________________________
12. What did they use pictographs for? _________________________________________________________________________
13. What did pictographs develop into over time? _________________________________________________________________
14. What were scribes and what did they record? _________________________________________________________________
Assyrian Palaces
15. What did the king do in the palace? ________________________________________________________________________
Astronomers of Babylon
16. What did the astronomers report to the king? _________________________________________________________________
17. What was an omen? ____________________________________________________________________________________
Trade and Transport
18. What did the Babylonians trade their Grain, oils and textiles for? _________________________________________________
The Royal Tombs of UR
19. From 1922 to 1934, an archaeologist named C. Leonard Woolley excavated the site of the ancient Sumerian city of Ur. How
many graves did he discover? ________________________________________________________________________________
20. Why were some called royal tombs? ________________________________________________________________________
21. What is a ziggurat? ______________________________________________________________________________________
22. Go back to each section and try the challenge.