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Chapter 15: Reproductive system
15.1 Reproduction and Development of the Human
Reproductive System
❖ Reproduction
➢ Chromosomes
■ Made of ________, contain genes
❖ Mitosis vs. _______
➢ Chromosome number
■ _______ -two copies each chromosome
■ _________- one copy of each chromosome
➢ Somatic cells are diploid
❖ Mitosis
➢ One cell division into two identical daughter cells.
➢ Homologous Chromosomes
■ Chromosome ____________ in interphase
■ Stages: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and
❖ Meiosis
➢ Produce __________ (haploid cells)
➢ Stages
■ Meiosis 1- Homologous chromosomes
■ Meiosis 2- ____________ ______________
❖ Embryonic and Fetal Development
➢ If “y” gene is present : 7th week of development ______
sex organs begin development.
➢ If “y” gene is _____ present :8th week of development
__________ sex organ begin development.
❖ Puberty
➢ Maturation of the reproductive system
➢ Development of secondary sexual characteristics
15.2 Male Reproductive System
❖ Male Reproductive Anatomy
➢ Scrotum and testes
■ Sperm produced in _____________ tubules
■ Sperm Matures in the ___________
➢ Penis
■ Delivery sperm to female
■ Contains erectile tissue
➢ Ducts
■ Vas Deferens (aka ductus deferens)
● Moves sperm _____ of the testes
■ Ejaculatory duct
● Meets with prostate gland and urethra
➢ Accessory glands and semen
■ Seminal glands
● Semen
■ Prostate gland
● Basic fluid to support _________ survival
➢ Sperm Formation
■ Spermatogenesis
■ Begins at __________
➢ Sexual Response
■ Erection
■ Ejaculation
15.3 Female Reproductive System
❖ Ovaries
➢ Oocyte (_____ cell)
➢ Ovulation
■ Release of egg from the ______
❖ Ducts
➢ Fallopian tubes
■ ___________ to ovary to uterus
■ Where the oocyte is ____________
❖ Uterus
➢ Endometrium
■ Lining of the service
■ Is ____ _________ _____________ when not
➢ Cervix
■ Connects the ________ and _________
➢ Vagina
■ Birth control
➢ External genitalia
■ Labia
● Majora
● Minora
■ Clitoris
● Contains __________ nerves
➢ Mammary Glands
■ Lactation
❖ Oogenesis
➢ Production of oocytes
■ One _______ oocyte and _______ polar bodies
are made during meiosis.
15.4 Fertilization, Pregnancy, and Birth
❖ Fertilization, pregnancy, and birth
➢ Fertilization of the ________
➢ Pregnancy
➢ Childbirth
➢ ________
❖ Fertilization of the ________
➢ Journey of the sperm
■ Vagina ---> uterus ---> _________ _____
■ Capacitation takes up to 10 hours
➢ Sperm penetration
■ Acrosomal enzymes
➢ Protection against polyspermy
■ One sperm is required for ___________
■ More than one sperm causes death of oocyte
❖ Completion of meiosis and fertilization
➢ Sperm entry causes completion of meiosis
❖ Pregnancy
➢ Lasts approximately ____ days
❖ From fertilization to __________
➢ Cell stages
■ ______
■ Morula
■ Blastocyst
➢ Implantation
■ Blastocyst binds to __________
❖ Development
➢ Embryo
■ Implantation takes about ___ weeks
➢ Fetus
■ 8 weeks to _____ _________
❖ Female sexual cycle
➢ _______ cycle
■ Maturation and release of oocyte
➢ Uterine cycle
■ Uterus readies for implantation
❖ Ovarian cycle
➢ Follicular phase
■ ________ primary follicle
■ _______ ______ releases FSH and LH
■ Ovulation
➢ Luteal phase
■ Corrupts luteum
❖ _________ cycle
➢ Menstrual phase
■ Endometrium breaks down and sheds
➢ Proliferative phase
■ Endometrium grows back
➢ Secretory phase
■ Endometrium prepares to _______ embryo.
❖ Female sexual response
➢ Stimulation
■ Tactile
■ __________
➢ Orgasm
■ Rhythmic contraction of smooth muscle in the
reproductive tract to move ______ towards the
➢ Placenta
■ Organ that supplies nutrients to embryo and fetus
❖ Childbirth
➢ Parturition
■ ______
➢ Oxytocin
■ Triggers _______ contractions
➢ Stages of labor
■ Dilation
■ _________
■ Delivery of placenta
❖ Lactation
➢ Production of breast milk
➢ Activation of milk- producing ____
■ Prolactin
➢ Delivery of milk through _____ to the nipple
■ oxytocin
15.1: Reproduction and Development of the Human
Reproductive System
________________: The point on a chromosome that divides the
chromosome into two arms and functions as the point of
attachment for the sister chromatids.
________________: Paired strands of a duplicated chromosome
that become visible during cell division and that are joined by a
________________: rod-shaped structures in the nuclei of our
body cells that contain individual DNA and genes.
________________: connections that form between homologous
chromosomes during meiosis, resulting in the swapping of portions
of chromosomes.
________________: a cell having two sets of chromosomes: one
set from the mother and one from the father.
________________: the formation of a single cell that contains the
genetic material from the two gametes, one from each parent.
________________: a hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary
that stimulates the production of eggs in women and sperm.
● ________________: mature haploid male or female cells that unite
with cells of the opposite sex to form a zygote.
● ________________: having a single set of unpaired chromosomes.
● ________________: tropic hormone produced by the anterior
pituitary that signals the eggs release from the follicle, stimulates
the production of progesterone and small amounts of estrogen in
women, and stimulates the interstitial cells of the testes to produce
testosterone in men.
● _______________: a type of cell division that produces eggs (in
females) and sperm (in males), daughter cells with half the
chromosome number of the parent cell.
● _______________: the first menstrual bleeding
● _______________: a diploid cell produced by the fusion of a
sperm with an egg; fertilized egg.
15.2: Male Reproductive System Anatomy and Physiology
_______________: two small glands at the base of the penis that
secrete mucus into the urethra.
_______________: the secretory duct of the testis, which extends
from the epididymis and joins with the excretory duct of the
seminal gland; vas deferens.
_______________: The discharge of sperm from the ejaculatory
duct during the male sexual response.
_______________: a system of small ducts in the testis; which
sperm mature.
_______________: condition of erectile tissue when filled with
blood, which permits the penis to gain entry to the female
reproductive tract.
_______________: the organs that produce gametes (oocytes and
sperm): the ovaries in females and the testes in males.
_______________: the reproduction organ that delivers sperm to
the female reproductive tract.
_______________: the gland that sits directly under the bladder
and surrounds the beginning of the urethra in the male.
_______________: The fluid that contains sperm, which is
delivered to the female during intercourse; ejaculation.
_______________: Glands that produce up to 70% of the volume
of semen.
_______________: small tubes in the testes in which sperm form.
_______________: The male gamete; a haploid cell that can
fertilize an egg to make a zygote.
15.3: Female Reproductive System Anatomy and Physiology
_______________: the narrow, lower end of the uterus that has the
opening through which a baby passes during childbirth.
_______________: a cylindrical body of erectile tissue that lies at
the anterior end of the vulva.
_______________: two skin folds posterior to the mons pubis that
lie parallel on either side of the vaginal opening.
_______________: a smaller set of skin folds inside the labia
_______________: a duct through which milk is secreted and
which opens at the nipple.
_______________: the milk producing glands in the female.
_______________: egg cell
_______________: the process by which oocytes, or female
gametes, are generated.
_______________: the sequence of events associated with
maturation and release of an oocyte.
● _______________: the release of an oocyte, or egg from the
ovarian follicle.
● _______________: the monthly cycle of changes that the uterus
undergoes; includes the menstrual, proliferative, and secretory
● ______________: tubes in which the oocytes is fertilized; begin at
the lateral end of the ovary and go up and around the ovary to
terminate at the top lateral portion of the uterus.
● ______________: a hollow, muscular organ located in the front of
the rectum and behind the bladder; the womb.
● ______________: a thin-walled; tubular structure below the
uterus; birth canal
15.4: Ovulation, Fertilization, and Implantation
______________: is a clear fluid in which the embryo, and then
the fetus, is suspended.
______________: a fluid-filled cavity.
______________: is the last stage of birth in which the placenta
detaches from the uterine wall and is expelled.
______________: is when the opening if the cervix widens.
______________: the developing human from the time of
implantation to the end of the eighth week after conception.
______________: the stage of labor that starts at full dilation and
ends when the baby is delivered.
______________: a developing human from eight weeks after
conception to birth.
______________: a hormone that is secreted by thee trophoblasts
cells of the embryo that prevent deterioration of the corpus luteum
and stimulates progesterone production in the placenta.
______________: the binding of the blastocyst to the
______________: secretion of milk by the mammary glands.
______________: contraction of smooth muscle cells in the
mammary glands that allows milk to be squeezed toward and out
the nipple.
______________: a hormone that stimulates uterine contractions
during labor and milk secretion during breast feeding.
______________: the organ that grows in the uterus that meets the
nutritional needs for the embryo and fetus.
______________: a hormone that stimulates the secretory cells of
the mammary glands to produce milk.
______________: cord that connects the fetus to the placenta.