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World War II
Lesson 4 A War on Two Fronts
Key Terms
Dwight Eisenhower
George S. Patton, Jr.
unconditional surrender
saturation bombing
strategic bombing
Tuskegee Airmen
Chester Nimitz
Battle of Midway
Academic Vocabulary
campaign: a series of military battles and attacks designed to produce a certain
result in war
momentum: forward motion; push
pestilence: a deadly, contagious disease
ultimate: final; most advanced
Lesson Objectives
Analyze the reasons for and impact of the Allies’ “Europe First” strategy.
Explain why the battles of Stalingrad and Midway were major turning points
in the war.
Discuss how the Allies put increasing pressure on the Axis in North Africa
and Europe.
Interactive Reading Notepad • Lesson 4
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Allied Strategy: Text
Use Visual Information Examine the photograph of German troops. What
does the image suggest about the early years of the war? What did the Axis
armies want to communicate to the Allies during the invasion of France?
Compare and Contrast Describe the goals of Allied and Axis Powers. How
were these goals similar and different?
The European Front: Text
Integrate Information From Diverse Sources Why was the Battle of
Stalingrad as “the true turning point of the war in Europe”? Integrate
evidence from the text and the accompanying maps and photographs to
support your answer.
Draw Inferences How did access to oil fields play an important role in the
beginning of World War II?
Interactive Reading Notepad • Lesson 4
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Paraphrase George S. Patton’s remarks to his junior officers. How does this
quotation illustrate Patton’s nickname “Blood and Guts”?
Axis Powers on the Defensive: Text
Compare and Contrast the war in Italy to the war in North Africa. Be sure to
consider geography, battles, and transportation when you think about the
two wars.
Draw Conclusions Why did Stalin want the Allies to open up another front
in France? Why did the Allies avoid doing this until 1944?
Summarize What were the goals of Allied bombing runs over Germany?
How did the saturation and strategic bombing help fulfill these goals?
Interactive Reading Notepad • Lesson 4
Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Turning Points in the Pacific: Text
Draw Inferences What impact would a Japanese victory at Midway have on
the war in the Pacific? Use the map as well as the text to draw conclusions.
10. Integrate Information From Diverse Sources Examine the photo of a U.S.
soldier on Guadalcanal and read Robert Leckie’s description of the island.
How might these conditions affect the course of the war in the Pacific?
Interactive Reading Notepad • Lesson 4
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