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A Guide to the Natural World
Chapter 16 • Lecture Outline
An Introduction to Evolution: Charles Darwin,
Evolutionary Thought, and the Evidence of Evolution
Fifth Edition
David Krogh
© 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
16.1 Evolution and Its Core
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Common Descent with
• Within the theory of evolution, a key
principle is that of common descent with
• This principle describes the process by
which species of living things can undergo
modification over time, with such change
sometimes resulting in the formation of
new, separate species.
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Common Descent with
• All species on Earth have descended from
other species, and a single, common
ancestor lies at the base of the evolutionary
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Natural Selection
• A second key principle in the theory of
evolution concerns natural selection.
• Natural selection is a process through which
traits that confer a reproductive advantage
to individual organisms grow more common
in populations of organisms over successive
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Importance of Evolution as a
• The theory of evolution has an importance
beyond the domain of biology. Through it,
human beings have become aware that:
1. They are descended from other varieties of living
2. The organisms that populate the living world are
not fixed entities, but instead are constantly
undergoing modification.
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16.2 Charles Darwin and the
Theory of Evolution
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Darwin and the Theory of
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Figure 16.2
Darwin and the Theory of
• Charles Darwin deserves primary credit for
the theory of evolution.
• Darwin developed existing ideas about
descent with modification while providing a
large body of evidence in support of them.
• He was the first to perceive natural selection
as the primary process that drives evolution.
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Darwin and the Theory of Evolution
• Darwin’s insights were inspired by the
research he carried out during a five-year
voyage he took around the world on the
ship HMS Beagle, beginning in 1831.
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Darwin and the Theory of
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Figure 16.3
Darwin and the Theory of
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Figure 16.4
16.3 Evolutionary Thinking
before Darwin
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Evolutionary Thinking before
• Some of Darwin’s ideas can be traced to the
work of Charles Lyell, who noted the
dynamic geological nature of the Earth.
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Evolutionary Thinking before
• Also important were Jean-Baptiste de
Lamark and Georges Cuvier.
• Lamark noted the possibility of descent
with modification.
• Cuvier noted the extinction of some species
on Earth and the appearance of others
within different time-frames.
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Evolutionary Thinking before
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Figure 16.6
16.4 Darwin’s Insights Following
the Beagle’s Voyage
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Darwin’s Insights
• Darwin understood descent with
modification for several years before he
comprehended that natural selection was the
most important process driving it.
• It was his reading of a work by Malthus on
limits to population growth that sparked his
realization about natural selection.
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16.5 Alfred Russel Wallace
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Alfred Russel Wallace
• English naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace is
the co-discoverer of natural selection as the
principal process underlying evolution.
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16.6 Darwin: Accepted, Doubted,
and Vindicated
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Descent with Modification Is
• Descent with modification was accepted by
most scientists not long after publication of
Darwin’s On the Origin of Species by
Means of Natural Selection in 1859.
• Scientists accepted it because it explained
so many facets of the living world.
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Descent with Modification Is
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Figure 16.9
Descent with Modification Is
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Figure 16.8
Descent with Modification Is
Pharyngeal slits exist in these five vertebrate animals . . .
sea lamprey
pond turtle
domestic cat
human being
. . . evidence that all five evolved from a common ancestor.
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Figure 16.10
Controversy over Natural Selection
• The hypothesis that natural selection is the
most important process underlying
evolution was not generally accepted until
the middle of the twentieth century.
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Controversy over Natural Selection
• Its acceptance hinged on a modern synthesis
in the theory of evolution that brought
together lines of evidence from genetics, the
fossil record, and the distribution of
organisms throughout the world.
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16.7 Opposition to the Theory of
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Opposition to the Theory of
• Even today, the theory of evolution is
regularly challenged as being unproven or
simply wrong.
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Opposition to the Theory of
• One factor leading to the appearance of a
“scientific debate” over evolution is
confusion about the meaning of the word
• Though the average person may equate
“theory” with speculation, in science a
theory is a general set of principles
supported by a lot of evidence that explains
some aspect of the natural world.
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16.8 The Evidence for Evolution
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The Evidence for Evolution
• Six lines of evidence are consistent with the
theory of evolution.
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1. Radiometric Dating
• First, radiometric dating has confirmed the
immense age of the Earth—an age that is
consistent with the long periods of time
scientists believe it has taken species to
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2. Fossils
• Second, around the globe, fossils from the
same evolutionary periods are consistently
found together in geologic strata.
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2. Fossils
• Moreover, there is excellent agreement
between the relative ages assigned to fossils
by evolutionary theory and the absolute
ages assigned to them by radiometric
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2. Fossils
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Figure 16.11
3. Comparative Morphology and
• Third, the theory of evolution explains the
common occurrence of homologous
physical structures in different organisms.
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3. Comparative Morphology and
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Figure 16.12
4. Evidence from Biogeography
• Fourth, island biogeography—the
geographic distribution of species on
Earth’s islands—is explained by the theory
of evolution.
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5. Evidence from Gene
• Fifth, variations found in the DNA
sequences of various organisms are
consistent with evolutionary theory.
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Number of DNA nucleotide base differences in the cytochrome c oxidase gene
Large number of
base differences
between humans
and yeast
Small number of
base differences
between humans
and pigs
duck snake
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Figure 16.13
6. Experimental Evidence
• And sixth, experimental demonstrations of
evolution have been carried out in the
laboratory and in nature.
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