Download Worksheet 11 Multiple choice: Which of the following statements

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Worksheet 11
Multiple choice:
1. Which of the following statements about digestion is not true?
a. Protists are the only kingdom to do intracellular digestion
b. Animals are the only kingdom with an alimentary canal
c. Many of the adaptations related to digestion are to increase surface area
d. An animal’s diet is ascertainable by its teeth, small intestine, and the rugae of
the stomach
e. None of the above
2. Which enzyme is incorrectly paired with its function or its location of secretion?
a. Pancreatic amylase- disaccharides to monosaccharides
b. Pancreatic chymotrypsin- polypeptides into smaller polypeptides
c. Nucleotidases- brush border small intestine
d. Dipeptidase- small polypeptides to individual polypeptides
e. None of the above
3. Which of the following is false?
a. Many peptidase proteins are secreted by the pancreas in their active form
b. Enteropeptidase is responsible for the activation of other peptidases
c. Stomach acid activates carboxypeptidase to its active form
d. Endopeptidases cut enzymes from the outside in
e. More than one of the above
4. What are some adaptions that increase the surface area of food being digested?
Chewing in the mouth- makes bolus
Spiral valve in sharks
Peristalsis in the stomach churns bolus and mixes it with acids that also increase areamakes chime
Bile salts released by gall bladder and made by the liver emulsify fats to make them easier to
be accessed by enzymes that break them down
Brush border
5. What are some of the enzymes we discussed in the lecture, where are they found,
what do they do, and do they need to be activated by anything?
pepsin (released as pepsinogen) must be activated by stomach acid or other pepsins
enteropeptidase activates trypsin, which activates carboxypeptidase (exoenzyme
starting with carboxy-end of protein) and chymotrypsin (endoezyme)
aminopeptidase is active when secreted in epithelium of small intestine
6. Describe the hormone regulation of digestion
Food comes into the stomach and gastrin is released by the pyloric stomach- goes to
cardiac stomach and induces peristalsis, release of acid, pepsinogen- also has
negative feedback system
Enterogasterone is released in response to the presence of chime in duodenum- it
slows peristalsis
CCK is released in response to chime in duodenum- tells gall bladder to release bile,
pancreas to release its enzymes.
Secretin is released by duodenum- tells pancreas to release bicarb to bring pH to 8.5
or so
7. Once food is digested in the stomach and small intestine, describe the process by
which its components are sent to the rest of the body
8. What are some secreting cells? Where are they found? What do they secrete and
what is the purpose of what they secrete?
parotids: right in the bottom of your cheeks, open over second molar
Sublingual- under the tongue
Submandibular- beneath the lower jaw
Don’t have to know the type these glands are, but there are mucus- for making food stick
together and watery- for making food more liquid
In gastric pits, there are:
Mucus- mucus- to protect stomach from enzymes and liquefy food
Chief- pepsinogen- gets turned to pepsin (large polypeptides to smaller polypeptides)
Parietal- HCl- activate pepsinogen and break food up and kill bacteria
Liver- makes bile- emulcify fats and get rid of waste from RBCs
Gall bladder- stores and releases bile
Pancreas- bicarb to raise pH (secretin regulated) and all the enzymes in chart
Brush border- use chart for reference