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Stqarrija kongunta ghal-istampa bejn Crystal Finance Investments Limited u Calamatta Cuschieri
Group plc.
6 ta’ Jannar 2016
L-Azzjonisti ta’ Crystal Finance Investments Limited u Calamatta Cuschieri Group plc lahqu ftehim
preliminari ghat-trasferiment shih tal-ishma ta’ Crystal Finance Investments Limited lill Calamatta
Cuschieri Group plc. Il-Ftehim jibqa soggett ghall-approvazzjoni tar-regolaturi fosthom dak
finanzjarju, l-MFSA, kif ukoll ghal due diligence skond il-prattika.
Il-ftehim propost ser ikompli isahhah lill Calamatta Cuschieri Group plc bhala wiehed mill-akbar
Gruppi ta’ servizzi ta’ investiment f’Malta. Il-klijenti ta’ Crystal Finance Investments Limited ikunu
jistghu wkoll jiggwadanjaw minn sinergiji varji, inkluzi opportunitajiet godda ta’ investiment u aktar
servizzi eletronici. L-Impjegati kollha ta’ Crystal Finance Investments Limited ser jinzammu kollha blistess termini u kundizzjonijiet. Crystal Finance Investments Limited ser tibqa topera normali taht lisem taghha u l-klijenti ser ikomplu jigu moqdija mis-solitu Client Advisor mill-ufficini ta’ Crystal
Finance Investments Limited fil-Belt, Hal-Qormi, il-Mosta, l-Msida u r-Rabat Ghawdex.
Joint Press Release between Crystal Finance Investments Limited and Calamatta
Cuschieri Group plc.
6th January 2016
The shareholders of Crystal Finance Investments Limited and Calamatta Cuschieri Group plc have
reached a preliminary agreement for the transfer of the entire shareholding of Crystal Finance
Investments Limited to Calamatta Cuschieri Group plc. This agreement is subject to all regulatory
approvals, amongst which that by the MFSA, and a normal due diligence.
This proposed acquisition will further strengthen Calamatta Cuschieri Group plc’s position as one of
the largest investment services groups in Malta. Crystal Finance Investments Ltd’s clients will stand
to benefit from various synergies, including new investment opportunities and additional electronic
services. All employees of Crystal Finance Investments Limited shall be retained on the same terms
and conditions. Crystal Finance Investments Ltd. will continue to operate normally under its own
brand and clients will continue to be serviced by their usual Client Advisor through its branches in
Valletta, Qormi, Mosta, Msida and Victoria Gozo.