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Third Monotheistic Religion
Arabia is the crossroads of three continents and prospered from the trade of
the surrounding empires
Bedouins thrived in the harsh desert climate and escorted caravans across
the desert from one oasis to the next
Trade = Cultural Diffusion
Bedouins valued courage, family loyalty, and warrior skills. They were also
known as excellent storytellers and poets.
Mecca was a center of trade and religion
The Ka’aba was associated with Abraham but became a shrine to over 300
different gods
Jews & Christians lived in Arabia
Orphaned at an early age and raised by his grandfather & uncle in the Bedouin
He worked leading caravans through the desert
When he was 25 he began to work for a wealthy older (40) businesswoman named
Khadijah, she eventually proposed to Muhammad and they married
In 610 Muhammad began to receive revelations from God through the angel
Khadijah convinced Muhammad he had to share his message to others, he began to
preach monotheism and equality
Wealthy and powerful Meccans did not like Muhammad’s message because it
threatened their status, they planned to kill him in 622
Muhammad fled to the city of Yathrib north of Mecca in 622 AD which marks
the start of the Muslim calendar (2008-622=1386)
Yathrib was renamed Medina and Muhammad united his followers with the
Arabs & Jews of the city forming a strong community
In 630 Muhammad returned to Mecca with an army of 10,000 followers, the
city surrendered and Muhammad destroyed the idols in the Ka’aba and made
the call to prayer from its roof
Muhammad died in 632 but much of Arabia had been united under Islam
1. Faith—submission to Allah as the one and only God and Muhammad as the
last and greatest prophet
2. Prayer—5 times a day facing Mecca
3. Charity—anonymously helping the less fortunate
4. Fasting—during the month of Ramadan (9th month) to honor & reflect on the
revelations given to Muhammad
5. Pilgrimage—once in life each Muslim must go to Mecca and participate in
the Hajj Ceremonies (12th month)
Sacred text of Islam, written account of the teachings of Muhammad
Considered the last and most perfect message from Allah (God) a
continuation of the Torah & the Bible
Code of law established by interpretations of the Qur’an and the example
set by Muhammad, the Sunna
Gives rules for everything from clothing to marriage, divorce, and interest
rates on loans
Islam provides a strong structure for daily life and behavior as well as
equality in society, all believers are equal
Jews & Christians are considered “people of the book” because they worship
the same God
Monotheistic minority in a polytheistic society
Lives threatened from the beginning
Focus on Muhammad and following his example and teachings
Day scheduled around prayer
Charity is expected and not bragged about
Tied back to holy site in Arabia