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Islamic Civilization, Lesson 1
•They became nomads who lived in tribes. They moved their herds
from place to place.
•A group of merchants and animals
•Oaisis provided water that was needed to live in the desert.
•Desert Arabs were nomads, while town Arabs stayed in one place.
•Who: Muhammad was born in Makkah in 570 A.D.;grew up in
his grandfather’s house; became a successful merchant; felt that he
was called by God to preach a new religion called Islam
•What: taught that there was only one God, Allah; statues of other
gods should be destroyed; he valued good deeds instead of wealth;
felt the rich should share wealth with the poor
•Muhammad began his preaching in Makkah, which made it an
Islamic holy city.
•They thought Muhammad was trying to take away their power
such as: belief, prayer, charity, fasting, pilgrimage
•Islamic laws guide family, business, and government
•It contains teachings and instructions on how to live.
•Quran: the holy book of Islam; Muslims believe it is the written
word of Allah; describes important events; provides teachings and
•Five Pillars of Islam: teaches five basic ways to worship Allah –
belief, prayer, charity, fasting (not eating), and going on a
pilgrimage to Makkah.
•Shariah: a code or set of laws; these Islamic laws guide family,
business, and government be honest, treat others fairly, respect
parents, be kind to neighbors, be kind to the poor, do not murder,
do not steal, do not lie
•Pilgrimage means to travel to a holy place. It is one of the Five
Pillars for Muslims to travel to Makkah and see the Kabba.
Islamic Civilization, Lesson 2
•First Four Caliphs: successor to Muhammad called Caliph; first
four Caliphs were friends or relatives of Muhammad
Both: wanted to spread and protect Islam, expanded forces into
Africa and Southwest Asia
•Umayyads: began ruling after the first four caliphs; ruled from
Damascus, Syria, brought Islam and trade to Spain
•Muslims spread Islam through conquest, trade, and teaching.
•They were good warriors, fought well, and let the people they
conquered practice their own religions.
•A sultan is a Turkish Muslim leader.
•The sultan had more power because he controlled the military. Or:
The caliphs had more power because they managed the
religion that united the empire.
•Shia thought that only descendants of Muhammed should be
Caliphs. Sunni did not. Both believed
there was only one god, Allah, and that the Quran
was the holy book of Islam. They both believed in
following the Five Pillars. He organized Ottoman laws” and “built
schools and mosques throughout the empire.”
•The Ottoman
•The language spoken in Pakistan
•Shia: first four caliphs related to or friends of Muhammad; believe
only people descended from Muhammad should be caliphs;
rebelled against Ummayads and new caliphs were called Abbasids;
did not try to conquer new lands; focused on trade and culture both
follow the principals, or basic beliefs of Islam
•Sunnis: Sunnis do not believe caliphs have to be related to
Mohammed; the Ummayads were caliphs not related to
Mohammed; their goal was to spread Islam; armies conquered
lands; trade was important.
•Shia—only descendants of Muhammad should be Caliphs; there
is only one god, Allah; the Quran is the holy book of Islam;
Muslims should follow the Five Pillars.
•Sunni—Caliphs did not need to be descendants of Muhammad;
there is only one god, Allah; the Quran is the holy book of Islam;
Muslims should follow the Five Pillars.
•Ottoman, Safavid, Mogul
Islamic Civilization, Lesson 3
•house of worship, school, court
•A bazaar is a marketplace in a city or town where
shops are located and goods are sold.
•Women managed families and households. Women
could own property, invest in trade, and inherit wealth.
¢Muslim merchants were successful because they
developed a money system that made trading easier. They also
kept detailed records.
•Arabic numerals made it easier for traders to keep
track of money and goods.
•The Quran is the most important thing written in
Arabic because it is the basis for religion and daily
life in the Islamic world.
•A minaret allows people to be called to come to the mosque to
•Discovered how blood moves to and from the
heart; diagnosed and examined the spread of disease; established
medical schools and tests for doctors
•Mathematics: Muslim scholars invented algebra; developed
system of numbering called Arabic numbers
•Science: improved the Greek astrolabe used by sailors to navigate;
measured the size and distance of the Earth; proved that the moon
affects the ocean tides; first to establish medical schools for
training doctors; developed chemistry
•Literature and the Arts: well-known work of literature—The
Arabian Nights; Muslim poet Omar Khayyam wrote the Rubaiyat;
detailed designs of flowers, leaves, stars, and custom lettering
1–2. A common language helped unite people and make it easier to