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IB Style Questions
Ecological Pyramids
This diagram represents an Antarctic food web.
How is energy lost between the trophic levels?
I and II only
I and III only
II and III only
I, II and III
Heat loss through cell respiration
Material not consumed
Material not absorbed during digestion
2. Which of the following statements relating to “pyramids of energy” is true?
A. they are hardly ever inverted in shape.
B. they show how energy is cycled in a given ecosystem.
C. they always have the same shape as the pyramid of numbers for the relationship being
D. they can be inverted if one population has a larger biomass than another.
© David Faure, InThinking
IB Style Questions
Ecological Pyramids
3. A group of organisms of the same species occupying a given area at a given time is
A. a biome
B. a population
C. an ecosystem
D. a community
4. Wolves and lions are said to occupy the same trophic level because they
A. are both terrestrial
B. are both large mammals
C. both eat primary consumers
D. use their food with about a 10% efficiency
5. Energy passes along a food chain in the form of
A. chemical energy
B. kinetic energy
C. light energy
D. heat energy
6. In a pyramid of numbers, a reduction in the number of organisms from one trophic level to
the next can always be observed when there is an increase in
A. the size of the organism
B. temperature
C. energy
D. birth rate
© David Faure, InThinking
IB Style Questions
Ecological Pyramids
The following food web shows some of the feeding relationships in a lake in Western Africa.
7. Which one of the following statements is correct?
A. Tilapia fishes and zooplankton are both primary consumers.
B. There would most probably be more perch in the lake than sardines.
C. Alestid fishes and fresh water sardines are both primary consumers.
D. Perch can be third trophic level or fourth trophic level consumers depending upon the food
chain involved.
Explain how producers and consumers are different.
What is the difference between a primary and a secondary consumer?
Distinguish between herbivores, carnivores and decomposers
© David Faure, InThinking
IB Style Questions
Ecological Pyramids
The net production of energy in photosynthesis of plants in a grassland is 800 kJ m –2 y–1.
The total energy passed on to the primary consumers is 70 kJ m–2 y–1. Only 10% of this energy is
passed on to the secondary consumers.
Calculate the percentage of the net productivity of energy which is passed on to the
primary consumers
Suggest a reason why the transfer to the percentage of energy transferred to the
secondary consumers is greater than the energy which is passed on to the primary consumers.
Describe how energy enters a community, flows through it and is lost from it.
© David Faure, InThinking