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Mr. Rarrick
World History I NAME:
Europe during the Middle Ages
Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences. You will need to use the
classroom set of Encyclopedia of World History.
Encyclopedia of World History:
Feudal Europe: Pages 82-83
1. What was land exchanged for?
2. List the hierarchy of feudalism. (Top, Middle, and Bottom) (caption)
3. What did the vassals have to supply the lord with and what did they have to pay?
4. What was the traditional idea that feudalism was based on?
5. What is a manor?
6. What was the arrangement for the manorial system?
7. Who did the kings rely on during feudalism?
8. How did feudalism fall apart?
9. What brought an end to knights and castles?
10. What was the final component that greatly weakened feudalism?
Mr. Rarrick
World History I
11. Why do you think the survey of England compiled into a book called the “Domesday
Book”? (caption)
12. What did the landholder have to swear to? (caption)
13. “Late 400s Fall of Roman empire leads to breakdown in law and order across western
Europe” (Time Line) Why do you believe this was a perfect catalyst for feudalism?
Church and Monastery: Pages 84-85
14. How did men and women display their devotion to the church?
15. What did monasteries become?
16. What did St. Benedict of Nursia teach monks and nuns?
17. Who was the head of the monastery?
18. What was the nun’s house called?
19. How many services did the monks and nuns attend in a day?
20. List 3 jobs of the monks?
21. What did the monks preserve?
Mr. Rarrick
World History I
22. Where did the friars live and what did they preach?
23. What did the shrines house? (caption)
24. What shrine was most visited in England? (caption)
25. What was an abbey? (caption)
Knights and Castles: Pages 86-87
26. Define castle and who’s home was it?
27. Describe some characteristics of a typical castle.
28. Where would everyone sleep… except for the lord and his lady?
29. What did the lavatories empty into?
30. The castle was designed to with stand sieges for how long?
31. What brought an end castle–building?
A Medieval Town: Pages 90-91
32. List 5 characteristics of a Medieval Town:
Mr. Rarrick
World History I
33. What group did the craft workers and traders form and what was the benefit of this
34. What crime would occur at the fairs?
35. How did the large cities of Europe grow rich?
36. Who would perform in the Medieval towns? (caption)
37. Why did the church windows have biblical designs? (caption)