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Ch 1+2 Review 2015-2016
Multiple Choice
1. Which of the following is famous for creating the statues of David and Pietà, and the ceiling of the Sistine
2. Increasing numbers of people learned to read after the mid-1400s because
3. Which of the following occurred as a result of Martin Luther’s stand against indulgences?
4. Renaissance art, literature, and education were greatly influenced by
5. The Renaissance focused on a new idea of human interaction rather than religion known as what?
6. Johannes Gutenberg’s invention has been described as revolutionary because
7. What did the Edict of Worms decree about Martin Luther?
8. Ulrich Zwingli founded a church that combined church and state known as what?
9. The Council of Trent
10. Which of the following was one result of the Treaty of Tordesillas?
11. The Native American population of North America in 1492 was 2 million. What did it drop to by 1900?
12. All of the following items were brought from Europe to the Americas EXCEPT
13. Which of the following best describes the food exchange between Europe and the Americas?
14. During the rise of capitalism, most economic activity is carried on where?
15. Which of the following was an important advancement in shipbuilding during the Age of Exploration?
16. Who was the first explorer to circumnavigate the globe?
17. During the 1500-1600’s which group of people were persecuted in Europe?
18. How did the Renaissance contribute to the Age of Exploration?
19. Which Renaissance scholar was known as the true genius of the Renaissance? He painted the Mona Lisa and
The Last Supper.
20. What was one of the main causes of the Renaissance?
Ch 5 Review 2015-2016
Multiple Choice
____ 1. The new way of thinking that emerged in the mid-1500s is called the
____ 2. Until the Scientific Revolution, the traditional authorities were
____ 3. Which of the following posed theories that brought him into direct conflict with the Church?
____ 4. Who argued that people had a right to overthrow a government that does not protect their natural rights?
____ 5. How did Hobbes and Locke differ?
____ 6. American colonists objected to the Stamp Act and Townshend Acts because
____ 7. The Boston Tea Party and organized boycotts showed the colonists unhappiness with
____ 8. What led scientists to study the natural world more closely in the mid-1500s?
____ 9. What are the steps of “The Scientific Method”?
____ 10. Which of the following proposed the geocentric theory?
____ 11. Which of the following published a book supporting the heliocentric theory?
____ 12. What new approach allowed scholars to gain new scientific knowledge?
Who believed in free market economics and laissez faire government policies?
Which of following was written by Denis Diderot in order to promote knowledge?
Whose famous work was the Two Treatises on Government? Discusses his social contract theory.
Which of the following best describes the Scientific Revolution?
Which of the following Enlightened despots wanted to provide food and medicine to the poor?
Why did the French and Indian War lead to increased taxes on Britain’s American colonies?
Who was the Enlightenment thinker that was imprisoned and exiled to England for his criticism of French
Who was the author of the Declaration of Independence?
Which of the following scientists invented the first periodic table of elements?
Which of these ideas were NOT included in the U.S. Constitution?
During the Enlightenment, ideas were discussed and debated in
What is the economic principle that sets prices in a free market?
How did laissez-faire economics affect business in a free market?
Ch 6 Review 2015-2016
Multiple Choice
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
Continental System
Many peasants views during Revolution
The Great Fear?
Napoleon Russian Campaign
Political factions of National Convention
Reactions to execution of King Louis
Causes of the French Revolution?
Napoleonic and Peninsular Wars
Klemens von Metternich
Reign of Terror
Four Governments of French Revolution: Key points and chronological order
Congress of Vienna
Napoleon taking control of the government
legacy of the French Revolution
Revolutionary Tribunal
French government after exile
Napoleon and North America
Reforms made during Napoleon’s rule
Results of Napoleon’s rule
Ch 7+8 Review 2015-2016
Multiple Choice
Factors of industrialization in Britain
What happens to cottage industry?
Effects of the factory system?
Karl Marx
Overall effects of Industrialization. Impact on upper class, middle class, working class. Home life.
Command economy
Market economy
Robert Owen
Industrialization and reform movements
Charles Darwin
Urbanization: overall impact on cities and people. Why were people moving to these big cities?
Immigration to America
U.S. immigration
Why could U.S. industrialize rapidly? What countries industrialized first and why?
Impact of water power, coal power, and electric power during Industrial Revolution
Chapter 9 Review
Multiple Choice
Simon Bolivar
Jose de San Martin
Pedro I
Miguel Hidalgo
Agustin de Iturbide
Charles X
Independence movements in Latin America: Which were peaceful? Which had conflicts? Why did they happen?
Dreyfus Affair: what was it? What were the lasting consequences?
Results of Napoleon’s conquest of Spain
Impact of Congress of Vienna
Immigration of Irish
Napoleon III
Reform Act of 1832
Factory Acts of 1833 and 1839
Impact of industrialization and reform movements: What caused reforms? What reforms take place?
Chapter 10 Review 2015-2016
Multiple Choice
-Impact of Revolution of 1848 in Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary
-Desire of German liberals in 1848
-Crimean War
-Fredrick Wilhelm IV: What did he promise? What was result?
-Otto von Bismarck: blood and iron, realpolitik
-Dual Monarchy: problems that occurred
-Young Turks
-Impact of Nationalism in Austria-Hungary
-How were unification movements in countries similar?
-Balkan War
-What was the Eastern Question?
-Characteristics of Compromise of 1867
-Effects of Italian unification
-Impact of Five Elements of Nationalism
Ch 11 Review 2015-2016
Multiple Choice:
-Opium Wars
-Raw materials of value in India
-British occupation of Egypt
-Imperialism in China: Who were the major players?
-What factors allowed Europeans to overtake Africa and Asia?
-What were Political motives for imperialism?
-Japanese imperialism: How was it different from other areas that were imperialized? What was result for Japan?
-U.S. imperialism: What areas were affected?
-British Raj and imperialism in India
-Indian Civil Service
-Indian National Congress
-Sepoy Mutiny
-Meiji Restoration
-Panama Canal
-Forms of Imperialism: colony, protectorate, sphere of influence
-Boxer Rebellion
-Taiping Rebellion
-Imperialism in Africa
-perspectives of colonizers and colonized
-Areas that remained independent through imperialism
-Treaty of Kanagawa
Ch 12 Review WWI 2015-2016
Multiple Choice
-Schlieffan Plan
-New weapons
-Total War
-Armenian Genocide
-Zimmerman Note: what was it and how does it affect America?
-Members of Central Powers
-Members of Allied Powers
-Series of events that lead to WWI
-Result of trench warfare
-Women’s role in the War
-Treaty of Versailles and other treaties following the war. What did they accomplish?
-Economic impact of WWI
-How did militarism lead to WWI?
-How did alliances lead to WWI?
-How did imperialism lead to WWI?
-How did nationalism lead to WWI?
-Impact of U.S. entering WWI
1. How did Enlightenment Ideas, and Enlightenment thinkers such as John Locke, influence revolutions
throughout the world from 1750-1900’s?
As industrialization increased what effects did this have on the growth of cities?
3. Analyze two reasons why European nations imperialized new lands from the 1800’s-1900’s.
4. Explain the four causes that led to World War I.
5. Explain two ways the Treaty of Versailles, which ended WWI, help lead to WWII?