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The _________________________________ is a belt of volcanoes that circles the
________________ Ocean. It is created due to the Pacific Plate ______________________
under all of the surrounding continental plates.
_____________________________ occurs when the earth’s surface is worn away by wind,
water, or ice. The important thing to remember, however, is that in this case there is NO
__________________________ of the pieces of the earth’s crust.
_________________________ occurs when pieces from the earth’s crust are transported to
a new location by wind, water, or ice.
Use your knowledge from class and your journal to help you complete the following questions:
Wegener used 3 pieces of evidence to support his theory: ________________________,
____________________, and _________________________.
Give examples of each of his 3 pieces of evidence:
A ________________________ plate boundary is created when 2 plates move away from
one another. A _________________ is a common landform created at such a boundary and
has a _______________________________ at its top.
The mid-ocean ridge is a great example of the type of boundary described in question #10.
At its opening, magma from within the earth, comes out, hardens and cools to form rock
(new crust). As this process continues, __________________ rock gets pushed farther and
farther away from the ridge’s opening. The process of continually adding new rock to the
ocean floor is known as _________________________________ and is believed to be the
reason why the __________________ Ocean is expanding and the ____________________
Ocean is shrinking.
Sketch a picture of this type of boundary/landform:
A ____________________________ plate boundary is created when 2 plates collide (come
together). When this occurs between oceanic and continental plates, we will almost always
find a ________________ in the ocean floor. This is created because the oceanic plate has a
____________________ density than the continental crust and sinks beneath it back into
the ____________________. As a result, ____________________ often form on the
continental crust.
Sketch a picture of this type of boundary/landform(s):
If 2 continental plates collide, the result is the formation of __________________________.
Sketch a picture of this type of boundary/landform:
A __________________________ plate boundary is created when 2 plates slide past each
other in opposite directions. This type of boundary creates ________________________ in
the earth’s crust and often results in the shaking/trembling of the earth known as an
Sketch a picture of this type of boundary/landform:
10. __________________________ occurs when pieces of the earth’s crust are dropped in a
new location, helping to build up the earth’s crust.
11. A topographic map shows the shape of the earth’s surface using ______________________
lines. Such lines can never _________________ each other.
12. No matter how far apart or how close together lines are on a topographic map, the distance
between the lines is ______________________________________________________.
13. A steeper hill on a topographic map would be shown by lines that are very
_________________________________, where as a gradual slope would be shown by lines
that are _____________________________________.
Sketch an example of this below:
14. A closed loop that has hash marks on it represents a ______________________ in
Sketch this below:
15. V-like formations on a topographic map represent the presence of a ___________________
or ________________. It is important to remember that this feature is always moving away
from the ______________________ and in the direction of the _______________________.
Sketch an example and label the direction of movement:
Earth’s Forces: Web Quest
Part 1: Earth’s Structure
Use the following link to find the answers in this section:
Label the layers of Earth in the diagram below:
The lithosphere is made up of the ______________ and a tiny bit of the ______________.
The plates of the lithosphere move (or float) on the hot, malleable _______-_________ zone
in the upper mantle, directly underneath the lithosphere. This is known as the
The layer of the earth that is the only liquid layer is the _________ ______.
Part 2: Plate Tectonics
Use the following link to find the answers in this section:
Name: _____________________________ Date: ______________ Period: ___
True or False?—Image A depicts what the earth looks like today.
Now, click on “How do we know this?”
What did Earth look like 250 million years ago? The continents of Earth were clustered
together in a formation that German scientist, Alfred ____________, called _____________.
He theorized that this giant landmass split apart and the different landmasses, or
continents, drifted to their current locations on the globe. His ideas became the basis for
the development of the theory of __________ __________________.
Click on “Continents Over Time”
Order the images of Earth’s plates in order from the
oldest or earliest (1) to the most recent (5):
Part 3: Plates and Boundaries
Use the following link to find the answers in this section:
Some of the plates contain ________________ and others are mostly under the
__________. The type of crust that underlies the continents is called ________________
crust, while the type found under the oceans is called ____________ crust.
________________ crust is thicker — about _______________ (35 to 70 km) thick — and
usually older than ___________ crust, which is only ______________ (7 to 10 km) thick. All
the plates have names, usually referring to landmasses, oceans, or regions of the globe
where they are located.
Identify the missing tectonic plates on the image below:
12. Click on convergent, divergent, and transform in the map’s key to see locations of the
various plate boundaries around the world. Then, complete the “Plates and Boundaries
Part 1 Results: Number of correctly placed plates = _____
Part 2 Results: Number of boundary types labeled correctly = _____
Part 4: Slip, Slide, and Collide
Use the following link to find the answers in this section:
13. Most major geologic events occur at the boundaries between tectonic plates, where huge,
massive pieces of the earth's crust interact. If you know about the movements taking place
at a plate boundary, you can often predict what's likely to occur in the future!
14. Click on “See What Happens at Different Plate Boundaries” and read the information
provided. Click on the diagram labels to get more information about the various features
and to help you define the following:
subduction zone: ____________________________________
magma: ____________________________________________
trench: ____________________________________________
volcano: ___________________________________________
volcanic/island arc: __________________________________
tsunami: ___________________________________________
15. Divergent boundaries in the middle of the ocean contribute to ____________
_______________. As plates made of oceanic crust pull apart, a crack in the ocean floor
appears. Magma then oozes up from the _____________ to fill in the space between the
plates, forming a raised area called a ___-______ ________. The magma also spreads
outward, forming new ________ _________ and new __________ _________.
16. When two continental plates diverge, a valley-like _____ develops. It is a dropped zone
where the plates are ___________ _________. Click “Start” on the diagram to view the
formation and effects of a rift valley. Over time, the widening crust along the boundary
may become thin enough that a piece of continent breaks off, forming a new
______________ _______. At this point, water from the ocean will rush in, forming a new
____ or _______ _______ .
10. The border between two plates is called a _________________. They have different names
depending on how the two plates are moving in relation to one another.
A. If the plates are moving towards each other, it is called a ________________ boundary.
B. If the plates are moving apart, it is called a ________________ boundary.
C. If plates are sliding past each other, it is called a ____________ boundary.
11. Label the type of boundary depicted in each image below:
17. Complete the “Plates and Boundaries Challenge”.
Part 1 Results: Number of questions answered correctly: _____
Word Jumble Words: 1. _________________________, 2. _________________________
3. ____________________________ 4. _____________________________
**Stop after the Word Jumble—Do not complete the “Final Chapter”**