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2016 GK Advance 1
The word 'science' comes from the Latin word 'scientia' means 'to know'
Physics and Chemistry:
The gas used to extinguish fire is carbon dioxide
Polythene is industrially prepared by the polymerization of ethylene
A substance which changes readily into vapour without heating is called volatile
In Photosynthesis light energy is converted into chemical energy.
PVC is obtained by the polymerisation of vinyl chloride
Graphite is used in pencils.
LPG gas consists of mainly methane, butane and propane
Brass gets discoloured in air because of the presence of which of the following gases in air?
Hydrogen sulfide
Chemical formula for water is H2O
The gas usually filled in the electric bulb is nitrogen
Washing soda is the common name for sodium carbonate
Quartz crystals normally used in quartz clocks etc. is chemically silicon dioxide
The hardest substance available on earth is diamond
Graphite is used as a lubricant
The inert gas which is substituted for nitrogen in the air used by deep sea divers for breathing, is
The gases used in different types of welding would include oxygen and acetylene
Silicon carbide is used for cutting very hard substances
The average salinity of sea water is 3.5%
When an iron nail gets rusted, iron oxide is formed with increase in the weight of the nail
Galvanised iron sheets have a coating of zinc
Nonstick cooking utensils are coated with Teflon
Soda water contains carbon dioxide
Nitrous oxide is more commonly known as laughing gas?
The filament of an electric bulb is made of tungsten
Balloons are filled with helium
Bell metal, which is used in making bells and related instruments is an alloy of tin and copper
When a gas is turned into a liquid, the process is called condensation
Which of the following parts of the sun is easily visible only during a total solar eclipse?
The study of phenomena at very low temperatures is called cryogenics
The branch of medical science which is concerned with the study of disease as it affects a
community of people is called epidemiology
If a metal can be drawn into wires relatively easily it is called ductile
Yeast, used in making bread is a fungus
A gas used as a disinfectant in drinking water is chlorine
The solar eclipse occurs when moon comes in between the sun and the earth
The smallest functional and structural unit of kidney is called as nephron
The removal of top soil by water or wind is called soil erosion
The intensity of earthquakes is measured on Richter scale
The gas predominantly responsible for global warming is carbon dioxide
The dynamo is a device for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy
The concept of carbon credit originated from which one of the following? Kyoto protocol
The blue colour of the clear sky is due to dispersion of light
Why is it difficult to see through fog? Rays of light are scattered by the fog droplets
Which one of the following types of waves are used in a night vision apparatus? infra-red
Which one of the following planets has largest number of natural satellites or moons? Jupiter
When 1 litre of water freezes, the volume of ice formed will be 1.11 litre
Mist is caused by water vapours at low temperature
Radioactivity is measured by geiger-muller counter
What is a zoom lens? It is a lens having variable focal length
What range of frequencies are usually referred to as audio frequencies for humans? 20 to
20,000 hertz
A device used to measure the amount of moisture in the atmosphere is called a hygrometer
Biomass energy is formed through photosynthesis
A traveler sees shimmering pond of water some distance ahead of him. This optical illusion is
called mirage. Thus, mirage is due to the combination of refraction as well as total internal
reflection of light.
The colours of the spectrum of white light are violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red
(vibgyor). The white light is a mixture of different colours. Each colour is associated with light of
a particular wavelength. Red light has longer wavelengths than the blue light. The angle of
deviation by a prism is not the same for all the wavelength (colours) of light. Hence the prism
disperses white light into its constituent colours. The red is deviated least and the violet most
When we place a pencil in a beaker containing water, we observe that the pencil appears to be
bent at the point where it just enters water. The phenomenon of bending of light as it passes
from one medium to another is known as the refraction of light.
Atoms of the same element, i.e. having the same atomic number that differ in atomic weight,
are called- isotopes
The tides in the ocean are due to-gravitational pull of the moon
Dry ice is-solid carbon dioxide
The metal that is present in photo films is —silver
Long distance photography is facilitated by —infra red rays
The major ingredient of leather is —collagen
Lightening cause rainfall because —it activate h2o molecule
C.T.(computerized tomography) scanning uses —ultrasound waves
Which was the first metal made by man? – copper
Unit of loudness of sound? – decibel
Device used to measure atmospheric pressure – barometer
Acoustics is study of sound waves
Earth quake waves travel fastest in water
What does airbag, used for safety of car driver, contain? Sodium azide
Thalassaemia is a hereditary disease affecting blood
Spinach leaves are rich source of iron
Small pox is caused by virus
Silk is produced by larva of silkworm
Persons blood group ‘O’ are called universal donors?
Persons with blood group ‘AB” are called universal recipient.
In normal adult human, what is the rate of heartbeat per minute? 72-80
Deficiency of iron leads to anemia
Longest bone in the body is Femur i.e. Thigh bone
Largest organ of the body i.e. Skin
Total number of bones in body i.e. 206
Total number of muscles in body i.e. 639
Antibiotics are drugs used for the cure of —bacterial diseases
Organ that removes wastes and excess water from the blood – kidney
Organ which controls body temperature – skin
Hardest substance in the human body - tooth enamel
The balancing organ of our body – ear
Vitamin which is produced by the sunlight - vitamin D
Pomology is the study of – fruits
‘RO’ in water purifiers means ‘Reverse Osmosis’