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General Chemistry A Practical Course for Students of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Biology ETH Zurich 535-1001-00 2016 1 Contents Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 5 Glass ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 Properties of glassware ..................................................................................................................... 10 Cleaning of glassware ........................................................................................................................ 11 Glass figuration.................................................................................................................................. 12 Glass cutting .................................................................................................................................. 12 Smoothing ..................................................................................................................................... 12 Tube bending ................................................................................................................................. 12 Volumes of laboratory glassware ...................................................................................................... 13 Is volume a conserved quantity (do volumes add up)? .................................................................... 15 Fractioning Methods I ........................................................................................................................... 17 Precipitation of a coagulate: Fe(OH)3 ................................................................................................ 17 Precipitation of calcium carbonate CaCO3, filtration with a porcelain Buchner funnel.................... 18 Synthesis of hydroxyapatite; filtration with glass frit crucible, pore size 4 .......................................... 19 Precipitation of AgCl and Ag2CrO4 ..................................................................................................... 22 Precipitation of colloidal (nanoparticulate) Prussian Blue ................................................................ 22 Preparation:....................................................................................................................................... 22 Re-crystallisation of a mixture of KNO3 with Cu(NO3)2: a purification method ................................ 23 Crystalline solids .................................................................................................................................... 25 Solid mixtures – mixed crystals ......................................................................................................... 26 Mixed crystals .................................................................................................................................... 26 Solubility of NH4Cl, KNO3, solubility product of KClO4....................................................................... 27 Argentometric titration ......................................................................................................................... 31 End point indication of some argentometric titrations..................................................................... 33 Method of Fajans........................................................................................................................... 34 Preparation of 0.05 M AgNO3 solution and its calibration ............................................................ 34 Argentometric titration of Br-, I-, SCN- ........................................................................................... 35 Fractioning 2 .......................................................................................................................................... 36 Condensation .................................................................................................................................... 36 Sublimation ....................................................................................................................................... 37 Distillation.......................................................................................................................................... 37 Vacuum distillation ............................................................................................................................ 38 2 Distillation of an azeotropic two-component mixture ...................................................................... 39 Volatile Compounds .............................................................................................................................. 42 Determination of melting and boiling points ........................................................................................ 42 Preparation of volatile substances .................................................................................................... 44 Determination of the molar mass by melting point depression (cryoscopy) ....................................... 45 Acids and Bases ..................................................................................................................................... 47 Acid and base definitions by Lewis and Brønsted-Lowry .................................................................. 47 Proton transfer in aqueous solution ..................................................................................................... 49 pK values, pH concept, strong acids and bases, weak acids and bases, multistage deprotonation . 49 Strong acids ........................................................................................................................................... 50 Weak acids............................................................................................................................................. 50 Concept of pH ........................................................................................................................................ 51 Solutions with fixed pH: buffers ............................................................................................................ 51 pH measurement ................................................................................................................................... 52 Synthesis of ethanolic hydrogen chloride ............................................................................................. 52 Esterification of boric acid ..................................................................................................................... 54 Reaction between gaseous NH3 and HCl ............................................................................................... 54 Synthesis of a calcium salt ..................................................................................................................... 55 Sublimation of ammonium chloride...................................................................................................... 55 NH3/HCl ............................................................................................................................................. 55 Aluminium chloride as Lewis acid ......................................................................................................... 55 Preparation of AlCl3. Reaction of AlCl3 with ether. Reaction of AlCl3 with KCl.................................. 55 Preparation of potassium hydrogen tartrate ........................................................................................ 57 Water as acid, water as base ................................................................................................................. 58 Acidimetric titration .............................................................................................................................. 59 Determination of the pK values of the indicator thymol blue .............................................................. 60 Preparation of a phosphate buffer of pH = 7.30 and I = 0.16 ............................................................... 62 Redox Reactions .................................................................................................................................... 65 Redox reactions, solvent free or in aqueous solutions ..................................................................... 65 Thermal decomposition of potassium chlorate .................................................................................... 66 Preparation of CuCl ............................................................................................................................... 68 Redox reactions in qualitative analysis ................................................................................................. 68 Detection of chromium as chromate. ................................................................................................... 69 Proof of oxidising agents. Conversion of I- into I2.................................................................................. 69 3 Disproportionation of H2O2, catalase .................................................................................................... 70 Standard reduction potential Fe(CN)63- / Fe(CN)64- ............................................................................. 70 Permanganometric titration.................................................................................................................. 72 Permanganometric determination of oxalic acid, (COOH)2 .................................................................. 73 Iodometric titration (of Cu2+ solution)................................................................................................... 73 Ligand Exchange and Complex Formation ............................................................................................ 75 Introductory experiments in coordination chemistry ........................................................................... 79 e) Inertness of Fe(CN)64- ........................................................................................................................ 82 Preparative coordination chemistry...................................................................................................... 83 Tetraammine nickel nitrite Ni(NH3)4(NO2)2 ....................................................................................... 84 Potassium dioxalato cuprate(II) K2Cu(OOCCOO)22H2O ................................................................... 85 Metal indicators .................................................................................................................................... 86 Dithizone as metal indicator ................................................................................................................. 87 Determination of the hardness of water by complexometric titration ................................................ 87 Chromatography ................................................................................................................................... 90 Chromatographic separation of dyes .................................................................................................... 90 Liquid-liquid distribution ....................................................................................................................... 91 Determination of the distribution coefficient of iodine in the solvent system H2O/CH2Cl2 ................. 93 Ion exchangers ...................................................................................................................................... 93 Ion exchange chromatography: separation of Cu2+, Ni2+, Fe3+ .............................................................. 95 Qualitative analysis................................................................................................................................ 97 Appendix.............................................................................................................................................. 104 pk values of some acids at 25°C ...................................................................................................... 104 Standard reduction potentials ......................................................................................................... 106 Complex formation constants ......................................................................................................... 107 Solubility products ........................................................................................................................... 109 Conductivity data ............................................................................................................................ 110 4 Introduction Objectives The beginner’s course in inorganic and general chemistry is intended to teach the fundamental methods of chemical laboratory work to students of biology and pharmaceutical sciences and to make them familiar with the important reaction types in inorganic chemistry. Restrictions concerning the availability of instrumentation, laboratory space, personnel and time call for a certain degree of flexibility. Inorganic chemistry, despite its name, is essential for biological systems. All organisms absorb inorganic nutrients, which are used then to fulfil very special functions, like formation of skeletons and shells, reaction centres in biological catalysts (enzymes) and transport mechanisms (e.g. oxygen transport). The course presents a variety of materials to the student. Quantitative analyses, some of them carried out with instruments, require accurate and clean working skills. It is expected that the students exert themselves to acquire these in the very beginning, because according to experience, it is difficult to improve later during advanced courses. You should try to understand why operations are carried out in a certain way, and what the consequences of alternative approaches would be. In case of doubt you should always consult a teaching assistant if a method does not make sense to you. The laboratory course and the first-semester lecture have some common contents, albeit not very extensively, because the initial part of the lecture cannot be reproduced in the laboratories we use. Therefore, the course manual contains theoretical considerations which precede the contents of the lecture. It is recommended to study these paragraphs before doing the corresponding experiment and to complete by information found in books. Laboratory work that is only aimed at following procedures without asking for the chemical background is useless. In all quantitative experiments the weights, instrumental results, calculations and observations must be written down in a laboratory journal. Written exercises support the understanding of the theoretical background and serve as a control. 5 Safety Laboratory work can be dangerous, like any kind of practical work. The worst hazards threaten the eyes. Therefore, it is indispensable to wear SAFETY GLASSES This is permanently necessary, because you do not know what your neighbours are carrying out at the moment. It is important not only to protect yourself from your own misfortune, but also from the whole environment. These hints do not mean that you are working in an extremely dangerous area! It is more likely to have an accident in your kitchen at home because of the sloppier precautions taken. Fear is no good advisor, also in a chemistry laboratory. The best prevention is knowledge. As long as you are sure about what the properties of the material in front of you are, you are safe. A kilogram of potassium cyanide on your bench poses no risk, as long as you do not try to eat from it or come up with the idea to add acid which liberates hydrogen cyanide gas. From these considerations the most important statement of chemical safety follows: - Solids and liquids are only a problem when you ingest them. This may happen unconsciously, e.g. by contaminated hands. There is currently a strong impulse to wear gloves even during the most harmless operations in the laboratory. Unfortunately in most cases this is not a solution but rather a relocation of the problem. Whenever you touch door handles or other public installations with contaminated gloves, you are protected until you remove them ... Question: how to remove a pair of contaminated gloves without touching the contamination? (Wash them, but you have to touch the spigot first?!) You also endanger your colleagues who might not be aware that you just touched door handles with dirty gloves. It is better to work without gloves except when using very aggressive substances. Instead, wash your hands immediately if you suspect contamination. Most (but not all) react very slowly with human skin. - Gases, if toxic, are a real problem because they can reach you without your assistance. The only safe working area in this case is the fume hood. This is a fairly safe approach as long as the ventilation is running properly and you do not poke your head into the hood. 6 Special risks: - Splashes of strong bases often cause the loss of an eye. - Only suction tubes and flasks, round flasks and desiccators can be evacuated safely, all other vessel are prone to implosion. Glass splinters in the eye are difficult to detect for the surgeon. - Many substances are poisonous. Heavy metal compounds like HgBr2, Pb(NO3)2 etc. are almost as toxic as KCN. Solutions of toxic compounds are aspirated into pipettes with the aid of a balloon, never orally. For work with gases and vapours like Br2, NO2, HCN etc. a ventilated hood must be used, also with chlorinated solvents and benzene. - Organic solvents are often flammable, and their vapours, especially diethyl ether, can be ignited explosively by the flame of a gas burner even some meters away. - Poisonous chemical waste is not to be disposed of into the sink but in special chemical waste containers present in each laboratory. Concentrated acids and bases, especially H2SO4, should be diluted by pouring them slowly into an excess of cold water (never vice versa). At the very start of the course the proper methods to use the equipment are introduced by the teaching assistants. It should not be difficult for the students to work safely and cleanly after this. Heating Methods It is often necessary to heat reaction mixtures in order to be able to observe phenomena or to accelerate processes. This can be done by means of electric heaters (especially for flammable solutions) or with a gas burner. Large vessels (beakers, conical flasks) are heated on a support equipped with a fireproof glass plate while test tubes can be exposed directly to the flame. In order to avoid sudden eruptions of liquid during the heating of solutions in large vessels boiling aids must be added. Test tubes are held by a wooden clamp and the flame is applied just below the liquid level so that the formation of large bubbles at the bottom is avoided. Homogeneous heating is achieved by continuous and gentle shaking sideways. Never shake up and down, or direct the opening of a test tube towards a person! Electric heat sources should always be mounted such that they can be removed quickly from the reaction vessel. An apparatus fixed on a stand has to be mounted so high that the electric heater can be placed on a socket (e.g. “Labor-Boy” in order to make contact. In case of overheating the socket can be lowered or removed instantly. 7 The gas burner is a versatile heat source. However, one has to know its properties in order to use it efficiently. The air supply plays a crucial role. If it is completely closed, a bright yellow and soot producing flame is obtained. It has the lowest temperature but should not be used for gentle heating since it would spoil the equipment with soot. This air supply position, however, is most suitable for the ignition. When the air supply is opened slightly the yellow emission disappears and the flame changes to a homogeneous light blue. This state is useful for gentle heating. If the flame produces still to much heat the gas supply can be throttled. When the air supply is fully opened the flame appears to be two-component and is accompanied by a rushing sound. It has a blue core and an almost invisible and very hot sheath. The hottest region is located a few millimetres above the tip of the blue core and reaches about 1500 °C. Quantities and Concentrations In chemistry the properties of substances are most important, however, quantities and concentrations are also crucial. Quantities are relevant for the amounts of conversion in reactions, and concentrations determine reaction rates and equilibrium positions. Quantities describe absolute numbers of atoms or molecules. Unfortunately balances do not provide these numbers, conversion factors are needed to obtain them from ordinary masses. The factors are called molar masses and describe the mass of a defined number of atoms of an atom type. The defined number is called the mol and it corresponds to a number of 6.023 • 1023 atoms. Atomic molar masses have the unit g/mol, means they indicate the mass of a mol of a kind of atoms. Molar masses of molecules are obtained by summing the individual atomic molar masses of the atoms in the molecule. In order to determine the mass m of a certain number of mol n of a substance such that the material can be weighed, we calculate m = n • Mg with Mg being the molar mass. If the number of mol of a known mass of a substance has to be calculated, the expression m n=M g applies. Concentrations are usually given in mol per volume unit by chemists, because particle reacts with particle, and not mass with mass. Concentrations are measures of density; they indicate how frequently a kind of molecule is encountered per unit volume, and therefore its activity in reactions. The higher the density is, the faster the reactions are. The typical concentration unit is mol/l, abbreviated M. Unfortunately, manufacturers of chemicals indicate concentrations in solution in 8 percent of weight (% wt.), together with the mass density of the solution in g/cm3. However, with aid of the molar mass Mg the concentration in mol/l can be determined. Example: A solution of hydrochloric acid, HCl in H2O, has the mass concentration cm = 36 % (wt.) and a density of ρ = 1.19 g/cm3. The molar mass can be taken from a periodic table or similar. For HCl we find Mg = 36.46 g/mol. Setup: because of the mass density one litre (1000 cm3) of the solution weighs 1190 g. 36 % of this mass are HCl, and this fraction, divided by the molar mass, is the number of mol of HCl in 1190 g, which also corresponds to a litre. We obtain the number of mol per litre this way, the molar concentration cn, and this is the desired answer. cn = ρ•1000 cm3 • cm 100 • Mg In order to determine the required weight of a solid to make up a certain molar concentration in solution, one proceeds as follows: the concentration and the necessary volume of the solution are set by the experimenter, since the number of mol is n = c • V, with c in mol/l und V in litre. The weight of n mol is m = n • Mg with n = c • V, summarised m = c • V • Mg Dilutions are calculated easily in this system. During dilution of a solution with concentration c1 and volume V1 by addition of solvent the number of mol does not change, only concentration and volume do. Therefore n = c1 • V1 = c2 • V2 with c2 and V2 representing concentration and volume after dilution. It follows c2 = c1 • V1 V2 It is recommended to practise this kind of calculations until they are carried out almost unconsciously, since they are indispensable in normal laboratory work. At the beginning of the course you will obtain some exercises referring to this. 9 Glass In this first section of the course the students are acquainted with properties of the most important basic material of the chemistry laboratory. Glass is different in many respects from stone, metals, wood and plastics, the other abundant basic materials. Despite its brittleness and its tendency to form dangerous splinters it has unsurpassed qualities for the handling of substances. It is hardly or not at all attacked by most chemicals, it supports strong heating and cooling, albeit not suddenly, and it is transparent such that events in a vessel can easily be observed. Further, we introduce a dosing device that has become popular in life sciences: the piston-driven air displacement pipette. Types of glass In the chemistry laboratory special glass types are in use. Since most of the glass has to be thermally and chemically resistant borosilicate varieties (Pyrex, Duran etc.) are preferred. In order to shape Pyrex or similar glass perfectly a natural gas/oxygen blowpipe is required for the more complex work. Some simple figurations can be done with a gas burner. Abbreviations for glassware used in this manual (German version) RG: test tube BG: beaker Properties of glassware Pressure resistance Evacuation should be applied only to suction flasks (thick-walled), desiccators, round flasks and suction tubes. All other vessels like conical flasks, beakers, bottles, flat-bottomed flasks and graduated flasks implode upon evacuation. It is even more dangerous to apply pressure to glass containers. While under vacuum the pressure difference across the wall of the vessel cannot be greater than one atmosphere, it can be almost unlimited on connection to sources of compressed gases. Furthermore, splinters will fly away outward, other than in case of implosion. 10 Heating/cooling resistance Glassware that can be heated: beakers, round flasks, conical flasks, suction tubes, porcelain dishes. Only thin-walled test tubes withstand sharp temperature shocks up to 250 °C. It is not recommended to heat thick-walled vessels like desiccators, suction flasks and mortars. Glass is a poor heat conductor; therefore a thick wall expands faster on the heated outer side than on the inside. The resulting tension breaks the glass. Quartz, despite its similar properties, resists sudden heating and cooling, because it does hardly expand or contract. However, it is difficult to process and correspondingly expensive. Precision of graduations on glassware Volume indications on beakers and conical flasks are only approximate values. The precision of graduated cylinders is sufficient for preparative work only. In quantitative analytical work volumes are measured with graduated flasks (calibrated on filling volume) and pipettes (calibrated on release volume). Cleaning of glassware Normally, a household detergent is sufficient for cleaning. Afterwards the glass is rinsed with tap water and finally with deionised water from a washing bottle. Never rinse directly under the deionised water tap! This is waste of an expensive resource! The inner surface of burettes and pipettes which are no more completely wetted are cleaned with ethanol or acetone. Rapid drying of moist glassware: consider first whether drying is needed at all! Normally this will be the case for graduated pipettes only. These are dried simply by attaching the rear end to a vacuum pump by means of tubing and the aspiration of a small piece of paper towel to the tip. This prevents pollution by laboratory air sucked in. After about 5 minutes the pipette is completely dried. 11 Glass figuration Every student of sciences should be familiar with the most simple glassblowing operations. Pyrex glass is simpler to figurate for the beginner than technical glass, even if a blowpipe is needed for more complex work. Glass cutting Attention: during the breaking of glass the hands should be wrapped in a towel or a part of the laboratory coat because of the danger of cuts by the broken edges! Glass has only moderate tensile strength and from a surface cut it breaks easily upon a pull. Glass rods and tubing (up to 20 mm diameter) are scratched with a glass cutter at the desired position (single scratch). The rod or tubing is held with both hands such that the thumbs point at the surface cut and is pulled apart under slight bending. Cut 4 pieces from glass rods with different diameters, length 15 to 25 cm, and two glass tubes of 25 cm and one of 15 cm. The pieces are kept for later use. Smoothing The broken ends are rather sharp-edged and must be smoothed. Rods and tubes are brought into the flame slowly and sideways, at about a right angle, under continuous rotation. Tube bending The 15 cm tube is heated on a long stretch at the centre in a large flame under rotation. Reduce the rotation to a slight back and forth motion and let the tube to bend in the flame by its own weight. Never force bending, instead increase heating. 12 Volumes of laboratory glassware It is useful to know the volumes of common pieces of laboratory glassware which are frequently needed. The measurement of these volumes helps to illustrate the precision of the indications imprinted by the manufacturer. The calibration of apparatus for volumetric analysis should be checked from time to time anyway. Volume determination of test tubes and graduated cylinders The tare (weight of the empty piece) of two test tubes of different size is determined with a preparative balance by weighing them in a 250 ml beaker. The tubes are then filled to the brim with deionised water and weighed again. The volumes are noted in the laboratory journal for later use. Exercise: calculate the fill height for 5 ml of liquid in the tubes. Model: test tube = half sphere (bottom part) + cylinder (body). The diameter is determined with a ruler. d = 2r h r r Temperature ° C Density of water (g/ml) 10 0.999700 15 0.999099 20 0.998203 25 0.997044 30 0.995646 13 The tare values of the graduated cylinders in the inventory are determined. Then, they are filled with water to the lowest numerical mark and weighed again. They are filled further to the highest mark and weighed again. Determine the volumes with the density of water and compare with the indications. Exact volume of the 100 ml graduated flask The tare of a dry 100 ml graduated flask is measured, and then it is filled with deionised water to the only mark and weighed. The contents are poured into a beaker, letting the flask after-drip for a couple of seconds. The flask is weighed again. Determine the temperature of the water in the beaker. Calculate the filled in and the drained volume with a precision of 0.01 ml. The procedure is repeated again, 8 times. The mean and the median of the 9 measurements of the filled-in volume are determined. The median is the middle value if you list all of them ordered by magnitude. In our case this is position 5. We test now whether the mean (average) lies in the 75% confidence interval around the predicted value (100 ml). This is done by the single sample bilateral t-test. We must calculate the according tvalue for our 9 measurements (this is the single sample) und compare to tabulated values of the tfunction. The t-value is determined as follows: t n V V0 , where n=9 represents the sample size, s V the mean, V0 the expected value and s the standard deviation. s is defined as s n i 1 (Vi V )2 n 1 and available on pocket calculators. The t-value is compared to the tabulated number of the 75% confidence interval of the t-distribution.For 8 degrees of freedom (9-1, because the first measurement does not allow for comparison) this is under bilateral condition (mean can be larger or smaller than the expected value) t0.75=1.240. If |t| > t0.75, the flask is calibrated incorrectly, given 25% probability of error. Exact volume of the 10 ml pipette The tare of a small dry powder bottle with a cap is determined with the analytical balance. 10 ml deionised water of known temperature are transferred into the bottle by means of the pipette. 14 Determine the total weight of the bottle and calculate the drained volume. Take 9 measurements in total and analyse as you did with the graduated flask. Is volume a conserved quantity (do volumes add up)? The tare of a graduated flask is determined, together with its stopper. It is opened and 50 ml of deionised water and 50 ml ethanol (96%) are filled in with the 25 ml pipette. The stopper is plugged in again, held with a thumb, and the flask is tilted upside down and back about ten times to ensure thorough mixing. The flask is set upright on the bench and the filling level is observed. Are 50 ml + 50 ml = 100 ml? Weigh the full flask and calculate the mass of the filling with the tare. Determine the density of the mixture by taking a sample with the 25 ml pipette and draining it into a beaker with known tare. Weigh and calculate the true volume of the mixture (density = mass per volume). The tare of a 100 ml graduated flask with its stopper is determined and then it is filled to mark with water. 2 g sodium chloride (NaCl) are weighed into a small dry beaker. The salt is dumped into the flask through a funnel which should not touch the water level. The flask is stoppered and the NaCl is dissolved by repeated tilting of the flask. When the NaCl has dissolved completely the filling level is measured. Determine the total mass and the density of the solution like before and calculate the true volume. NaCl has a density of 2.165 g/cm3. Compare the theoretical volume /water + NaCl) with the determined one. The volume deviation can be measured by taking the diameter of the neck of the flask and the distance of the liquid level from the mark with a ruler Vcylinder = π r2 h). How is a solution of exactly 100 ml volume prepared correctly from a weighed amount of substance? Why do volumes not always add up? Piston pipettes Piston-driven air displacement pipettes are not glassware, but they replaced some in biology and biochemistry laboratories. Their advantage is the rapid dosage of small volumes, even with different amounts and solutions. This is achieved by interchangeable pipette tips made from plastic. In a normal chemistry laboratory, the usage is limited because piston pipettes are sensitive against 15 corrosive chemicals, and not precise with volatile solvents. Operation is simple: the pipette body contains a hollow cylinder with a piston that travels an exactly known distance, when it is moved by the built-in mechanics. The cylinder is coupled to the pipette tip by an air duct. The tip is just plugged onto the outlet of the duct. The mechanics has three notches: a stop, where the mechanism is in resting position, a threshold resistance at the dosage volume, and another stop at complete expulsion. The piston is held by an expanded spring in the resting position. Usage is easy, but has to be exercised for reliable work. Since many course participants will be working in biologically oriented laboratories in the future, we teach the handling already here. We use a mid-size version that can dose 0.1 – 1 ml. The entire volume range covered by piston pipettes is 0.001 – 10 ml. Operation: - Set volume, if the pipette is the variable variant. Here the greatest differences are found among the various brands. - Hold the pipette in your preferred hand. Mount a pipette tip, air-tight but not too tough. - Put thumb on the plunger button and push down to the volume threshold. - Sink pipette tip into the solution and let the plunger come back slowly to the resting position under control of the thumb. Liquid is aspired into the tip. - Never let the plunger shoot up! This would draw some solution into the interior cylinder! - Withdraw pipette from solution, direct tip into target and, optionally, attach to container wall. - Push plunger button forcefully to the total expulsion stop, beyond the volume threshold. - Return plunger to resting position. If the same solution is dosed repeatedly, the tip can be retained; the volume can be varied, of course. For dosage of a different solution the tip is removed by means of the built-in mechanics, and a new one is mounted. Used tips are combustible waste. Exercises with a piston pipette of 0.1 - 1.0 ml A simple way to test your own skills with a piston pipette is to weigh doses of a liquid with known density. It is required that your weighing skills are developed. You need: Piston pipette and suitable tips Balance with at least 3-digit display Two beakers of 50 ml 16 Water and density table thereof You can find a density table above, under “Volume determination of test tubes and graduated cylinders”. One beaker is half filled with water and serves as reservoir. In contrast to normal glass pipettes, the extraction of liquid from narrow-necked containers is often difficult with piston pipettes. The other beaker is placed on the balance, which is set then to zero. A selected volume is dosed from the reservoir into the beaker on the balance. The weight is read quickly before evaporation causes losses. The balance is set to zero again, and the procedure is repeated. We do this exercise 9 time with 1 ml and 9 times with 0.1 ml. Both series are analysed by the same statistical method as before. What follows from the result? Fractioning Methods I Precipitates, crystallisation, filtration, decantation, centrifugation, drying Fractioning methods serve for the separation and purification of substances. The methods discussed here are all related to solid-liquid separation: substances are precipitated, a compound is crystallised, the liquid phase over a solid is decanted, a solid is centrifuged from a liquid are operations which have to be carried out differently depending on the properties and the amount of solid. Drying is another type of separation, the solvent as the liquid phase is evaporated. Precipitation of a coagulate: Fe(OH)3 Filtration with filter paper Folded filters serve for the quick filtration of small amounts of precipitates or impurities like lint etc. from large volumes of liquid. Precipitate and filter are discarded. 17 Coagulates are non-crystalline precipitates and often only approximately stoichiometric. They may contain variable amounts of solvent which makes them jelly-like. They can be by-products of desired reactions and are filtered with a normal filter paper in a funnel, under gravity. The pore diameter of a filter paper is 10-2 to 10-3 mm. For analytical purposes there exist special "ash free" filter papers. 150 ml tap water are filled into a wide neck conical flask and 0.05 g iron(III) chloride are dissolved. The iron is precipitated as its hydroxide by addition of a few millilitres of 2 M sodium hydroxide. A round filter of 10 cm diameter is folded twice, fitted into a 6 cm glass funnel and moistened with a few drops of deionised water such that it sticks to the glass. Reaction: dissolved Fe3 3OH Fe(OH )3 coagulated The iron hydroxide is filtered passing the mixture along a glass rod such that the liquid level remains at least 5 mm below the edge of the paper. When the flask is emptied, its interior is rinsed from top to the bottom. The collected solution added in the funnel to the previously collected material. For the most accurate analytical work this is repeated two times more. Finally, the collected precipitate is washed cautiously with some deionised water by rinsing it downward, from the upper lip of the funnel. This kind of flushing is necessary for exact and quantitative work. Precipitation of calcium carbonate CaCO3, filtration with a porcelain Buchner funnel Calcium forms, together with CO2, a sparingly soluble ionic compound under neutral to alkaline conditions: CaCO3, calcium carbonate, also called limestone. It is remarkable that most the calcium carbonate on Earth is a product of life! Exoskeletons of molluscs, corals and crustaceans contain biogenic calcium carbonate. Fossil organisms formed most of the limestone found today. We prepare calcium carbonate in the laboratory as follows: Reaction: dissolved Ca 2 CO32 CaCO3 crystalline 18 Preparation: - In a 100 ml beaker 2 g of calcium chloride CaCl22H2O are dissolved in 20 ml deionised water. - In a 50 ml beaker 1.45 g sodium carbonate Na2CO310 H2O or 0.54 g water-free Na2CO3 are dissolved in 20 ml deionised water. - The rubber seal is placed into the neck of a suitable suction bottle (Buchner flask, thickwalled!) and the vacuum line is attached with thick-walled rubber tubing to the connecting piece of the bottle. If the solution to be filtered contains corrosive or strongly poisonous agents a second empty suction bottle or a gas washing bottle (scrubber) must be inserted between suction bottle and vacuum line with a second piece of tubing. Foaming solutions must not be allowed to enter the vacuum line because may inflict damage and substantial repair cost. The contents of the 50 ml beaker are poured slowly under stirring into the calcium chloride solution. A Buchner funnel is inserted into the rubber seal and a fitting piece of filter paper is placed on the sieve. The vacuum tap is opened, causing the paper to be attached to the sieve. The contact is further improved by splashing some water onto the filter which tightens the contact to the sieve. The slurry of calcium carbonate CaCO3 is passed along a glass rod to the centre of the filter paper. The remaining calcium carbonate in the beaker is shaken with some added water and also transferred to the filter. This washing is repeated until almost no CaCO3 is left in the beaker. The filter cake on the funnel is washed further by pouring 20-30 ml water over it. The vacuum is sustained for 5-10 min. more because it helps to dry the CaCO3. Finally, the vacuum tap is closed and the tubing is pulled off the connecting piece while holding the Buchner funnel tightly because it is released suddenly from the rubber seal upon vacuum breakdown! The filter paper with the cake can be separated from the Buchner funnel by means of a spatula. Synthesis of hydroxyapatite; filtration with glass frit crucible, pore size 4 Introduction: Hydroxyapatite is the mineral on which bones and teeth are based on. It consists of calcium ions, phosphate ions and hydroxide ions: Ca5(PO4)3(OH). The hydroxide ions can be partially substituted by fluoride ions (tooth enamel; see also experiments with mixed ions in the following chapter). In the biological environment crystals of the material are grown by specialized cells. Their control of 19 concentrations produces well-defined shapes and sizes even at ambient temperature. In the synthesis under laboratory conditions, the crystallization is too rapid at room temperature, the starting material is consumed in short time and the crystals remain small, which makes filtration almost impossible. At elevated temperature, crystallization becomes slower with increasing solubility. Crystallization from hot solutions followed by slow cooling usually leads too reasonable products. Since, depending on the composition of the staring solution, calcium phosphates of different stoichiometry (Ca3(PO4)2, CaHPO4) can be formed, it is indispensable to dose the reagents precisely. Reagents: 0.370 g Ca(OH)2, weigh as accurately as possible 6 ml 0.50 M H3PO4 Ethanol and acetone Procedure: 0.37 g Ca(OH)2 are weighed directly and as precisely as possible into a 100 ml beaker. Add 50 ml of deionized water and a magnetic stirrer bar, and heat to boiling under slow stirring on the electric heater/stirrer. Under continued boiling and stirring, add 6 ml 0.50 M H3PO4 in increments of 1 ml every minute. Test the pH with universal indicator paper; it should lie between 6 and 7. If the paper turns deep green to blue, add H3PO4 drop wise until the solution appears neutral. The solution is kept boiling for another 30 minutes and then allowed too cool to room temperature. Set up the vacuum filtration apparatus as depicted below on the right, with the filtration crucible type G4. The filtration is carried out as before with the Buchner funnel, the precipitate is stirred up and passed along a glass rod into the crucible. When all material has collected in the crucible, 200 ml of deionized water are passed through. The crucible is separated from the suction flask and the solution is discarded. The crucible is placed again on the flask, and we pass 50 ml ethanol through the precipitate, followed by 50 ml acetone. The crucible is transferred into a desiccator and vacuum is applied for 1 hour. During the boiling and the drying, another experiment should be started in parallel. After the vacuum drying, the white powder is transferred into a pill tube by means of a spatula. The pill tube is labeled and the hydroxyapatite is kept for an experiment in the following chapter. 20 After filtration, some material always remains stuck in the crucible. Hydroxyapatite is easily removed. We mount the crucible in inverted position on the suction flask (depicted on the left side), apply vacuum and pass through a few ml of 1 M HCl. This dissolves the hydroxyapatite, and after flushing with deionized water the crucible should be clean. There are precipitates much more resistant than our example; however, the operative principle remains the same: passing solvent in reverse direction dissolves best materials that have become stuck. Glass filter frit Rubber seal Vacuum Vacuum Suction flask Cleaning Filtration For small amounts of coagulates or crystal the almost lossless centrifugation is more suitable than filtration. The laboratory centrifuges can take up to 6 centrifugation tubes made of polymer (safe against breaking, with screw cap). Centrifuges must be handled carefully. They have to be installed upright on solid ground. Rotating centrifuge parts store a lot of mechanical energy. Parts and splinters flying off a rotating centrifuge have high velocities together with the corresponding kinetic energies. Therefore, centrifuge loads must be balanced before they are spun. Always insert two tubes with the same filling level into opposite holders. Centrifuges must be retarded by hand only very gently; otherwise the Coriolis forces will transfer rotational energy to the liquid and cause the precipitates to whirl up again. 21 Precipitation of AgCl and Ag2CrO4 Decantation, centrifugation In analytical chemistry, the precipitates formed in the following experiment serve also for the qualitative identification of the ions involved since the reactions are characteristic. Furthermore, they can be used for quantitative determinations because of the extremely low solubility of the compounds. Silver are toxic to microbes, therefore, soluble silver compounds, especially the nitrate, were used for disinfection purpose. Today they are used not so frequently, mainly because of aesthetic reasons: since Ag+ is easily reduced to elemental Ag0, the disinfected zone on the skin acquires a dark hue. It takes weeks until the harmless colouration disappears. Because of this effect, silver nitrate was also called “lunar caustic” in the past. Selective precipitation and centrifugation of Cl- and CrO42- as silver salts About 2 ml of the supplied solution mixture of 0.1 M sodium chloride NaCl and 0.1 M potassium chromate K2CrO4 are transferred into a small test tube and 0.2 M silver nitrate solution (AgNO3) is added drop wise, with shaking after the addition of each drop. White silver chloride AgCl is formed initially. As soon as brown hue appears, the addition is stopped and the precipitate is centrifuged. Without stirring up the AgCl, another millilitre of AgNO3 solution is added, which precipitates now the chromate present as red silver chromate Ag2CrO4. The tube is centrifuged again such that the chromate settles on top of the chloride. Solubility products of AgCl and Ag2CrO4 are 10-10 M2 and 10-12 M3 respectively. Why is the numerical value for Ag2CrO4 smaller, despite it is obviously more soluble than AgCl.? Precipitation of colloidal (nanoparticulate) Prussian Blue Preparation: 0.4 g potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) K4[Fe(CN)6] are dissolved in 100 ml water 0.3 g iron(III) chloride FeCl3 6H2O in 50 ml water 22 The FeCl3 solution is added to the K4[Fe(CN)6] solution under stirring. The deep blue material formed (a kind of ink) is so finely dispersed and not uniformly crystalline such that it does not sediment and can hardly be centrifuged (try!). Suspensions of colloids with diameters < 10-3 mm are called sols. They are not solutions. The presence of particles can be recognised as follows: about 0.5 ml of the ink are transferred into a large test tube and diluted with enough water such that the light of a microscope lamp or a white LED portable lamp can penetrate the solution. When the lamp is pointed from the side at the tube in a dark environment (e.g. in a ventilated hood) diffuse light can be seen shining out of the tube in the direction of the experimenter. This is caused by the scattering of light at small particles (Tyndall effect). A dark blue solution which is prepared from CuSO45H2O, water and NH3 solution does not show the phenomenon. Large bright single reflections are caused by lint and dust particles. Colloidal suspensions have much in common with suspensions of single-cell organisms, even with “solutions” of proteins and other macromolecules. Liquid nanoparticles suspension is a “modern” expression for colloid. However, nanoparticles can also be suspended in gases or be adsorbed on surfaces. Re-crystallisation of a mixture of KNO3 with Cu(NO3)2: a purification method Re-crystallisation is one of the most important purification techniques in chemistry, probably the most important in organic chemistry. It is founded on the concepts that the solubility of different solids does hardly change to the same extent with temperature, and that growing crystals tend to incorporate preferably molecules or ions they already consist of. In general, the method is carried out as follows: a saturated solution is made up at elevated temperature, usually at boiling point of the solvent. This is achieved by adding a small amount of solvent to the solid, followed by warming and slow further addition of solvent under continued warming, until all solid is just dissolved. Then, the solution is allowed to cool slowly, and the least soluble component will separate as rather pure crystals. Depending on the special problem the solution can be cooled further, close to the melting point of the solvent, in order to improve the yield. This approach can be counterproductive because impurities could start to co-crystallize. However, minority components tend to remain in solution because of their low concentrations. The crystals are collected by one of the filtration techniques mentioned before, and they are rinsed with pre-cooled pure solvent in order to remove the adherent stock solution. This step always causes some loss. The whole procedure can be repeated with the purified crystals over and over to obtain a cleaner product every time, though the losses limit the method. 23 Copper nitrate has a solubility of 244 g in 100 g H2O at 0 °C, potassium nitrate only 13.3 g in 100 g H2O. The prepared mixture of KNO3 and Cu(NO3)2 3H2O contains considerably more KNO3 than Cu(NO3)2 6H2O, the latter serves to simulate an impurity. Under appropriate conditions it is possible to recover pure KNO3 by re-crystallisation, albeit with some loss. To 10 g of the prepared copper nitrate/potassium nitrate mixture a few millilitres of water are added in a large test tube. The mixture is heated gently and more water is added dropwise, until all salt has dissolved. Now the solution is allowed to cool slowly, and colourless KNO3 crystallises. Finally it is immersed into an ice/water bath to obtain as much KNO3 as possible. Consider how the crystal are filtered best. Eventually, the whole operation has to be repeated. A simple measure for the quality of the product is the qualitative detection of copper with ammonia (NH3). 1 g of the re-crystallised KNO3 is dissolved in water and some drops of concentrated ammonia solution are added. The stronger the blue colour, the more impure is the product. Dry the moist KNO3 on a filter paper in air. Compare this process with the one in the following experiment. Crystal water cannot be extracted from all substances containing this. If the oxygen atom in the water is bound too strongly to a metal ion of high charge the water is decomposed hydrolytically upon heating. An example is the reaction AlCl36H2O Al(OH)3 + 3H2O + 3HCl Here the crystal water must be chemically decomposed, e.g. with thionyl chloride H2O + SOCl2 2HCl + SO2 or the substance must be synthesised water-free with appropriate methods. 24 Crystalline solids Appearance, mixed crystals, solubility, solubility product, enthalpy of dissolution Crystalline solids are characterised by their regular structure. Such regular solids are known among the metals, diamond-like materials (C, SiO2), the salts consisting of ions (NaCl, CuSO45H2O), the refractory materials (CrCl3, CdI2) and also some molecular materials (I2, sugars). The regular frame, the exactly repeating relative positions of the atoms, the so-called structure, can be determined by Xray diffraction analysis. This method yields size and form as well as the geometric position of the atoms in the unit cell from which the whole crystal can be reconstructed. From the superficial appearance of the crystal, the so-called habitus, only little information can be deduced about the internal structure. Solubility: a key problem in biology Many nutrients are abundant in nature, but often not easily available to organisms. This is frequently caused by the poor solubility of the compounds, salts or complexes that contain the material. An example is iron, an important nutrient for all kinds of life (active sites in enzymes, haemoglobin ...). Because of atmospheric oxygen iron in contact with air exists predominantly as Fe3+. This ion forms almost insoluble Fe(O)OH (approximate composition) at pH 7 in water. According to calculations, about 109 Fe3+ ions per litre remain in solution. This is next to nothing compared to typical concentrations of functional small molecules in organisms, which are 1015 to 1022 ions per litre. Life has developed numerous strategies to safeguard iron supply. Another example is the solubility of Ca2+, also important for all organisms. Some Ca2+ salts are rather soluble, while others are dissolved only to a limited extent. In order to build up bone or dental enamel, Ca2+ is absorbed in soluble form, and can be found in extracellular fluid in concentrations of 1-2 mM. Calcium in blood consists of 50% hydrated ions, 35% are protein bound (albumin and globulines), and 15% are bound by ligands (bicarbonate, lactate, citrate, phosphate). In situ it is converted to sparingly soluble compounds under strict control. 99% of the calcium in a mammal body are located in bones and teeth – the calcium-rich compounds hydroxyl apatite (Ca5(PO4)3(OH)) makes them stable and firm. Simultaneously, bones serve as a reservoir for calcium. 25 Solid mixtures – mixed crystals Structurally equal particles of similar size often can substitute each other in crystal lattices. The miscibility can be without limits. Examples are the systems potassium perchlorate – potassium permanganate KClO4 – KMnO4 and potassium sulphate- potassium chromate K2SO4 – K2CrO4. A biological example is the above mentioned hydroxyl apatite Ca5(PO4)3(OH). The hydroxide ion of this solid is partially substituted in dental enamel by the fluoride ion, which enhances firmness further. Even the charge of the substitute particle can be different as long as suitable compensating charges are present. Miscibility is restricted here, however. An example is the substitution of Ba2+ by K+ in BaSO4 under simultaneous substitution of SO42- by MnO4-. In contrast to this ordinary mixtures of solids are separable, as shown in the previous chapter in the case of re-crystallisation. A distinct limit of miscibility is found in the system (CuxZn(1-x))[Hg(SCN)4], with 0 < x < 1. Up to the limit of x = 0.4 Cu2+ is incorporated instead of Zn2+ into the structure of the Zn[Hg(SCN)4]. There, the Cu2+ is in a tetraedric environment of four N atoms and has a deep purple colour. If enough Cu2+ is added such that x > 0.4 the grass-green Cu[Hg(SCN)4], which has a totally different geometry, is formed. Here the Cu2+ is in a square planar environment of four nitrogen atoms and additionally bound to two sulphur atoms above and below of the CuN4 plane. Mixed crystals Mixed crystals of BaSO4 - KMnO4 Preparation: - In a large test tube a solution of 0.1 g K2SO4 together with little (max. 10 mg) KMnO4 is prepared in 10 ml water. - In another large test tube a solution of about 50 mg BaCl22H2O in 10 ml water is prepared. Both solutions are heated almost to boiling and the BaCl2 solution is added slowly to the mixed solution. The precipitate is centrifuged in a centrifuge tube made from plastic. Try to wash the colour out of the pink precipitate by rinsing with water! This does not work here since, in contrast to the previous recrystallisation of a KNO3/Cu(NO3)2 mixture, we have a true compound. Let the crystals dry in air on a filter paper. 26 Preparation of mixed crystals of CuxZn(1-x) [Hg(SCN)4] Prepare the following solutions in five test tubes: 1: 2.5 ml 0.1 M ZnSO4 2: 2.5 ml 0.1 M ZnSO4 + 1 drop of 0.1 M CuSO4 3: 2.0 ml 0.1 M ZnSO4 + 0.5 ml 0.1 M CuSO4 4: 0.5 ml 0.1 M ZnSO4 + 2.0 ml 0.1 M CuSO4 5: 2.5 ml 0.1 M CuSO4 To each of these test tubes 2.5 ml of 0.02M K2Hg(SCN)4 solution are added and the colours of the precipitates formed are observed. The intensity of the purple colour caused by the direct substitution of zinc by copper (x < 0.4) is remarkable. Solubility of NH4Cl, KNO3, solubility product of KClO4 The solubility of a substance in a solvent can be expressed in different ways. The "Handbook of Chemistry and Physics" tabulates the solubility as "grams per 100 g of solvent" for a given temperature, since solubility depends strongly on temperature. About 4 g NH4Cl are weighed into a large test tube and 10 ml water are added with a pipette. The solid is dissolved by gentle heating and a thermometer is introduced. The solution is allowed to cool now, and temperature is noted when the first crystals appear. Add two times1 g of NH4Cl, repeat the dissolution and crystallisation after each addition, and note the crystallisation temperatures for the different concentrations. In the case of KNO3 start with 4 g and add two times 3 g. Plot the solubility functions on finely graduated paper (mm grid). Related with solubility is the enthalpy of dissolution, the solubility itself depends on the Gibbs energy of the dissolution process. 27 For ionic solids with small to very small solubility the dissolution equilibrium constant is often given instead of the solubility. The constant is called "solubility product", Kso. aM b bX a M a X b (s) so: Solubility (s): solid K so [M b ]a [ X a ]b [ ]: concentration in Mol/l (M) This solubility measure is not only valid for the composition of the solution that results upon dissolution of the salt but also for solutions with concentration ratios which differ from the quotient of the stoichiometric factors a/b. Kso is only active when the precipitate MaXb coexists with the solution: if one concentration, e.g. [Mb+] is fixed, the constant also fixes [Xa-] by precipitation or dissolution of MaXb. When saturation is reached upon dissolution or solvent evaporation, solid exists in contact with dissolved: Solid and solution are in equilibrium, and the position of this equilibrium is determined by Kso for a given temperature. In analogy other chemical reactions like those of acids and bases, complex formations or redox processes always head into equilibria, which are characterised by the corresponding laws of mass action with their constants (compare with basic chemistry lecture). If the settling of the equilibrium is inhibited and lasts very long, the reaction is said to be kinetically controlled. 0.48 to 0.52 g pulverised KClO4 are weighed exactly into a large test tube and dissolved completely, beginning with 15 ml water, under heating. Cool to 25 °C. If KClO4 crystallises 0.5 to 1.0 ml water are added and the solid is dissolved again by heating. Repeat this procedure until a saturated solution at 25 °C is obtained. The total weight of the water added is determined and the solubility product of KClO4 is calculated. K so [ K ][ClO4 ] for 25 ° C (density of the saturated solution d25 = 1.015 g/ml). 28 Solubility of hydroxyapatite Introduction The solubility of the bone mineral hydroxyapatite Ca5(PO4)3(OH), synthesized in the preceding chapter, is even lower than that of KClO4. Parts of a skeleton should not be too soluble. In order to detect one of the ion types in solution we need to apply a method that can measure concentrations lower than 10–3 M. Ca2+ can be determined with high sensitivity and precision by its light emission, when it is introduced into a hot flame. Unfortunately, the required equipment is fairly expensive and not suitable for beginners. The hydroxide ion is a component of water, and its origin in water as a solvent cannot be assigned. Therefore, we focus on phosphate, which can be measured by optical detection in solution, with considerable sensitivity. For this purpose, the phosphate is converted into a compound with molybdate: [(MoO3 )12 ( PO4 )]3 12H 2O 12MoO42 H3 PO4 21H Phosphomolybdate is intensively yellow colored. The reaction equation tells us that the compound will form only under acidic conditions. However, we have to be aware that the yellow color may be quenched by too much acid: yellow H3[( MoO3 )12 ( PO4 )] [(MoO3 )12 ( PO4 )]3 3H colorless Therefore, the addition of acid must be sufficient, but not excessive. Reagents: 1 g (NH4)6Mo7O24 · 4 H2O dissolved in 20 ml H2O Phosphate standard solution (50 mg l–1 phophorus) obtained from the teaching assistant Strip the rubber band over the glass filter crucible type G4 and insert the crucible into the filtering receptacle Cuvettes Spectrophotometer 29 Procedure: About 0.2 g of the hydroxyapatite previously synthesized are covered by 20 ml of water in a 50 ml beaker. A magnetic stirrer bar is added, and the beaker is covered with a watch glass. The mixture is stirred slowly at room temperature for 1 hour. During the equilibration, you should carry out another experiment. When the equilibration period is over, the crucible in the receptacle is placed on a small conical flask, without rubber seal and without vacuum application. Be patient, the following procedure lasts 30-60 minutes. The slurry in the beaker is poured into the crucible and the solution is allowed to pass slowly through the frit, driven by gravity only. The liquid filtered should be clear, not turbid. Again, use the time to proceed with other experiments. When about 2/3 of the liquid have passed the filter, take a 5 ml sample of the clear solution with the calibrated pipette and transfer into a 50 ml graduated flask. 5 ml of the phosphate standard are transferred into another 50 ml graduated flask. Add 5 ml of the molybdate solution to each of the flasks and fill both of them with deionized water, to just below the neck. Add 0.27 ml of conc. H2SO4 to each flask, by means of a piston pipette, and shake. Fill both flask with deionized water to the graduation mark, and homogenize both solutions. A 1 cm cuvette made from polystyrene (clear plastic) is filled with water and used to determine the reference signal between 350 and 500 nm. After that, we fill the cuvette with the mixture from phosphate standard and molybdate, and the spectrum is recorded between 350 and 500 nm. This is repeated with the hydroxyapatite solution treated with molybdate. Light attenuation by colored material (dyes) for a certain color (wavelength λ) is described by the law of Lambert and Beer: A c d A: Attenuation (called absorbance or extinction) ελ: material dependent constant c: concentration of dye d: thickness of the colored medium The absorbing layer thickness in our experiments is always d = 1 cm, given by the size of the cuvette. Also, ελ is identical at each wavelength λ, because we measure the same compound. Ergo Astandard Asample cstandard csample and therefore csample Asample Astandard cstandard 30 Because we dilute the phosphorus standard by a factor of 10 in the color preparation, c1 = 5 mg l–1 of phosphorus, corresponding to 1.6∙10–4 M phosphate. In order to obtain the solubility of Ca5(PO4)3(OH), csample has to be multiplied by a factor of 10 because of the dilution in the color preparation, and it has to be divided by 3, because hydroxyapatite releases 3 phosphate ions upon dissolution. Therefore [Ca5 PO4 3 OH] 10 csample 3 This value should be 0.5 – 2 ∙10–3 M according to scientific reports. Argentometric titration Introduction Silver ions (also Hg22+ and Tl+) instantly form stoichiometric crystalline and sparingly soluble precipitates with many anions, e.g. Cl-, Br-, I-. These properties are explored for quantitative analysis. Such sparingly soluble precipitates are easily filtered, dried and weighed (gravimetry) or sample such as a halide can be titrated with silver nitrate solution of known concentration with a burette (precipitation titration). This titration method is still the most common technique for determination of halides and is repeated in the course “Pharmazeutische Analytik” in the 5th semester. Titration terms: - Titration: step wise execution of a reaction, until a product with stoichiometric composition is formed. - The equivalence or end point of a titration is reached, when the stoichiometric product is precisely formed. Various Methods and effects are used to determine this state. - Receptacle: the container which normally holds the sample and where the reaction takes place. - Burette: graduated tube with a stop-cock at the outlet. It is used to dose the reagent. - Indicator: accessory reagent for the determination of the equivalence point. 31 The following methods are non-instrumental: For the determination of Ag+ by titration with a calibrated solution of KSCN (potassium thiocyanate) some Fe3+ is added to the Ag+ sample solution. Towards the end of the AgSCN precipitation the red iron(III) thiocyanato complex is formed (method of Volhard). For the titration of Cl- and Br- with Ag+ a small amount of chromate is added as indicator. When the end point is reached a red precipitate of Ag2CrO4 is formed (method of Mohr). The two dyes fluorescein and eosin (both anionic) are also applied as end point indicators. At the passage of the end point the surface of the silver halide crystals become charged positively by adsorption of excess Ag+ ions. In turn the anionic fluorescein is adsorbed to the crystal surface and changes its colour due to this phase transition (method of Fajans). A further method of end point detection is the so-called clearing point. The AgX crystals formed initially in the titration are charged negatively because of adsorption of excess X-. They repel each other and cannot coagulate (colloid). At the end point the charge is neutralised and aggregates which sink rapidly can form. The fine colloidal turbidity caused by the micro crystals vanishes. Reagent addition has to be carried out carefully and slowly close to the end point, since a rapid overshoot only reverts the surface charge polarity and causes no clearing (method of Liebig). The solubility product of AgCl is 10-10 M2, the one of Ag2CrO4 10-12 M3. Why is the numerical value smaller for Ag2CrO4 though it is obviously more soluble than AgCl? Otherwise, chromate would not be a suitable indicator. The general reaction equation is simple: AgX ( s ) X Ag In the titration of cyanide the process is more complex. CN- in excess over Ag+ initially forms the colourless and soluble complex Ag(CN)2-. [ Ag (CN )2 ] 2CN Ag Upon further Ag+ addition, after half of an equivalent Ag+ per equivalent CN-, the precipitation of AgCN(s) occurs. 2 AgCN( s ) [ Ag (CN )2 ] Ag Another detection method is based on the concentration dependent electric potential caused by a silver electrode immersed in a solution of silver ions. This relation is expressed in the Peters equation (logarithmic form of the famous Nernst equation): 32 0 E EAg / Ag RT ln[ Ag ] nF At the end point of an argentometric titration the free [Ag+] rises rapidly and causes a proportional rise in electrode potential which can be used to indicate the end point. Potentiometric titrations do not only allow for equivalence point determination but for the determination of solubility products and complex formation constants, by evaluation of the complete titration function. This is based on the relation between equilibrium constant and electrode potential: nEF RT ln K Preparation: 0.2 M AgNO3solution 1 M K2CrO4 KSCN Fe(NO3)3 9H2O KCl KBr HNO3 conc. 0.1 % Eosin solution Burette 50 ml Magnetic stirrer and stirring rod Wide-necked conical flask Procedure: End point indication of some argentometric titrations These indication reactions are also in use for the qualitative detection of the ions involved. Volhard method Some drops of 0.2 M silver nitrate and a crystal of iron(III) nitrate, Fe(NO3)3 9H2O, are transferred into a large test tube and diluted with a few ml of water. Some crystals of ammonium thiocyanate 33 NH4SCN are dissolved in a medium test tube in a few ml of water. This solution is added drop wise to the solution in the large test tube (shake after each addition) and formation of the white precipitate of AgSCN is observed, together with the colour change at the end point. Method of Mohr Here the "titration" is carried out the other way round: a solution of some crystals of KBr in some ml of water is prepared in a large test tube, and 0.2 M AgNO3 is added drop wise. The indicator is a 1 M K2CrO4. What causes the brownish colour? Why is this compound formed only when all Br- has been precipitated? Method of Fajans Try the end point indication according to Fajans with KI. The experiment is set up like the method of Mohr, except that 3 drops of eosin solution are added to the halide instead of K2CrO4 as an indicator. Describe your visual impressions at the end point as precisely as possible in your laboratory journal. Preparation of 0.05 M AgNO3 solution and its calibration The amount of solution made according to description here is sufficient for 3-4 students. Weigh about 4.4 g of AgNO3 into a large test tube, dissolve with some water and pour the solution into a 500 ml graduated flask. Flush the test tube into the flask with some water. Fill the flask to the mark, shake thoroughly and fill the 50 ml burette with the solution. For the calibration about 300 mg KCl are weighed exactly (analytical balance) into a 100 ml graduated flask, dissolved in water and filled to the mark. An aliquot of 25 ml of this solution is transferred into a 200 ml conical flask with a pipette, diluted to about 150 ml with water and 1 M K2CrO4 is added until the solution appears distinctly yellow. 34 A magnetic stirrer bar is placed into the conical flask which is set atop of a stirrer. About 15 ml of the silver solution is added rather quickly under continuous stirring. Continue at a lower rate and detect the end point according to the method of Mohr. Calculate the molarity of the silver solution and compare with the concentration derived from originally weighed quantity and the flask volume. Carry out two determinations. Argentometric titration of Br-, I-, SCN- Carry out an argentometric titration with the freshly calibrated silver solution. Samples are handed out by the teaching assistant. Repeat until two results at least are in agreement. Method, calculations and results are to be described in a short report. 0 10 20 30 40 50 5 4 6 2 1 5 7 3 11 4 8 3 9 2 6 7 8 9 1 10 Titration setup 35 Fractioning 2 Condensation, distillation, sublimation The fractioning methods discussed in this chapter are based on the different volatilities of the substances to be separated. Volatility is determined by the dependence of vapour pressure as a function of temperature, which also defines the boiling point. Such processes are important in nature, especially concerning the “elixir of life”, namely water. Realms of different physical states of the same compound being in contact are called “phases” by scientists. On Earth’s surface we are always within the phases of liquid and gaseous water. We contain liquid water ourselves; the air around us contains water vapour, and in the lung we have water vapour at body temperature. If the air outside is considerably colder than the body, condensation sets in upon exhalation, and we can see a kind of fog, an aerosol. If the air is warm and also saturated with water vapour, water released by our skin cannot evaporate: we sweat. If the air becomes drier, the water will evaporate, and the skin is cooled by this. Therefore, we feel more comfortable at 40°C in the desert than at 30°C on a damp day at or latitude, where there is more water in the environment. In presence of the solid phase, ice, the vapour pressure of water is very low. Air in contact with ice and snow is as dry as in a desert. In regions extremely deficient in water, where no rain may fall for years (North Chile, Namibia) condensation processes (fog and dew) allow the existence of frugal plants and animals. Rain and snow are both caused by condensation of water vapour by cooling in the atmosphere. Condensation Each one of the fractioning methods is used for different purposes. The condensation of a component from a gaseous mixture at room temperature to the liquid state enables the use of this liquid phase as a solvent. Further, water vapour can be condensed from gases by cooling, e.g. with solid carbon dioxide/acetone, to almost complete removal. This principle is also called the “cold trap”. In a distillation the evaporated substances must be re-condensed to liquid, which is rather difficult on the laboratory scale with very volatile materials. 36 Sublimation During sublimation a solid undergoes the transition into the gas phase directly, from which it recondenses as a solid. The process of evaporation and condensation is one-step. Sublimation is not suitable for the separation of substances of similar volatility, but rather for the separation of nonvolatile components. Sublimation is often carried out in rotary pump vacuum. It is sometimes difficult to remove the condensed solid from the vessel walls. Teflon tubes inserted into the apparatus can be helpful. A simple sublimation is carried out in the acid-base chapter with AlCl3, therefore we omit the experiment here. A rule for the sublimation procedure is: never pass the vapour over a ground glass joint. Why? Examples for substances undergoing sublimation: HgCl2 (sublimate), NH4X, X = Cl, Br, I, iodine (I2), sulphur, benzoic acid, anthraquinone, Al(CH3COCHCOCH3)3, camphor etc. Distillation Distillation has two major applications. One is the purification of solvents, e.g. after the drying of the solvent, thus avoiding difficult separation problems. Quite similar is the removal of the solvent from a product after synthesis. On the other hand mixtures of volatile substances can be separated by fractioned distillation (high reflux) even if their boiling points are close to each other. The ideal case, where two miscible and volatile substances do not interfere in a distillation, is rare. In most cases the mixture of two of these substances exhibits non-ideal boiling behaviour under formation of so-called azeotropic mixtures which are characterised by a minimum or a maximum of boiling temperature. The complete separation by distillation is impossible there. For example, all aqueous solutions of hydrogen halides display azeotropic behaviour with a boiling point maximum when distilled. 37 Temperature Temperature gaseous Evaporation Condensation 100% A 0% B liquid Boiling diagramm of an ideal mixture Azeotropic ratio 0% A 100 % B 100% A Boiling diagram of a mixture with 0% B azeotropic boiling minimum 0% A 100 % B Sparingly volatile substances can sometimes be distilled in vacuo, a method of which two variants are known: distillation in a normal laboratory vacuum (p = 1.3 kPa) lowers the boiling temperature by about 100 K, distillation in the vacuum of a rotary pump (p 0.2 Pa) affords a further boiling point depression of about 30 K. According to the low pressures the gas volumes are expanded such that vacuum distillations last longer than ordinary ones. A special type of distillation can be used for separation and purification for sparingly volatile but at least slightly hydrophilic substances. If the water in a – even heterogeneous – mixture H2O/X, with X having only a small vapour pressure (e.g. nitrobenzene), is distilled off, the water molecules carry molecules of X into the gas phase and to condensation in the distillate. Such a steam distillation allows sometimes for the isolation of a snow white and pure product from a kind of dirty tar. The next experiment is an example for an ordinary distillation. The following paragraph describes the execution of a vacuum distillation. Vacuum distillation For a classic vacuum distillation one needs a vacuum pump (membrane or rotary pump) and a liquid trap, equipped with a manometer and a ventilation stopcock, between distillation apparatus and pump. The joints of the distillation apparatus must be sealed with special vacuum grease. The distillation apparatus should hold a capillary besides the thermometer. This serves to avoid sudden 38 eruptions by letting in fine air bubbles which are converted to vapour bubbles. Further possible accessories are reflux condensers and distributing adapters in order to collect the fractions in different receptacles without opening the apparatus. The usual heat source today is an electric oil bath with controlled temperature, often combined with a magnetic bar stirrer. This kind of apparatus is not available in the first semester course; most students will encounter it the first time in the practical course in organic chemistry. Distillation of an azeotropic two-component mixture In this experiment an ethanol-water mixture, called wine, is used. The aim of the experiment is to determine the azeotropic composition and the distillation temperature. The percentages of an azeotrope depend on the distillation pressure. Here we distil under atmospheric pressure. The composition of an azeotropic distillate can be determined from its index of refraction, a good method, which requires a thermally controlled refractometer, however. Often the determination of the density of the distillate is sufficient. Preparation: - Set up the distillation apparatus based on ground glass joint according to the above drawing. A water bath (400-600 ml beaker) heated by gas burner or electric plate serves as the heat source. Attention: ethanol is flammable! - About 50 ml of wine are transferred into the distillation flask. - Boiling aid is added, the cooler is attached and the coolant flow turned on. - Pasteur pipette with balloon and felt tip pen are kept ready. 39 Thermometer Liebig cooler Vacuum adapter Water bath Cooling fluid 5 4 6 5 7 4 3 8 3 2 9 2 1 11 6 7 8 9 1 10 Receiving flask At the very beginning the ethanol-rich azeotrope is distilled off, water is enriched in the distillation flask. As soon as about 2 ml of distillate are collected, the heat source is removed, the receptacle is taken off and some of the distillate is drawn into a Pasteur pipette such that no air is taken up from below. The liquid level in the pipette is marked with the felt tip pen. The pipette content is expelled into a 50 ml beaker with known tare. The weight of the distillate is determined immediately. The volume is determined by drawing water into the pipette to the mark and weighing this amount of water like before (assumption: ς(H2O) = 1 g ml-1). Continue the distillation and note the temperature changes with time. 40 Density %weight %vol Density %weight %vol Density %weight %vol 20°C, g/ml Ethanol Ethanol 20°C, g/ml Ethanol Ethanol 20°C, g/ml Ethanol Ethanol 1 0 0 0.94662 35 41.9 0.87158 69 76 0.99813 1 1.3 0.94473 36 43 0.8692 70 76.9 0.99629 2 2.5 0.94281 37 44.1 0.8668 71 77.8 0.99451 3 3.8 0.94086 38 45.2 0.8644 72 78.6 0.99279 4 5 0.93886 39 46.3 0.862 73 79.5 0.99113 5 6.2 0.93684 40 47.4 0.85958 74 80.4 0.98955 6 7.5 0.93479 41 48.43 0.85716 75 81.2 0.98802 7 8.7 0.93272 42 49.51 0.85473 76 82.1 0.98653 8 10 0.93062 43 50.6 0.8523 77 83 0.98505 9 11.2 0.92849 44 51.6 0.84985 78 83.8 0.98361 10 12.4 0.92636 45 52.6 0.8474 79 84.6 0.98221 11 13.6 0.92421 46 53.7 0.84494 80 85.4 0.98084 12 14.8 0.92204 47 54.7 0.84245 81 86.2 0.97948 13 16.1 0.91986 48 55.8 0.83997 82 87.1 0.97816 14 17.3 0.91766 49 56.8 0.83747 83 87.9 0.97687 15 18.5 0.91546 50 57.8 0.83496 84 88.7 0.9756 16 19.7 0.91322 51 58.8 0.83242 85 89.5 0.97431 17 20.9 0.91097 52 59.8 0.82987 86 90.2 0.97301 18 22.1 0.90872 53 60.8 0.82729 87 91 0.97169 19 23.3 0.90645 54 61.8 0.82469 88 91.8 0.97036 20 24.5 0.90418 55 62.8 0.82207 89 92.5 0.96901 21 25.7 0.90191 56 63.8 0.81942 90 93.2 0.96763 22 26.9 0.89962 57 64.8 0.81674 91 94 0.96624 23 28.1 0.89733 58 65.8 0.81401 92 94.7 0.96483 24 29.2 0.89502 59 66.8 0.81127 93 95.4 0.96339 25 30.4 0.89271 60 67.7 0.80848 94 96.1 0.9619 26 31.6 0.8904 61 68.6 0.80567 95 96.7 0.96037 27 32.7 0.88807 62 69.6 0.8028 96 97.4 0.9588 28 33.9 0.88574 63 70.5 0.79988 97 98.1 0.95717 29 35.1 0.88339 64 71.5 0.79688 98 98.7 0.95551 30 36.2 0.88104 65 72.4 0.79383 99 99.3 0.95381 31 37.4 0.87869 66 73.3 0.79074 100 100 0.95207 32 38.5 0.87632 67 74.2 0.95028 33 39.6 0.87396 68 75.1 0.94847 34 40.7 41 Volatile Compounds Melting point, boiling point, relative molar mass Substances which can be transferred to the gaseous state at low temperatures consist of molecules or atoms with only weak attractive interactions. These cause the coherence of the molecules in the crystalline solid state. When the kinetic energy of the molecules is increased by rising the temperature, the crystal lattice breaks at a certain temperature, the melting point. In the liquid state the attractive forces still hold the molecules together, though they can slide over each other now. A few molecules at the surface always acquire enough kinetic energy so that they can leave into the gas phase. Their number grows with rising temperature until their partial pressure reaches the atmospheric value, 101.3 kPa, and the liquid begins to boil. Melting and boiling point are characteristic for molecular materials. If the boiling point is lower than the melting point the solid phase is converted to the gaseous phase directly at 101.3 kPa: the material sublimes. Example: solid CO2 (dry ice). The fact that also metals and salts have their (often high) melting and boiling points does not contradict the above considerations. A far more characteristic value of molecular substances is their relative molar mass. The knowledge of the molar mass helps to determine of the molecular formula, e.g. Ne1, O2, P4, S2Cl2 etc. The most important volatiles in biology are water, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Further examples are volatile organics which are secreted by creatures. These comprise pheromones and metabolism products like ethanol or methane. Further “biogases” are ammonia, hydrogen sulphide and laughing gas (dinitrogen monoxide). Water is the essential solvent in all biochemical reactions. There exist hydrophobic compartments in creatures, however, they are not strict anhydrous in a physical-chemical sense. Determination of melting and boiling points In order to determine melting points two to three melting point capillaries are filled with substance about 3 mm high. A filled capillary held by a clamp is immersed into a water bath (100 ml beaker, see figure; stuff a piece of crumpled paper towel together with the capillary into the clamp to hold it tightly). The water is heated slowly under stirring with a small gas flame. Use a thermometer without 42 ground glass joint. After melting of the first sample let cool the water by some degrees, insert the next capillary and repeat the heating, rather slowly this time. Thermometer Melting tube Water bath 5 4 6 5 7 4 3 8 3 2 9 2 1 11 6 7 8 9 1 10 Melting point determination In order to determine a boiling point about 3 ml of the substance is transferred into a 10 ml recovery flask, a boiling aid is added, a distillation adapter with ground joints equipped with a ground joint thermometer is attached and the whole apparatus is fixed in a tilted position with a clamp such that all condensing vapour flows back into the flask (see figure). Heat the liquid by moving the Bunsen flame (weak setting) around the bottom of the flask until vapour condenses at the thermometer tip. Boiling points, and to some small extent even melting points, are pressure dependent. The observed values have to be indicated in the context of the air pressure. 43 Stand bar Thermometer Bosshead Extension clamp Liebig cooler Joint clamp Boiling point determination Preparation of volatile substances Structural characteristics as they can be found in crystalline solids are inexistent in ordinary volatile substances. The most important method for the preparation of volatile substances is distillation which has already been treated. On the other hand many experiments in this manual are concerned with volatile substances such that a separate preparation of this type of material can be omitted. 44 Determination of the molar mass by melting point depression (cryoscopy) Introduction A dissolved compound decreases the melting point of a solvent compared to its pure state. The extent of this melting point depression is determined by the reciprocal heat of melting 1/ΔHmelt on the side of the solvent. Solvents with small heats of melting show the strongest effect. On the side of the solute it is the number of dissolved molecules per number of solvent molecules that determines the extent. This ratio is proportional to the molality, a concentration measure with symbol b. For dilute solutions we can write: ΔTf = λf •b•z ΔTf : melting point depression λf : cryoscopic constant, molar melting point depression b : molality of the solute = moles of solute per kg of solvent z : number of particles formed in solution per molecule of solute, with salts > 1 If we dissolve the mass mg of a compound in the mass mL of a solvent, we have: mg ng = M g ng mg Tf = f m z = f m M z L L g with M: relative molar masses, n: number of moles, mg mass of solute in g , mL: mass of solvent in kg. We obtain: Mg = f mg z mL Tf Reagents: Assemble apparatus as depicted, perforate cap with scissors Electronic thermometer: test function by immersion into ice/water mixture, this should show 0 °C. Replace battery if necessary 45 Procedure The sensor tip of an electronic thermometer (0.1 °C resolution) is inserted into a pill tube with perforated plastic cap. The temperature difference to the environment is kept small by immersing the “instrument” repeatedly into the cooling bath for a moment. In order to determine the molar mass of acetone we use the ether solvent 1,4-dioxan which melts at 11.74 °C has a λf = 4.63 K kg mol–1. The dry and weighed apparatus is filled with 1,4-dioxan to 3-4 cm height, weighed again, and the melting point is determined. For the cooling, an ice/water mixture is sufficient. The pill tube is immersed and slightly shaken, until a few solvent crystals form. Never let the solvent freeze thoroughly, it would be a waste of time! The tube is removed from the bath and the melting of the crystals is observed. If the melting is too rapid, the tube is cooled again for a short time. We read the temperature when the last remaining crystal is just dissolving. We cool again and test the reproducibility of the process. In case of doubt, repeat several times. Never let the liquid come to rest, because this would lead quickly to inhomogeneous temperature distribution. Add about 0.5 ml of acetone to the 1,4-dioxan and weigh again. Determine the melting point of the mixture as before with the pure solvent. From the change of melting point and the weights, determine the molar mass of acetone, as described above. 46 Acids and Bases Acid and base definitions by Lewis and Brønsted-Lowry In chemistry historically there exist two definitions for acids and bases. The more recent and global definition by Lewis names substances which can accept an electron pair from another substance as Lewis acid. Examples: BF3, SnCl4, H+. Lewis bases can donate an electron pair. Examples: F-, NH3, OH-. The concept is based on electron pair acceptors and electron pair donors. The definition of Brønsted and Lowry is based on proton transfer: acids are proton donors, bases are proton acceptors. Brønsted and Lewis bases are identical. The Brønsted acid concept is limited to the single Lewis acid H+. From here on Brønsted acids are simply called acids. Two molecules which differ only by one proton are called conjugate acid-base pairs, e.g. HCl – Cl-, H2O – OH-. The acid-base definitions do include charges: acids and bases can bear positive, neutral or negative charge. The reactions between acids and bases, called neutralisations, for example BF4 BF3 F (Lewis) NH 4 Cl HCl NH3 (Brønsted) can occur solvent-free, e.g. in gas phase (HCl + NH3). In solvents it has to be distinguished whether the solvent takes part in the neutralisation reaction or whether the solvent itself can be acidic or basic, like water. Water can acquire a proton under formation of H3O+ (or its hydrated forms respectively, abbreviated as H+) or lose a proton leaving OH- behind. The extent to which acids transfer protons to water or bases extract them can be described quantitatively. This allows for the classification of Brønsted acids (and bases) according to their strength. Acid-base equilibria are essential in biology. Organisms are adapted to the acidity of their environment; large creatures actively regulate their internal acid-base balance. The general degree of acidity on Earth’s surface is mainly determined by water, which itself has acid and base properties. 47 This is different from planets like Venus, where the dominating sulphuric acid creates an entirely different ambience, or the gas planets, where ammonia is abundant. The degree of acidity of water, which we characterise by the pH value, is modulated by solutes. Most significant is the combination of carbon dioxide and carbonates, which governs the pH of the sea and the internal pH of most creatures on land. The sea can take up and release carbon dioxide from or to the air. As counterpart, carbonates are formed or dissolved. Organisms degrade organic material by cellular respiration to carbon dioxide and water. Carbon dioxide is eliminated by the respiratory organs. An organism can control its internal pH by regulating its carbon dioxide expiration rate. The stabilisation of internal pH is important because most biocatalysts, called enzymes, have limited pH ranges of operation. This is not necessarily neutral; there exist microorganisms which live in acidic water in volcanic areas. On the basic side life cannot go that far, because bases catalyse the decomposition of proteins by water much better than acids. We discuss the proton transfer in aqueous solution and the acid-base properties of water in theory. We will apply acid-base reactions for analytical purposes in an acidimetric titration, and the instrumentally assisted acidimetric titration will serve as an example of the quantitative determination of acid strength. The individual acids and bases show, especially in their concentrated forms, besides their proton donating or accepting capabilities, some other chemical properties. These are listed below for the most important concentrated acids and bases which are commercially as aqueous solutions, except for sulphuric acid. % Weight Density Concentration(Mol l-1) Hydrochloric acid (HCl) 36.5 1.19 12.0 Hydrofluoric acid (HF) 48 1.15 27.6 Nitric acid (HNO3) 65 1.40 14.5 Sulphuric acid (H2SO4) 98 1.84 18.0 Ammonia (NH3) 27 0.90 14.3 Attention: all these substances are very caustic. Wash splashes with much water immediately! Wear safety glasses … 48 Proton transfer in aqueous solution pK values, pH concept, strong acids and bases, weak acids and bases, multistage deprotonation Acids are proton donors and are able to transfer one or more protons to a proton acceptor (a base). For reasons of simplicity we shall discuss only acids with one proton initially; only one proton shall be transferred. The relative tendency of the extent of a proton transfer can be measured versus a standard base, e.g. against water. Upon transfer of an acid HB into water the reaction (1) shifts into equilibrium: H 3O B HB H 2O (1) The law of mass action for this reaction can be written as: [ H 3O ][ B ] K' [ HB][ H 2O] Denominations: HB = acid B = corresponding (conjugate) base H3O+ = hydrated proton, abbreviated H+ [ ] = concentration or activity in moles per litre = molar K, K' = constants If only dilute aqueous solutions are considered in which the concentrations of H3O+, HB and B are smaller than 1 M the concentration of water in the solution can be regarded as constant. In dilute aqueous solutions, [H2O] = constant, because it is usually in high excess. With K' [H2O] = K the law of mass action can be simplified to: 49 K [ H 3O ][ B ] [ HB] (2) With the definitions pK = -log K and pH = -log[H3O+] the result, in logarithmic form is: pH pK lg [ B ] [ HB] (3) Strong acids An acid is the stronger the higher its tendency to transfer protons is, the farther the equilibrium position of reaction (1) lies to the right. In extremis reaction (1) runs almost completely to the right; the corresponding acids are called strong acids. The strong acid hydrogen chloride HCl for example forms, when brought into water, an equivalent amount of hydrated protons H3O+ and an equivalent amount of chloride ions while HCl molecules are no more detectable. The K in equation (2) becomes rather large therefore, and the pK value small: strong acids have small pK values (pK < 0). The pH value of their aqueous solutions results, since for each HB one H3O+ is formed, directly from the amount of acid added. pH = -lg[H3O+] = -lg[HB]added, with [HB]added being the analytical concentration of the acid in the final liquid volume. The concentration is given in mol l-1. Weak acids If a weak acid is brought into water reaction (1) does not settle completely to the right. Only part of the protons of the HB added is transferred to water. The particles H3O+, B- and HB are present in similar concentrations, which are balanced under influence of the pK by equation (3). Die weak acid dissolved in water forms less than the equivalent amount of H3O+ ions, the pH is greater than the one of a solution of a strong acid at the same concentration. A special case of a weak acid is water, which, according to the following equation H 3O OH H 2O H 2O (4) 50 transfers a proton to itself. The law of mass action applied to this reaction yields [ H3O ][OH ] K w Kw = 10-14 M2 at 20 °C, 101.3 kPa pKw= -log Kw = 14 In pure water this process produces equal amounts of H3O+ ions and OH- ions. [H3O+] [OH-] = [H3O+]2 = 10-14 M2 [H3O+] = 10-7 M pH = 7 Concept of pH The term pH = -lg[H+] is an important one in chemistry and technology. In chemistry it has an influence on equilibria and kinetics, in biology it has characteristic values in body fluids, in technology it is crucial in food preparation, enzymatic processes, and sewage treatment. Two problems are to be solved in these fields: how to fix the pH in a solution to a known value, and how can pH be measured? Solutions with fixed pH: buffers Solutions with very low (0 < pH < 3) or high (11 < pH < 14) pH values can be prepared from strong acids and bases which are dissolved to the required concentration. In the range 3 < pH < 11 this method is useless: the amounts of acid or base become too small to compensate for changes induced by further reagents. This is called an insufficient buffer capacity. Weak acids have the advantage of partial dissociation and can provide low proton concentrations in the presence of considerable total concentrations of acid. This is described by pH pK lg [ B] [ HB] 51 According to this equation the pH can be set for the given pK of the acid by adjusting the concentration ratio of HB and B. Such mixtures are called buffers. Please note that the ratio [B]/[HB] can be varied for a pH change of about pH = pK 1 without extensively losing buffer capacity. It is clear from the expression that the addition of small amounts of a third acid (or a base) will change the ration [B]/[HB] only insignificantly, the mixture will stabilise the pH, which is called "buffering". pH measurement Two principles are frequently used, pH determination with the aid of electrode potentials (e.g. the hydrogen electrode), especially the glass electrode, and pH determination with coloured acid-base pairs, so-called pH indicators. If a small amount of such an acid-base pair HInd/Ind is added to a solution containing the pair HB/B the ratio [B]/[HB] is hardly changed and therefore also the pH. However, the pH of the solution determines the ratio of the added indicator components [Ind]/[HInd] according to equation (3). pH pK lg [ Ind ] [ HInd ] If Ind and HInd do have different colours the solution will acquire the mixed colour determined by the pH. Inside the interval of about pH = pK 1 the pure colour of HInd changes through all mixed colours to the colour of pure Ind. The hue can be used only for a coarse pH estimate by direct visual observation. In this mode pH indicators are mainly used for the detection of pH jumps in acidimetric titrations. Common indicators for the purpose are methyl red (red/yellow, pH = 5.0) or phenolphthalein (colourless/purple, pK = 9.0). With mixtures of several indicators having different pK values, so-called universal indicators, we can quickly estimate pH of solutions over the entire pH range. Synthesis of ethanolic hydrogen chloride H2SO4: proton transfer to Cl-. Formation of HCl(g). 52 In this experiment the chloride ion in solid sodium chloride is protonated by concentrated sulphuric acid under formation of gaseous hydrogen chloride. The hydrogen chloride is absorbed in ethanol which serves as non-aqueous solvent, under formation of so-called ethanolic hydrochloric acid. This used to produce free benzoic acid from sodium benzoate. The benzoic acid is reacted with calcium carbonate in a later experiment. 5 g of solid NaCl are transferred into the round flask of the apparatus shown in the drawing. The dropping funnel is filled with 10 ml concentrated H2SO4 (ventilated hood). The receiving flask is filled with 30 ml absolute ethanol. The sulphuric acid is allowed to drop slowly to the NaCl and the gas evolution is finished by slight warming with the burner. The ground joint receiving flask is sealed with a ground stopper. vacuum adapter PVC tubing Bent joint Ethanol Dropping funnel Magnetic stirrer 5 4 H2SO4 6 2 1 5 7 3 4 8 3 9 2 11 6 7 8 9 1 10 Ring for separatory funnel Ground joints adapter NaCl Part of the ethanolic acid is used to convert sodium benzoate, the sodium salt of benzoic acid O O Na+ + H+ + Cl- O Ethanol + NaCl(s) OH 53 thereby forming the ethanol-soluble benzoic acid while NaCl is insoluble in ethanol. 6 g of sodium benzoate are weighed into a conical flask, one half of the ethanolic hydrochloric acid is added and the solution is shaken for some minutes. Filter off the insoluble residue. The filtered solution is poured into a crystallisation dish and the ethanol is allowed to evaporate (in a ventilated hood). Esterification of boric acid In the next experiment the water-absorbing property of sulphuric acid is used for the esterification of boric acid with methanol (boron detection). In a dry large test tube 10-100 mg of borax Na2B4O710H2O (sodium tetraborate) are mixed with 1 ml concentrated sulphuric acid without heating, and 1 ml of methanol CH3OH is added slowly drop wise and mixed. Add further 2 ml of methanol and dilute. Hold the test tube with a wooden clamp, heat the mixture with the burner (ventilated hood) and ignite the vapours as soon as the condensation level has reached the top of the test tube. The boric acid ester formed burns with a beautiful green flame. Borax H 2 SO4 B(OH )3 CH3OH B(OCH3 )3 Reaction between gaseous NH3 and HCl Ammonia is usually sold as saturated aqueous solution. NH3 is a weak base and a good complexing agent for many metal ions like Cu2+. Pure 100% ammonia is available in steel cylinders (bp. -35 °C, 101.3 kPa) or can be liberated from ammonium salts by strong bases: NH3 H 2O NH 4 OH Liquid ammonia is a water-like solvent, though less acidic and with some interesting properties. NH3 is a volatile weak base. In a fume hood, Hold the open bottles of concentrated ammonia and concentrated hydrochloric acid solutions close to each other for a short time and observe. 54 Synthesis of a calcium salt CaCO3 is a very convenient starting material for the preparation of other calcium compounds from free acids. It is available in high purity degrees, stoichiometric and not hygroscopic. The basic anion CO32- is finally converted to the volatile CO2 and H2O by protonation. 3 g benzoic acid are weighed into a 100 ml conical flask, dissolved by addition of about 20 ml of water and gentle heating. Add 5 g of CaCO3 divided in several quantities (weigh into a large test tube). Finish the reaction by boiling shortly, filter the hot mixture through a small folded filter paper and let cool slowly in order to crystallise Ca(benz)23 H2O. Filter and dry. Write down the reaction equation. Sublimation of ammonium chloride NH3/HCl NH3 and HCl in the water-free state react to, as seen before, the ionic solid NH4Cl(s), in water to NH4+aq and Cl-aq. Upon heating of solid NH4Cl protons are increasingly transferred from NH4+ to Cl- and the gaseous components NH3 and HCl are formed. At 340 °C the pressure of the gases becomes so high that NH4Cl sublimes. In the same manner NH4Br and NH4I sublime at 452 and 551 °C, respectively. The increasing sublimation temperature is caused on one hand by the increasing average molar mass of the gaseous components, on the other hand by the decreasing affinity of Cl-, Br- and I- to bind protons: HI is the stronger acid than HBr, and this again stronger than HCl, in the water-free state. Transfer some 10-100 mg of NH4Cl into a medium-sized test tube, and sublime it in the full flame of the gas burner. Aluminium chloride as Lewis acid Preparation of AlCl3. Reaction of AlCl3 with ether. Reaction of AlCl3 with KCl Aluminium trichloride AlCl3 can bind a ligand (Lewis base) with a free electron pair in a kind of coordination expansion. AlCl3 is a Lewis acid. The Lewis base can be e.g. Cl-. The reaction with NaCl 55 AlCl3 + NaCl NaAlCl4 subl. 183 °C mp. 801 °C mp. 152 °C can be recognised easily from the change in melting and sublimation temperatures. Ether CH3CH2OCH2CH3 can also serve as a Lewis base, of which one electron pair of the oxygen becomes bound to the aluminium. CH3 Cl Cl : Cl Cl Al :O CH3 Al : O: Cl Cl CH3 CH3 Lewis bases with higher affinity to aluminium can displace the already mentioned ones. The aluminium etherate e.g. reacts vigorously with water under formation of the aquo complex Al(H2O)63+. This one can be converted by fluoride F- into AlF63-, the hexafluoro aluminate ion. This example demonstrates that complex formations are a special variant of Lewis acid-base reactions. About 200 mg of crude water-free AlCl3 are transferred into a large test tube (close reagent bottle tightly immediately after use). Add NaCl, about 1/10 of the amount of AlCl3. The opening of the test tube is stuffed with a small ball of glass wool. Heat the bottom of the tube in the weak non-shining flame of the burner until AlCl3 sublimes to the upper cool part of the tube. The NaCl helps to hold back impurities like FeCl3. AlCl3 may appear light yellow because of organic contaminations. After cooling the sublimed AlCl3 is scratched out with a non-smoothed glass rod. Half of the material is transferred into a medium sized test tube the tare of which was taken, and weighed. Determine the equivalent amount of KCl, weigh it and add it to the AlCl3. Heat it on a small flame to formation of molten KAlCl4, mp. about 260 °C. The rest of the sublimed AlCl3 is transferred into another test tube which is kept cool under the water tap and 1-2 Pasteur pipettes of ether are added. AlCl3 dissolves under warming. The solution is 56 transferred into a small round flask by means of a Pasteur pipette. The flask is attached to the vacuum pump where the excess of ether evaporates. The residue is solid aluminium chloride etherate (mp. 36 °C). The chloride in KAlCl4 as well as the ether in AlCl3(CH3CH2OCH2CH3) are substituted by H2O molecules in a violent reaction when the substance is brought into water. This indicates that H2O is the stronger Lewis base for Al3+ than Cl- or CH3CH2OCH2CH3. Preparation of potassium hydrogen tartrate The combination of free acid and fully deprotonated anion yields the monoprotonated anion in the case of dibasic acids. H2B + B2- 2 HB- Examples are the formation of hydrogen sulphate or hydrogen carbonate: H2SO4 + SO42CO2 + H2O + CO32- 2 HSO42 HCO3- and also the formation of hydrogen tartrate from tartaric acid and its sodium potassium mixed salt. Both are highly water soluble while the monopotassium salt is sparingly soluble. Tartatric acid occurs to have 3 structural isomers with different symmetry. The subject is more profoundly taught in the organic chemistry classes. Weigh 4.0 g tartaric acid and 7.9 g sodium potassium tartrate in two 100 ml conical flasks each. Dissolve both in a little water. Pour the solutions together, eventually through a small folded paper filter. After a short interval the crystallisation of the monopotassium salt sets in. After some minutes to allow for completion the product is filtered on a small Buchner funnel with filter paper, placed on a suction tube. The precipitate is washed two times with a small amount of cold water and dried on a filter paper in the air. From the monopotassium salt it is possible to re-obtain the mixed cations salt KNa(tart)4 H2O, also called Seignette's salt. 57 Water as acid, water as base The property of water to act as acid or base has already been mentioned. Strong acid donate their protons completely to the base water. Besides of the protonic acids like H2SO4, HCl, H3PO4, CH3COOH, H2tart, HSO4-, NH4+, H2S etc. there exist further classes of substances which generate protons in their reactions with water. The non-metallic oxides like SO2, SO3, P4O10, CO2 etc. which expand their coordination numbers under addition of the oxygen in water release protons thereby, at a wide range of acidity. SO3 H 2O H 2 SO4 H aq HSO4aq The first proton released by the sulphuric acid formed is strongly acidic, the second bound to HSO4has to leave against the pull of the negative charge and is therefore less acidic. A solution of SO2 in water is more a mixture of water and SO2 molecules, the solution is mainly molecular, not ionic. Only the simultaneous active withdrawal of protons leads to coordination expansion: OH SO2 ( aq ) H 2O HSO3 H H 2O In the same way water acts as a base against non-metallic halides and oxohalides: PCl3 2H 2O H3 PO3 3HCl COCl2 H 2O CO2 2HCl Highly charged metal aquo ions, as they occur normally in aqueous solution, can liberate protons from the water they bind: [ Al ( H 2O)5 (OH )]2 H [ Al ( H 2O)6 ]3 Under the influence of the positive charge of the central atom the protons of the water bound become acidified. The acidic action of water can be recognised in the reactions with basic anions: 58 O2 H 2O 2OH OH HCO3 CO32 H 2O OH HF F H 2O The solvent acts as donor of one proton here. Transfer some milligrams or one drop of the following substances into a small test tube each, add 1 ml of water and one drop of universal indicator and note the estimated pH values. NH4Cl, CaO, FeCl36H2O, K2C2O4H2O, CuBr2, CH3COONa3H2O, NaF, Na2S9H2O, Na2SO3, NH3, Na2CO3, AlCl3 Write down the reactions with water which cause the observations. Acidimetric titration If sodium hydroxide* is added in small quantities to the dilute aqueous solution of an acid HB the pH increases after each dosage, and the concentrations [HB], [B] and [H2O] change because of the neutralisation reactions: 2 H 2O H3O OH B H 2O HB OH If we plot, as a result from such a titration, pH versus the volume of added base, a titration curve is obtained. For acids with pK values below about 9 the titration curves show a jump at the equivalence point which can also be detected by the colour change of a suitable indicator.** This is the foundation of a method for the quantitative determination of amounts of acid, since the number of the moles of acid in the sample is equal to the number of moles of added base at the equivalence point. Further, 59 the molar mass of an unknown acid can be measured, since the number of equivalents can be calculated from the weight of the acid and its molar mass. Molar mass M of the acid m(acid ) n( NaOH ) Titration curves can be displayed in a normalised form by using the neutralisation degree as the unit instead of the volume. [OH-]add = [HB] tot At the beginning of the neutralisation curves obtained this way = 0, at the equivalence point = 1. From the one-protonic acid handed out by the teaching assistant 1.5 – 2.0 g are weighed exactly into 100 ml graduated flask, dissolved and filled to the mark. Estimate the pK from a small sample of the solution by testing its pH. Evaluate a suitable pH indicator and titrate an aliquot of 10 ml of the acid solution in a wide-necked conical flask, diluted to about 150 ml with water, using 0.1 M calibrated NaOH in a 50 ml burette (determine twice). Calculate the molar mass of the acid. The instrumental execution of acidimetric titrations with the aid of a glass electrode and a pH meter allows for the quantitative recording of neutralisation curves. With this method it is possible, besides the analytical application, namely detection of the end point jumps, to obtain data from which exact pK values of unknown acids can be calculated, and equilibria coupled with proronation/deprotonation reactions can be examined. These titrations are carried out in groups of 2-4 students. The experiments are described in a separate manual handed out by the teaching assistant. * Use 0.1 M NaOH calibrated solution which is commercially available ("Titrisol"). ** Later, compare the neutralisation curves recorded and determine the suitable pH indicator for the corresponding titration. Determination of the pK values of the indicator thymol blue Thymol blue is an indicator which can release two protons stepwise: pK1 pK2 H Ind 2 H 2 Ind H HInd 60 red yellow blue For the determination of the pK1 four large test tubes are filled with 1 M, 0.1 M, 0.01 M and 0.001 M HCl, 10 ml each. Calculate the pH values. The dilute acid is prepared from 12 M concentrated HCl. A fifth test tube is filled with 10 ml water. To each test tube an equal number of drops of indicator solution are added. Estimate pK1 (trick: use a white sheet of paper as background, and watch the colour from above). For the estimation of pK2, the following solutions are prepared in 6 large test tubes: Test tube 1: 10 ml deion. H2O Test tube 2: ca. 100 mg NH4Cl + 1 drop NH3 conc. + 10 ml H2O Test tube 3: ca. 50 mg NH4Cl + 5 drops NH3 conc. + 10 ml H2O Test tube 4: ca. 20 mg NH4Cl + 10 drops NH3 conc. + 10 ml H2O Test tube 5: 10 drops 2 M NaOH + 10 ml H2O Test tube 6: 10 ml tap water Estimate the pH value for test tubes 1-5. Remark: in tubes 2-3 mixtures of NH4+/NH3 with concentration ratios of approximately 10:1, 1:1 and 1:10 are formed. The pK of NH4+ can be found in tables (e.g. in the appendix here). Then pH pK lg [ NH 3 ] [ NH 4 ] Add indicator solution and estimate pK2 of thymol blue. What is the approximate pH of tap water? 61 Preparation of a phosphate buffer of pH = 7.30 and I = 0.16 Blood has an average pH value of 7.3 and only small deviations are tolerated. Furthermore, blood contains ions, mainly Na+ and Cl-, producing an ionic strength I = 0.16 M. I 1 ci Zi2 2 i ci: concentration of the ith ion type in mol l-1 Zi: charge of the corresponding ion type The second condition should be fulfilled e.g. in solutions for injection. Ionic strength, besides, is the value needed to calculate activity coefficients. If an ion type is studied in solutions with ionic mixtures it is found that the reacting ions behave as if their concentration were smaller than the ones calculated from the weight. If the concentration of non-participating ions is further increased the apparent concentrations of the reacting ions are decreased more and more. Explanation: ions in solutions carry electric fields. These prevent that cations can approach each other, and the same is true for anions. Ions of opposite charge can get closer than uncharged molecules normally do: they form ion pairs and restrict the mobility of each other. A control of mobility exists, the statistical probability to find an ion in a certain place is not equal for anions and cations and also different for neutral molecules. Since concentration is a measure for the probability to find a molecule type in a normalised part of space it can be no more representative for the reactivity contribution in an ionic solution because of the mentioned local non-homogeneities. Ionic strength is a measure of the total concentration of mobile charge in solution, and together with electric field theory a dimensionless factor between 0 and 1 can be determined. It is multiplied with the concentrations. The factor is 1 in dilute solutions (< 10-2 M) and approaches 0 for the highest concentrations of ions. For ionic reactions one should always indicate activities for total concentrations above 10-2 M (= activity coefficient concentration). The concentration notation in square brackets we use (e.g. [Ca2+] is actually reserved for activities. 62 Starting with disodium hydrogen phosphate Na2HPO412 H2O and sodium dihydrogen phosphate NaH2PO42H2O 100 ml of a phosphate buffer of pH = 7.30 and I = 0.16 M are prepared. Calculation: from pH pK lg [ B] 1 2 the ratio [B]/[HB] can be obtained. With I ci Z i we [ HB] 2 i can determine [B] and [HB] for the required ratio. Finally, with [B] and [HB] known, we can calculate the needed amount of both phosphates. Measure the pH of the buffer prepared wit a glass electrode and the pH meter. With mixtures of several indicators of different pK values, so-called universal indicators, pH estimates can be quickly found in the whole range in water. 63 Glass Electrode Combined Glass Electrode Connecting reference electrode: Usually Ag/AgCl or Pt 3 M KCl Glass membrane: Exchanges + + + Na /K and H Porcelain frit [H+ ] inside Buffer pH = 7 in 3 M KCl + [H ] inside + [H ] outside + + + + + + + + ++ ++ + + +++ + + + + + + +++ + + + + + External reference electrode: Ususally Ag/AgCl +=H + The ratio of occupation of in- and outside of the glass membrane by H+ generates an electrostatic potential. Anions are not bound to the exchanging groups at the silicate scaffold. Occupation on the inside is kept constant by a buffer solution such that only the occupation on the outside determines the potential. Other solid membrane electrodes work by the same principle. + In a combined glass electrode a second electrochemical half-cell is included. It is called the reference electrode. Usually it is integrated in an envelope of the tube that bears the glass membrane sphere. It contains a Ag/AgCl reference electrode in 3M KCl. The contact to the solution under examination is established by a porous frit just above the glass sphere. + E = E°' + RT/F * ln ([H ] aussen/[H ] innen) 64 Redox Reactions Redox reactions, solvent free or in aqueous solutions Oxidation means an increase, reduction a decrease of the stochiometric valence of an atom. About the assignment of oxidation numbers: see classes in chemistry. These processes are accompanied by uptake or release of electrons, and since electrons cannot be set free except in a vacuum there are always two half-reactions coupled. Redox processes occur in many ways: most of the methods to generate chemically mechanical or thermal energy rely on redox reactions, e.g. cell respiration, thermal power plants, combustion motors, heating facilities etc. In biology redox reactions are important for conversion and release of energy. Cellular respiration and photosynthesis are coupled redox systems at the basic level, before energy is distributed in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which undergoes hydrolysis. Redox reactions are catalysed by many other enzymes not involved to cellular respiration. Catalase decomposes hydrogen peroxide, peroxidases use it to oxidise small molecules, monooxygenases hydroxylate organic molecules by using dioxygen. The purpose is often to make these more water-soluble in order to excrete them. An example for the conversion of a toxic compound is the oxidation of ethanol by alcohol dehydrogenase. However, the first intermediate, acetaldehyde, is even more toxic than ethanol. Fortunately it is quickly oxidised further to acetic acid which is not toxic. Some ions, atoms or molecules are known to take up or release electrons without other changes, especially of the atomic composition. For example, Ce4+aq and Ce3+aq as well as Fe(CN)63- and Fe(CN)64- are distinguished only by their contents of electrons, and in the redox reaction Ce4 [ Fe(CN )6 ]4 Ce3 [ Fe(CN )6 ]3 which occurs in aqueous solution only electrons are transferred. The change in valence of an atom, however, often causes changes in its close environment, so-called "coordinative rearrangements". When the permanganate ion MnO4- is reduced to Mn2+aq the oxide ions O2- bound to the managanese must react and be converted to water by protonation during the complete redox process: 65 MnO4 8H 5e Mn2 4H 2O Here reduction depends on coordination changes which in turn cause acid-base reactions. Often the single partial steps of such reactions are not really known, only the total reaction is. Compare this reaction type with the synthesis of KICl4, the reaction of IO3- with I- and the permanganometric and iodometric titrations in the following experiments. Thermal decomposition of potassium chlorate Potassium chlorate, a strong oxidising agent, is decomposed above its melting point (386 °C), eventually under formation of KClO4, to O2 and KCl, which melts at 776 °C. In order to formulate the reaction equation it is recommended to proceed as follows: the oxidation states in starting materials and products have to be determined initially. The potassium ion K+ obviously does not take part in the reaction and is not considered further. Chlorate is ClO3- ; oxygen is more electronegative than chlorine and obtains its lowest oxidation number, -II, which also makes it fulfil the octet rule. Since the ion has a total charge of -1, chlorine is assigned an oxidation number of +5. The products are chloride Cl- and dioxygen O2. The oxidation number of chlorine is -1 therefore, and oxygen becomes elemental, has oxidation number 0. We can write provisionally: Cl ( V )O3( II ) Cl ( I ) O2(0) In order to keep stoichiometry correct, we separate oxidation and reduction processes. This step bears no relation to reality and is purely formal. Reduction: ClO3 6e Cl 3O2 We pretend as if nothing would happen to the oxygen in the first place, only chlorine is reduced, it takes up electrons. Oxidation: 2O2 O2 4e 66 We assume that the oxygen in chlorate had completely taken over the valence electrons of chlorine and it could dissociate as O2-. This state we oxidise formally to O2, the real product. Now we recognise that the two partial reactions are not stochiometrically equivalent yet, because the reduction requires 6 electrons, while the oxidation yields 4 of them only. In order to write the total reaction, we have to balance the number of electrons, since “free” electrons do not occur in normal chemical reactions. The least common multiple of 4 and 6 is 12. We have to multiply the reduction equation with 2 and the oxidation equation with 3: 2ClO3 12e 2Cl 6O2 6O2 3O2 12e These two equations we can add, almost as two algebraic equations: 2ClO3 12e 6O2 2Cl 6O2 3O2 12e Identical ions or molecules on both sides can be subtracted according to the lower number. The number of electrons should be the same on both sides because of the stochiometric adjustment and therefore vanish. Accidentally, the numbers of O2- ions is also identical on both sides and O2- does not appear in the final total equation. This has a meaning for the real reaction: if O2- were required on the starting material side, the reaction would not start without the addition of extra O2-, e.g. in the form of an oxide. The reaction, however, runs on KClO3 alone, as required by the reaction equation. The final form is: 2ClO3 2Cl 3O2 and describes very simply the observed decomposition. The real elemental steps of the reaction, which can be very complex, are not captured this way. Tare a small test tube and weigh about 250 mg of KClO3 into it (analytical balance). Melt the salt and continue heating while O2 escapes in bubbles. At the end of the O2 evolution the melt solidifies and can be molten again only with difficulty. Let the test tube cool for 2 – 3 minutes and complete cooling under the water tap before weighing again. Calculate the molar mass of KCl from the weight loss. Transfer a crystal of CrCl36H2O and 50 mg of KClO3 into another small test tube and heat to melting. Observe the oxidation of Cr(III) to CrO42-. 67 Preparation of CuCl The chloride of monovalent copper CuCl can be obtained by the reduction of Cu2+ with elemental Cu. Formally this is the reaction Cu 2 Cu 0 2Cu followed by the precipitation Cu Cl CuCl If elemental Cu is added to a solution of CuCl2 the Cu becomes covered with a layer of sparingly soluble CuCl which blocks further reaction. With sufficiently high chloride concentration, however, attainable by addition of concentrated HCl or NaCl, CuCl is dissolved as dichloro cuprate CuCl2- (see also the chapter about complex formation) and the redox reaction is completed. Cu2+ exists as tetrachloro complex CuCl42- (greenish-yellow) in concentrated chloride solutions. During the reaction the solution acquires deep brown hues (Cu(II) and Cu(I) together), at the end the colourless CuCl2- is present. If the solution is diluted now, colourless CuCl is precipitated. 4 g CuCl22H2O and 2 g elemental copper powder are weighed into a 50 ml conical flask and 4 g NaCl are added. Add 20 ml concentrated hydrochloric acid, seal with a rubber stopper let the reaction run on a magnetic stirrer. The decolouration of the solution marks the end of the reaction. A large suction flask id filled with 150 ml deionised water and the small Buchner funnel equipped with a filter paper is attached. Now the solution of CuCl2- which often is still contaminated with Cu is sucked quickly through filter into the water in which colourless CuCl is precipitated. Change the filter paper, pour the CuCl suspension into a wide-necked conical flask, clean the suction flask and filter the CuCl. Wash once with water and three times with ethanol, keep on vacuum until dry. Redox reactions in qualitative analysis Redox system Fe(II) / Fe(III) - Sn(II) / Sn(IV) Fe3+ can be reduced to Fe2+ by Sn(II) under formation of Sn(IV): 2Fe3 Sn II Fe2 Sn IV 68 In order to avoid hydrolytic effects we have to work in weak hydrochloric acid solution. The completion of the reaction can be followed by the addition of some thiocyanate SCN-. This forms deep red-brown complexes Fe(SCN)x(3-x)+ the colour of which disappears upon complete reduction of Fe(III). In a large test tube some crystals of iron(III) chloride FeCl36H2O are dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid and a few crystals of ammonium thiocyanate NH4SCN are added. Add a solution of tin(II) chloride SnCl22H2O in dilute hydrochloric acid dropwise until the iron containing solution is discoloured suddenly. Detection of chromium as chromate. Chromium(III) can be oxidised by hydrogen peroxide H2O2 to CrO42-. This can be recognised by the yellow colour or detected as yellow PbCrO4(s), BaCrO4(s) or as brick red Ag2CrO4(s). Dissolve a few crystals of the green CrCl36H2O in 2 – 3 ml water and make the solution alkaline by adding 2 pellets of NaOH. Green Cr(OH)4- is formed. Add some drops of 10% hydrogen peroxide and boil. After acidification of the solution with acetic acid the chromate can be precipitated as yellow barium chromate BaCrO4 by addition of barium chloride solution (in the automatically formed acetate buffer). Proof of oxidising agents. Conversion of I- into I2 Oxidising agents can be detected by letting them act on iodide I- in acidic solution. The iodine formed can be recognised by its brown colour. An example is iodate IO3-. If solutions of potassium iodide and potassium iodate are mixed no colour results. I2 is not formed because the necessary protons to complete the reaction (write an equation!) are missing. If acid, e.g. 2 M HCl is added the reaction occurs immediately. With KIO3 and KI, or KBrO3 and KBr quantitatively known amounts of I2 or Br2 can be prepared. Mix 5 parts of potassium iodide with 1 part of potassium iodate (moles), such that the total mass is about 0.2 g and dissolve in water. It is important to dissolve the crystals completely (why?) Add a few drops of 2 M HCl. 69 Disproportionation of H2O2, catalase Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 is a water-like substance, however strongly oxidising because it can be reduced to water. On the other hand H2O2 can also be oxidised to O2. The oxidative power is so great that this process, called disproportionation, really occurs at a slow rate and makes H2O2 unstable on the long term. Write the corresponding reaction equation. H2O2 is formed e.g. during the biological reduction of dioxygen, one of the principal energy sources of life. Since H2O2 is toxic due to its oxidative power nature has evolved biocatalysts (enzymes) which accelerate the decomposition reaction substantially. These enzymes are built around copper(II) ions. Copper(II) alone catalyses the reaction, like many transition metals. The best known enzyme in the group is catalase. We show here the activity of Cu2+ and catalase against H2O2. Prepare 10 ml of 0.1 M CuSO4 solution and add 1 drop of concentrated NH3; prepare also 10 ml of 1 M Na2S and peel a potato. 5 g of potato are cut into small pieces and these are mashed in a mortar. The mash is mixed with 10 ml water in a small beaker and allowed to stand for 10 minutes under occasional stirring with a glass rod. (Never use metal, e.g. a spatula, for this operation). The extract is decanted and centrifuged. Transfer 2 ml of potato extract into each of two test tubes, and 2 ml Cu2+ solution into each of two others. A drop Na2S solution is added to one of the tubes with extract and to one with Cu2+. 3 ml of freshly prepared 1 M H2O2 are added to all test tubes. Observe. What is happening here? Standard reduction potential Fe(CN)63- / Fe(CN)64Another variant of reductions and oxidations results from the possibility to transfer electrons from or into the surface of an electric conductor, namely an electrode. Electrons are released from or taken up by the electrode surface. Making electrons available means reduction, taking up means oxidation. The electrode material can be inert (means that it does not take part in the electrode reaction) or it can be directly involved in the electrode reaction. As electrode reactions redox processes can be spatially separated into the reduction and oxidation half-reactions. 70 Examples: 2H 2e (Pt) H2 reduction half cell at inert cathode Zn0 Zn2 2e oxidation half cell with Zn0 anode The electrolytic production of chemicals, e.g. ClO- or metal coatings (chromium plating), electrogravimetry, energy release from batteries are applications of electrode processes. The example of coulometric analysis show at which degree of refinement electrode processes can be used for analysis. Further uses of reactions at electrodes: The potentials acquired by electrodes depend on the concentrations of the particles involved in the electrode reaction. Potential measurements therefore allow for the determination of those concentrations, sometimes to very small values. The determination of silver ion concentrations [Ag+] with silver electrodes (instrumental argentometry) is such an application which enables, besides the analytical determination of the end point, the determination of stochiometry, equilibrium constants, solubility products etc. of reactions involving Ag+. Standard reduction potentials are not easily measured in general because electrodes tend to be unresponsive, means kinetically inhibited. Empirically it was found that certain additives which do not show up in the reaction equations help to settle a potential faster. For the potential settling of the system hexacyanoferrate(III) – hexacyanoferrate(II) at a gold electrode the addition of a trace of Ag+ is the necessary "catalyst". This kind of difficulties is the major reason why redox titrations are usually not followed by potential measurement at electrodes. In this experiment the electrode potential of three solutions which contain Fe(CN)63- and Fe(CN)64- in various ratios shall be measured at a gold electrode. The counter electrode is a calomel or silver/silver chloride reference electrode with [Cl-] = 3 M, E = 0.200 V. The catalyst is a trace of Ag+ ions. Prepare solutions of potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) K4[Fe(CN)6]3H2O and potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) K3[Fe(CN)6], 50 ml and 0.1 M each. From these solutions mixtures are prepared which contain FeIII and FeII in the ratios 10:1, 1:1 and 1:10. Add a drop of 0.2 M AgNO3 to each mixture. 71 For the potential measurement a millivolt meter with an Au electrode and reference electrode is set up ready for use. Fill the solutions in the vessels set up and read the corresponding potentials. These have to entered into the Nernst expression with the potential of the reference electrode corrected for the offset against the normal hydrogen electrode (E° = 0 V). [ Fe(CN )6 ]4 [ Fe(CN )6 ]3 e E Eref E 0 [ Fe ( CN )6 ]3 /[ Fe ( CN )6 ]4 3 RT [ Fe(CN )6 ] ln F [ Fe(CN )6 ]4 Enter the corresponding values of E, [Fe(CN)6]3-, [Fe(CN)6]4- into the equation and calculate E0([Fe(CN)6]3-/Fe(CN)64-). Permanganometric titration The permanganate ion MnO4- is one of the strongest oxidising agents stable in aqueous solution, which is applied in acidic (formation of Mn2+) as well as in neutral and alkaline solution (formation of MnO2). In the presence of certain ligands the reduction of MnO4- can lead also to other oxidation states, e.g. Mn(III). The intense violet colour of MnO4- is usually sufficient for end point detection in titrations. Disadvantageous is only the capability of MnO4- to oxidise chloride to chlorine. With its properties permanganate offers the possibility to titrate almost everything that can be oxidised in water, I-, As(III), Sb(III), H2O2, VO2+, HOOC-COOH, NO2-, HS- etc. The individual methods can be looked up in the appropriate analytical books like "Skoog & West: Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry" or "Arthur Vogel: Quantitative Inorganic Analysis". 72 Permanganometric determination of oxalic acid, (COOH)2 The carbon of oxalic acid H2Ox (Ethanedioic acid) is oxidised to CO2 by permanganate. The reaction runs at a useful rate only in warm and acidic solution. The Mn2+ formed acts also as a catalyst for the oxidation (autocatalytic reaction). Determine the valence of the carbon in oxalic acid (according to the inorganic rules) and write down the complete titration reaction. Procedure For the determination of the water content of oxalic acid (possible: 0, 0.5, 2 H2O or nonstochiometric) a sample of 120 to 140 mg of the oxalic acid is weighed with the analytical balance and dissolved in a wide-necked conical flask in about 150 ml of water, under addition of about 7 ml of concentrated sulphuric acid. Heat the solution to 60 °C and titrate with 0.02 M KMnO4 until a slight pink-violet hue remains. Calculate the water content of your oxalic acid sample. Iodometric titration (of Cu2+ solution) In contrast to permanganate iodine I2 is a comparably weak oxidising agent, which is soluble in aqueous solution in the form of triiodide I3 2e 3I With such a triiodide solution strong reducing agents like S2O32-, As(III), H2S, SO2 etc. can be titrated directly. The indicator is soluble starch. This forms a deep blue-violet inclusion compound with the free iodine. This nice end point indication can be used in different ways. Oxidising agents stronger than iodine can oxidise added iodide to iodine, e.g. 2Fe3 2I 2Fe2 I 2 This way the redox equivalents are quantitatively transferred to iodine which can be titrated with standardised thiosulphate solution and starch as indicator from blue to colourless solution. The thiosulphate is converted to tetrathionate: 73 I3 2S2O32 3I S4O62 A selected iodometric determination is the one of Cu2+. It reacts with I- under formation of the sparingly soluble iodide of monovalent copper CuI and the equivalent amount of I2 2Cu 2 4I 2CuI ( s ) I 2 which can be titrated now with thiosulphate. Execution of the iodometric determination of Cu2+. An aliquot of the Cu2+ solution handed out by the teaching assistant is acidified to pH = 3-4 with some drops of acetic acid and an excess of solid KI is added. CuI and triiodide I3- are formed. I3- is titrated with calibrated 0.1 M sodium thiosulphate under formation of tetrathionate S4O62- and iodide. Short before the end point (solution slightly yellow) a few drops of starch solution are added (boil 100 mg starch in 10-20 ml of water) and the titration is finished with the change from blue-violet to colourless. Preparation of the thiosulphate solution: dissolve 0.01 moles of Na2S2O35H2O in a little water, transfer into a 100 ml graduated flask and fill to the mark. Add about 100 mg of sodium hydrogen carbonate NaHCO3 for stabilisation. 74 Ligand Exchange and Complex Formation The designations "complex" or "coordination compound" are based on the latin words complexus = embracing and coordinare = to assign. Originally it meant the deposition of molecules into a compound under formation of a so-called higher order compound, e.g. the addition of NH3 to copper sulphate. CuSO4 5H 2O 4 NH3 [Cu( NH3 )4 ]SO4 H 2O 4H 2O Today the name stands for a huge variety of compounds which contain "complex" particles, particles which are built around a central atom with a number of nearest neighbour atoms, called ligand atoms, the bonds being not purely ionic. One kind of order follows the kind of central atom. They can be metals and non-metals, and the next principle of order is their stoichiometric valence. The kind of nearest neighbours, their number, called the coordination number and the geometric arrangement, called coordination geometry, are further characteristics. Examples: Central atom Valence Ligand atom Z Geometry Hg(NH3)42+ tetrammin mercury Hg +II N 4 tetrahedral CuCl42- tetrachlorido cuprate Cu +II Cl 4 quadratic AlF63- hexafluorido aluminate Al +III F 6 oktahedral Ni(CO)4 nickel tetracarbonyl Ni 0 C 4 tetrahedral SbF5 antimony pentafluoride Sb +V F 5 trig. bipyr Ag(S2O3)23- bis-(thiosulfato) silver Ag +I S 2 linear 75 Illustration of the most important coordination geometries: the bonding donor atoms are located at the corners of the polyhedron, the metals represented by the sphere at the centre. The ligands can be simple atomic anions like F-, Cl-, O2- etc. The ligand atoms, however, can also be part of a larger ion or molecule: N as ligand atom in complexing agent NH3, S as ligand atom in SCN-, O as ligand atom in complexing agent H2O etc. A complexing molecule may contain more than one ligand atom and be able to saturate more than one coordination position. For example, ethylene diamine H2N-CH2-CH2-NH2, an uncharged complexing agent, can attach both its N atoms to Cu2+ such that a five-membered ring, a so-called chelate ring (chele = crab claw) is formed. The substances are called bidentate or polydentate ligands, respectively. The anionic polyphosphates of earlier detergents were able to bind Ca2+ in chelate form, another example of polydentate complexing agent. The interplay of central atom with ligand atoms is governed by certain bilateral preferences. The electron configuration of the central atom plays the crucial role, and the stochiometric valence (see chemistry lecture) is also important. The preferences are expressed in selectivity rules which also can explain the order concerning the exchange of ligands. A more firmly attaching ligand will displace one with a weaker bond from its position, or the ligand with the higher concentration will displace the one with minor concentration by the mass action. Exchange can occur only stepwise, however. The complexes of the transition metals (electron configuration dq, 0 < q <10) are often coloured. Colour and colour intensity depend on the kind and number of coordinated ligands as well as on the coordination geometry. Therefore, ligand exchange cannot only be followed visually, e.g. in qualitative analytical determinations, but it can be measured also quantitatively with a spectrophotometer. Together with the acidity/basicity of the free ligands and their changes by the coordination a tool for the quantitative elucidation of reaction mechanisms of complex formations is obtained, yielding stochiometries and equilibrium positions. The rates at which transition metal ions exchange ligands is also dependent on the d electron configuration (see chemistry lecture). Especially the central atoms Cr(III) (d3), Co(III) (d6), Pt(II) (d8) and Pt(IV) (d6) show inert behaviour, means they exchange their current ligands only slowly against others. The inertness of a metal centre generally increases with a more positive valence, and from the first to the second and third transition row. 76 For the ligand exchange in aqueous solution two terms are rather common: the substitution of a water (solvent) molecule in an aqua complex by a different ligand is called "complex formation" [M ( H 2O) x ]n yL [ MLy ( H 2O) x y ]( n y ) yH 2O while the replacement of a ligand L by another ligand is called "ligand substitution" MLx yB MLx y By yL Complex formation is only possible if the new ligand is more strongly coordinated than water. It must be noted that water is a fairly good ligand itself, which can be seen in the order of magnitude of the hydration enthalpies M+ 400 kJ Mol-1 M2+ 1800 kJ Mol-1 M3+ 4000 kJ Mol-1 Aqua complexes themselves are obtained by dissolution of a salt of the corresponding metal ion, with anions that hardly tend to complex formation, like perchlorate, nitrate and eventually sulphate. Further one has to consider that the metal aqua ions with high charge show acidic character in water (e.g. Al3+) and are stable only in acidified solution. As variable the interplay of all facts influencing complex formation is, as diverse is its use, applications and consequences. Some freely picked examples are metal ions encapsulated in organic molecules like: sandwich complexes, a kind of complexes that facilitates the passage of K+ through cell membranes. Chelating agents that form sparingly soluble precipitates with metal ions are useful in gravimetry. Water softeners bind calcium. Complexones are used for the titration of various metal ions. The red blood colour is an inert iron complex for the transport of O2. Vitamin B12 is a cobalt complex. Complex formations are used as detection methods in qualitative analytical chemistry. Complex catalysts promote polymer synthesis. Chlorophyll is a magnesium complex, etc. Biologically important are complexes of Mg2+, Ca2+, Mn(2-4)+, Fe(2-4)+, Co+, Cu(1-2)+, Zn2+, Mo(4-6)+. Some microorganisms contain enzymes based on vanadium and nickel. Biological ligands are often derived 77 from amino acids. Proteins and peptides contain amino acids that provide donor functions, e.g. carboxylate from aspartate and glutamate, phenolate from tyrosine, imidazol from histidine and thiolate from cysteine. The oxygen-containing donors bind Mg2+, Ca2+, Mn(2-4)+ and Fe3+. The others bind most metals except Mg2+, Ca2+ and Mn(2-3)+. Inorganic helper ligands are hydroxide and oxide which often form bridges between several metal atoms. This kind of complex is called a cluster. Another bridging ligand is sulphide. It forms functionally important aggregates with Fe(2-3)+. A special class are the macrocyclic ligands. They confer unusual properties to metals regarding their Lewis acid and redox properties. The largest group in biology are the porphyrins, and thereof the Fe complexes which are called haemes. They are related to the chlorophylls which are crucial in photosynthesis, and to corrins which form Vitamin B12 with Co+. Vitamin B12, cobalamin, is essential for the transfer of methyl (CH3) groups. O H2N O H2N CH3 H3C O H2N NH2 N H3C O N H3C N + Co N N CH3 O NH2 H C 3 H3C O O NH2 O O NH CH3 CH3 N CH3 P O O - HO N CH3 H H H HO O H Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) Haem complexes carry out the functions of oxygen transport (haemoglobin), oxygen storage (myoglobin) and many redox reactions (peroxidases, oxygenases). Ion selective ligands that bind selectively monovalent cations can also be found in biology. They enable controlled transport of ions across lipophilic membranes. Valinomycin is a representative: 78 Valinomycin Introductory experiments in coordination chemistry In these experiments a number of characteristic complex formations and ligand substitutions are gathered, many of which are applied in qualitative and quantitative analysis. a) Chromate CrO42- - chlorochromate CrO3Cl- - chromyl chloride CrO2Cl2 These three particles differ only, with identical coordination number, identical coordination geometry and identical valence of chromium, by the numbers of ligand atoms O-II and Cl-I. CrO2Cl- and CrO2Cl2 can be prepared by ligand exchange reactions, starting with chromate and Cl-, under protonation of the leaving ligand O2-. The use of 25% hydrochloric acid leads to CrO3Cl- CrO42 Cl 2H CrO3Cl H 2O If concentrated sulphuric acid is used for the protonation chromyl chloride, a volatile red-brown material is obtained. It is used in the detection of chloride. CrO42 2Cl 4H CrO3Cl2 2H 2O If CrO3Cl- or CrO2Cl2 are brought into water the reactions are reverted. 79 1 g of potassium dichromate K2Cr2O7 is dissolved in a mixture of 1 ml water and 1.5 g concentrated hydrochloric acid under gentle heating. After cooling yellow-red crystals of KCrO3Cl begin to separate. Filter on a glass filter frit and dry on filter paper in air. It can be proven that Cr and Cl are present in the ratio of 1:1 as follows: Dissolve some crystals of KCrO3Cl in a small test tube in water and add solid sodium acetate to generate a buffer. KCrO3Cl decomposes to CrO42- and Cl-. Both can be precipitated selectively and centrifuged as silver salts according to the solids chapter. What should be the ratio of Ag+ consumption for Cl- and CrO42-? Do the experiment! b) Complex formations of Cu(II) and Fe(III) with Cl-, Br-, CH3COO-, SCN-, F-, NH3. By the combination of solutions containing the aqua ions Cu2+aq or Fe3+aq with solutions of the ligands mentioned the complex formations can be followed nicely by the occurring colour effects. Prepare two solutions of 1 g iron(III) ammonium sulphate NH4Fe(SO4)212H2O and copper sulphate CuSO45H2O each in 2 – 3 ml water. Add 2-3 drops of these solutions to the following solutions, prepared in small test tubes (level about 1 cm high): Tube 1 HNO3 2 M Tube 2 HCl conc. Tube 3 KBr 100 mg/1 ml H2O Tube4 CH3COONa3H2O Tube 5 KSCN Tube 6 NH3 conc. Add sodium fluoride solution dropwise to the thiocyanate complexes of iron(III). c) Ammine complexes. Ammonia as complexing agent NH3 forms soluble ammine complexes with many transition (Cu2+, Ni2+, Co2+) and B (Zn2+, Ag+) metal ions, which are stable in excess ammonia and prevent hydroxide precipitation. Many highly charged 80 A metal ions (Al3+, Ti4+) prefer OH- as a ligand over NH3: addition of NH3 causes metal hydroxide precipitation. With Ag+ the ammine complex formation is such that AgCl is dissolved already in dilute NH3 while the more sparingly soluble AgBr is soluble only in more concentrated NH3, and the even less soluble AgI cannot be dissolved even with concentrated NH3. Three examples are selected to show the action of ammonia as a complexing agent: Ni 2 xNH3 [ Ni( NH3 ) x ]2 To a solution of nickel nitrate Ni(NO3)26H2O which contains the nickel aqua ion an excess of concentrated NH3 is added. Soluble blue-violet nickel ammine complexes are formed. The value of x depends on the concentration ratios: x can be 4, 5 or 6. Cd (OH )2 ( s ) 4 NH3 [Cd ( NH3 )4 ]2 2OH Dissolve some crystals of cadmium sulphate 3CdSO48 H2O in 1 ml water and precipitate the cadmium by addition of 2 M sodium hydroxide as gelatinous cadmium hydroxide Cd(OH)2. After addition of concentrated ammonia the cadmium is re-dissolved as a tetrammine complex. AgBr( s ) 2 NH3 [ Ag ( NH3 )2 ] Br Dissolve some crystals of KBr in 1 ml water and precipitate Br- with 0.2 M silver nitrate. The yellowish AgBr precipitate can just be dissolved with concentrated NH3. d) Formation of hydroxo complexes of Al(III) and Zn(II) Most metal hydroxides are sparingly soluble. Some of these hydroxides, e.g. Al(OH)3 and Zn(OH)2 are dissolved by addition of OH- as hydroxo complexes (aluminate, zincate). This behaviour is called amphoteric. 81 Al (OH )3 ( s ) 3OH [ Al (OH )4 ] Zn(OH )2 ( s ) 2OH [ Zn(OH )4 ]2 Sodium hydroxide solution is added dropwise to solutions of aluminium chloride and zinc sulphate. Observe the prcipitation of the hydroxides and the following re-dissolution under formation of the hydroxo complexes. For Al(OH)3 0.1 M sodium hydroxide is sufficient for complex formation, for Zn(OH)2 a higher OH- concentration is required, 2 M NaOH. Sodium hydroxide can even dissolve aluminium metal directly to aluminate. Write the reaction equation. e) Inertness of Fe(CN)64- The complex particle Fe(CN)64- should decay into Fe2+ and hydrocyanic acid upon acidification: [ Fe(CN )6 ]4 4H Fe2 6HCN This decomposition is very slow, however, Fe(CN)64- is – like Fe(CN)63- - an inert complex. Therefore one can isolate the corresponding free acid upon acidification. [ Fe(CN )6 ]4 4H H 4 [ Fe(CN )6 ] The acid forms a sparingly water soluble addition compound with ether which allows for the isolation. The dry acid is stable for unlimited time while in moist air it is slowly decomposed under blue colouration (Prussian blue). 2 g K4Fe(CN)6 are dissolved in 18 ml water and 5 ml concentrated hydrochloric acid are added. The KCl initially precipitated is just dissolved by adding water dropwise. Now 2-3 Pasteur pipettes of ether are added which causes the ether adduct of H4[Fe(CN)6] to precipitate as leaf like crystals. These can be filtered on a glass filter frit. Purification is possible by dissolution in ethanol and recrystallisation with ether. This purification shall not be carried out here. f) Stepwise complex formation, iron complexes of tiron Tiron is an ortho-diphenol with two -SO3- functions incorporated to improve solubility in water. The two phenolic -OH functions are responsible for its property to act as a bidentate chelating agent. A metal with the coordination number KZ = 6, e.g. Fe3+, 82 -O 3S OH -O 3S OH can bind totally three of these tiron anions L2-. In the formation process, according to Fe3 H 2 L FeL 2H etc. two protons are released per L. Thus the pH of the solution has an influence on the complex formation. With Fe(III) the conditions are such that, excess of ligand presumed, in acidic solution (pH = 2) only the blue 1:1 complex FeL is present, at pH 7 the violet 1:2 complex FeL25- dominates and at pH 10 the red 1:3 complex FeL39- prevails. 1 mg of Fe(NO3)39H2O is weighed into a 50 ml beaker, dissolved in 30 ml water and acidified with one drop of 2 M HCl. Add 10 mg of tiron. The blue 1:1 complex appears. Take a sample of this solution in a polystyrene cuvette. By addition of solid CH3COONa3H2O to the solution in the beaker, the pH is increased until the colour changes to violet (1:2 complex). Take a sample of this solution in a second cuvette. Upon addition of a drop of concentrated NH3 to the beaker the red 1:3 complex is formed. Take another sample in a third cuvette. It can be shown that the bidentate complexing agent tiron is bound more strongly than a monodentate one since addition of F- causes no discolouration as it was the case with the thiocyanate complexes of Fe(III). Fill a forth cuvette with water and take the reference spectrum from 350 nm to 700 nm. Measure the according spectra of all three iron-tiron complex samples. Compare the wavelength of the absorption maxima of the samples with their colour of appearance. Is there any relationship? Preparative coordination chemistry Many complex particles are also known to occur in solid compounds. Such solids are not only proof for the existence of the complex with the corresponding stochiometric composition observed in solution, but allow to obtain all structural details by means of X-ray diffraction analysis: precise coordination geometry, bond distances, bond angles etc. Those solids are often easily isolated, the 83 preparation of previously unknown complexes demands, however, the profound knowledge of chemical reactivity and perfect skills in laboratory methods. To isolate new compounds is one of the fundamental goals in chemistry. Two categories of solid coordination compounds are paid special attention here. The robust complexes of Co(III), Cr(III), Pt(II), Pt(IV) etc. which exchange ligands only slowly have enabled the preparation of the various isomers of their coordination compounds. For example, cis-Co(NH3)4Cl2+ and trans-Co(NH3)4Cl2+ can be isolated separately. Such solid isomers are the ideal starting materials to study the kinetics of slow conversions. Another group of solid coordination compounds is found in analytical applications. A central atom can coordinate with single or double negatively charged bidentate ligands such that an electrically neutral complex is formed. If this compound is stochiometrically uniform and sparingly soluble in water it can be used for the gravimetric determination of the corresponding central atom. Typical examples are 8-hydroxyquinoline, cupferron, dimethyl glyoxime etc. On the following pages there are two methods for the preparation of typical representatives of solid coordination compounds. The list could be arbitrarily extended. Synthesise one of the two compounds mentioned. Tetraammine nickel nitrite Ni(NH3)4(NO2)2 This is a nickel complex with only 4 NH3 bound to nickel. The two nitrite ions which compensate for the charge of the central ion are doubtlessly bound to the two remaining coordination positions of Ni. Noticeable is the deep red colour of this complex. Compare with the description of Ni(CN)42-. 84 O - O N H3N NH3 Ni ++ H3N NH3 N O O - 6.2 g nickel acetate Ni(CH3COO)24H2O are dissolved in as little water as possible under gentle heating. In order to avoid hydrolysis a drop of concentrated CH3COOH is added. 30 g CH3COONH4 together with 20 g sodium nitrite are dissolved in a 300 ml conical flask, also with as little water as possible. Now add the nickel acetate solution and further 15 ml concentrated NH3. After a while the red complex is precipitated in the form of delicate crystals, sometimes one has to wait overnight. The supernatant solution is decanted and the crystals are transferred into a Buchner funnel with filter paper by means of ethanol as the washing fluid. Dry at room temperature on the filter paper. Potassium dioxalato cuprate(II) K2Cu(OOCCOO)22H2O The oxalate ion is a complexing agent which forms sparingly soluble compounds like FeC2O4, La2(C2O4)3 etc. O O -O O - Oxalate can be coordinated up to quadridentate, e.g. in calcium oxalate CaC2O4(s). If such oxalates are treated with more oxalate often anionic oxalate complexes are formed in which the oxalate is a bidentate ligand like in La(C2O4)33-, Co(C2O4)33-. This kind of complex can often be isolated as an alkali salt. Prepare a hot solution of 7.3 g dipotassium oxalate with 20 ml water in a 100 ml conical flask. In a 100 ml beaker 2.5 g copper sulphate CuSO45H2O are dissolved in 10 ml water under heating. Add a few drops of the hot potassium oxalate solution. Bright blue CuC2O4(s) is precipitated immediately. 85 Add the rest of the oxalate solution until the copper salt is completely re-dissolved (magnetic stirrer). Upon cooling blue K2Cu(C2O4)22H2O crystallises, it is filtered on a glass filter frit of degree 4. Wash with about 5 ml water, then with about 10 ml ethanol and finally with 10 ml ether. Dry on a filter paper in air. Metal indicators Metal indicators are a combination of dye and bi- or polydentate ligand. When they bind to metal ions their colour changes, exactly like a pH indicator that shows the uptake or loss of H+ by a colour change. In fact metal indicators are also pH indicators. The main application of metal indicators is in analogy the titration of metal ions with the solution of a chelating agent (mainly EDTA), where a large change of pM = -lg[M] takes place at the end point and the metal indicator is forced to change its colour with the pM change. Not every metal indicator is suitable for every metal. The metal indicator must not bind more strongly to the metal than the titration reagent or the end point colour change M ( Ind ) Y MY Ind does not take place, at least not at the expected concentration. The pH indicator property must be eliminated, by working in buffered solution at constant pH. A further application stems from the often high extinction coefficients of many M(Ind) complexes: the concentration of M(Ind) can be measured optically and is therefore useful in analysis. With them it is possible to determine metal ion concentrations as small as 10-8 M. Dithizone is such a complexing agent which helps to detect tiniest amounts of "heavy metal" ions. Some characteristic metal indicators are listed below, without drawings of the complicated structures, together with their indicating properties. Further details can be found in specific brochures and analytical textbooks (Vogel: Quantitative Inorganic Analytical Chemistry). Study the colour changes of the following indicators. A highly dilute solution of each indicator is adjusted to the pH indicated. Add a small quantity of the correspondingly listed metal salt to each of the indicators. 86 Dye pH/(reagent) Metal Murexide 14 (NaOH) Cd2+ Erio T 9-10 (NH3/NH4+) Ca2+ Pyridyl-azo-naphthol (PAN) 5 (CH COOH/CH COO-) Cu2+ 3 3 Note the colours before and after metal addition in a table. Finally, add 0.1 M Komplexon III solution drop wise to each of the solutions that had metal added. What happens, and why? Dithizone as metal indicator Transfer about 5 ml dichloromethane CH2Cl2 into a large test tube and dissolve a trace of dithizone in it. The solution shall be green. Pour a layer of 20 ml deionised water on the solution in which a single small crystal of ZnSO47H2O has been dissolved previously, and shake. Zn2+ forms a dithizone complex which is soluble in CH2Cl2 with violet colour. Determination of the hardness of water by complexometric titration For a polydentate ligand which saturates multiple or even all of the coordination sites of a metal ion a very simple stoichiometry of the complex compound is expected, namely 1:1. The only complications are the coordination of H+ to the ligand or the coordination of OH- to the metal ion. The occurrence of a precise 1:1 stoichiometry M Hi L ML iH can be explored for analysis by the titration of a metal ion with such a chelating agent if one succeeds in the detection of the end point with a metal indicator. In practical use we have today only the anion of ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid 87 H4EDTA, abbreviated H4Y as a reagent of significance. It is a hexadentate ligand if fully coordinated. The disodium salt Na2H2Y2H2O is commercially available under a variety of names (Komplexon III, Sequestren, etc.). Preparation of the calibrated Komplexon III solution, 0.1 M Weigh exactly 37.225 g Komplexon III, dissolve in deionised water and fill in a graduated flask to 1000 ml. For the most precise work the solution must be calibrated since the crystal water content of Komplexon III is not entirely reliable. Titrate 10 ml quantities of a solution of about 1 g exactly weighed CaCO3, which is prepared in a 100 ml graduated flask, with the Komplexon III. The preparation of the Ca2+ solution is somewhat tricky. The CaCO3 is not water-soluble, but can be weighed precisely. It is transferred with little water into the flask and dissolved by dropwise addition of 6 M HCl and shaking until the solid is just dissolved. Continue shaking until the CO2 evolution ceases. Fill to the mark with water and mix. For the titration add 5 ml of the ammonia buffer described below to the 10 ml quantity, and a spatula tip of Eriochrome black T ground with NaCl 1:100. Why is the buffer required? 88 50 ml of tap water (2 x 25 ml pipette) or 5 ml mineral water (do not use oligomineralised mineral water! This designation is a bad joke anyway! Examples: Evian, Arkina, Henniez, Vichy, Badoit, Perrier and other life style waters. Suitable are Aproz, Passuger, Rhäzünser, San Pellegrino, Valser, Lostorfer, Meltinger etc.) are transferred into a wide-necked conical flask (add 40-45 ml deionised water to the mineral water). To the solution 2-3 Pasteur pipettes of a buffer which is prepared from 7 g NH4Cl, 57 ml concentrated NH3 and 43 ml H2O are added. The pH should be 9-10 (check with glass rod and indicator paper). Now a spatula tip of ground Erio T/NaCl 1:100 is added and the titration with 0.01 M Komplexon III (= EDTA2 H2O = Na2H2, dilute the previously prepared solution by a factor of 10) is carried out until the colour changes from red to pure blue, use a white paper as background. Check the pH from time to time and add buffer if the pH becomes lower than 9. Do two titrations, better three, and average. If the titration volume is above 50 ml (mineral waters or tap water from limestone areas) one should consider the use of higher EDTA concentrations (0.05-0.1 M). Evaluation: calculate first [Ca2+ in Mol/l in the sample, then use the following conversion factors: French degrees (frequent on detergent packs) [Ca2+] MW (CaCO3) 100 = fH (1 fH = 10 mg CaCO3 per litre) German degrees [Ca2+] MW (CaO) 100 = dH (1 dH = 10 mg CaO per litre) very soft 0-4 dH soft 4-8 dH medium hard 8-12 dH rather hard 12-18 dH hard 18-30 dH very hard > 30 dH 89 Chromatography Chromatographic methods utilise the differences in adsorption of polar molecules on polar surfaces of solids for separations. The equipment consists of a stationary solid phase on which the particles a are deposited for limited intervals, and of a mobile phase which carries them along from deposition to deposition. The different adsorptive properties of different particles cause their different average deposition times and therefore the separation. If liquids are used as mobile phase the adsorption is also determined by the polarity of the liquid, and this is in turn determined by its composition (e.g. mixtures of methanol and acetone). The forms of realisation are many: the stationary phase can be stacked in a tube to form a column, called column chromatography; a piece of filter paper as stationary phase: paper chromatography; a glass or plastic plate covered with a layer of a powder: thin layer chromatography, etc. Even gases can be used as a mobile phase; the stationary phase in this case is a viscous non-volatile organic fluid which is distributed in a thin layer over the inner surface of a quartz or metal tube. Chromatography is mainly a field organic chemistry (applications: isolation, purification, preparative separation). Our first experiment demonstrates the separation of dyes with thin layer chromatography. Chromatographic separation of dyes (Thin layer chromatography, TLC, on silica gel plates) On the one of the narrow sides of a rectangular commercial TLC silica gel plate colour dots are placed with 5 different felt tip pens about 5 mm from the edge, spaced by about 7 mm. For the separation of the mixtures of colours (development of the chromatogram) a mixture of 1 part of ethyl acetate, 1 part of methanol and 2 parts of acetone is transferred into a 400 ml beaker such that the bottom is covered 2 mm high. The TLC plate is placed upright into the solvent, dots at the bottom side. Cover the beaker with a filter paper or a Petri dish. The solvent is slowly soaked up by the silica gel and the individual dyes are transported upwards at different velocities. When the solvent front has reached 90 the upper edge of the plate it is removed from the beaker and allowed to dry in air. The relative run length Rf of a dye ist its absolute run length divided by the run length of the solvent front. Under fixed physical conditions (temperature, partial pressures, composition of solvent) this value is characteristic for the dye and allows for comparison of the compositions of the colours. TLC plate Eluent front Run lengths of components Start line Liquid-liquid distribution This separation method relies on the distribution of a substance A between two solvents in contact, however immiscible. For example, if the solvents water and carbon tetrachloride CCl4 are used, and as substance A the salt KBr is added, the salt has a much greater affinity to water than to CCl4. The KBr added will be found almost exclusively in the water phase. On the other hand, if a material of non-polar molecules is added as substance A (e.g. elemental bromine Br2) to the solvent system, it will be found mainly in the non-aqueous phase, CCl4. This offers a possibility to separate salts from molecular substances. In combination with suitable chemical reactions these preferences for one solvent lead to very elegant separation methods. Charged particles which contain a group or atom of type B, for example, can be transformed into uncharged particles containing B by a chemical 91 reaction. These can then be separated from other ions by extraction into an organic phase. Examples for such conversions from charged to uncharged particles are 2Br Br2 2e oxidation CH3COO H CH3COOH protonation Al 3 3HOxin Al (Oxin)3 3H complex formation Salts which consist of very large ions are often soluble in organic solvents and can be extracted from an aqueous phase into an organic phase. Co2+ e.g. can be extracted from water into ether in form of the voluminous (NH4)2Co(NCS)4 (ion pair formation). The solvent extraction method has found two major applications. On one side small amounts of substances in large volumes of aqueous solution can be easily transferred into a small volume of organic solvent and be concentrated thus. This is used for the extraction of organic acids from aqueous solution into ether. Small amounts of radioactive materials can be removed easily and quickly from aqueous solutions. Another application allows for the separation of mixtures of metal ions if the individual metal ions show a distinguished difference in complex stability with a certain ligand, e.g. Cl-. A metal that forms an uncharged chlorido complex more easily will be transferred preferably into the organic phase. Historically this way it was possible to separate the elements scandium and thorium which can be hardly isolated from each other by other methods. In the next experiment the distribution coefficient of elemental iodine kI for the system water/dichloromethane CH2Cl2 is determined. In both phases iodine exists as I2. For the determination of kI am small amount of I2 is equilibrated between H2O and CH2Cl2 before the I2 concentration is analytically measured in both phases. 92 Determination of the distribution coefficient of iodine in the solvent system H2O/CH2Cl2 Attention: CH2Cl2 is not totally harmless! Always use a rubber balloon to pipette CH2Cl2 and avoid skin contact with CH2Cl2 and the inhalation of CH2Cl2 vapours. Used mixtures containing CH2Cl2 are to be poured into the dedicated waste containers. 10 ml of a 0.02 M I2 solution in CH2Cl2 are pipetted into a 300 ml conical flask filled with 200 ml deionised water. A magnetic stirrer bar is added and the flask is sealed with a piece of aluminium sheet. Stir for 15 minutes. After separation of the phases 150 ml of the aqueous phase are sampled with a graduated cylinder and transferred into a 250 ml wide-necked conical flask. The iodine is titrated with 0.01 M thiosulphate solution, according to the method in the redox chapter. Under the conditions of our experiment the distribution coefficient is calculated according to K I2 with [ I 2 ]H 2 O [ I 2 ]CH 2Cl2 [ I 2 ]H 2O n( I 2 ) H2O 0.2 l [ I 2 ]H2O 0.01M Vtitr 2 150 ml and [ I 2 ]CH 2Cl2 n( I 2 )tot n( I 2 ) H 2O 0.01 l n( I 2 )tot 0.05 M 0.01 l Ion exchangers Ion exchangers make available a kind of chromatography for the separation of ions. They are solids or polymers with cavities that can be filled with water. On the inside of the cavities there are charged atoms groups the charges of which must be neutralised by counter ions in the aqueous phase. These ions in the aqueous phase are mobile and can be exchanged for different ions of the same charge type. 93 The most important types of ion exchangers are: a) Inorganic aluminium silicates (zeolithes etc.), having a silicate lattice bearing negative charges. Serve as cation exchangers. b) Organic polymers with covalently bound –SO3- groups: R-SO3-Na+ are cation exchangers; with covalently bound –NR3+ groups: R-NR3+Cl- are anion exchangers. Ions attach with different strengths at the ion exchanging resin, generally the better the higher the charge and the smaller the radius of the hydrated ion is. Thus the following series result: weaker Li+< H+ < Na+ < Cs+ < Mg2+< Ca2+< Al3+< Ce3+ stronger weaker F-< Cl-< Br-< NO3- < HSO4- < I- stronger If an ion exchanging resin RA+ were transferred into a solution of ion B+ and thoroughly mixed, the equilibrium RB A RA B would be established at one single level. If the resin is, however, piled up in a glass tube to form a column and the solution of B+ is passed slowly through it the equilibrium is established multiple times at changing levels over the whole length of the column which results in a great separation effect. Since the column starts with pure RA+ separations are possible even with unfavourable equilibria because of the mass action. An example is the preparation of a solution of rhodanic acid HNCS which is not stable in free form. This is done by passing a solution of KNCS over a cation exchanger in acidic form RH+ and swaps the potassium ion K+ for H+. The following experiment is an example for the separation of transition metal ions of the 3rd period in different oxidation states and in the form of different chloro 94 complexes on an anion exchanger. The separation does not succeed with commercially available cation exchangers. Ion exchange chromatography: separation of Cu2+, Ni2+, Fe3+ Chromatography tube Mobile phase Separating agent (here: ion exchanging resin) Glass wool The separation of these three cations relies on the different properties of their chloro complexes. Ni2+ has a poor affinity to Cl- and forms only NiCl+ in 9 M HCl, while Cu2+ and Fe3+ forms tri- and tetrachloro complexes. The charge density which determines the bond strength with the ion exchanger is different for CuCl3- and FeCl4- because the smaller copper complex has a larger radius in the hydrated form and binds more weakly. 95 Method: the chromatography tube is mounted vertically on a stand and a ball of glass wool is inserted just above the stopcock. 20 ml water and 5 ml 9 M HCl are added to 20 ml of anion exchanger (Amberlite IR-400 or a similar one of the Amberlite IR-4xx series) in a 100 ml beaker and stirred. The mixture is poured at once into the tube (stopcock slightly open, place beaker under outlet). Rinse the beaker with 3 ml 9M HCl and pour also into the tube. Knock gently at the tube, best with the wooden clamp, such that the resin settles and air escapes. Never let the column run dry, or it has to be refilled since air cannot easily be removed. Insert another ball of glass wool at the top of the column. Flush the column with 15 ml 9 M HCl to ensure that it is in the Cl- form. Close the stopcock when the NaCl level is 1 cm above the glass wool. Add 0.5 ml of cation mixture handed out by the teaching assistant to the column top. Add 1 ml of 9 M HCl and drain the column until the upper level is again 1 cm above the glass wool ball. Add 15 ml of 9 M HCl to the column top and open the stopcock cautiously until the outflow is 1 drop per second. Collect the outflow in 4 ml portions in test tubes (enumerate!). When the top level has reached again 1 cm, add 30 ml 4.5 M HCl and continue collecting. As soon as this solution is also drained, add 30 ml water and collect until you have a total of 20 test tubes with 4 ml eluted solution each. Regenerate the resin by successive treatment with 10 ml 1 M Na2SO4 and 30 ml H2O, remove it from the tube and return it to the teaching assistant. Analysis of the samples: take 6-10 drops from each test tube for each test and examine as follows: Cu2+: make slightly basic (pH=9) with 1 M or concentrated NH3. Add some drops of 2,2'-bisquinoline or neocuproin (2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthrolin) solution (in 96% ethanol) and 4 drops of hydroxylamine hydrochloride or hydroxylamine sulphate solution. Cover with some ether and shake. If the ether is coloured blue-violet or reddish respectively, Cu2+ is present. Fe3+: add 5 drops of 1 M KSCN. A distinct red colour indicates Fe3+. Ni2+: make the solution alkaline by adding conc. NH3. Add some drops of 1% dimethyl glyoxime solution (in 96% ethanol). A red precipitate formed within 10 minutes indicates Ni2+. 96 Qualitative analysis The knowledge about chemical reaction types acquired in our lab course until today can be used, together with characteristic substance properties, to separate mixtures into components and to detect their presence. In many cases it is impossible to detect a component in a mixture directly and selectively, usually a preceding separation is required. Only the progress of the separation together with a detection reaction at the end can prove the presence of a certain substance, the direct application of this reaction often yields unclear results, since several components react similarly. We shall examine a mixture of 6 inorganic ions as an example, this fits the other subjects in the course. The mixture contains Fe2+, Zn2+, Ca2+, Cl-, Br-, I- These are ions which occur in pharmaceutical preparations, though usually not all together, but it adds a reality touch to the exercise. It is typical for analytical chemistry that only certain components in a sample are searched for. The idea of a total analysis of an environmental sample or a natural material is completely unrealistic, since they might contain thousands of components. Even with simpler problems the investigation is normally limited for economic reasons. In this respect our approach is less realistic. Before one starts an analysis, one has to know the characteristic chemical properties of the components under examination. According to them the separation method is selected. Fe2+: weakly colored transition metal ion, stable in acidic solution, becomes oxidized by air to yellowbrownish Fe3+ in neutral to alkaline solution. It precipitates with hydroxide in alkaline solution. Fe3+ forms many colored complexes Zn2+: colorless (d10 !) transition metal ion, soluble as hydrated cation in acid and as hydroxo complex in alkali, it is precipitated as Zn(OH)2 at neutral pH. This behaviour is called amphoteric and is also 97 observed with other metals, e.g. Al3+ and Sn2+. No remarkable redox chemistry except for the reduction to Zn0. Zn2+ forms complexes which can be colored, but only by the ligand alone. Ca2+: colorless earth alkali metal ion, shows a red color in the burner flame. A red flame color can also be caused by Li+ and Sr2+, therefore the observation is only a hint, but not a proof. The ion is water-soluble at most pH values except for strongly basic conditions, where is precipitated as Ca(OH)2, and also in the presence of most monovalent anions except for fluoride. Anions with higher charge like sulphate, carbonate and phosphate all form sparingly soluble salts with calcium. Cl-, Br-, I- are, besides fluoride, the halides, and the have very similar chemical behavior. All ions are colorless, since the have a filled valence shell (noble gas configuration). All of them form sparingly soluble silver compounds, which are colorless (Cl-), light yellow (Br-) or yellow (I-). If a precipitate with Ag+ has a pure white appearance, there can be only Cl-, if even slight yellow shades are visible there are many possibilities. The largest difference in the halides is there redox chemistry: iodide can easily be oxidized to the elemental state, I2, with bromide it also possible, and with chloride it is difficult. Since iodine and bromine, the elements, are colored, the oxidation can be used for their detection. Before we start with separations and detections, a set of reagents and equipment should be prepared in order to allow for fluent work. Our small problem requires only a reduced set compared to a classic separation sequence. Samples are provided by the teaching assistants. They may contain all or only part of the ions discussed above. Equipment: spatula, glass rod, large and medium test tubes, small beakers of 50 and 100 ml, centrifuge tubes, pH indicator paper (better continuous roll than sticks), magnesia rods, Pasteur pipettes. 98 Apparatus: centrifuge, water bath (250 or 600 ml beaker containing de-ionized water, boil on electric heater, then set thermostat to 120-140 °C, cover with a watch glass when not in use to reduce vapor loss), gas burner. Chemicals: solutions ready for use are: conc. sulphuric acid, conc. acetic acid, hydrogen peroxide 30%, hexane or light petroleum. Solutions to prepare: hydrochloric acid 6 M (half conc.), sodium carbonate 2 M, sodium hydroxide 2 M, silver nitrate 0.1 M, K4[Fe(CN)6 0.1 M, Co(NO3)2 1% (weight). Solids: potassium or sodium nitrite, potassium permanganate, ammonium chloride, potassium or ammonium thiocyanate. Procedure: all observations have to be listed in the laboratory journal. Try to formulate reaction equations! Identify the according reaction type. We start with - Flame color: transfer a small amount of the mixture onto a watch glass by means of the spatula tip. A magnesia rod is calcined in the non-luminous burner flame until the yellow color ceases to fade. The cooled rod is moistened with 6 M HCl and dipped into the mixture on the watch glass. Some material should be sticking to the rod now. The rod is carefully introduced into the flame, preferably without dropping material into the burner tube. Observe the flame color. - 1. Separation: cations and anions are separated. Cations with two or more valences form sparingly soluble carbonates which can be easily re-dissolved in dilute acid. Thus, all cations except alkali ions can be separated elegantly from the anions. However, a homogeneous solution of the sample has to be prepared first. This can be very difficult in many cases. In our example it is quite simple: add about 3 ml H2O to 50-100 mg mixture in a large test tube, which should dissolve most of the material after some shaking. Some greenish flakes may remain. Complete dissolution is effected by dropwise addition of acetic acid, whereas the solution is shaken well after each addition. Acid addition is stopped immediately upon complete dissolution. This kind of reagent addition should always be applied in order to avoid reagent excesses, which can be very confusing later and increase the consumption of further reagents to be added. It is important that we do not just execute a cooking recipe 99 but act consciously to reach a goal. Afterwards, sodium carbonate solution is added dropwise with vigorous shaking after each addition. At the beginning, the solution might foam violently because of CO2 formation, caution! Precipitation of carbonates sets in under strong clouding. As soon as we get the impression that the precipitation is terminating we test for completeness: either we let patiently settle the precipitate and add a drop of sodium carbonate gently at the solution surface, or we tilt the test tube until we can see the tube wall through the liquid at the upper level, and add sodium carbonate there; this is less precise. If, with the first or second method, clouding appears at the contact position, precipitation is still incomplete. After completion the test tube is stored for about 15 min. in the hot water bath in order to obtain more coarse grains by re-crystallization. Finally, precipitate and solution are separated by centrifugation. The carbonate precipitate is washed after decantation of the solution in order to remove remaining anions in the slurry. This is done as follows: after decantation of the solution, which is kept for anions determination later, 5 ml of H2O are added to the precipitate which is the stirred up with the glass rod. Afterwards, the slurry is centrifuged and the supernatant is discarded. The procedure is repeated once more. Now the precipitate is ready for cations detection. - 2. Separation: separate Fe2+/3+ from Zn2+ and Ca2+. The carbonate precipitate is transferred into a beaker by means of a small amount of water and dissolved by dropwise addition of acetic acid. Attention: strong foaming! Transfer the solution into a large test tube and expel CO2 by gentle heating with the burner. Now adjust the pH to 10 with conc. NH3. Observe meticulously and describe everything that happens here. At the end a precipitate of browngreenish flakes of iron hydroxides should be obtained. Ca2+ is not precipitated, the hydroxide concentration is not sufficient. Zn2+ forms very soluble complexes with NH3. The tube is heated for 10 min. on the water bath to improve the consistency of the precipitate, which is finally separated by centrifugation. The solution is kept and the precipitate is washed with a mixture of 0.5 ml conc. NH3 and 1 ml water this time, and the washing solution is not discarded, but united with the solution obtained previously. This step is repeated once more. The precipitate is kept for iron detection. - 3. Separation: separate Zn2+ and Ca2+. The solution remaining from the previous separation is boiled in a ventilated hood until it does no more smell of NH3. This can be done on a stand in a beaker or in a large test tube. It is possible that a white precipitate appears. Now the pH is brought to 4-5 with acetic acid, under dissolution of eventual precipitates. The pH is made slightly alkaline again, to 8-9, by cautious addition of NaOH solution. A voluminous mass of Zn(OH)2 precipitates. The product is again completed by heating on the water bath for about 10 min. The precipitate is centrifuged and washed two times with 2 ml water. The washing 100 solutions are combined with the solution obtained after the first centrifugation which should contain only Ca2+ now. - Detection of Fe as Fe3+: Fe2+ is not stable in air; therefore we conduct the detection for Fe3+. The iron hydroxide precipitate is treated with 3 drops of 30% H2O2 and shaken thoroughly. It should become distinctly brown now. The reaction is completed by heating for 10 min. on the water bath. The precipitate is dissolved by dropwise addition of hydrochloric acid. As soon as dissolution is complete we take a 0.5 ml sample of the solution and add K4[Fe(CN)6] solution, which results in a dark precipitate of Prussian Blue (see chapter II). Another 0.5 ml are mixed with a few crystals of solid KSCN or NH4SCN, which produces a deep red complex (see chapter VIII). - Detection of Zn2+: the precipitation at neutral pH is already a strong hint for the presence of this amphoteric element. We dissolve half of this precipitate by dropwise addition of HCl and add K4[Fe(CN)6] solution which should produce an almost colorless precipitate: K2Zn3[Fe(CN)6]2. This can be re-dissolved only with conc. HCl. Another, technically more difficult method: the other half of the Zn(OH)2 precipitate is placed on a watch glass. A magnesia rod is calcined shortly, cooled and dipped into Zn(OH)2. This procedure is repeated until some white ZnO sticks to the tip of the rod. The tip is then dipped into 1% (weight) Co(NO3)2 solution and calcined thoroughly. Besides a blackening caused by cobalt oxide traces of the green zinc-cobalt mixed oxide should appear (Rinmann’s Green). - Detection of Ca2+: the remaining solution of the cation separation sequence is reduced in volume to 4-5 ml by evaporation in beaker. If any crystallization starts, the evaporation must be stopped, however, and water is added until everything is just dissolved again. A spatula tip quantity of NH4Cl is dissolved in half of the solution and K4[Fe(CN)6] solution is added. A light-colored precipitate, (NH4)2Ca3[Fe(CN)6]2, indicates the presence of Ca2+. The flame color of Ca2+ can only be observed through a spectroscope or a yellow filter, since large quantities of sodium were introduced by the reagents added. - Anions: the solution remaining after the carbonate precipitation is now examined. For that purpose it is acidified first with sulphuric acid, until the pH drops below 2. Attention: violent CO2 evolution! 101 - Iodide: a small amount of sodium or potassium nitrite is added to the acidified solution. A dark color indicates iodine. The solution is covered with a layer of hexane or light petroleum and shaken. The hydrocarbon layer becomes purple because of the iodine. The hydrocarbon is cautiously removed by sucking it off with Pasteur pipette. Fresh hydrocarbon is added and the mixture is shaken again thoroughly, the hydrocarbon is removed again. This extraction cycle is repeated until the hydrocarbon remains clear. Test whether the pH is still acidic and add H2SO4 if this no more the case. Add also some more nitrite. If iodine is formed again, the extraction, acidification and nitrite addition are repeated over and over, until no iodide remains in the sample. It is very important to complete the iodide removal because of interferences in subsequent operations. - Bromide: The solution remaining after complete iodide removal is boiled in a ventilated hood until the evolution of brown vapors (NO2• from the decomposition of nitrite) ceases. Now some crystals of potassium permanganate are added, and a fresh layer of hydrocarbon is placed on top. By shaking the permanganate is dissolved and it oxidizes bromide to bromine, Br2, which appears as a yellow to brown color in the hydrocarbon. The solution may become dark because of permanganate reduction products. Now the bromide has to be removed completely in a similar cycle as with the iodide. The hydrocarbon layer is replaced, pH is controlled and permanganate is added repeatedly until the hydrocarbon remains clear. The solution should be acidic and dark purple because of non-reacted permanganate at the end. - Chloride: the purple permanganate is reduced to colorless Mn2+ by cautious addition of hydrogen peroxide. The solution is boiled shortly to eliminate excessive H2O2. Silver nitrate solution is added and white AgCl should precipitate. The precipitate is centrifuged and washed 2 times with 5 ml of water. The washing solutions are discarded. 5 ml of H2O and 1 ml conc. NH3 are added. Upon shaking, the precipitate should begin to dissolve under formation of Ag(NH3)2]+. AgI and AgBr are not soluble under this condition and show yellow colors. 102 Separation scheme of the exercise in qualitative analysis Start solution, weakly acidic CO32Precipitate Solution FeCO3, ZnCO3, CaCO3 I-, Br-, ClH2SO4 CH3COOH Solution Solution Fe2+/3+, Zn2+,Ca2+ I-, Br-, ClNO2- NH3 Precipitate Solution Solution Extract Fe(OH)2/3 Zn(NH3)42+, Ca2+ Br-, Cl- I2 MnO4- -NH3, pH=8-9 H2O2 Precipitate Precipitate Solution Solution Extract Fe(OH)3 Zn(OH)2 Ca2+ Cl- Br2 Detection HCl Ag+ Solution Solution Precipitate Fe3+ Zn2+ AgCl Detection Detection Detection HCl 103 Appendix pk values of some acids at 25°C Säure pKs-Werte Ammonium (NH4+) 9.23 Boric acid (B(OH)3) 9.14 Acetic acid (HOAc, CH3COOH) 4.75 Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (H4EDTA, H4Y) 2.0 2.69 Glycinium (Hgly+, NH3+CH2COOH) 2.35 9.78 Carbonic acid (H2CO3) 6.37 10.25 Oxalic acid (H2ox, HOOCCOOH) 1.23 4.19 Phosphoric acid (H3PO4) 2.12 7.21 Nitric acid (HNO3) -1.43 Hydrochloric acid (HCl) -6.1 Sulphuric acid (H2SO4) -8.0 1.92 Dihydrogen sulfide(H2S) 7.04 19 „Htris+“ (NH3+C(CH2OH)3) 8.09 6.18 10.15 12.67 104 pH indicators Indicator Acidic colour pH range of colour change pK Alkaline colour Alizarine yellow yellow 10.4 - 12.0 11 pink Bromocresol green yellow 3.8 - 5.4 4 blue Bromocresol yellow 5.2 - 6.8 5 violet Bromothymol blue yellow 6.0 - 7.6 7 blue Cresol red yellow 0.4 - 1.8 yellow 7.0 - 8.8 8 violet Litmus red 4.4 - 6.2 6 blue Methyl red red 4.8 - 6.0 5 yellow Neutral red red 6.8 - 8.0 7 yellow colourless 8.2 - 10.0 9 red Phenol red yellow 6.6 - 8.0 7 violet Thymol blue red 1.2 - 2.8 2 yellow yellow 8.0 - 9.6 9 blue purple Phenolphthalein red Further the following indicators are used: for complexometry: acidic colour basic colour Murexide violet blue Erio T violet-brown blue and indicator paper. This is a mixed indicator, which shows colour variations over a wide pH range. It is composed of methyl red, dimethylamino azobenzene, bromothymol blue and thymol blue, the single components being present in 0.025-0.1% concentrations. Die colour shown depending on the pH value is: pH 3 - red - orange - yellow - green - blue - pH 10. 105 Standard reduction potentials E0 (V) Ag+/Ag .................................................................. 0.7996 AgCl/Ag .................................................................. 0.2223 Br /2 Br- ............................................................... 1.065 2 4+ Ce /Ce3+ (1 M H2SO4) ................................... 1.4587 Cl /2 Cl- ................................................................ 1.3583 2 3+ Co /Co2+ (3 M HNO3)..................................... 1.842 [Co(NH3)6]3+/[Co(NH3)6]2+................................ 0.1 Cr3+/Cr2+ ............................................................. -0.41 Cr O 2-/2 Cr3+ .................................................... 1.33 2 7 + Cs /Cs .................................................................. -2.923 Cu+/Cu .................................................................. 0.522 Cu2+/Cu+ .............................................................. 0.158 Cu2+/Cu ................................................................ 0.3402 Fe3+/Fe2+.............................................................. 0.770 [Fe(CN) ]3-/Fe(CN) ]4- (1 M H SO ) ............. 0.69 6 6 2 4 + 2 H /H2.................................................................. 0.0000 H2O2/2 H2O ........................................................ 1.776 Hg2Cl2/2 Hg (Kalomel) (satd. KCl) ............... 0.2415 I /2 I- ..................................................................... 0.535 2 + K /K ...................................................................... -2.924 Li+/Li ..................................................................... -3.045 MnO2/Mn2+ .......................................................... 1.208 MnO -/MnO 2- .................................................... 0.564 4 4 MnO4-/MnO2 ....................................................... 1.679 MnO -/Mn2+ ......................................................... 1.496 4 + Na /Na ................................................................. -2.7109 Ni2+/Ni.................................................................. -0.23 O2/2 H2O ............................................................. 1.229 Rb+/Rb ................................................................. -2.925 S/S2- ...................................................................... -0.508 S4O62-/2 S2O32- ................................................. 0.09 Zn2+/Zn ................................................................ -0.7628 106 Complex formation constants a) EDTA-complexes (pK values of H4Y: 2.0, 2.69, 6.18, 10.15; 20°C, 0.1 M KNO3) M T (°C) Medium log K1 Mg2+ 20 0.1 M KNO3 5.6 Ca2+ 25 ‘’ 4.72 20 ‘’ 4.2 25 ‘’ 3.8 2+ Sr Ba 2+ Al3+ 20 ‘’ 14.8 3+ 22 0.5 M NaCl 21.84 3+ 20 0.1 M KNO3 13.0 Mn2+ 20 ‘’ 11.7 2+ 20 ‘’ 10.7 Co2+ 20 ‘’ 13.8 Sc La Fe 2+ 20 ‘’ 17.4 2+ 20 ‘’ 19.6 Zn2+ 20 ‘’ 13.1 2+ 20 ‘’ 10.4 2+ Hg 25 ‘’ 17.50 Pb2+ 20 ‘’ 13.5 Ni Cu Cd b) NH3 complexes (pK of NH4+: 9.24, 25°C, I M T (°C) 0) Medium log K1 log K2 log K3 log K4 log K5 log K6 2 M NH4NO3 2.11 1.63 1.05 0.76 0.18 -0.62 0.65 0.08 Co2+ 30 Ni2+ ‘’ ‘’ 2.78 2.27 1.65 1.31 Cu2+ ‘’ ‘’ 4.14 3.52 2.87 2.15 Zn2+ ‘’ ‘’ 2.45 2.28 2.64 2.11 Ag+ 25 ‘’ 3.35 3.90 107 c) Glycine complexes pK values of H3+N-CH2-COOH (Hgly+): 2.35, 9.78 (25°C, 0.1 M KNO3) M T (°C) Medium Cu2+ 25 Ni2+ ‘’ 0.1 M KNO3 ‘’ log K1 log K2 log K3 8.23 6.96 5.73 4.83 3.44 108 Solubility products MaLb(s) a M+ b L KL = [M]a.[L]b Solid pKL (at 25°C) AgCl 9.80 AgBr 12.27 AgI 16.07 Ag2S 50.22 CdS 25.10 CuS 36.22 FeS 18.22 HgS 52.70 MnS 13.52 NiS 20.97 PbS 27.52 ZnS 24.70 109 Conductivity data Molar asymptotic conductivity 0 of ions in water at 25°C (in Scm2mol-1) H+ .............. 349.65 Ag+ .................61.9 La3+............. 209.1 Na+ .............. 50.08 Ba2+ ............ 127.2 N(C2H5)4+ ........... 32.6 K+................. 73.47 Co2+ ............110 Co(NH3)63+ . 305.7 OH- ................. 198 NO3- .............71.42 SO42- ............... 160 Cl- ................ 76.31 C2O42- ....148.22 ClO4- ................... 67.3 Br- .................. 78.1 CO32- ........138.6 Fe(CN)63- .... 302.7 Temperature dependence of 0: example HCI T (°C) 0 (Scm2mol-1) 5 15 25 35 45 55 296.4 360.8 424.5 487.0 547.9 606.6 Concentration dependence of : example NaCI c (moll-1) (Scm-2 mol-1) 0 5.10-4 10-3 5.10-3 10-2 10-1 126.39 124.44 123.68 120.59 118.45 106.69 Some values of 0 in non-aqueous Media at 25°C (Scm2 mol-1) Solvent NaCI KCI KBr CH3OH 98 105 109 C2H5OH 42 45 Dielectric constant 32.6 24.3 110