Download Milk is naturally rich with essential nutrients that are important for the

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What’s In A Glass Of Milk?
Milk is naturally rich with essential nutrients that are important for the healthy growth and development of
children. It’s a unique food which is nutrient dense, relatively low in fat and is deliciously easy to drink.
Milk is a great source of high quality protein. It provides the body with essential amino acids which are the
building blocks of our cells.
Protein is essential for your child as it supports healthy growth and development; it is important for
maintaining strong muscles and helps to repair damage to the body’s tissues.
Milk is one of the richest food sources of calcium.
The calcium in milk is easily absorbed by the body and plays an essential role in building strong bones and
Its role however, is not just limited to keeping our skeleton and teeth strong, calcium is also essential for
normal muscle and nerve functioning. The calcium (along with the casein and phosphorous) in milk has
also been shown to have a protective effect against the formation of dental caries .
Calcium is an essential part of a child and young adult’s life. Up until the age of about 20 years old,
children are laying down the foundations of a strong, healthy skeleton for the duration of adulthood.
Consuming enough calcium as a child has been shown to reduce the risk of fracture in later life .
Vitamin B12
Milk is a great source of vitamin B12, a vitamin which plays an important role in forming red blood cells. It
also helps to make sure that our nervous system functions properly.
Riboflavin is a B vitamin which helps to unlock the energy in food so that the body can use it. Like vitamin
B12, it also plays an important role in helping our nervous system function properly.
Milk products provide a good source of zinc in our diets. Zinc is an
important component in many of the body’s metabolic processes and
for healthy growth and development. It helps to support a strong
immune system and plays a vital role in wound healing.
Phosphorous is important for many roles within the body. It helps to
support strong bones, plays a role in many of our body’s metabolic
processes and helps the body utilize the energy from the food we eat.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is an essential nutrient particularly for the growth of young
children. It plays a very important role in the development of healthy
vision and for the growth of our body’s cells.
Vitamin D
Anchor Mega Milk is fortified with vitamin D. Vitamin D is often called the sunshine vitamin, as it can be
made in our skin from exposure to the sun. Unfortunately, many Kiwis just don’t get enough so small
amounts are sometimes added to milk.
Vitamin D works with calcium and phosphorous to make sure that bones stay strong and healthy. It even
plays a role in maintaining normal muscle functioning.
Summary Of The Nutritional Benefits Of Milk
 Provides the body with the essential building blocks for life
 Supports good growth and development
 Helps to repair damage to the body
 Helps to keep us feeling fuller for longer
Essential for strong bones and teeth
Important for normal muscle and nerve functioning
Protects against dental caries
Important for a strong skeleton in later life
Vitamin B12
Assist the body to make red blood cells
Important for the normal functioning of the nervous system
Helps to the body to utilize the energy in food
Important for the normal functioning of the nervous system
Supports the immune system
Important aspect in wound healing
Vitamin A
Important for the development of healthy eye-sight
Essential for growth of our bodies cells
Supports strong bones
Helps the body to utilize the energy in food
Important component in many of the body’s metabolic processes
Vitamin D
Supports the maintenance of a strong skeleton
Helps to maintain normal muscle functioning
(i) Marshall TA, Levy SA, Broffitt B, Warren JJ, Eichenberger-Gilmore JM, Burns TL, Stumbo PJ. Dental caries and beverage
consumption in young children. Peds 2003;112(3):e184-91.
(ii) Cadogan J, Eastell R, Jones N, Barker ME. Milk intake and bone mineral acquisition in adolescent girls: randomised,
controlled intervention trial. BMJ 1997;315:1255-60.