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Adult Diabetes
Clinical Practice Guidelines
Approved by the
National Guideline Directors
October 2014
Review/Approval: May 2014
Interim Update: October 2014 [aspirin rec updated; two rec’s removed (beta-blocker therapy for CAD and
multifactorial interventions for CVD)]
Next Review/Approval: October 2016
Table of Contents
Metadata .....................................................................................................................................................5
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................6
Guidelines Summary .................................................................................................................................9
Rationale Statements ...............................................................................................................................16
Prevention of Diabetes ............................................................................................................. 16
Intervention to Delay the Onset of Type 2 Diabetes ...................................................... 16
Postpartum Screening for Diabetes in Women with a History of (GDM) ..................... 21
PostPartum Follow-Up of Gestational Diabetes Melitus ............................................... 30
Screening .................................................................................................................................. 33
Screening for Type 2 Diabetes ....................................................................................... 33
Test to Screen for Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes ................................................................ 51
Pharmacological Management of Diabetes and Hypertension ................................................ 52
Blood Pressure Threshold to Initiate Drug Therapy in Patients with
Diabetes and Hypertension ............................................................................................. 52
Target Blood Pressure for People with Diabetes and Hypertension .............................. 53
Initial Treatment of Diabetes and Hypertension in the Absence of
Microalbuminuria ........................................................................................................... 54
Step Therapy in the Treatment of Diabetes and Hypertension in the
Absence of Heart Failure or Known Coronary Heart Disease ....................................... 60
Drug Therapy for Patients with Diabetes, Hypertension, and
Albuminuria or Diabetic Nephropathy ........................................................................... 61
Drug Therapy for Microalbuminuria in Normotensive Patients .................................... 64
Lipid Management ................................................................................................................... 84
LDL Goals ...................................................................................................................... 84
Statin Therapy ................................................................................................................ 87
Drug Therapy for Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Events
in the General Diabetes Population .......................................................................................... 93
ACE Inhibitor Therapy for Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) .................... 93
Aspirin Therapy in Diabetes for Prevention of CVD ..................................................... 94
Glucose Control .............................................................................................................. 98
Initial Drug Therapy for Glucose Lowering in Type 2 Diabetes ................................. 102
Step Therapy for Glucose Control ................................................................................ 104
Glycemic Control Target .............................................................................................. 107
Microalbumin Assessments for Patients with Diabetes and Documented
Microalbuminuria on ACE Inhibitors or ARBs ........................................................... 126
Retinal Screening.......................................................................................................... 127
Foot Screening .............................................................................................................. 131
Frequency of Foot Screening........................................................................................ 133
Self-Management ................................................................................................................... 134
Self-Management Education ........................................................................................ 134
Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Type 1 Diabetes................................................ 135
Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Type 2 Diabetes................................................ 136
Self-Titration of Insulin ................................................................................................ 138
Appendix A: Criteria for Grading the Evidence ................................................................................141
Kaiser Permanente Common Methodology ........................................................................... 142
JNC 8 Strength of Recommendation ..................................................................................... 145
NHLBI Grading the Strength of Recommendation ............................................................... 145
ADA Evidence Grading System ............................................................................................ 146
Appendix B: Supporting Documentation ............................................................................................147
Prevention of Diabetes ........................................................................................................... 147
Intervention to Delay the Onset of Type 2 Diabetes .................................................... 147
Postpartum Screening for Diabetes in Women with a History of Getstational
Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) ...................................................................................................... 158
Problem Formulation .................................................................................................... 158
Search Strategy ............................................................................................................. 158
Evidence Table ............................................................................................................. 161
Postpartum Follow-up of GDM ............................................................................................. 162
Problem Formulation .................................................................................................... 162
Search Strategy ............................................................................................................. 162
Evidence Table ............................................................................................................. 165
Screening ................................................................................................................................ 166
Screening for Type 2 Diabetes ..................................................................................... 166
Test to Screen for Impaired Glucose Control ........................................................................ 167
Problem Formulation .................................................................................................... 167
Search Strategy ............................................................................................................. 167
Pharmacological Management of Diabetes and Hypertension .............................................. 173
Blood Pressure Threshold to Initiate Drug Therapy in Patients with
Diabetes and Hypertension ........................................................................................... 173
Target Blood Pressure for People with Diabetes and Hypertension ............................ 174
Initial Treatment of Diabetes and Hypertension in the Absence of
Microalbuminuria ......................................................................................................... 174
Step Therapy in the Treatment of Diabetes and Hypertension in the
Absence of Heart Failure or Known Coronary Heart Disease ..................................... 175
Drug Therapy for Patients with Diabetes, Hypertension, and
Albuminuria or Diabetic Nephropathy ......................................................................... 176
Drug Therapy for Microalbuminuria in Normotensive Patients .................................. 196
Lipid Management: Drug Therapy ............................................................................... 204
Lipid Management: LDL Goals ................................................................................... 205
Drug Therapy for Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular
Events in the General Diabetes Population .................................................................. 215
Aspirin Therapy in Diabetes for Prevention of CVD ................................................... 216
Beta-Blocker Therapy for Secondary Prevention of CVD ........................................... 216
Glucose Control ............................................................................................................ 217
Management of Blood Glucose .................................................................................... 224
Initial Drug Therapy for Glucose Lowering in Type 2 Diabetes ................................. 225
Step Therapy for Glucose Control ................................................................................ 226
Glycemic Control Target .............................................................................................. 227
Microalbumin Assessments for Patients with Documented
Microalbuminuria on ACEIor ARBs............................................................................ 228
Monitoring Microalbumin in Patients with Documented
Microalbuminuria on ACEI.......................................................................................... 252
Retinal Screening.......................................................................................................... 253
Foot Screening .............................................................................................................. 259
Frequency of Foot Screening........................................................................................ 259
Self-Management ................................................................................................................... 264
Self-Management Education ........................................................................................ 264
Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes ............................. 267
Self-Titration of Insulin ................................................................................................ 269
References ...............................................................................................................................................273
Last Reviewed/Approved by: October 2014
Next Review: October 2016
Methodology: Evidence-based
ID: CMI1006014-0
This evidence-based guideline summary is based on the 2012 National Diabetes Guideline. In
2014, the recommendations pertaining to hypertension and cholesterol were revised to align with
the 2013 publications of the JNC8 (hypertension)1 and AHA/ACC (cholesterol treatment)2
recommendations. The aspirin recommendations were also revised in 2014 to align with the 2009
USPST3 aspirin recommendations. This guideline was developed by the KP National Diabetes
Guideline Development Team (GDT) to assist primary care physicians and other health care
professionals in the treatment of Diabetes in adults.
James PA, Oparil S, Carter BL, et al. 2014 Evidence-Based Guideline for the Management of High Blood Pressure in
Adults: Report From the Panel Members Appointed to the Eighth Joint National Committee (JNC 8). JAMA.
2014;311(5):507-520. doi:10.1001/jama.2013.284427.
Stone NJ, Robinson J, Lichtenstein AH, Bairey Merz CN, Lloyd-Jones DM, Blum CB, McBride P, Eckel RH, Schwartz JS,
Goldberg AC, Shero ST, Gordon D, Smith Jr SC, Levy D, Watson K, Wilson PWF, 2013 ACC/AHA Guideline on the
Treatment of Blood Cholesterol to Reduce Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Risk in Adults, Journal of the American College of
Cardiology (2013), doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2013.11.002.
Wolff T, Miller T, Ko S. Aspirin for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Events: An Update of the Evidence for the U.S.
Preventive Services Task Force. Evidence Synthesis No. 68. AHRQ Publication No. 09-05129-EF-1. Rockville, Maryland:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, March 2009.
Kaiser Permanente’s National Guideline Program
The National Guideline Program (NGP) supports the development of a core set of explicit, scientifically based clinical
practice guidelines, practice resources, and evidence synopses to assist Kaiser Permanente (KP) physicians,
administrators, and other health care professionals in determining the most effective medical practices.
This core set of evidence-based resources will:
 Create Programwide economies of scale,
 Support ongoing performance improvement activities,
 Consistently provide high quality resources for use in care delivery tools and systems, and 
abilities to leverage clinical guidelines to improve clinical outcomes.
Increase KP regions’
Clinical practice guidance, based on scientific evidence, is essential for providing high quality care and continuously
improving on it. Such guidance needs to be integrated into the electronic medical record and other decision support
tools to be accessible to clinicians at the point of care. In addition, engaging our members in collaborative, shared
decision-making conversations regarding their personal preferences is an essential component of patient-centered
quality care. Furthermore, cost-effectiveness of various evidence-based interventions and resource limitations are
important considerations. This involves addressing health problems in ways that maximize the health of the population
given the available resources.
Who are the National Guideline Directors’?
The National Guideline Directors (NGD) are a group of experts and advocates of evidence-based medicine who
provide direction and oversight to the National Guideline Program (NGP). In this role, the NGD selects and approves
topics for evidence-based knowledge products, owns Kaiser Permanente’s Common Methodology, and is responsible
for quality assurance review. This group is composed of representatives from the Care Management Institute (CMI)
and all eight regions.
What Is the Guideline Quality Committee?
The Guideline Quality (GQ) Committee is a subcommittee of the NGD consisting of a group of evidence experts from
various KP regions and CMI who review and approve all the National Guidelines. This review ensures that the
processes used to develop guideline content have adhered to KP evidence-based methods and that the labels applied to
clinical recommendations therein are accurate (e.g., “evidence-based” or “consensus-based”).
How Are Guidelines Developed?
Guidelines are developed with the use of an “evidence-based methodology” and involve a systematic literature search,
critical appraisal of the research design and statistical results of relevant studies, and grading of the sufficiency
(quantity, quality, consistency, and relevancy) of the evidence for drawing conclusions. An evidence search includes
literature published in peer- reviewed scientific journals, existing evidence-based guidelines, consensus-based
statements from external professional societies and government health organizations, and clinical expert opinion of KP
regional specialty groups. For additional information on evidence grading, see Table 1 in Appendix A.
To develop or revise a guideline, CMI consultants work with a multidisciplinary Guideline Development Team (GDT).
Each GDT consists of a core group of physicians, representing primary care and the specialties most affected by the
guideline topic, and, as appropriate, other content experts from disciplines such as pharmacy, nursing, and health
education. The members of a GDT are nominated by the respective National Guideline Directors to represent their
regions. The GDT reviews the appraisal of the evidence and develops or revises clinical recommendations based on the
current evidence. Each regional representative then presents the draft guideline recommendations to key experts and
champions in their regions for critical review and support to improve the likelihood of implementation once the
guideline is published.
How Often Are Guidelines Reviewed and Revised?
To keep current with changing medical practices, all guidelines are reviewed, and, if appropriate, revised at least every
two years. This evidence-based guideline is based on the 2012 National Diabetes Guideline. A 2014 review of these
recommendations found them to be current. In 2014, the recommendations pertaining to hypertension and cholesterol
were revised to align with the 2013 publications of the JNC8 (hypertension) and AHA/ACC (cholesterol
treatment) recommendations. The aspirin recommendations were also revised in 2014 to align with the 2009 USPSTF
aspirin recommendations. Recommendations pertaining to beta-blocker therapy for CAD and multifactorial
interventions for CVD were removed.
What Does It Mean for a Guideline to Be Evidence-Based?
Each clinical recommendation within a guideline is labeled as “evidence-based” or “consensus- based.” A
recommendation is considered “evidence-based” if there has been a systematic review of the evidence, the evidence is
sufficient, and the recommendation is consistent with the evidence. A recommendation can also be considered
“evidence-based” if there is insufficient evidence but either no particular intervention is recommended or options are
recommended without favoring one of the options over others. A recommendation is considered “consensus- based” if
there has been a systematic review of the evidence, the evidence is insufficient to support an evidence-based
recommendation, and the GDT decides to make a consensus recommendation.
What Does It Mean for a Guideline to Be Approved and National?
A recommendation that is consistent with the above policies is labeled as “National Guideline Directors Approved.” A
recommendation that fails to satisfy those criteria is not approved and will be noted as such. A National Guideline
Directors Approved guideline for which at least 90% of the recommendations are approved by at least six of the eight
KP regions is a "National Guideline." On the topics for which they exist, National Guidelines are the preferred
evidence source for KP HealthConnect content.
Contact information:
Jim Dudl, MD
Adult Diabetes Clinical Lead
Care Management Institute
E-mail: [email protected]
Qiana Amos, MPH
Care Management Institute
E-mail: [email protected]
The Kaiser Permanente (KP) National Adult Diabetes Clinical Practice Guideline is the result of the extensive clinical
expertise, collaborative efforts, and outstanding personal contributions of the following participants:
Guidelines Summary
Prevention of Diabetes
Intervention to Delay the Onset of Type 2 Diabetes
For patients with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or impaired fasting glucose (IFG), it is recommended that first-line
therapy include methods to promote healthy eating and to increase physical activity, which are targeted to achieve a
sustained weight loss (5 to 7%), and delay the onset of diabetes.
Lifestyle interventions alone or in combination with metformin are effective in delaying the onset of type 2 diabetes in
people with pre-diabetes.
(Evidence-based: A - (Intervention to Delay Onset of Type 2 Diabetes))
(Evidence-based: A - (Definition of Impaired Glucose Tolerance))
(Consensus-based - (Definition of Impaired Fasting Glucose))
Postpartum Screening for Diabetes in Women with a History of Gestational Diabetes
Mellitus (GDM)
Screening for diabetes six weeks after delivery is recommended for women with gestational diabetes.
Postpartum Follow-Up of GDM
Information/education about the increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes following gestational diabetes is
recommended for women with gestational diabetes.
For women with recent gestational diabetes, long-term postpartum follow-up, including advice on diet, exercise and
behavior modification, is recommended to prevent future progression to type 2 diabetes.
*Included studies defined impaired glucose tolerance as a glucose level of 140 to 199 post 75 g glucose load. The ADA defines impaired
fasting glucose as FPG levels ≥100 mg/dl (5.6 mmol/L) but < 126 mg/dl (7.0 mmol/L).
Screening for Type 2 Diabetes
Screening is an option for all other adults with risk factors for diabetes.
 Age 45 years or older
 Under age 45 and overweight (BMI ≥ 25kg/m2, may be lower in some ethnic groups) with additional risk
physical inactivity,
first-degree relative with diabetes,
members of a high-risk ethnic population (e.g., Black/African American, Latino, Native American,
Asian American, Pacific Islander),
women who delivered a baby weighing > 9 lb or were diagnosed with GDM,
hypertension (≥ 140/90 mmHg or on therapy for hypertension),
HDL cholesterol level < 35 mg/dl (0.90 mmol/l) and/or a triglyceride level > 250 mg/dl (2.82
women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS),
A1C ≥ 5.7%, IGT or IFG on previous testing,
other clinical conditions associated with insulin resistance (e.g., severe obesity [defined as BMI ≥ 40],
acanthosis nigricans), and/or
history of cardiovascular disease
In the absence of sufficient evidence to recommend an optimal screening frequency, regions are encouraged to set
appropriate screening intervals.
Test to Screen for Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes
If a test for diabetes and pre-diabetes is desired, either a Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG) test or an HbA1c test is
currently recommended.
Pharmacological Management of Diabetes and Hypertension
Blood Pressure Threshold to Initiate Drug Therapy in Patients with Diabetes and
In the population aged > 18 years with diabetes, initiate pharmacologic treatment to lower BP at SBP > 140 mmHg or
DBP > 90 mmHg and treat to a goal SBP < 140 mmHg and goal DBP < 90 mmHg
(Expert Opinion-Grade E)
Target Blood Pressure for People with Diabetes and Hypertension
It is recommended that the target blood pressure be SBP < 140 mmHg and DBP < 90 mmHg for patients with diabetes
and hypertension.
(Consensus -based)
Initial Treatment of Diabetes and Hypertension in the Absence of Microalbuminuria
In the general nonblack population, including those with diabetes, initial antihypertensive treatment should include a
thiazide-type diuretic, calcium channel blocker (CCB), angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI), or angiotensin
receptor blocker (ARB).
(Moderate Recommendation-Grade B)
In the general black population, including those with diabetes, initial antihypertensive treatment should include a
thiazide-type diuretic or CCB.
(For general black population: Moderate Recommendation –Grade B; for black patients with diabetes: Weak
Recommendation – Grade C)
Because most individuals with HTN and diabetes will need more than one drug to control their HTN effectively,
combination therapy with HCTZ/ACE inhibitors as first-line therapy is an option.
Step Therapy in the Treatment of Diabetes and Hypertension in the Absence of Heart
Failure or Known Coronary Heart Disease
For two drugs: When two drugs are required for hypertension control, e an ACE inhibitor plus a diuretic is
For three drugs: If blood pressure is not controlled on a thiazide-type diuretic in addition to an ACE inhibitor,
then treatment with a thiazide-type diuretic, an ACE inhibitor, and a calcium channel blocker are recommended.
Drug Therapy for Patients with Diabetes, Hypertension, and Albuminuria or Diabetic
It is recommended that people with diabetes or hypertension, when accompanied by albuminuria, should be treated
with a medication regimen that includes an ACE inhibitor. If intolerant to an ACE inhibitor, then, in the absence of
contraindications, an ARB should be substituted to prevent progression of renal disease.
Drug Therapy for Microalbuminuria in Normotensive Patients
In normotensive adults under age 55 who have diabetes and microalbuminuria, an ACE inhibitor is recommended to
prevent progression to end-stage renal disease.
In normotensive adults with diabetes, microalbuminuria (or albuminuria) and ACE inhibitor allergy or intolerance,
there is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against the use of angiotensin receptor blockers to prevent
progression to end-stage renal disease.
(Evidence-based: I )
Lipid Management
LDL Goals
There is no recommendation for or against specific LDL–C or non-HDL–C targets for the primary or secondary
prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD).
(No recommendation-Grade N)
Statin Therapy
Moderate-intensity statin therapy should be initiated or continued for adults 40 to 75 years of age with diabetes mellitus
who have LDL 70-189 and who do not have ASCVD.
(Strong Recommendation-Grade A)
High-intensity statin therapy is reasonable for adults 40 to 75 years of age with diabetes mellitus, who have LDL 70189 and who do not have ASCVD, with a > 7.5% estimated 10-year ASCVD risk unless contraindicated.
(Expert Opinion-Grade E)
In adults with diabetes mellitus, who have LDL 70-189 and who do not have ASCVD, who are < 40 or > 75 years of
age, it is reasonable to evaluate the potential for ASCVD benefits and for adverse effects, for drug-drug interaction, and
to consider patient preferences when deciding to initiate, continue, or intensify statin therapy. (Expert Opinion-Grade
Drug Therapy for Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular
Events in the General Diabetes Population
ACE Inhibitor Therapy for Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular
Disease (CVD) in Diabetes
It is recommended that ACE inhibitors therapy for patients with diabetes aged ≥ 55 years with one or more
cardiovascular risk factors (total cholesterol > 200 mg/l, HDL cholesterol ≤ 35 mg/l, hypertension, microalbuminuria,
or current smoking);
or a history of CVD (CAD, stroke, or peripheral vascular disease).
(Evidence-based: B)
Aspirin Therapy in Diabetes for Prevention of CVD
For patients with type 2 diabetes:
Initiate aspirin in men age 45-69 years and women age 55-69 years with ≥ 15% ASCVD Risk
Consider aspirin in men age 45-59 years and women age 55-59 years with 5-14.9% ASCVD Risk
Consider aspirin in men and women age 60-69 years with 10-14.9% ASCVD Risk
Consider aspirin in men and women age 70-79 years with ≥ 15% ASCVD Risk
Aspirin is not recommended in men < 45 years and women < 55 years of age
There is no recommendation for or against aspirin therapy in men and women ≥ 80 years of age
Glucose Control
It is recommended that intensive glucose control in patients with diabetes age < 65 and without serious comorbidities
such as coronary artery disease (CAD), congestive heart failure (CHF), end stage renal disease (ESRD), blindness,
amputation, stroke, and dementia.
(Evidence-based: A)
Initial Drug Therapy for Glucose Lowering in Type 2 Diabetes
It is recommended that metformin as the first-line glucose lowering drug in patients with type 2 diabetes with BMI >
(Evidence-based: B)
It is recommended that metformin as the first-line glucose lowering drug in patients with type 2 diabetes with BMI ≤
Step Therapy for Glucose Control
Following failure to achieve goals on monotherapy, more than one medication is recommended.
It has been determined that there is insufficient evidence to recommend an optimal medication combination for type 2
diabetes not controlled with a single agent.
Glycemic Control Target
An overall treatment goal of HbA1c < 7% is recommended for adults with known diabetes.*
An individualized HbA1c goal using shared decision-making is recommended.
 A less stringent treatment goal† is recommended for patients >65 years of age, or with significant
Conversely, more stringent goals are an option in individual patients.
Microalbumin Assessments for Patients with Diabetes and Documented
Microalbuminuria on ACE Inhibitors or ARBs
It is recommended that continued monitoring of microalbumin is optional in people with diabetes and established
microalbuminuria, who are on an ACE inhibitor or ARB.
Retinal Screening
It is recommended that diabetes patients with background retinopathy, or more severe disease, should be monitored at
least annually; and those without retinopathy should be screened every one to two years.
HEDIS 2014 lists the following exclusions (comorbidities) for the HbA1c indicator < 7% goal; > 65 years of age; and/or, coronary artery bypass graft
(CABG) or percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in the current and/or prior measurement year; ischemic vascular disease (IVD), thoracoabdominal or
thoracic aortic aneurysm in the current and/or prior measurement year; or any of the following at any time through Dec. 31 of the measurement year:
congestive heart failure (CHF) or cardiomyopathy; prior myocardial infarction (MI); stage 5 chronic kidney disease, end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or
dialysis; chronic kidney disease (stage 4); dementia; blindness; and/or amputation.
HEDIS 2014 offers HbA1c < 8% as a treatment goal for those not eligible for the treatment goal of < 7%. Eligibility is based on laboratory data to identify
the most recent HbA1c test during the measurement year.
Foot Screening
It is recommended that all patients with diabetes should have a foot screening that includes a monofilament test.
(Evidence-based: B)
Patients with an abnormal monofilament test are at a high risk for lower limb complications and are candidates for
entry into a podiatry population-based foot care program, or equivalent.
(Evidence-based: B)
Frequency of Foot Screening
It is recommended that annual foot screenings for patients with diabetes.
Self-Management Education
Patient training in self-care behaviors is recommended as a component of any diabetes management program.
(Evidence-based: A – (Effect on Glucose Control))
(Consensus-based – (Effect on Other Outcomes))
Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Type 1 Diabetes
It is recommended that patients with type 1 diabetes monitor their blood glucose.
(Evidence-based: A)
It is recommended that when self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) is used, results be accompanied by an
appropriate adjustment in therapy.
(Evidence-based: A)
Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Type 2 Diabetes
Seelf-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) is recommended for patients with type 2 diabetes.
When SMBG is used, it is recommended that results be accompanied by an appropriate adjustment in therapy.
Self-Titration of Insulin
Self-titration of bedtime insulin dosage is recommended for patients with type 2 diabetes to enhance glucose control.
(Evidence-based: B)
Rationale Statements
Prevention of Diabetes
Intervention to Delay the Onset of Type 2 Diabetes
For patients with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or impaired fasting glucose (IFG),* it is
recommended that first-line therapy include methods to promote healthy eating and to increase
physical activity, which are targeted to achieve a sustained weight loss (5 to 7%), and delay the
onset of diabetes.
Lifestyle interventions alone or in combination with metformin are effective in delaying the
onset of type 2 diabetes in people with pre-diabetes.
Evidence-based: A - (Intervention to Delay Onset of Type 2 Diabetes)
Evidence-based: A - (Definition of Impaired Glucose Tolerance)
Consensus-based - (Definition of Impaired Fasting Glucose)
Evidence for Recommendations: Good
Supporting Evidence
2007 Update:
New evidence was found that did not change the existing recommendation.
 One meta-analysis (Yamaoka, Tango, 2005 ) identified nine studies of dietary
interventions alone or combined with exercise. Their report indicates that these interventions
reduced 2-h plasma glucose levels and decreased the 1-year incidence of type 2 diabetes
2005 Update:
One cost-effectiveness analysis(4) was found of the lifestyle modification program used in
the Diabetes Prevention Program. The Archimedes model found that the expected 30-year
cost/quality adjusted life year (QALY) of the DPP lifestyle intervention compared with doing
nothing would be $143,000. Using metformin to prevent diabetes would be more cost- effective,
costing about $35,400 per QALY gained. However, metformin would deliver about one-third the
long-term health benefits achieved by immediate lifestyle modification. This suggests that while
lifestyle modification should be recommended for high-risk people, the specific lifestyle
modification program used in the DPP study may not be cost effective for a national program to
Six RCTs were found that randomized patients with impaired glucose control to various
treatments including lifestyle, drug therapy, or a combination of drug therapy plus lifestyle.
The patient populations of the included RCTs were selected based on fasting blood
glucose, oral glucose tolerance test, or both. The following table illustrates the range of the
inclusion criteria for impaired glucose control in the included studies:
Included studies defined impaired glucose tolerance as a glucose level of 140 to 199 post 75 g glucose load. The
ADA defines impaired fasting glucose as FPG levels ≥ 100 mg/dl (5.6 mmol/L) but < 126 mg/dl (7.0 mmol/L).
 Lifestyle interventions were found to delay the onset of type 2 diabetes when compared with
placebo. Metformin delays the onset of type 2 diabetes when compared with placebo but is less
effective than lifestyle interventions alone. Acarbose was also found to delay the onset of type 2
diabetes when compared with placebo but with substantial gastrointestinal side effects.
Lifestyle intervention vs. placebo
Two RCTs(6, 7) found that lifestyle interventions (diet and/or exercise) significantly reduced
the incidence of diabetes in the intervention group when compared with the control group.
Pan enrolled 577 people without diabetes over the age of 25 who tested positive for
glucose intolerance and followed them for six years.
These participants were randomized to a control group, diet-only group, exercise-only
group, or diet plus exercise group. The diet intervention differed based on individual BMI. Those
with a BMI = 25 kg/m2 were encouraged to reach a goal of 23 kg/m2.
The incidence of diabetes at the end of the six year follow-up was significantly greater in
the control group than any of the intervention groups. The difference was even more statistically
significant when the results were broken out by BMI 25 kg/m2. The group that received the
exercise intervention had the greatest difference from the control (p < 0.01) for individuals
whose BMI was < 25 kg/m2.
Tuomilehto(7) recruited 522 middle-aged, overweight subjects with impaired
glucose tolerance (IGT).
Participants were randomized to oral and written information about diet and exercise or
to individualized counseling aimed at reducing weight loss and increasing physical activity.
At the end of four years, the incidence of diabetes was 23% in the control group and 11%
in the treatment group (risk reduced by 58%; p < 0.001). There was also a statistically significant
difference in favor of the intervention for weight loss and change in glucose intolerance.
Metformin vs. placebo
One RCT found a significant difference in total incidence of diabetes in favor of
metformin when compared with placebo.
Li(8) conducted a small study (n = 70) that compared metformin (250 mg, three times daily)
with placebo for 12 months in patients with impaired glucose tolerance.
There was a statistically significant difference in total incidence of diabetes between
groups (p = 0.001) in favor of metformin.
Metformin was also found to significantly aid in reverting impaired glucose tolerance to
back to normal (p = 0.011).
Lifestyle vs. metformin
One RCT found that a lifestyle intervention reduced the development of diabetes to a
greater extent than metformin treatment alone.
The Diabetes Prevention Program enrolled 3,234 patients age  25 from 27 centers
nationwide with impaired glucose tolerance who were at high-risk for developing type 2
Subjects were randomized to placebo plus information on diet and exercise, and intensive
lifestyle changes with the aim of reducing weight by 7% through a low-fat diet and exercising for
150 minutes a week; or 850 mg metformin twice a day plus information on diet and exercise.
The study was ended early due to the positive results of the interventions. The incidence of
diabetes after three years was significantly less in the intervention groups than the control group.
Risk of developing diabetes was reduced by 58% for the group that received intensive lifestyle
changes and by 31% for the group receiving metformin.
Acarbose vs. placebo
One RCT(9) found that patients with impaired glucose tolerance taking acarbose were less
likely to develop diabetes when compared with placebo, even after adjustment for change in
The STOP-NIDDM Trial(9) enrolled 1,429 patients aged 54 years from nine centers
worldwide with impaired glucose tolerance who were at high-risk for developing type 2 diabetes.
Patients had a BMI between 25 to 40 kg/m2.
Subjects were given information on diet and exercise and a yearly visit with the dietitian
they were then randomized to placebo or 100 mg (three times daily) of acarbose.
At the end of three years the study showed that patients taking acarbose were 25% less
likely to develop diabetes as compared with the control group (NNT = 11 to delay the onset of
diabetes by 3.3 years).
Weight loss contributed to the decreased risk of diabetes (p < 0.00001) but treatment with
acarbose decreased the risk of diabetes even after adjustment for change in weight (p = 0.0063).
The intervention also significantly increased the reversion of IGT to normal GT (p <
Acarbose when compared with placebo resulted in more gastrointestinal side effects
(flatulence, diarrhea, or abdominal cramps).
Orlistat plus lifestyle vs. placebo
One retrospective meta-analysis(10) found that the addition of orlistat to a traditional
regimen of diet and exercise significantly improved oral glucose tolerance and diminished the
rate of progression to type 2 diabetes. However, no conclusions can be made about orlistat as an
alternative to lifestyle therapy.
Heymsfield enrolled 675 patients with impaired fasting glucose whose BMI ranged from
30 to 43 kg/m . Participants were randomized to (1) placebo plus a low-energy diet
[30% of energy intake from fat; daily maintenance energy requirement (1.3 times calculated
basal metabolic rate) minus 2,083 to 3,333 kJ/d (500 to 800 kcal/d)], or (2) orlistat 120 mg (three
times daily) plus a low-energy diet. The mean length of follow-up was 582 days.
Patients taking orlistat lost more weight (mean ±SEM, 6.72 ±0.41 kg from initial weight)
than patients receiving placebo (3.79 ±0.38 kg; p < 0.001).
A smaller percentage of subjects with impaired glucose tolerance at baseline progressed to
diabetic status in the orlistat (3.0%) vs. placebo (7.6%) group.
Among patients with IGT at baseline, glucose levels normalized in more participants after
orlistat treatment (71.6% vs. 49.1%, p < 0.04).
Supporting Evidence from a Simulation Model
“Archimedes” is the name of a very detailed, comprehensive, continuous simulation model
of health care developed by the Biomathematics Unit of Kaiser Permanente’s Care Management
Institute. It can be used to explore the effects of a wide variety of health care interventions on
health, logistic, and economic outcomes of major diseases in a complex health care system. The
Archimedes model ran a simulation that was based on the inclusion criteria, treatment groups,
and results of the Diabetes Prevention Program. The model has been validated and was built
based on randomized, controlled trials. Since Archimedes has the ability to match and predict the
results of UKPDS, it can be used to model the natural history of diabetes after it has been
diagnosed and the effects of treatment.
Archimedes expanded the number of people in each treatment group (n = 16,300) and
extended the follow-up to ten years.
At ten years, there was virtually no difference between the control group and the
metformin group for myocardial infarctions (MIs). Lifestyle saved 94 MIs compared with
control, but there was no difference between groups for CHD (coronary artery disease) death or
life years.
Thirteen cases of blindness, 56 cases of proteinuria, 66 foot ulcers, and 143 foot calluses
were prevented by treatment compared with control.
Because of the limited effect of the interventions on health outcomes, and that the intervention
only delays onset of diabetes by two to three years, caution is advised for expensive exercise and
diet programs. The cost of the diabetes prevention program should be aligned with the value of
the outcome.
Supporting Evidence from a Simulation Model
The cost-effectiveness analysis determined that lifestyle modification for high-risk people can
result in cost-savings over 30 years if the annual cost of the intervention can be reduced to about
$100. However, there was no evidence of the efficacy of such an intervention.(4)
Postpartum Screening for Diabetes in Women with a History of (GDM)
Screening for diabetes six weeks after delivery is recommended for women with gestational
2009 Guideline
New evidence has been identified. Recommendations have been changed based on both new
evidence and expert/consensus opinion.
Search Strategy
Studies reviewed included meta-analyses, systematic reviews and randomized, controlled trials.
Because searches on this topic were conducted previously, updates to those searches were
performed. See Appendix B for more information on the search strategy.
Executive Summary
There is no direct evidence that screening for diabetes in women with a history of gestational
diabetes prevents important health outcomes of interest such as development of type 2 diabetes
and complications of diabetes. However, data regarding increased risk for diabetes in this
population warrant review of indirect evidence. Based on population studies, the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) reports that gestational diabetes affects approximately
200,000 (7%) of the over 4 million births occurring annually in the United States, and it cites
studies that indicate 15 to 60 percent of women with gestational diabetes will develop type 2
diabetes within 5 to 15 years of delivery.(11) These statements are supported by evidence
identified by the research and review conducted for the KP National Diabetes Guideline in 2009.
Bellamy et al. (12) concludes that in comparison to women with a history of normoglycemic
pregnancy, women with a history of GDM have at least a 7-fold increased risk of developing
type 2 diabetes (RR = 7.43, [95% CI: 4.79 to 11.51]). Given this established increased risk to
develop type 2 diabetes, and the fact that treatment of diabetes can reduce the incidence of
diabetes complications and CVD (See Problem Forumations 15 through 20), the Guideline
Development Team (GDT) recommends that women with gestational diabetes be screened for
diabetes six weeks after delivery.
A comprehensive systematic review of the literature identified one meta-analysis of 20 cohort
studies that identified a seven-fold increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes following
gestational diabetes (GDM), suggesting that scheduled postpartum screening for diabetes is
warranted in women with a hyperglycemic pregnancy. Increased risk is also noted in a 2008
AHRQ report entitled Therapeutic Management, Delivery, and Postpartum Risk Assessment and
Screening in Gestational Diabetes, cited below, as well as in a screening recommendation by the
Bellamy et al. (12) conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of 20 cohort studies in which
women with a history of GDM had developed type 2 diabetes at least six weeks after delivery, as
confirmed by an oral glucose tolerance test or fasting plasma glucose concentration, or both.
The control groups were women with a history of normoglycemic pregnancies. The study used a
random-effects model for all analyses, using RevMan to calculate unadjusted summary relative
risks with 95% CI. The 20 studies (N = 675,455), retrospective and prospective in design (see
Table 1 for details); included 31,867 women with a history of GDM, with a total of 10,859
incident cases of type 2 diabetes. In comparison to women with a history of normoglycemic
pregnancy, women with a history of GDM had at least a 7-fold increased risk of developing
type 2 diabetes (RR = 7.43 [95% CI: 4.79 to 11.51]). Subgroup analysis was conducted to
determine the source of heterogeneity in the overall effect estimate. Study characteristics,
participant characteristics, and diagnostic criteria for GDM and type 2 diabetes (see Figure 4 for
details) were noted; however, effect estimates were similar when studies were grouped according
to those characteristics. Some heterogeneity was reduced when the largest study (n = 659,164
with 9502 cases of type 2 diabetes in women with GDM) was excluded; however, that study was
considered of high methodologic value with large effect size. It was reported that 9/20 studies
did not have participant drop-outs, and only 6 studies did not report on drop-out rates.
The authors were not able to identify the source of heterogeneity in the effect size, as they did
not conduct individual-level meta-analysis with the available datasets. Studies that included
women who developed late-onset type 1 diabetes were excluded. To account for potential
publication bias in the 20 included studies, the authors provided a funnel plot highlighting that
the smaller studies (< 100 case) garnered greater effect size than the larger studies (100 to 500
cases); however, the largest study garnered the highest number of cases (9,502 cases of type 2
diabetes). It is notable that the studies included were from 13 different countries, introducing a
bias unique to clinical trial protocols in international settings, including but not limited to sample
heterogeneity. It is also notable that studies spanned 30 years during which diagnostic criteria for
type 2 diabetes were revised, and lowered at least once. Not only does that introduce a
maturation threat to its internal validity, it may have lead to an underestimation of incidence
reported. Regardless, this meta-analysis was conducted in a methodologically rigorous manner.
Table 1: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) and Development of Type 2 Diabetes
AHRQ 2008
An AHRQ Evidence Report entitled Therapeutic Management, Delivery, and Postpartum Risk
Assessment and Screening in Gestational Diabetes contained two questions that focused on
topics of interest here: “What risk factors are associated with the development of type 2 diabetes
after gestational diabetes?” and, “What are the performance characteristics of diagnostic tests for
type 2 diabetes in women with gestational diabetes?” The systematic review identified that
anthropometric measures (i.e., weight, BMI, waist circumference), fasting blood glucose (FBG),
and 2-hour glucose value are the strongest risk factors associated with development of type 2
diabetes following incidence of gestational diabetes. It did not find sufficient evidence to confirm
that FBG out-performs the 75-gm OGTT in diagnosing type 2 diabetes after delivery of index
hyperglycemic pregnancy.
Below is a summary of AHRQ’s findings for each clinical question, presented verbatim. Further
details, including evidence tables, are found in Appendix B.
Excerpt begins here.
Key Question 3
“What risk factors, including but not limited to family history, physical activity, prepregnancy weight, and gestational weight gain, are associated with short-term and longterm development of type 2 diabetes following a pregnancy with gestational diabetes?
Several factors were associated with the development of type 2 diabetes in women with
previous gestational diabetes. Anthropometric measures before, during, and after
pregnancy were found to be positively associated with the development of type 2 diabetes
in 10 of 11 cohort studies. Waist circumference and BMI were the strongest
anthropometric measures associated with type 2 diabetes in gestational diabetic women.
Early gestational age at diagnosis of gestational diabetes (primarily less than 24 weeks)
and use of insulin versus diet for glucose control were key pregnancy-related clinical
factors that were positively associated with type 2 diabetes. Physiologic measures,
including FBG and 2-hr plasma glucose levels during the diagnostic OGTT, were also
associated with development of type 2 diabetes. Higher blood glucose following a
screening 50-gm GCT, prior gestational diabetes, and OGTT area under the curve during
both the antepartum and postpartum periods were positively associated with development
of type 2 diabetes, but the strength of the associations was not consistent across studies.
There is conflicting data on progesterone-only contraceptive use and the risk for
developing type 2 diabetes. Elevated postpartum homocysteine levels were positively
associated with type 2 diabetes in one study. Surprisingly, there were no studies of lifestyle
factors in women with gestational diabetes that met our review criteria.
After a review of the available evidence, we concluded that the strongest epidemiological
risk factors were anthropometric measures prior to pregnancy and during both the
antepartum and postpartum periods. Taking into consideration the quantity, quality, and
consistency of the studies evaluating the association of risk factors for type 2 diabetes following
a pregnancy with gestational diabetes, we graded the strength of the evidence as very low. While
there was substantial consistency in the direction of association across studies for many of the
risk factors, there was considerable variation in the covariates adjusted for in multivariate models
across studies.
Key Question 4
“What are the performance characteristics (sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility) of tests
for diagnosing type 2 diabetes after pregnancy in patients with a history of gestational diabetes?
Are there differences in the performance characteristics of the test results based on subgroup
Several studies have pointed to poor physician compliance with postpartum glucose screening
for type 2 diabetes among women with a history of gestational diabetes. We reviewed the
available studies of the diagnostic accuracy of screening for type 2 diabetes in this population.
We identified 8 studies and 10 evaluations of screening tests, with three types of comparisons:
Two different diagnostic fasting value thresholds applied to the 75-gm OGTT (the WHO 1985
criteria compared to the WHO 1999 criteria);
Single FBG level greater than 7.0 mmol/L (126 mg/dL) (ADA 1997) compared to the 75-gm
OGTT (WHO 1999); and
Single FBG greater than 7.0 mmol/L (126 mg/dL) (ADA 1997) compared to the 75-gm OGTT
(WHO 1985).
For the first comparison, we concluded that there was acceptable specificity (98 percent) for the
OGTT using either a FBG value greater than 7.0 mmol/L (126 mg/dL) or greater than 7.8
mmol/L (140 mg/dL). For the second comparison, we were unable to draw meaningful
conclusions. The sensitivities for a single FBG greater than 7.0 mmol/L (126 mg/dL), as
compared to a complete OGTT using the same FBG threshold, ranged from 46 to 89 percent in
the three studies. For the third comparison, there were five studies, which reported a high
specificity of the FBG greater than 7.0 mmol/L (126 mg/dL). However, there was a wide range
of sensitivity, from 14 to 100 percent.
The six studies that used an FBG threshold greater than 7.8 mmol/L (140 mg/dL) in the reference
test may be obsolete, since current guidelines recommend an FBG greater than 7.0 mmol/L
(126mg/dL). The wide variation in the reported sensitivities for studies that compared the OGTT
as the reference test to a single FBG greater than 7.0 mmol/L (126 mg/dL) may reflect
differences in the study samples’ risk for type 2 diabetes, based on heterogeneity of study design
and population. The overall strength of evidence was very low because of the high loss-tofollow-up rates (22 to 82 percent) for studies using clinic convenience samples.
Excerpt ends here.
Supplemental Information
American Diabetes Association: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2009*
Excerpt begins here.
Recommendation: Women with GDM should be screened for diabetes six to 12 weeks
postpartum and should be followed up with subsequent screening for the development of
diabetes or prediabetes. (Evidence Grade E: Expert Consensus or Clinical Experience)
Rationale: Because women with a history of GDM have a greatly increased subsequent
risk for diabetes, they should be screened for diabetes six to 12 weeks postpartum, using
nonpregnant OGTT criteria, and should be followed up with subsequent screening for the
development of diabetes or prediabetes. For information on the National Diabetes
Education Program (NDEP) campaign to prevent type 2 diabetes in women with GDM, go
Excerpt ends here.
2007 Guideline:
For the 2007 update, no new evidence was found, the recommendation remains unchanged from
the 2005 guideline.
Approximately 2 to 5% of all non-diabetic pregnant women develop gestational diabetes.
Although gestational diabetes usually resolves itself after pregnancy, women with a history of
GDM are at higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes.
One case-control study(13) followed 28 women with GDM for 15 years and found that ten women
(35%) of the GDM group were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes compared with none in the control
group. Fifty-four percent of the GDM women stated that they had never been informed that they
had a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus than others.
Based on the high-risk for GDM women to develop type 2 diabetes and strong evidence
supporting lifestyle changes and weight control to reduce the development of type 2 diabetes,(5,
the GDT recommends that postpartum GDM patients be counseled on the higher risk of
developing type 2 diabetes and the preventative effects of lifestyle changes and weight control.
For an explanation of the letter grading in this excerpt, please see Appendix C.
PostPartum Follow-Up of Gestational Diabetes Melitus
Information/education about the increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes following
gestational diabetes is recommended for women with gestational diabetes.
For women with recent gestational diabetes, long-term postpartum follow-up, including advice
on diet, exercise and behavior modification, is recommended to prevent future progression to
type 2 diabetes.
2009 Update
New evidence has been identified. Recommendations have been changed based on both new
evidence and expert/consensus opinion.
Search Strategy
Studies reviewed included meta-analyses, systematic reviews and randomized, controlled trials.
Because searches on this topic were conducted previously, updates to those searches were
performed. See Appendix B for more information on the search strategy.
Executive Summary
There is no high-quality direct evidence that therapeutic intervention for diabetes in women with
a history of gestational diabetes prevents important health outcomes of interest such as
prevention of diabetes and prevention of complications of diabetes. However, the identification
of risk factors for the development of diabetes in women with a history of gestational diabetes in
an Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) report warrants inclusion here. The
AHRQ reports that waist circumference and BMI were the strongest anthropometric measures
associated with type 2 diabetes in gestational diabetic women.(11) A low-quality subgroup
analysis(15)of women with a history of GDM in the large Diabetes Prevention Program
study suggested that lifestyle therapy such as diet, exercise and behavioral change, as well as
metformin, yielded statistically significant risk reductions in developing diabetes, compared to
placebo. Given the established increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes in women with a
history of GDM, the GDT recommends that women with gestational diabetes be advised on the
increased post-partum risk of type 2 diabetes and the preventive effects of diet, exercise, and
behavior change after delivery.
A comprehensive systematic review of the literature identified one low-quality RCT that
reviewed the effect of intensive lifestyle therapy and metformin on preventing type 2 diabetes in
those with gestational diabetes.
The Diabetes Prevention Program study(16) identified a statistically significant 58% reduction in
incidence for those treated with lifestyle therapy (a 16-lesson curriculum covering diet, exercise
and behavior modification) in comparison to placebo; and a statistically significant 31%
incidence reduction for those treated with 850 mg metformin take once a day in comparison to
placebo. Furthermore, the reduction in incidence of diabetes was statistically significantly greater
in the lifestyle therapy group, than the metformin group. Ratner's subgroup analysis of those with
previous GDM identified that lifestyle therapy yielded a 53% reduction in risk to develop
diabetes in comparison to placebo (p = 0.002); and, metformin yielded a 50% reduction in risk to
develop diabetes in comparison to placebo (p = 0.006).
Ratner et al. (15) reports on a cohort of women (N = 350), with a history of GDM, as well as a
cohort of women without a history of GDM, enrolled in the large Diabetes Prevention Program
RCT with a mean 12-year interval since delivery of their first GDM pregnancy. This review will
only highlight study findings on women with a history of GDM. Women with a history of GDM,
average age 43.0 +/- 7.6, were randomized (blinding not addressed) to a placebo group (n =
122), a metformin therapy group (dosage and regimen not reported) (n = 111); and, to an
intensive lifestyle (ILS) group (i.e., exercise, time and intervals not reported) (n = 117). The
study reported that among women with GDM, metformin yielded a 50% reduction in risk to
develop diabetes in comparison to placebo (p = 0.006) (no crude data provided). ILS yielded a
53% reduction in risk to develop diabetes in comparison to placebo (p = 0.002) (no crude data
reported). Observed hazard rates were also reported for this cohort. Incidence of diabetes
(number cases per 100-person years (adjusted for age)) was 7.8 in the metformin group, 7.4 in
the ILS group, and 15.2 in the placebo group. The authors conclude that intervention with
metformin and ILS are comparable in their effect on preventing diabetes in women with a history
of GDM, with an estimated five to six women requiring treatment to prevent one case of diabetes
over three years. Several methodological shortcomings compromise the value of this study’s
findings. This study was a post-hoc analysis of a larger study the randomization of which was
not stratified by GDM. As such, it suffers from selection bias. The GDM sample is not
generalizable due to the advanced maternal age included (43 ±7.6 for those with history of
GDM; 51.5 ±9.7 for those without a history of GDM). The mean 12-year interval since delivery
of the first GM pregnancy poses the threat of maturation to its internal validity. In addition, it did
not provide details regarding the administration of the treatments (metformin, ILS). Furthermore,
this study did not provide actual numbers for its results but only provided the percentage of risk
reduction, preventing statistical verification of the outcomes.
Despite the shortcoming of these studies, the GDT makes a consensus-based recommendation
that women with gestational diabetes be advised on the increased post-partum risk of type 2
diabetes and the preventive effects of diet, exercise, and behavior change after delivery.
AHRQ 2008
An AHRQ Evidence Report entitled Therapeutic Management, Delivery, and Postpartum Risk
Assessment and Screening in Gestational Diabetes contained one question that focused on topics
of interest here: “What risk factors are associated with the development of type 2 diabetes after
gestational diabetes?” The systematic review identified that anthropometric measures (i.e.,
weight, BMI, waist circumference), fasting blood glucose (FBG), and 2-hour glucose value are
the strongest risk factors associated with development of type 2 diabetes following incidence of
gestational diabetes.
Below is a summary of AHRQ’s findings for each clinical question, presented verbatim. Further
details, including evidence tables, are found in Appendix B.
Excerpt begins here.
Key Question 3
“What risk factors, including but not limited to family history, physical activity, prepregnancy weight, and gestational weight gain, are associated with short-term and longterm development of type 2 diabetes following a pregnancy with gestational diabetes?
Several factors were associated with the development of type 2 diabetes in women with
previous gestational diabetes. Anthropometric measures before, during, and after
pregnancy were found to be positively associated with the development of type 2 diabetes
in 10 of 11 cohort studies. Waist circumference and BMI were the strongest
anthropometric measures associated with type 2 diabetes in gestational diabetic women.
Early gestational age at diagnosis of gestational diabetes (primarily less than 24 weeks)
and use of insulin versus diet for glucose control were key pregnancy-related clinical
factors that were positively associated with type 2 diabetes. Physiologic measures,
including FBG and 2-hr plasma glucose levels during the diagnostic OGTT, were also
associated with development of type 2 diabetes. Higher blood glucose following a
screening 50-gm GCT, prior gestational diabetes, and OGTT area under the curve during
both the antepartum and postpartum periods were positively associated with development
of type 2 diabetes, but the strength of the associations was not consistent across studies.
There is conflicting data on progesterone-only contraceptive use and the risk for
developing type 2 diabetes. Elevated postpartum homocysteine levels were positively
associated with type 2 diabetes in one study. Surprisingly, there were no studies of lifestyle
factors in women with gestational diabetes that met our review criteria.
After a review of the available evidence, we concluded that the strongest epidemiological
risk factors were anthropometric measures prior to pregnancy and during both the
antepartum and postpartum periods. Taking into consideration the quantity, quality, and
consistency of the studies evaluating the association of risk factors for type 2 diabetes
following a pregnancy with gestational diabetes, we graded the strength of the evidence as
very low. While there was substantial consistency in the direction of association across
studies for many of the risk factors, there was considerable variation in the covariates
adjusted for in multivariate models across studies.
Excerpt ends here.
2007 Guideline:
For the 2007 update, no new evidence was found; the recommendation remains unchanged from
the 2005 guideline.
Based on the high-risk for women with GDM to develop type 2 diabetes and strong evidence
supporting lifestyle changes and weight control to reduce the development of type 2 diabetes,(5,
the GDT recommends that postpartum GDM patients be counseled on the higher risk of
developing type 2 diabetes and the preventative effects of lifestyle changes and weight control.
Screening for Type 2 Diabetes
Screening is an option for all other adults with risk factors for diabetes.
 Age 45 years or older
 Under age 45 and overweight (BMI ≥ 25kg/m2, may be lower in some ethnic
groups) with additional risk factors:
physical inactivity,
first-degree relative with diabetes,
members of a high-risk ethnic population (e.g., Black/African American, Latino,
Native American, Asian American, Pacific Islander),
women who delivered a baby weighing > 9 lb or were diagnosed with GDM,
hypertension (≥ 140/90 mmHg or on therapy for hypertension),
HDL cholesterol level < 35 mg/dl (0.90 mmol/l) and/or a triglyceride level > 250
mg/dl (2.82 mmol/l),
women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS),
A1C ≥ 5.7%, IGT or IFG on previous testing,
other clinical conditions associated with insulin resistance (e.g., severe obesity
[defined as BMI ≥ 40], acanthosis nigricans), and/or
history of cardiovascular disease
In the absence of sufficient evidence to recommend an optimal screening frequency, regions are
encouraged to set appropriate screening intervals.
The criteria for grading the strength of the evidence as either “good,” “fair,” or “insufficient” adheres to the KP
National Guideline Program’s “Policies and Procedures” documents entitled “Label and Language of
Recommendations” and “KP System for Grading the Strength of a Body of Evidence,” which are located in
Appendix A.
2014 Update:
No new evidence was found. Recommendation related to blood pressure was removed.
2009 Update:
New indirect evidence has been identified. Recommendations have been changed based on both
new evidence and expert/consensus opinion.
Search Strategy
Studies reviewed included meta-analyses, systematic reviews and randomized, controlled trials.
Because searches on this topic were conducted previously, updates to those searches were
performed. See Appendix B for more information on the search strategy.
Executive Summary
A systematic review conducted by the USPSTF in 2003 and updated in 2008, and an update of
the KP National Diabetes Guideline in 2009, did not find studies that included screen-detected
asymptomatic patients in order to assess the direct link between screening and positive health
outcomes. There is also no evidence that screening people with increased risk for diabetes
(including but not limited to those with impaired fasting glucose (IFG)) results in benefit in
important health outcomes. However, the GDT made a consensus-based decision to adopt a
modified version of the recommendation by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) to test
for diabetes in asymptomatic adults that have specific risk factors, because it agrees with the
ADA that “both conditions are common, increasing in prevalence, and impose significant public
health burdens,” and, because these risk factors are supported by findings of the prediction model
tested in the Framingham Offspring Study.(17) The GDT also adopted the USPSTF
recommendation to screen those with blood pressure >135/80 mmHg so that an appropriate
blood pressure target is determined which is based on fair evidence that “persons with
hypertension and type 2 diabetes benefit from lower blood pressure targets than persons with
hypertension but without diabetes.”
No new evidence directly addressing the clinical question was identified. A clinical guideline
from the USPSTF, with an updated evidence review from the AHRQ, originally issued in 2003,
and updated in 2008, is considered the primary source of evidence here. The USPSTF states that
there is insufficient evidence for a screening recommendation for the general population
(asymptomatic persons) with some benefit apparent for screening those with hypertension (as
noted in the recommendations above). A recommendation from the ADA supported by fair
evidence, and three studies stating increased risk for specific populations are summarized below
in the Supplemental Information section.
Screening Adults for Type 2 Diabetes: A Review of the Evidence for the U.S.
Preventive Services Task Force (2008)
Excerpt begins here.
No direct evidence clearly determines whether screening asymptomatic individuals for
diabetes or prediabetes alters health outcomes (USPSTF Table 1 below). Evidence shows
that persons with diabetes benefit from control of blood pressure and lipid levels, but
studies have not included persons with screening-detected diabetes. Persons with
hypertension and type 2 diabetes benefit from lower blood pressure targets than persons
with hypertension but without diabetes. Persons with newly diagnosed, largely clinically
detected, diabetes benefit from intensive glycemic control, largely because of a reduction
in microvascular events. Evidence shows that intensive lifestyle modification in persons
with prediabetes—an implicitly screening-detected population—delays the progression to
clinical diabetes, but whether treatment alters final health outcomes is unknown because
studies were not powered for those outcomes or were not of sufficient duration.
USPSTF Table 2 and USPSTF Table 3 show the numbers needed to screen to prevent an
outcome of interest in different theoretical populations. These outcomes have not changed
from the estimates of the previous USPSTF review because we identified no new data on
the effectiveness of these interventions. As noted elsewhere, interventions that target
cardiovascular events produce greater effects than those that target microvascular
complications occurring later in the disease process.
Based on the DPP and the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study, screening 1000 persons with
prediabetes will delay 44 cases of type 2 diabetes over 3.0 years. Pharmacotherapy with
metformin (based on DPP data) produced a somewhat less favorable number needed to
screen. Many important assumptions underlying number-needed-to-screen estimates
remain, including length of the asymptomatic period, prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes
or prediabetes, incidence rates of diabetes complications, and treatment effect.
Screening targeted to populations at risk for diabetes would probably increase the yield
and economic efficiency of screening, and risk scores have been developed to identify
those at high risk for diabetes. In the DPP, older age and higher body mass index increased
the yield of screening across ethnic groups. On the other hand, the prevalence of diagnosed
diabetes in certain high-risk groups, such as non-Hispanic black/African American persons
and Mexican-American persons, has increased, whereas the proportion of persons with
undiagnosed disease in those groups has decreased, suggesting that opportunistic screening
targeted to populations at high risk may already be occurring. This trend reduces the
prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes and increases the number needed to screen to prevent
adverse events in the remaining unscreened group.��
A diabetes population of significant interest to a screening program would be individuals
who would benefit from aggressive interventions to reduce macrovascular complications
in persons who would not have been otherwise identified through recommended
hypertension and hyperlipidemia screening. Many persons with diabetes are hypertensive
or have additional cardiovascular disease risk factors, and those with the highest
cardiovascular risk profiles are likely to benefit most from treatment. As shown in the
Heart Protection Study, elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels alone may not
identify many persons with diabetes and dyslipidemia who might benefit from lipidlowering treatment, but this population had higher-than-average cardiovascular risk
profiles. The benefit of identifying and treating asymptomatic diabetes in normotensive,
non-dyslipidemic persons at average cardiovascular risk is unclear.
The potential yield of diabetes and prediabetes screening must be weighed carefully
against the potential harms of screening and diagnosis. We did not identify evidence
suggesting serious adverse effects of screening for type 2 diabetes. The literature does,
however, have important limitations. Included studies examined persons at high risk for
diabetes, and thus the results may not be applicable to mass screening programs that are
not targeted. Theoretical concerns include the effects of labeling on anxiety and
insurability, but available evidence is insufficient to support or refute these concerns.
Several limitations deserve mention. First, we restricted our review of diabetes treatment
to studies with mean diabetes duration of one year or less, because we felt that these
patient populations would most closely resemble screening-detected populations.
Individuals with longstanding type 2 diabetes will likely show greater benefits from
treatment, so focusing on treatment of early disease, in the absence of trials with extended
follow-up, may underestimate the effectiveness of treatment and therefore screening
interventions. For studies comparing a given treatment among persons with and persons
without type 2 diabetes, we included studies of any duration of disease, and the
applicability of these data to populations with screening-detected disease is uncertain.
Second, attempts to divide patients with diagnosed diabetes into those with a "clinical
diagnosis" based on symptoms and those deemed to be "screened" because of alleged
asymptomatic status does not truly compare "not screened" with "screened" patients.
Third, participants with prediabetes in studies of intensive lifestyle interventions may not
be representative of general prediabetic populations. For example, the level of physical
inactivity in the DPP cohort was less than that reported in the Third National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey.
Fourth, most of the data on diabetes treatment were from pre-specified subgroup analyses
of large trials that included both diabetic and non-diabetic populations. The diabetes and
non-diabetes subgroups had important differences, and subgroup analyses were often
underpowered to demonstrate significant changes in primary outcomes. Prevention trials
among persons with prediabetes were powered to examine the primary outcome of new
cases of diabetes and not to examine long-term health outcomes, such as cardiovascular
Models rely on data from trials and observational studies and are only as good as the data
and assumptions underlying them. All seven models that we identified that examined the
effect of screening interventions lack transparency to some degree, and all have had one or
more of their important underlying assumptions criticized.
Further research is needed to define the benefits and harms of screening average-risk
individuals for type 2 diabetes. We must learn whether early, aggressive glycemic control
in persons with diabetes produces improvements in clinical outcomes after many years of
follow-up. An extension of the largest study of an initial strategy of sustained tight
glycemic control in type 1 diabetes suggested that participants originally randomly
assigned to tight glycemic control had a significant reduction in cardiovascular events at
long-term follow-up despite similar glycemic control in the control group during the postrandomization period. To date, similar data are unavailable for type 2 diabetes. We also
need studies to define the duration of the prediabetes phase and identify measurable risk
factors for progression to diabetes and its complications, particularly cardiovascular
The cost-effectiveness of diabetes screening programs is considered to be mainly
determined by the long-term health benefits rather than the cost of detection and treatment
of diabetes. Thus, intervention research needs to continue focusing on long- term,
sustainable interventions that affect health outcomes in real-world settings. Further work is
also needed to examine the effect of screening and diagnosis on patient self- efficacy,
motivation for lifestyle change, and the potential psychological effects of labeling.
Direct evidence is lacking on the health benefits of detecting type 2 diabetes by either
targeted or mass screening, and indirect evidence fails to demonstrate health benefits for
screening general populations or persons at high risk for diabetes complications without
hypertension. Persons with hypertension do benefit from knowing their diagnosis of
diabetes, because blood pressure targets are lower than for non-diabetic persons. Although
intensive lifestyle interventions delay or prevent diabetes onset in persons with
prediabetes, positive effects of this delay on long-term health outcomes have not been
adequately demonstrated.
Excerpt ends here.
AHRQ’s Screening Adults for Type 2 Diabetes Update of 2003 Systematic
Evidence Review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
An update of the USPSTF statement previously cited in this guideline was updated by AHRQ in
June of 2008. AHRQ conducted systematic reviews to answer the clinical questions listed below,
followed by a summary of findings.
Excerpt begins here.
Key Question 1 Is there direct evidence that systematic screening for type 2 diabetes,
impaired fasting glucose, or impaired glucose tolerance among asymptomatic adults
improves health outcomes?
Key Question 2 Does beginning treatment of type 2 diabetes early as a result of screening
provide an incremental benefit in health outcomes compared with initiating treatment after
clinical diagnosis?
Key Question 3 Does beginning treatment of impaired fasting glucose or impaired
glucose tolerance early as a result of screening provide an incremental benefit in final
health outcomes compared with initiating treatment after clinical diagnosis of type 2
Key Question 4 What adverse effects result from screening a person for type 2 diabetes,
impaired fasting glucose, or impaired glucose tolerance?
Key Question 5 What adverse effects result from treating a person with type 2 diabetes,
impaired fasting glucose, or impaired glucose tolerance detected by screening?
Results: There were no RCTs examining the effectiveness of a DM2 screening program. A
small, case-control study did not suggest a benefit from screening when microvascular
complications were considered. No study directly compared treatment effects between
screen-detected and clinically detected diabetic persons, nor have studies to date reported
treatment effects in a screening-detected cohort with diabetes. Modeling studies suggest
that screening for DM2 may be relatively cost-effective when macrovascular benefits of
optimal blood pressure control are taken into account.
There was no clear evidence that persons with DM2 detected by screening would respond
differently to specific antihypertensive regimens compared to persons without diabetes,
and persons with diabetes and no known cardiovascular disease benefit from aggressive
lipid control to a similar extent as persons without diabetes, but with known cardiovascular
disease. In two new studies, aspirin did not appear to reduce the risk of myocardial
infarction in DM2, but may lower the risk of ischemic stroke in women. There were no
new data examining glycemic control strategies in persons with newly diagnosed DM2.
Intensive lifestyle and various pharmacotherapeutic interventions decrease the incidence of
DM2 over follow-up periods up to seven years. There were few data, however, on the
prevention or delay of cardiovascular and other long-term health outcomes, including
death. Limited data from observational studies suggest no serious adverse effects of
receiving a diagnosis of DM2 from screening. Recent systematic reviews of the adverse
effects of drugs used in the treatment of DM2 and prediabetes do not reveal significant
new data on harms.
Limitations: Direct trial evidence of the benefits or harms of screening is lacking,
therefore we relied solely on indirect evidence. Since the natural history of prediabetes and
DM2 is not well elucidated, it remains unclear as to how applicable data from persons with
DM2 ≤ 1 year is to screen-detected persons. Most of the treatment data are from subgroup
analyses of large trials, which may be underpowered to address the comparisons of
interest. The prediabetes studies had limited power and an insufficient length of follow-up
to determine health outcomes in prediabetic persons.
Conclusions: There is no direct trial evidence of the effectiveness of screening for DM2 or
prediabetes. Data from the prior US Preventive Services Task Force review lead to
recommendations that persons with DM2 with hypertension or hyperlipidemia benefit
from screening for DM2; we identified few additional relevant studies. There is evidence
that lifestyle and pharmacotherapy can delay the progression of DM2 among persons with
prediabetes, but little direct evidence that identifying persons with prediabetes will lead to
long-term health benefits, although longer-term follow-up of these trials has yet to be
Excerpt ends here.
Supplemental Information
American Diabetes Association: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2009*
Excerpt begins here.
Recommendation: Testing for Prediabetes and Diabetes in Asymptomatic Patients
Testing to detect prediabetes and type 2 diabetes in asymptomatic people should be
considered in adults of any age who are overweight or obese (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2) and who
have one or more additional risk factors† for diabetes. In those without these risk factors,
testing should begin at age 45 years. (B)
 If tests are normal, repeat testing should be carried out at least at 3-year
intervals. (E)
 To test for prediabetes or diabetes, an FPG test or 2-h OGTT (75-g glucose load)
or both are appropriate. (B)
 An OGTT may be considered in patients with impaired fasting glucose (IFG) to
better define the risk of diabetes. (E)
 In those identified with prediabetes, identify and, if appropriate, treat
other cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors. (B)
Type 2 diabetes is frequently not diagnosed until complications appear, and approximately
one-third of all people with diabetes may be undiagnosed. Although the effectiveness of
early identification of prediabetes and diabetes through mass testing of asymptomatic
individuals has not been definitively proven (and rigorous trials to provide such proof are
unlikely to occur), prediabetes and diabetes meet established criteria for conditions in
which early detection is appropriate. Both conditions are common, increasing in
prevalence, and impose significant public health burdens. There is a long pre-symptomatic
phase before the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is usually made. Relatively simple tests are
available to detect preclinical disease. Additionally, the duration of glycemic burden is a
strong predictor of adverse outcomes, and effective interventions exist to prevent
progression of prediabetes to diabetes and to reduce risk of complications of diabetes.
See Appendix C for an explanation of the ADA grading.
ADA lists the following as risk factors for pre-diabetes and diabetes: overweight (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m ); physical
inactivity; first-degree relative with diabetes; members of a high-risk ethnic population (e.g., African American,
Latino, Native American, Asian American, Pacific Islander); women who delivered a baby weighing > 9 lb or were
diagnosed with GDM; hypertension (≥ 140/90 mmHg or on therapy for hypertension); HDL cholesterol level < 35
mg/dl (0.90 mmol/l) and/or a triglyceride level > 250 mg/dl (2.82 mmol/l); women with polycystic ovarian
syndrome (PCOS); IGT or IFG on previous testing; other clinical conditions; associated with insulin resistance (e.g.,
severe obesity, acanthosis nigricans); history of CVD.
Recommendations for testing for prediabetes and diabetes in asymptomatic, undiagnosed
adults are listed in the footnote† below [sic]. Testing should be considered in adults of any
age with BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2 and one or more risk factors for diabetes. Because age is a major
risk factor for diabetes, testing of those without other risk factors should begin no later
than age 45 years.
Either FPG testing or the 2-h OGTT is appropriate for testing. The 2-h OGTT identifies
people with either IFG or IGT, and thus, more pre- to diabetic people at increased risk for
the development of diabetes and CVD. It should be noted that the two tests do not
necessarily detect the same pre- to diabetic individuals. The efficacy of interventions for
primary prevention of type 2 diabetes has primarily been demonstrated among individuals
with IGT, not individuals with IFG (who do not also have IGT). The FPG test is more
convenient, more reproducible, less costly, and easier to administer than the 2-h OGTT.
An OGTT may be useful in patients with IFG to better define the risk of diabetes.
The appropriate interval between tests is not known. The rationale for the three-year
interval is that false-negatives will be repeated before substantial time elapses, and there is
little likelihood that an individual will develop significant complications of diabetes within
three years of a negative test result.
Because of the need for follow-up and discussion of abnormal results, testing should be
carried out within the health care setting. Community screening outside a health care
setting is not recommended because people with positive tests may not seek, or have
access to, appropriate follow-up testing and care. Conversely, there may be failure to
ensure appropriate repeat testing for individuals who test negative. Community screening
may also be poorly targeted, i.e., it may fail to reach the groups most at risk and
inappropriately test those at low risk (the worried well) or even those already diagnosed.
Excerpt ends here.
ADA lists the following as risk factors for pre-diabetes and diabetes: overweight (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m ); physical
inactivity; first-degree relative with diabetes; members of a high-risk ethnic population (e.g., African American,
Latino, Native American, Asian American, Pacific Islander); women who delivered a baby weighing > 9 lb or were
diagnosed with GDM; hypertension (≥ 140/90 mmHg or on therapy for hypertension); HDL cholesterol level < 35
mg/dl (0.90 mmol/l) and/or a triglyceride level > 250 mg/dl (2.82 mmol/l); women with polycystic ovarian
syndrome (PCOS); IGT or IFG on previous testing; other clinical conditions; associated with insulin resistance (e.g.,
severe obesity, acanthosis nigricans); history of CVD.
The following studies were identified in the updated search. They provide low-quality evidence
regarding the risk of developing diabetes in specific populations. The relative risks for the risk
factors of Hepatitis C or use of antipsychotics do not meet a ≥ 2 threshold to warrant an
evidence-based screening recommendation. Brief descriptions of these studies are provided as
supplemental information.
 Hepatitis C Virus (HCV): White et al.(18) reviewed 34 studies (N = N/A) to examine
increase risk of diabetes in those infected with HCV compared to those without HCV.
The pooled risk estimate from 15 retrospective studies is OR = 1.68 (95% CI: 1.15 to 2.20). The
pooled hazard ratio from 3 prospective studies is HR = 1.67 (95% CI: 1.20 to 1.40).
 Antipsychotics: Smith et al.(19) reported on a poor quality meta-analysis of 11 studies (N not
reported) comparing the risk of having or developing diabetes while on second generation antipsychotics with first-generation anti-psychotics in people with schizophrenia or related disorders.
It identified an overall relative risk of a diagnosis of diabetes in those prescribed secondgeneration anti-psychotics of 1.32 [95% CI: 1.15 to 1.51] compared to those prescribed firstgeneration anti-psychotics.
 Middle-Aged Adults: The Framingham Offspring Study tested three diabetes-predicting
models in a 99% white, non-hispanic, middle aged (mean age: 54) population (N = 3140) for an
average of 7 years. It conducted multivariate prediction according to personal variables (e.g.,
age, sex, BMI, parental history, etc.); simple clinical variables (e.g., blood pressure, triglyceride
level, waist circumference, etc.); and, complex clinical variables (e.g. fasting glucose level, 2hour OGTT, C-reactive protein level, etc.). Parental history of diabetes, obesity, hypertension,
low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, elevated triglyceride levels, and impaired
fasting glucose findings but not large waist circumference (AROC 0.85) were identified as
statistically significant predictors of type 2 diabetes.
USPSTF Table 1. Summary of Evidencea
Overall Summary of
Limitations Consistency Care
Quality Findings
study was
Both fair-quality
of a primary
demonstrated no
benefit for
screening: Case–
but results
control study:
did not
Patients with > 1
glucose screening
populationevent in 10 years
level results
had a 13% reduction
from a
in risk for severe
Data were
control and studies
Fair- quality
effect of 3
crossconsidered were
screening studies.
sectional microvascular consistent. sectional
on final
study: No
study was a
differences between
population in
T2DM population
an area of
and general Swedish
population (where
there is a high level
rates and
of screening for
T2DM) in most
measures of visual
however, an
One poor-quality
study showed NSD.
was clinically
RCTs with Several
Studies were
Persons with T2DM
diabetes vs. studies were generally representative
without known
nondiabetes probably
showed no of a primary
CVD seem to
(subgroup underpowered evidence of care
benefit from
analyses); for the
a significant population,
aggressive lipidRCTs with diabetes
differential but results
lowering treatment
duration of subgroup.
did not
as much as persons
T2DM ≤ 1 Baseline
characteristics diabetes and populationdiffered
nondiabetes level results
between the subgroups. from a
diabetes and
prediabetes studies.
Mean follow- Lifestyle
and drug
consisted of
without T2DM with
known CVD. There
is little strong
evidence that
drugs benefit
persons with T2DM
more than those
without. Persons
with T2DM seem to
benefit from a lower
BP target than
persons without.
Fair evidence
suggests a marginal
benefit of aspirin for
primary prevention
of CVD, although
no clear evidence
suggests that those
with diabetes benefit
more than other
subgroups at high
risk for CVD.
Intensive lifestyle
USPSTF Table 1. Summary of Evidencea
Overall Summary of
Limitations Consistency Care
Quality Findings
reduce the
progression of
prediabetes to
3 years;
T2DM at
follow-up up to
follow-up, 7 consistently
7 years. Few
years; only 3 produced a
data exist on
decrease in
the effect of
incidence of
interventions on
events, death,
or other longterm health
Data were
sparse on the
It is difficult
to compare
effects of
results across
screening for
T2DM, and no
because of
persons at
available data
high risk for
adverse 8
and cross- white; study
T2DM, so
Fair to significant
measures and
effects of studies sectional samples
results may poor. adverse effects
composed of
not be
at up to 1-year
applicable to
follow-up. No
however, no
short followprimary care
study reported
serious, longadverse
term, adverse
effects were
effects of a new
diagnosis of
Reviews were Not
Acarbose: NSD
studies were
in death from
adverse 24
entirely based different
largely trials Fair
effects of studies. reviews
on trials of
drugs were of selected
short to
examined in populations
side effects
each review.
long-term data
were lacking.
NSD in death,
lactic acidosis
vs. placebo or
increase in
cough vs.
increase in
secondary to
adverse events
vs. placebo;
NSD in total
new data on
potential for
increased risk
for cardiac
events and
heart failure.
a ACE-I = angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; BP = blood pressure; CVD = cardiovascular
disease; NSD = no significant difference; RCT = randomized, controlled trial; T2DM = type 2
diabetes mellitus.
with limited
to real-world,
primary care
USPSTF Table 2. Number Needed to Screen for Type 2 Diabetes to Prevent 1
Adverse Event after 5 Years of Additional Treatmenta
Prevalence of
Tight Blood Pressure
Tight Glycemic Control to
Control to Prevent 1 CVD
Prevent 1 Case of Blindness in
Event (Screening 1000
1 Eye (Screening 1000 People
Hypertensive People with
with Given Prevalence)
Given Prevalence)
Increase in
Cases of
with Tight
NNS Tight
Averted, nb
Control, %
16,420 50
prevalence in
9,122 90
Standardized 50
12,771 50
prevalence in
U.S. non3.6%
7,095 90
7,663 50
estimated for
4,257 90
a CVD = cardiovascular disease; NNS = number needed to screen.
b Relative risk reduction, 0.29 over 5 years; rate of blindness in no-treatment group, 1.5% over 5
years. Data on incidence of
Prospective Diabetes Study.
c Relative risk reduction of 0.50 over 5 years; 5-year incidence in usual treatment group, 7.5%.
Data from the Hypertension
O ptim al T reatm ent trial.
USPSTF 2008 Table 3. Number Needed to Screen for Prediabetes to Prevent 1
Case of Diabetes after 3 Yearsa
of IGT or
Lifestyle Intervention to
Prevent 1 Case of Diabetes
(Screening 1000 People with
Given Prevalence)b
Increase in
Cases of
Adhering to
Metformin to Prevent 1 Case of
Diabetes (Screening 1000
People with Given Prevalence)c
Increase in
Adhering to
Cases of
IGT only,
total U.S.
116 90
IFG only,
121 50
total U.S.
Estimate IFG 50
and/or IGTf 90
a IFG = impaired fasting glucose; IGT = impaired glucose tolerance; NNS = number needed to
b Relative risk reduction, 58%; 38% achieved weight loss goal of 7% at end of 3-year follow-up
c Relative risk reduction, 31% with adherence rates (≥ 80% of medications taken); 77% in
control group;
72% in
d Based on National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1994 data.
e Prevalence data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2002 (1): IFG, 5.5–
6.93 mmol/L
–126 mg/dL).
f From National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, 1994 data
( /pubs/statistics).
2007 Guideline:
For the 2007 update, no new evidence was found; the recommendation remains unchanged from
the 2005 guideline.
The 2003 US Preventive Services Task Force(20) recommends screening for type 2
diabetes in adults with hypertension, because of evidence that, in adults with
hypertension and clinically detected diabetes, lowering blood pressure below
conventional target blood pressure values reduces the incidence of cardiovascular (CV)
events and CV mortality.*
The 2003 US Preventive Services Task Force(20) also recommends screening for
type 2 diabetes in patients with hyperlipidemia, because of evidence that detecting
diabetes improves estimates of individual risk for coronary heart disease, which is an
integral part of decisions about lipid lowering therapy.
Although there is evidence that development of diabetes can be delayed in patients
with impaired glucose control, there is no evidence that treating diabetes prior to the onset
of typical diabetes symptoms will reduce or prevent diabetes outcomes. Thus, screening
asymptomatic patients with other risk factors is optional.
Other Considerations
The ADA has defined high-risk diabetes status as a family history of type 2 diabetes in first- and
second-degree relatives; belonging to a certain racial/ethnic group (Native Americans, African
Americans, Hispanic Americans, or Asians/South Pacific Islanders); or having signs of insulin
resistance or conditions associated with insulin resistance (acanthosis nigricans, hypertension,
dyslipidemia, or polycystic ovary syndrome).
Test to Screen for Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes
If a test for diabetes and pre-diabetes is desired, either a Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG) or an
HbA1c test is currently recommended.
2009 Update:
The role of HbA1c as a screening test will likely be re-evaluated as a mid cycle update later this
year. Thus, these recommendations were revised.
2007 Update:
No new evidence was found, the recommendation remain unchanged.
Adapted from: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Screening for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Adults:
Recommendations and Rationale. February 2003. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
Used with permission.
2005 Update:
There is no evidence that shows the effect of IFG or oral glucose tolerance on
health outcomes.
There is some overlap of patients that have impaired fasting glucose and IGT;
however, there are situations where neither test will pick up all patients with abnormal
glucose metabolism.
Given the simplicity of fasting glucose, the GDT decided it is the test of choice.
However, physicians may use individual discretion to test with an oral glucose tolerance
test if fasting glucose is normal.
Other Considerations
The ADA states that HbA1c does not have a role in screening.(21)
Pharmacological Management of Diabetes and Hypertension
Blood Pressure Threshold to Initiate Drug Therapy in Patients with
Diabetes and Hypertension
In the population aged ≥ 18 years with diabetes, initiate pharmacologic treatment to lower BP at
SBP ≥ 140 mmHg or DBP ≥ 90 mmHg and treat to a goal SBP < 140 mmHg and goal DBP < 90
Expert Opinion-Grade E
2014 Update:
Recommendation was updated to align with the 2013 published JNC8 guidelines for the
treatment of hypertension.
2007 Update:
No new evidence was found, the recommendation remain unchanged.
2005 Update:
Although no studies were found that compared treatment of people with diabetes and higher
blood pressure with treatment of those with lower blood pressure, clinicians need to know when
to initiate therapy in order to effectively treat hypertension.
Other Considerations
The GDT decided to recommend a threshold for initiation of antihypertensive therapy above that
of the treatment goal.
Given the risk of poor cardiovascular outcomes related to high blood pressure, it is reasonable to
use the American Diabetes Association criteria of 140/90 mmHg as a starting point for treating
hypertensive patients with diabetes.
Target Blood Pressure for People with Diabetes and Hypertension
It is recommended that the target blood pressure be SBP < 140 mmHg and DBP < 90 mmHg for
patients with diabetes and hypertension.
2014 Update:
Recommendation was updated to align with the 2013 published JNC8 guidelines for the
treatment of hypertension.
2007 Update:
No new evidence was found, the recommendation remain unchanged.
2005 Update:
One systematic review(33) in Clinical Evidence included two RCTs(40, 41) that compared
varying target blood pressures.
UKPDS 38(41) included patients with type 2 diabetes and hypertension, with and without
758 patients were randomized to tight control (≤ 150 / ≤ 85 mmHg) and 390 patients to
less tight control (≤ 180 / ≤ 105 mmHg). Follow-up was 8.4 years.
Tight control was associated with fewer MIs (NNT = 14; 95% CI: 9 to 35) and strokes
(NNT = 27; 95% CI: 18 to 116).
The HOT trial(40) focused on lowering diastolic blood pressure in patients with
1,503 patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes were included and followed for 3.8 years.
The target for tight control was ≤ 80 mmHg and the less tight control was ≤ 90 mmHg.
Tight control was associated with fewer MIs, stroke, and other CV death (NNT = 22; 95%
CI: 16 to 57).
Other Considerations
Although there is evidence that diastolic blood pressure should be lowered to at least 80
mmHg in hypertensive patients with diabetes, the consensus is that the target blood pressure
should be < 130/80 mmHg.
The target diastolic of 80 mmHg is evidence-based and the target systolic of 130 mmHg is
a consensus opinion based on ADA and National Kidney Foundation recommendations.(21, 47)
There is no evidence that a lower target systolic or diastolic blood pressure is harmful to
people with diabetes and hypertension.
 A lower target blood pressure will likely require more drugs (more than one drug was
used to achieve blood pressure goals in the above studies). When more than one drug is used,
clinicians should consider compliance issues, adverse events associated with multiple
antihypertensives, and cost.
Initial Treatment of Diabetes and Hypertension in the Absence of
In the general nonblack population, including those with diabetes, initial antihypertensive
treatment should include a thiazide-type diuretic, calcium channel blocker (CCB), angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI), or angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB).
Moderate Recommendation-Grade B
In the general black population, including those with diabetes, initial antihypertensive treatment
should include a thiazide-type diuretic or CCB.
For general black population: Moderate Recommendation –Grade B; for black patients with
diabetes: Weak Recommendation – Grade C
Because most individuals with HTN and diabetes will need more than one drug to control their
HTN effectively, combination therapy with HCTZ/ACE inhibitors as first-line therapy is an
2014 Update:
First two recommendations were updated to align with the 2013 published JNC8 guidelines for
the treatment of hypertension.
2007 Update:
No new evidence was found, the recommendation remain unchanged.
2005 Update:
One follow-up analysis of the Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent
Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT) was found. There was no significant difference in the incidence
of fatal CHD and nonfatal MI for patients assigned to chlorthalidone (diuretic) to lisinopril (ACE
inhibitor) or to amlodopine (calcium channel blocker). There was no significant difference in the
incidence of total mortality, end-stage renal disease, or cancer between the three groups. Heart
failure was more common in diabetes patients assigned to amlodopine [1.39 (95% CI: 1.22 to
1.59)] vs. chlorthalidone.
Trials which compared calcium channel blockers vs. beta-blockers(25, 26) and calcium
channel blockers vs. diuretics,(27) were also identified, but no significant results were found. In a
retrospective analysis of the SHEP trial,(28) diuretic treatment compared with placebo in patients
with diabetes led to a significantly lower long-term CV mortality rate and total mortality rate.
Supporting Evidence for ACE Inhibitors vs. Diuretics
The ALLHAT trial(29) was a large scale RCT (n = 12,063: diabetes subgroup) which found
no significant difference between diuretics and ACE inhibitors (angiotensin converting enzyme
inhibiters) in the prevention of major coronary events, mortality, or stroke in patients with
diabetes and hypertension. When compared with ACE inhibitors, diuretics significantly reduced
heart failure outcomes in the diabetes subgroup.
The ALLHAT trial compared chlorthalidone (diuretics) to lisinopril (ACE inhibitors) and
to amlodopine (calcium channel blockers) in people age  55 who had stage 1 or stage 2
hypertension with at least one additional risk factor for CHD events. The additional risk factor
included a history of type 2 diabetes, previous MI or stroke, left ventricular hypertrophy
demonstrated by electrocardiography or echocardiography, current cigarette smoking, high
density lipoprotein cholesterol 35 mg/dL, or documentation of other atherosclerotic CVD. Of
the total study population 36% (n = 12,063) were patients with diabetes.
In the diabetes subgroup, ACE inhibitors when compared with diuretics were associated with the
following results:
No significant difference in the primary outcome (fatal or nonfatal MI, or all-cause
mortality) [RR = 1.00; (95% CI: 0.87 to 1.14)].
No significant difference in all-cause mortality [RR = 1.02; (95% CI: 0.91 to 1.13)].
No significant difference in combined CHD (nonfatal MI, CHD death,
coronary revascularization, hospitalized angina) [RR = 1.03; (95% CI: 0.93 to 1.15)].
No significant difference in stroke [RR = 1.07; (95% CI: 0.90 to 1.28)].
No significant difference in combined CVD events (nonfatal MI, CHD death,
stroke, coronary revascularization, hospitalized or treated angina, treated or hospitalized heart
failure and peripheral arterial disease) [RR = 1.08; (95% CI: 1.00 to 1.17)].
Significant reduction in the risk of HF outcomes (when using diuretics, as compared
with ACEI) [RR = 1.42; (95% CI: 1.23 to 1.64)].
The diabetes subgroup analysis for the ALLHAT trial was not published at the time
of this guideline revision.
Because the ALLHAT study population was not a pure diabetes population, the
diabetes subgroup was not randomized, and the diabetes subgroup analysis with renal
outcomes has not yet been published, there is not enough evidence to favor diuretics over
ACE inhibitors at this time.
Supporting Evidence for ARB vs. Beta-Blockers
No evidence was found that compared ACE inhibitors to ARB in people with diabetes and
One large RCT (LIFE)(30)found that losartan (representing ARBs) was more effective than
atenolol (representing beta-blockers) in reducing the risk of CV mortality and morbidity in
patients with diabetes and hypertension. However, since there is no strong evidence to suggest
that beta-blockers should be recommended as first-line therapy in patients with diabetes and
hypertension, ARBs also cannot be recommended as initial therapy at this time.
LIFE Study Characteristics
Parallel-group trial of (n = 1,195) patients (aged 55 to 80 years) with
diabetes, hypertension, and signs of left ventricular hypertrophy on electrocardiograms.
Patients were randomized to receive losartan 50 mg or atenolol 50 mg. After
two months, hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) 12.5 mg was added if blood pressure was not at,
or below, goal blood pressure. After four months, the dose of losartan or atenolol was
doubled to 100 mg plus HCTZ 12.5 mg if blood pressure was still inadequately controlled.
At month six, additional open-label antihypertensive medication, including upward
titration of HCTZ, was added in order to reach goal blood pressure.
LIFE Study Results
When compared with beta-blockers, ARBs were associated with the following:
Statistically significant reduction in the primary composite endpoint (CV mortality,
stroke, and MI) [HR = 0.76; (95% CI: 0.58 to 0.98)].
Statistically significant reduction in CV mortality [HR = 0.63; (95% CI: 0.42 to
Statistically significant reduction in total mortality [HR = 0.61; (95% CI: 0.45 to
Statistically significant reduction in hospitalization for heart failure [HR = 0.59;
(95% CI: 0.38 to 0.92)].
Supporting Evidence for Antihypertensive Therapy vs. Placebo
 Several large RCTs were found that show antihypertensive drugs decrease morbidity and
(31, 32)
mortality in people with diabetes and hypertension when compared with placebo.
Supporting Evidence for ACE Inhibitors vs. Calcium Channel Blockers
 One systematic review(33) from BMJ’s Clinical Evidence was found that included an earlier
systematic review by Pahor and one subsequent RCT that compared ACE inhibitors to
calcium channel blockers (CCBs). The Pahor systematic review included two studies that
compared ACE inhibitors to calcium channel blockers and two studies that compared ACE
inhibitors to beta-blockers.
Pahor, et al.(34) included two RCTs that compared an ACE inhibitor to a CCB:
et al.(36) (ACE inhibitor enalapril vs. CCB nisoldipine), and Tatti, et al.(37)(ACE inhibitor
fosfinopril vs. CCB amlodipine). The subsequent RCT by Lindholm, et al.(35) compared
ACE inhibitor vs. CCB (felodipine or isradipine) vs. conventional treatment (beta-blocker
or hydrochlorothiazide plus diuretic). Study durations ranged from 3.5 to 5.6 years.
Inclusion criteria varied per study. Estacio included both hypertensive (n = 470)
and non-hypertensive (n = 480) people with type 2 diabetes (age range 40 to 74), while
Tatti limited the study population to people with type 2 diabetes and hypertension (n =
380; mean age approximately 63). Lindholm included a diabetes subgroup within his
study population of older adults people with hypertension (n = 719; age 70 to 84, mean
age 75.8).
Both Estacio and Tatti found ACE inhibitor to be superior to CCB in reducing CV
events (calculations supplied by Clinical Evidence: RR = 0.49; (95% CI: 0.33 to 0.72);
NNT = 13; (95% CI: 7 to 25) between 3.5 to 5.6 years). There was also a greater decrease
in death, acute myocardial infarction (AMI), and stroke with ACE inhibitors, but the
reduction was not statistically significant.
Lindholm found the effect of ACE inhibitor and CCB to be similar for
cardiovascular mortality and stroke. However, there were significantly fewer MIs during
ACE inhibitor treatment than CCB treatment (RR = 0.51; (95% CI: 0.28 to 0.92); p =
o 
ACE inhibitors have been shown to reduce CV events, including AMI,
when compared with CCB in populations that were either exclusively people with
diabetes(37) or that included people with diabetes.(35, 36) Therefore, ACE inhibitors
are recommended over CCB in the treatment of hypertension.
o 
The GDT concluded that the results presented in the above studies should
equally apply to the general diabetes population even though they do not compare
ACE inhibitor to CCB in people with type 1 diabetes, or adults under the age of
Supporting Evidence for ACE Inhibitors vs. Beta-Blockers
 One systematic review from BMJ’s Clinical Evidence was found that included an earlier
review by Pahor, et al.(34) Pahor included CAPPP(38) and UKPDS 39(39) which compared ACE
inhibitors to beta-blockers.
CAPPP compared ACE inhibitor (captopril) to conventional therapy (betablocker [atenolol or metoprolol] plus diuretic [hydrochlorothiazide or bendrofluazide] if
necessary) and UKPDS 39 compared ACE inhibitor (captopril) to a beta-blocker
CAPPP included a subgroup of 572 people with diabetes (either type 1 or 2),
ages 25 to 66, with treated or untreated hypertension (diastolic blood pressure was 100
mmHg on two separate occasions). The mean follow-up period was 6.1 years.
UKPDS 39 included 758 people with hypertension and type 2 diabetes (mean age
58), with and without microalbuminuria, who were followed for a mean 8.4 years.
In the CAPPP study, ACE inhibitor was associated with a risk reduction for MI of
0.34; (95% CI: 0.17 to 0.67; p = 0.002) and a risk reduction for all fatal events of 0.67;
(95% CI: 0.46 to 0.96; p = 0.030). There was no statistically significant difference
between treatment groups for stroke.
UKPDS 39 did not show the same results. ACE inhibitors did not significantly
reduce CV events (RR = 1.22; 95% CI: 0.94 to 1.58) nor proteinuria (p = 0.31 for urinary
albumin concentration = 50 mg/l and p = 0.090 for clinical proteinuria = 300 mg/l) when
compared with beta-blockers. There was more weight gain associated with beta-blockers
but no difference found between beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors in rates of
hypoglycemia, lipid concentrations, tolerability, blood pressure lowering, or prevention
of disease events.
 There are conflicting data on ACE inhibitors vs. beta-blockers. The CAPPP study
indicated that ACE inhibitors are superior to beta-blockers (plus diuretics if necessary),
while UKPDS 39 suggested that ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers are similarly
efficacious. Because of the results of CAPPP and the weight gain associated with betablockers,(38) the GDT recommends ACE inhibitors as the first- line choice for treating
hypertension in people with diabetes.
Overall Conclusion
Thiazide diuretics are the preferred choice for first-line treatment of diabetes and hypertension,
but 40 to 60% of the population will need a second drug to achieve blood pressure control,
regardless of the first-choice drug. To this end, many drug trials, such as the ALLHAT trial
and the SHEP trial(28) have used thiazide-type diuretics in combination with ACEIs or BBs as
two-drug combination therapy, and have demonstrated effectiveness. Based upon the information
provided in these two large-scale RCTs (ALLHAT,(29) SHEP(28)) the GDT recommends
HCTZ/ACE inhibitors as first-line combination therapy for individuals with diabetes and
hypertension who need more than one drug to control their hypertension effectively.
Other Considerations
Recent trials suggest that overall blood pressure control is important regardless of
which agent is used as first-line therapy. In trials where a low target blood pressure was
the goal, combination therapy of antihypertensive agents was required to achieve the
target.(40, 41) The order of combination therapy varied per study.
ACE inhibitors are generally considered to have a “class” effect due to the
cardiovascular protective and antihypertensive properties that each brand studied has
shown. No studies were found that compare different brands of ACE inhibitors and it is
unlikely that any such studies will be conducted in the near future.
There are two types of CCBs, dihydropyridine and non-dihydropyridine. Neither
type of CCB has been shown to be as effective as ACE inhibitor in treating hypertension.
There are two types of beta-blockers, cardioselective and non-cardioselective. Both
studies included in this systematic review used cardioselective beta-blockers. All
cardioselective beta-blockers are generally considered to have a similar effect to each
other in people with diabetes and hypertension.
9. Step Therapy in the Treatment of Diabetes and Hypertension in the
Absence of Heart Failure or Known Coronary Heart Disease
9 The GDT recommends:
For two drugs: If blood pressure is not controlled on a thiazide-type diuretic alone, then a
thiazide-type diuretic + ACEI is recommended.
For three drugs: If blood pressure is not controlled on a thiazide-type diuretic + ACEI, then
adding a dihydropyridine calcium channel-blocker is recommended.
For four drugs: If blood pressure is not controlled on a thiazide-type diuretic + ACE inhibitor +
dihydropyridine calcium channel-blocker, then adding a beta blocker or spironolactone is
Step Therapy in the Treatment of Diabetes and Hypertension in the
Absence of Heart Failure or Known Coronary Heart Disease
For two drugs: When two drugs are required for hypertension control, an ACE inhibitor
plus a diuretic is recommended.
For three drugs: If blood pressure is not controlled on a thiazide-type diuretic in
addition to an ACE inhibitor, then treatment with a thiazide-type diuretic, an ACE
inhibitor, and a calcium channel blocker are recommended.
2014 Update:
Recommendation was updated to align with the 2013 published JNC8 guidelines for the
treatment of hypertension.
2009 Update:
These recommendations are excerpted from the 2009 KP National Hypertension Clinical
Practice Guidelines. KP National is working towards complete alignment and integration of
recommendations among the Diabetes, CAD, Hypertension and Dyslipidemia Guidelines, under
the oversight of the Integrated Cardiovascular Health Leads (John Merenich, MD, Marc Jaffe,
MD, Jim Dudl MD, John Golden MD, Joel Handler MD, and Wiley Chan MD).
The first step in this process is to align the mostly minor discrepancies between the existing
recommendations that address the same topic. The Diabetes Guideline had several
recommendations that had been updated by the other GDTs, and the ICVH Leads felt that it
would be best to formally adopt those updated recommendations in the Diabetes Guideline.
2007 Update:
No new evidence was found, the recommendation remain unchanged.
2005 Update:
No studies were found that randomized patients with diabetes and hypertension who were
already controlled on a first-line agent to a second drug. Most drug trials are not confined to
monotherapy, but few, if any, randomize and report outcomes in terms of specific combinations
of drugs.
Recent trials suggest that overall blood pressure control is more important than which
agent is used first.(41) In most trials, combination therapy was required to achieve target blood
pressure. Given the efficacy of diuretics and ACE inhibitors in reducing blood pressure, clinical
events as well as their tolerability, either diuretics or ACE inhibitors should be included in all
multidrug regimens.
There is limited evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of ARBs compared with firstline medications. The LIFE trial(30) compared an ARB to a beta-blocker, but did not compare
them to diuretics, ACE inhibitors, or to CCBs. The LIFE trial enrolled only a subset of all
hypertensive patients, those with left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), and demonstrated slightly
improved outcomes of ARBs compared with beta-blockers.
There is strong evidence of the effectiveness of ACE inhibitors, diuretics, beta-blockers,
(29, 32, 39, 42-45)
and ARBs in reducing BP and lowering the complications of hypertension.
However, when clinical outcomes are similar among medications, factors, such as side effects,
tolerability, and drug costs can be used to select an appropriate stepwise approach. Based on the
high cost of ARBs, the GDT recommends beta-blockers over ARBs when a third drug is needed.
Drug Therapy for Patients with Diabetes, Hypertension, and Albuminuria or
Diabetic Nephropathy
It is recommended that people with diabetes or hypertension, when accompanied by albuminuria,
should be treated with a medication regimen that includes an ACE inhibitor. If intolerant to an
ACE inhibitor, then, in the absence of contraindications, an ARB should be substituted to
prevent progression of renal disease.
2014 Update:
The recommendation was changed to reflect revised wording. Content did not change.
2007 Update:
No new evidence was found, the recommendation remain unchanged.
2005 Update:
One study(46) was found that further analyzed CV outcomes in the Irbesartan Diabetic
Nephropathy Trial (IDNT) for patients with type 2 diabetes and overt nephropathy. The three
groups (irbesartan, amlodopine, or placebo) were not statistically different in the composite of
CV events. However, there was a significantly decreased incidence of congestive heart failure
for irbesartan when compared with placebo recipients [HR = 0.72; (95% CI: 0.52 to 1.00, p =
0.048)] or amlodipine recipients [HR = 0.65; (95% CI: 0.48 to 0.87)].
Supporting Evidence for use of Angiotensin II Blockers (ARBs) in People
Intolerant to ACE Inhibitors
No studies were found that compared ARBs in people who were intolerant to ACE
inhibitors. To determine if ARBs and ACE inhibitors are interchangeable in people with
hypertension, diabetes, and microalbuminuria (or albuminuria); the GDT looked for guidance
from studies that examined the effect of these two drugs on kidney function in this specific
Both ACE inhibitors and ARBs have been shown to have a positive effect on people with
diabetes, hypertension, and microalbuminuria when compared with placebo. ARBs have been
(48, 49)
shown to reduce the risk of ESRD (end-stage renal disease) when compared with placebo
and ACE inhibitors reduce the risk of overt nephropathy.(32) Several studies have recently been
published(50, 51) that raised the question of whether the ARBs and ACE inhibitors are
interchangeable in this subpopulation because both ACE inhibitors and ARBs have a similar
effect on microalbuminuria.
The GDT also looked at any other studies that compared the use of antihypertensive agents
to ARB in people with hypertension, diabetes, and microalbuminuria (or albuminuria).
No studies with direct evidence were found, so the GDT looked at studies comparing the
efficacy of ACE inhibitors compared with ARBs.
Supporting Evidence for ACE Inhibitors vs. Angiotensin II blockers (ARBs)
Two small studies were found that compared ACE inhibitors to ARBs in people with
diabetes, hypertension, and microalbuminuria or albuminuria.(50, 51)
Andersen(50) included 16 patients with type 1 diabetes, hypertension, and albuminuria in a
cross-over study.
The study compared placebo, two different doses of ARB (losartan), and two different
doses of ACE inhibitor (enalapril). The study was small and the follow-up period was short (ten
Serum creatinine and 24-hr urinary albumin were significantly better during the periods
the participants were on drug therapy compared with placebo. Unfortunately, no results that
compared ACE inhibitor to ARB were reported.
The CALM study(51) randomized 199 people with type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and
microalbuminuria to ACE inhibitor (lisinopril), ARB (candesartan), or combination ACE
inhibitor/ARB (lisinopril plus candesartan).
The study was short-term (24 weeks) and the only relevant end point reported was adjusted
mean urinary albumin: creatinine ratio.
The adjusted mean urinary albumin: creatinine ratio was statistically significantly better
with combination ACE inhibitor/ARB than ARB alone (p = 0.04) but not when combination
therapy was compared with ACE inhibitors alone (p = 0.20). No difference was found between
groups for creatinine clearance.
There is not enough evidence to recommend that ACE inhibitors and ARBs are interchangeable in this subpopulation of people with diabetes and hypertension, therefore the GDT
recommends substitution of ARBs for ACE inhibitors only when ACE inhibitors are not well
Supporting Evidence for Calcium Channel Blockers (CCBs) vs. Angiotensin II
Blockers (ARBs)
One randomized, controlled trial was found that compared placebo, CCBs, and ARBs.(52)
The IDNT study(53) compared ARB (irbesartan) to CCB (amlodipine) in 1,715 patients
with type 2 diabetes, nephropathy ( 900 mg 24-hr urine protein excretion or serum creatinine),
and hypertension. The follow-up period was 2.6 years and the outcomes of interest were ESRD,
doubling of serum creatinine, and death.
For ESRD, a relative risk reduction of 0.83 (95% CI: 0.62 to 1.11; p = 0.19) was
associated with ARB compared with placebo and 0.76 (95% CI: 0.57 to 1.02; p = 0.06) for ARB
compared with CCB. CCB did not cause a statistically significant relative risk reduction when
compared with placebo (RR = 1.07; 95% CI: 0.89 to 1.29; p = 0.47).
A relative risk reduction of 0.71 (95% CI: 0.54 to 0.92; p = 0.009) for doubling of serum
creatinine was associated with ARB compared with placebo and 0.61 (95% CI: 0.48 to 0.79; p <
0.001) for ARB compared with CCB. CCB did not cause a statistically significant reduction in
relative risk when compared with placebo (RR = 1.15;
95% CI: 0.91 to 1.46; p = 0.24).
There was no statistically significant difference in reduction of death with any group.
CCBs can not be recommended as a substitute for ACE inhibitors or ARBs in
this subpopulation of people with diabetes and hypertension because CCB did not have a positive
effect on kidney function when compared with placebo or ARB.
Other Considerations
Doubling serum creatinine was found to be associated with increased mortality, dialysis,
and kidney transplantation.(54) A statistically significant correlation was found between decreased
survival and elevated urinary albumin concentration (microalbuminuria and proteinuria) in
people with diabetes. Microalbuminuria is predictive of clinical proteinuria and increased
ACE inhibitors are generally considered to have a “class” effect due to the cardiovascular
protective, antihypertensive, and renoprotective properties demonstrated by each brand of ACE
inhibitor that has been studied. No studies were found that compare different brands of ACE
inhibitors and it is unlikely that any such studies will be conducted in the near future.
The effect of ARBs is generally considered a “class” effect because of their renoprotective
Drug Therapy for Microalbuminuria in Normotensive Patients
In normotensive adults under age 55 who have diabetes and microalbuminuria, an ACE inhibitor
is recommended to prevent progression to end-stage renal disease.
In normotensive adults with diabetes, microalbuminuria (or albuminuria) and ACE inhibitor
allergy or intolerance, there is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against the use of
angiotensin receptor blockers to prevent progression to end-stage renal disease.
Evidence-based: I
Evidence Grade*
Evidence for Recommendation: Insufficient
2009 Update
New evidence has been identified. Recommendations have been changed based on both new
evidence and expert/consensus opinion.
Search Strategy
Studies reviewed included only systematic reviews and randomized, controlled trials. Because
searches on this topic were conducted previously, updates to those searches were performed. See
Appendix B for more information on the search strategy.
Executive Summary
There is good evidence that ACE inhibitors prevent the progression of microalbuminuria in
normotensive patients with diabetes. However, there is insufficient evidence that ACE inhibitors
prevent the hard outcomes of increasing of serum creatinine or progression to ESRD. Therefore,
the GDT debated the clinical value of preventing progression of microalbuminuria in a
population ≥ 55 years of age, with diabetes and risk factors including, but not limited to,
microalbuminuria - a population not specifically encompassing all those patients addressed in the
problem formulation here, and in the absence of sufficient direct evidence, makes a consensusbased recommendation to use ACE inhibitors to prevent progression to ESRD. There is
insufficient evidence for the GDT to recommend for or against use of ARBs in this group,
whether or not they are intolerant of ACE inhibitors.
The criteria for grading the strength of the evidence as either “good,” “fair,” or “insufficient” adheres to the KP
National Guideline Program’s “Policies and Procedures” documents entitled “Label and Language of
Recommendations” and “KP System for Grading the Strength of a Body of Evidence,” which are located in
Appendix A.
No studies were identified that directly addressed the primary health outcomes of interest in this
problem formulation. However, a comprehensive systematic review of the literature identified
two low-quality trials (56, 57) that addressed the intermediary outcomes of interest, i.e., the effect
of ARBs on microalbuminuria in normotensive patients with diabetes and microalbuminuria. The
findings of these studies, however, are compromised by their methodological shortcomings. A
2009 position statement from the American Diabetes Association was also identified and is
included in the review below. Furthermore, a manual search yielded a 2005 meta-analysis by
Casas et al., not previously addressed in this guideline, which asserts that the positive effect of
ACE inhibitors and ARBs is a result of their antihypertensive qualities and their cardioprotective effect and not necessarily on their reno-protective effect. Even though studies included
in this meta-analysis did not exclude hypertensive patients, as did the problem formulation here,
they are included to provide a general overview of the role of ACE inhibitors and ARBs in
microalbuminuria (or albuminuria) in patients with diabetes. None of the studies reviewed here
addressed the adverse effects of intervention, i.e., rash, persistent dry cough, azotemia,
hyperkalemia, or dialysis as an outcome of the intervention.
In a 6-month, prospective RCT with 2-month follow-up, Agha et al. compared the antimicroalbuminuric effect of 50 mg/d losartan (an ARB) to placebo (500 mcg/d vitamin B-12) in
non-insulin-dependent, normotensive patients with type 2 diabetes and microalbuminuria (N =
383). Microalbuminuria was defined as urinary excretion rate of 20 to 200 mcg/min or 24-hr
urinary albumin of 30 to 300 mg/dL. Details regarding administration of medication to patients
were not provided. Urinary microalbumin levels were recorded at baseline, at the end of the 6month study, and two months after stopping losartan. Intent-to-treat analysis was not performed
to account for the 22 patients lost to follow-up (19 in the test group, 2 in the control group).
In the test group, 87% (149/171) of patients experienced > 30% reduction of albuminuria;
8.2% (14/171) experienced 10 to 30% reduction; and 4.7% (8/171) experienced minimal or
no change. In the placebo group, 1.6% (3/190) experienced > 30% reduction of
albuminuria; 17.9% (34/190) experienced 10 to 30% reduction; and 76.5% (153/190)
experienced minimal or no change. The statistical significance of the difference
in urinary microalbumin before and after treatment with losartan was not assessed. The Pvalue for the difference between the results of the intervention and control groups was
calculated and found to be statistically significant (P < 0.0001). In the initial week of
treatment, lightheadedness was reported by 15 patients in the treatment group. This study
suffered from detection bias, as it did not conduct power calculations. In addition, it did not
conduct thorough statistical analyses on individual outcomes, to provide confidence intervals and
p-values to determine significance of effect. There was also study procedure bias because neither
patients nor intervention administrators were blinded. There may have also been a threat to its
external validity resulting from multiple treatment interference with the oral diabetes medication
of the study participants.
Makino et al. (57) conducted a post-ad hoc analysis of the INNOVATION study (2005), to
determine the anti-microalbuminuric effect of telmisartan (an ARB) on normotensive and
hypertensive Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes and microalbuminuria. The INNOVATION
study was a double-blinded, multi-center RCT which identified that telmisartan effectively
reduced the transition rate from incipient to overt nephropathy in patients with diabetes.
Microalbuminuria was defined as urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) of 100 to 300
mg/g creatinine). This review will only address the normotensive patients studied. A total of 163
normotensive, microalbuminuric patients were randomized to 40 mg/d or 80 mg/d or placebo for
a 52-week period, with a mean follow-up of 1.3 years. The authors report but do not provide data
to show that serum creatinine and creatinine clearance did not significantly change throughout
the study. The UACR in both the 40 mg (n = 58) and the 80 mg (n = 51) telmisartan groups
decreased significantly (p < 0.05) (see Fig.1 and Fig. 2 below, hard data not provided). The 52week measurement of UACR was significantly less in the telmisartan groups than in the
placebo group (40 mg: 136 +/- 124.3; 80 mg: 112 +/- 113.7; placebo: 204 +/- 140.3, p <
0.05). No dose-dependent difference in UACR was observed. Furthermore, in comparison to
placebo, treatment with telmisartan showed lower transition rates to overt nephropathy and
increased the revision rate to normoalbuminuria (statistically insignificant p not reported on
Treatment with the 80 mg dose demonstrated statistically insignificant transition and remission
rates compared to the 40 mg dose. Adverse events including but not limited to eye disorders,
gastrointestinal disorders, infections, poisoning, musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders,
and skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders were observed in 92.2% of the entire study
population (485/526). In the normotensive population, 17.6% (9/51) of the telmisartan 80 mg
group, 8.6% (5/58) of the telmisartan 40 mg group, and 13% (7/54) of the placebo group
discontinued treatment due to adverse events. This study suffered from detection bias, as it did
not conduct power calculations. In addition, it did not calculate confidence intervals to determine
significance of effect. There may have also been a threat to its external validity resulting from
multiple treatment interference with the oral diabetes medication of the study participants. The
small number of patients in the three arms of the study is also notable. Furthermore, the patient
recruitment and randomization process is not well-defined.
Table 3: Effect of Telmisartan on Transition and Remission from Microalbuminuria at Last
Telmisartan 40 mg N = Telmisartan 80 mg N =
Placebo N = 54
Transitions n, (%)
18 (33.3)
7 (12.1)*
5 (9.8)*
Normalizations n, (%)
1 (1.9)
9 (15.5)*
10 (19.6)*
Statistical difference from placebo group at p < 0.01
Casas et. al (58) assessed blood-pressure-independent renoprotection with use of ACE inhibitors
or ARBs by meta-analyzing 127 trials (N = 73,514) that investigated the effect of different
classes of antihypertensive drugs on progression of renal disease, comparing outcomes of trials
using placebo controls and trials using active comparator drugs. Out of 150 comparison groups,
99 included only patients with diabetes (weighted mean GFR 84.5 mL/min). Even though this
systematic review and meta-analysis was large in scope, it followed a rigorous methodology in
search strategy and study selection, as well as statistical analysis providing appropriate summary
estimates and outcome measures calculated. It is plausible that there are unidentifiable biases as
specific study information and raw data from the studies, and information on the homogeneity or
heterogeneity of patient characteristics are not reported. It is notable that the authors do not
report biases or limitations, but do report that they did not have binding ties to a funding source.
Excerpt begins.
In trials that compared the effect of ACE inhibitors or ARBs on the occurrence of endstage renal disease with the effect of other antihypertensives, no significant benefit of ACE
inhibitors or ARBs over other antihypertensive drugs was seen in patients with diabetes
(four trials, n = 14,437; Figure 2A). In trials that compared the effect of ACE inhibitors or
ARBs with active comparators on the doubling of creatinine, in patients with diabetes (six
trials, n = 3,044), ACE inhibitors or ARBs showed no benefit compared with other
antihypertensive drugs (RR = 1.09, 95% CI: 0.55 to 2.15). In trials that compared the
effect of ACE inhibitors or ARBs on serum creatinine concentration with that of other
antihypertensives In patients with diabetes, no benefit on creatinine was seen (Figure 3A).
In trials that compared the effect of ACE inhibitors or ARBs on urine albumin excretion
with other antihypertensive drugs, in patients with diabetes, a small reduction in daily
urine albumin excretion was seen (Figure 3B). In trials that compared the effect of ACE
inhibitors or ARBs with other antihypertensive drugs on the GFR, the GFR did not
improve in patients with diabetes (Figure 3C).
In trials with the comparator arm as placebo rather than another antihypertensive drug,
patients randomly assigned to receive ACE inhibitors or ARBs were at lower risk of endstage renal disease and doubling of creatinine, than was placebo (Webtable 1), and also
showed reductions in serum creatinine and urine albumin excretion (Webtable 2) Similar
benefits were seen in patients with diabetes...Indeed, when blood-pressure differences
were reduced substantially by antihypertensive treatment in control groups, there was no
evidence of a significant salutary effect of ACE inhibitors or ARBs on renal outcomes in
patients with diabetes.
Excerpt Ends.
Figures and Tables
Figure 2A
Figure 2B
Figure 3A
Figure 3B
Figure 3C
Figure 4A
Figure 4B
Table 4: Characteristics of studies in meta-analysis
Drug Therapy for Microalbuminuria in Normotensive Patients (continued)
American Diabetes Association: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2009*
Excerpt starts.
To reduce the risk or slow the progression of nephropathy, optimize glucose
control. (A)
To reduce the risk or slow the progression of nephropathy, optimize blood
pressure control. (A)
In the treatment of the nonpregnant patient with micro- or macroalbuminuria, either
ACE inhibitors or ARBs should be used. (A)
Evidence Grade A: Clear evidence from well-conducted, generalizable, randomized
controlled trials that are adequately powered, including: evidence from a well-conducted
multicenter trial; evidence from a meta-analysis that incorporated quality ratings in the
analysis; Compelling nonexperimental evidence, i.e., “all or none” rule developed by the
Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford. Supportive evidence from wellconducted, randomized, controlled trials that are adequately powered, including: evidence
from a well-conducted trial at one or more institutions; evidence from a meta-analysis
that incorporated quality ratings in the analysis.
Intensive diabetes management with the goal of achieving near normoglycemia has been
shown in large prospective randomized studies to delay the onset of microalbuminuria
and the progression of micro- to macroalbuminuria in patients with type 1 and type 2
diabetes. The UKPDS provided strong evidence that control of blood pressure can reduce
the development of nephropathy. In addition, large prospective randomized studies in
patients with type 1 diabetes have demonstrated that achievement of lower levels of
systolic blood pressure (< 140 mmHg) resulting from treatment using ACE inhibitors
provides a selective benefit over other antihypertensive drug classes in delaying the
progression from micro- to macroalbuminuria and can slow the decline in GFR in
patients with macroalbuminuria. In type 2 diabetes with hypertension and
normoalbuminuria, ACE inhibition has been demonstrated to delay progression to
In addition, ACE inhibitors have been shown to reduce major CVD outcomes (i.e.,
myocardial infarction, stroke, death) in patients with diabetes, thus further supporting the
use of these agents in patients with microalbuminuria, a CVD risk factor. ARBs have also
been shown to reduce the rate of progression from micro- to macro- albuminuria as well
as ESRD in patients with type 2 diabetes. Some evidence suggests that ARBs have a
smaller magnitude of rise in potassium compared with ACE inhibitors in people with
nephropathy. It is important to note that the benefits of both ACE inhibitors and ARBs in
those with diabetic nephropathy are strongly associated with the reduction in
For an explanation of the letter grading in this excerpt, please see Appendix C.
Combinations of drugs that block the rennin- angiotensin-aldosterone system (e.g., an
ACE inhibitor plus an ARB, a mineralocorticoid antagonist, or a direct rennin inhibitor)
have been shown to provide additional lowering of albuminuria. However, the long-term
effects of such combinations on renal or cardiovascular outcomes have not yet been
evaluated in clinical trials.
Other drugs, such as diuretics, calcium channel blockers, and beta-blockers, should be
used as additional therapy to further lower blood pressure in patients already treated with
ACE inhibitors or ARBs or as alternate therapy in the rare individual unable to tolerate
ACE inhibitors or ARBs.
Studies in patients with varying stages of nephropathy have shown that protein restriction
helps slow the progression of albuminuria, GFR decline, and occurrence of ESRD. Protein
restriction should be considered particularly in patients whose nephropathy seems to be
progressing despite optimal glucose and blood pressure control and use of ACE inhibitor
and/or ARBs.
Excerpt ends.
2007 Update:
No new evidence was found, the recommendation remains unchanged.
2005 Update:
 One RCT(59) (n = 250) was identified in which no significant difference was found in change
in glomerular filtration rate, mortality, stroke, heart failure, or myocardial infarction between an
angiotensin II receptor blocker and an ACE inhibitor in people with type 2 diabetes and early
Two systematic reviews were found that looked at the effect of ACE inhibitors on
intermediate outcomes in patients with diabetes and microalbuminuria who had normal blood
pressure.(60, 61) There are no high-quality published studies that provide health outcomes, such as
ESRD and death, for treatment of normotensive people with diabetes and microalbuminuria.
The Cochrane systematic review included 13 RCTs and one meta-analysis that compared
ACE inhibitors (captopril, enalapril, and lisinopril) to placebo in normotensive people with type
1 or type 2 diabetes and microalbuminuria or albuminuria.(60) The mean age of the participants
ranged from 32 to 48 years old.
All of the RCTs were relatively small (study size ranged from 15 to 143
participants) and each trial lasted more than a year.
The authors found a small, but significant effect of ACE inhibitors on GHb
(gylcosylated hemoglobin). All three types of ACE inhibitors significantly reduced
albumin excretion rate when compared with placebo.
 Albumin rate increased in the placebo group 11.8% (95% CI: -3.3 to 29.1; p = ns) and
decreased with an ACE inhibitor (captopril) 17.9% (95% CI: -29.6 to -4.3; p = 0.004).
ACE inhibitor (enalapril) was also associated with an absolute risk reduction of 42% (95%
CI: 15 to 69); p not stated) for nephropathy over seven years.
The second systematic review only included studies that enrolled normotensive patients
with type 1 diabetes and microalbuminuria. Twelve RCTs were included in this systematic
The RCTs were relatively small and ranged from 16 to 137 participants. The age
range was 17 to 70 years old and the duration of the trials varied from one to four years.
ACE inhibitors (captopril, lisinopril, enalapril, perindopril, and ramipril) were
compared with placebo.
Albumin excretion rates were 50.5% lower (95% CI: 29.2 to 65.5; p < 0.001)
with ACE inhibitors compared with placebo at two years. A decrease in progression to
albuminuria was associated with ACE inhibitors (OR = 0.38; 95% CI: 0.25 to 0.57; p <
0.001). More patients regressed to normoalbuminuria in the treatment groups than the
control groups (OR = 3.07; 95% CI: 2.15 to 4.44; p < 0.001).
The GDT recommends ACE inhibitors in people with diabetes and normal blood pressure
because of it’s positive effect on microalbuminuria. The effect of ACE inhibitors on prevention
of renal failure is not yet established.
Other Considerations
Doubling serum creatinine was found to be associated with increased mortality, dialysis,
and kidney transplantation.(54) A statistically significant correlation was found between decreased
survival and elevated urinary albumin concentration (microalbuminuria and proteinuria) in
people with diabetes. Microalbuminuria is predictive of clinical proteinuria and increased
The HOPE study(32) found that an ACE inhibitor (ramipril) reduces urinary protein
excretion and reduces cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in older patients with diabetes. The
same protective effect was observed in patients without microalbuminuria.
ACE inhibitors are generally considered to have a “class” effect due to the cardiovascular
protective, antihypertensive, and reno-protective properties demonstrated by each ACE inhibitor
that has been studied. No studies were found that compare different ACE inhibitors and it is
unlikely that any such studies will be conducted in the near future.
There is no consistent evidence about starting dosage.
Lipid Management
LDL Goals
There is no recommendation for or against specific LDL–C or non-HDL–C targets for the
primary or secondary prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD).
No Recommendation-Grade N
2014 Update:
Recommendation was updated to align with the 2013 published AHA/ACC guidelines for the
treatment of cholesterol.
2009 Update:
This recommendation is excerpted from the 2008 National Dyslipidemia Management in Adults
Clinical Practice Guidelines.
2007 Update:
No new evidence was found, the recommendation remain unchanged.
2005 Update:
The following rationale and accompanying recommendations are adopted from the Kaiser
Permanente National Dyslipidemia Guidelines
While the recommendations between the KP National Diabetes Guidelines and the KP National
Dyslipidemia Guidelines are generally consistent, there are a few differences, including:
 The KP National Diabetes Guidelines allow the option of a goal of LDL< 70 for patients
with diabetes and CAD.
The following is an excerpt from the KP National Dyslipidemia Guidelines
“There are no RCTs which explicitly and directly compared the effectiveness of
various LDL cut-points for reducing CAD events in patients with diabetes mellitus.
A subgroup analysis of diabetics from the Heart Protection Study showed that
reducing LDL from 124 mg/dL at baseline to 89 mg/dL over five years was effective
for reducing CAD events; however, this study was not designed for the purpose of
comparing different target LDL levels. Given the high baseline CAD risk among our
"high-risk" groups such as diabetic patients aged 40 or greater, the GDT agreed that
an LDL target of > 100 mg/dL would be appropriate for diabetic patients aged 40 or
greater. In patients with diabetes and CAD, the group believes a more aggressive
LDL target should be an option.
“Several statin RCTs have demonstrated improved outcomes in patients whose LDL
was lowered well below 100 mg/dL. Only acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients
have been shown to have improved outcomes when the LDL was lowered below 70
mg/dL (PROVE-IT TIMI 22 and A to Z trials). Two other trials have shown
improved outcomes in a variety of CAD patients when the LDL was lowered below
80 mg/dL (MIRACL, AVERT). Although the trials summarized below compared
pre- and post-treatment LDL levels, it is important to note these trials were not
explicitly designed to compare one LDL treatment goal vs. another.
“PROVE-IT (2004)
Pre-treatment mean LDL = 106 mg/dL
Attained LDL in control group = 95 mg/dL
Attained LDL in treatment group = 62 mg/dL
Effect on coronary events (any death, MI angina, PTCI, CABG, stroke): Relative
Risk Reduction = 15%; p = 0.005
Follow-up: 18 months
Population: people with established atherosclerosis and who were being treated
for secondary prevention of a future CAD event.
“Phase Z of A to Z Trial (2004)
Pre-treatment mean LDL = 111 mg/dL
Attained LDL in placebo + simvastatin 20 mg/d group at four months
= 124 mg/dL
Attained LDL in placebo + simvastatin 20 mg/d group at 24 months =
81 mg/dL
Attained LDL in simvastatin 80 mg/d group at four months = 62
Attained LDL in simvastatin 80 mg/d group at 24 months = 66 mg/dL
Effect on coronary events: (MI, cardiac mortality, stroke or
readmission of for ACS)
After four months, no statistically significant differences in primary
composite endpoints were found between the high-dose vs. low-dose
regimens of simvastatin (ARR = 2.3%, HR = 0.89; 95% CI: 0.76 to 1.04).
Between months four and 24 the primary endpoint was reduced from
9.3% in the simvastatin 20 mg/d group to 6.8% in the higher dose
simvastatin 80 mg/d group (ARR = 2.5%, HR = 0.75; 95% CI: 0.60 to 0.95)
(any death, MI angina, PTCI, CABG, stroke): Relative Risk Reduction =
15%; p = 0.005
Follow-up: 24 months
Population: people with established acute coronary syndrome and who
were being treated for secondary prevention of a future CAD event.
“MIRACL (2001)
Pre-treatment mean LDL = 124 mg/dL
Attained LDL in control group = 135 mg/dL
Attained LDL in treatment group = 72 mg/dL
Effect on coronary events: RRR = 14.9% and RR = 0.84, 95% CI: 0.70
to 1.00, p = 0.048
Follow-up: 16 weeks
Population: people seen during the early period after an acute coronary
“AVERT (1999)
Pre-treatment mean LDL ≥ 115 mg/dL
Attained LDL in control group = 119 mg/dL
Attained LDL in treatment group = 77 mg/dL
Effect on coronary events: Risk Reduction = 36%; p = 0.048
Follow-up: 18 months
Population: people with established atherosclerosis and who were being
treated for secondary prevention of a future CAD event.”
End of excerpt.
Given that all statins appear to be efficacious for lowering LDL-C, the choice of a drug should be
based on cost and evidence of benefit on direct health outcomes. Simvastatin has been shown to
be clinically effective for improving direct health outcomes, and since it is available as a generic
drug in the formulary, it is significantly less expensive than other statins.
Therefore, simvastain should be used as first-line therapy whenever statins are indicated.
Statin Therapy
Moderate-intensity statin therapy should be initiated or continued for adults 40 to 75 years of age
with diabetes mellitus who have LDL 70-189 and who do not have ASCVD.
Strong Recommendation-Grade A
High-intensity statin therapy is reasonable for adults 40 to 75 years of age with diabetes
mellitus, who have LDL 70-189 and who do not have ASCVD, with a ≥ 7.5% estimated 10-year
ASCVD risk unless contraindicated.
Expert Opinion-Grade E
In adults with diabetes mellitus, who have LDL 70-189 and who do not have ASCVD, who are <
40 or > 75 years of age, it is reasonable to evaluate the potential for ASCVD benefits and for
adverse effects, for drug-drug interaction, and to consider patient preferences when deciding to
initiate, continue, or intensify statin therapy. Expert Opinion-Grade E
2014 Update:
Recommendation was updated to align with the 2013 published AHA/ACC guidelines for the
treatment of cholesterol.
2009 Update:
These recommendations are excerpted from the 2008 KP National Dyslipidemia Management in
Adults Clinical Practice Guidelines. KP National is working towards complete alignment and
integration of recommendations among the Diabetes, CAD, Hypertension and Dyslipidemia
Guidelines, under the oversight of the Integrated Cardiovascular Health Leads (John Merenich,
MD, Marc Jaffe, MD, Jim Dudl MD, John Golden MD, Joel Handler MD, and Wiley Chan MD).
The first step in this process is to align the mostly minor discrepancies between the existing
recommendations that address the same topic. The Diabetes Guideline had several
recommendations that had been updated by the other GDTs, and the ICVH Leads felt that it
would be best to formally adopt those updated recommendations in the Diabetes Guideline.
2007 Update:
No new evidence was found, the recommendation remain unchanged.
2005 Update:
The following rationale and accompanying recommendations are adopted from the Kaiser
Permanente National Dyslipidemia Guidelines.
Although the recommendations of the Kaiser Permanente National Diabetes Guideline (this
document) and the KP National Dyslipidemia Guideline are generally consistent with each other,
there are a few differences, including:
The KP National Diabetes Guideline separates guidance for statin therapy into
three age categories: age 40 to 80, age < 40, and age > 80 years.
Like the KP National Dyslipidemia Guideline, the KP National Diabetes
Guideline recommends simvastatin for all patients aged 40 to 80 years with diabetes,
regardless of baseline LDL. However, the Diabetes Guideline also includes an additional
criterion of total cholesterol (TC) > 135 mg/dl.
The following is an excerpt from the KP National Dyslipidemia Guidelines
“There are no head-to-head comparison studies of the efficacy of different statins or statins
vs. fibrates, resins, or niacin in reducing CAD events in people with diabetes. Therefore,
the choice of drug would be based on a comparison of diabetes mellitus (DM) subgroup
analyses and RCTs of individual drug treatments vs. placebo.
Lipid-Lowering Trials in Diabetes Mellitus Populations
One RCT (ASPEN; Knopp et al., 2006(62)) compared atorvastatin 10 mg vs. placebo in
2,410 subjects aged 40-75 with type 2 diabetes. At four years, there were no differences
between the groups in the rates of cardiovascular death, nonfatal/silent MI, nonfatal stroke,
recanalization, CABG, resuscitated cardiac arrest, or hospitalization due to worsening
angina. It should be noted that the study population featured a mix of primary and
secondary prevention populations, and subgroup analyses of these populations were not
intention-to-treat comparisons. It should also be noted that many study participants were
required to discontinue study medication midway in the trial.
Lipid-lowering Trials with DM Subgroup Analysis
“One systematic review [Clinical Evidence, Issue 11, August 2004 (on-line version)] has
compared HMG Co-A reductase inhibitors (statins) vs. placebo, and fibrates vs. placebo.
Subsequent updates of this review were separated into systematic reviews focusing on
dyslipidemia in diabetes (Patel et al., 2006(63)) and the prevention of cardiovascular events
in diabetes (Sigal et al., 2006 ); however, new evidence was not captured in these
updates. Additional RCTs were identified that compared statins vs. placebo in people with
 “Clinical Evidence reviewed five RCTs of the efficacy of various drug therapies in
preventing coronary heart disease events in people with diabetes. Statin and fibrates were
compared with placebos for both primary and secondary prevention.
The following summary is excerpted from Clinical Evidence:
Primary Prevention:
“We found no systematic review. We found five large RCTs with significant numbers of
people with diabetes comparing lipid lowering agents vs. placebo, and found reductions in
the risk of cardiovascular events.
“In the first RCT,(65) men aged 45 to 73 years and women aged 55 to 73 years were
randomized to diet plus lovastatin 20 to 40 mg daily or diet plus placebo, and followed for
a mean of 5.2 years. Among those with diabetes, no significant difference between
lovastatin and placebo in myocardial infarction, unstable angina, or sudden cardiac death
over five years (4/84 [4.8%] events with lovastatin vs. 6/71 [8.5%] events with placebo;
ARR = +3.7%; 95% CI: -5.6% to +11.9%; RR = 0.56, 95% CI: 0.16 to 1.91).
“The second RCT(66) that included 4,081 Finnish men aged 40 to 55 years compared
gemfibrozil 600 mg twice daily vs. placebo over five years in people with diabetes
(cardiovascular events rate: 3.4% vs. 10.5%; RR = 0.33).
“The third RCT(67) that included 164 men and women with type 2 diabetes, aged 35 to 65
years, compared bezafibrate vs. placebo for three years in people with diabetes
(cardiovascular events rate: 7.8% vs. 25%; RR = 0.31).
“A diabetic subgroup analysis from a fourth RCT(29) found, “ significant difference in
cardiac death or non-fatal myocardial infarction between pravastatin 40 mg and placebo
over 4.8 years (one RCT 3,638 people aged 55 years with type 2 diabetes and additional
CAD risk factors; CAD death plus non-fatal myocardial infarction: RR = 0.89; (95% CI:
0.71 to 1.10).” It is possible that the unblinded design of this study may have resulted in a
bias of the observed study results. The overall relative risk for this trial was not statistically
significantly different from that of this subgroup.
“A fifth RCT,(68) found no significant difference in cardiovascular death or myocardial
infarction between atorvastatin 10 mg daily and placebo over three years (n = 2,532 people
aged 40 to 79 years with diabetes, hypertension, total cholesterol > 6.5 mmol/L (251
mg/dL) and at least two other cardiovascular risk factors but without coronary artery
disease diagnosis; CAD death or myocardial infarction: RR = 0.84 (95% CI: 0.55 to 1.29).
With regard to the results of this study, Clinical Evidence states that the ASCOT-LLA trial
was, “...terminated early due to high efficacy of atorvastatin in the overall study population
(HR for cardiovascular death plus non-fatal myocardial infarction 0.64; 95% CI: 0.05 to
0.083). Although the difference was not significant in the diabetic subgroup, the
confidence intervals for diabetic and non-diabetic subgroups overlapped one another.” A
subsequent reanalysis of these data (Server et al., 2005(69)) found that atorvastatin was
associated with a significantly reduced risk of a composite measure of total cardiovascular
events and procedures in the 2,226 diabetic study subjects without prior CVD (HR = 0.75,
95% CI: 0.57 to 0.99)
“In a primary prevention subgroup analysis of diabetes mellitus patients from the Heart
Protection Study, 2,913 out of the 5,963 diabetic patients had no prior atherosclerotic
“With a mean baseline LDL of 124 mg/dL, simvastatin 40 mg produced a 30% fall in LDL
in the DM population.
“In DM patients with no vascular disease, the relative risks of a new vascular event (total
CAD or total stroke or revascular-ization) with treatment (vs. placebo) were as follows:
ARR = 4.4%
RRR = 34%
P < 0.0001
NNT = 23
“For the entire diabetes subgroup:
Simvastatin reduced major vascular events by approximately one-third NNT = 14
“These results provide support for the recommendation to treat all diabetic patients
regardless of baseline LDL.
“A sixth RCT (70) published subsequent to the Clinical Evidence review compared
treatment with atorvastatin 10 mg to placebo in patients (n = 2,838, age 40 to 75) with type
2 diabetes, no history of CVD and LDL levels > 160 mg/dL. Patients in the atorvastatin
group experienced a 3.2% absolute risk reduction in the primary end point of acute
coronary events, revascularization or stroke (event rate: 5.8% atorvastatin vs. 9.0%
placebo, ARR = 3.2%, NNT = 31 patients over four years, p = 0.001). This trial supports
the recommendation to treat all patients with diabetes regardless of baseline LDL.”
“From the available subgroup data for primary prevention in diabetics, when compared to
placebo, fibrates, in some cases, appeared to be more effective than statins in lowering
cardiovascular event rates. However, 95% CI and p values were not reported. It is
uncertain whether the reported results reached statistical significance for primary
prevention trials.
The following summary is excerpted from Clinical Evidence:
Secondary Prevention:
“We found one systematic review and six RCTs that included people with diabetes.
A systematic review by Huang, et el., 2001, reviewed three RCTs (4S, LIPID, CARE) and
found that pravastatin or simvastatin significantly reduced cardiovascular events over six
years compared with placebo (n = 1,570 people: 43 events per 1,000 person year with
statins vs. 44 events with placebo per 1,000 person years; RR = 0.77
(95% CI: 0.62 to 0.96).
The three trials are further summarized below:
“One RCT (71) that included 4,444 men and women aged 35 to 70 year...compared
simvastatin vs. placebo over a median of 5.4 years...
The relative risk of main end points in a subset of 483 people with diabetes treated with
simvastatin were as follows:
Total mortality 0.57 (95% CI: 0.30 to 1.08); not statistically significant;
Major cardiovascular events 0.45 (95% CI: 0.27 to 0.74); statistically significant;
Any atherosclerotic event 0.63 (95% CI: 0.43 to 0.92); statistically significant.
“The second RCT (CARE, 1996) that included 4,159 men and women aged 21 to 75 years
compared ... pravastatin 40 mg daily vs. placebo over a median of five years. Among the
586 people with diabetes, the relative risk of major coronary events (death from coronary
disease, non-fatal acute myocardial infarction (AMI), coronary artery bypass graft, or
PTCA) was 0.75 (95% CI: 0.57 to 1.0); barely statistically significant.
“The third RCT (LIPID, 1998 ) that included 9,014 men and women aged 31 to 75 years
compared ... pravastatin 40 mg daily vs. placebo for a mean of 6.1 years. Among the 782
participants with diabetes, the relative risk of coronary heart disease death or non-fatal
AMI was 0.84 (95% CI: 0.59 to 1.10); non-statistically significant. A subsequent re(73)
analysis (Keech, 2003 ) of these data expanded the subsample of interest to include
“probable” diabetics (based on fasting glucose level), for a total N = 1,077. In this
analysis, the reduction in risk of a major CHD event attributable to pravastatin was not
statistically significant among study diabetics (RRR = 19%, p = 0.11). Pravastatin reduced
the risk of any cardiovascular event by 21% (p < 0.01) and the risk of a stroke by 39% (p <
0.05) among these diabetics.
“A fourth RCT (VA-HIT, 1999) not included in the Huang systematic review included
2,531 men aged > 74 years...and compared gemfibrozil 1,200 mg daily with placebo for a
median of 5.1 years (treatment was intended to raise high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
(HDL) levels rather than reduce LDL). Among the 627 participants with diabetes, the
relative risk of coronary heart disease death or non-fatal AMI was 0.76 (95% CI: 0.57 to
1.0); barely statistically significant.
“A fifth RCT (LIPS, Serruys, et al., 2002) found that fluvastatin significantly reduced
cardiac death, non-fatal myocardial infarction, and reintervention over four years
compared with placebo (one RCT, 202 people aged 18 to 80 years with diabetes and a
diagnosis of CVD: 26/120 [21%] events with fluvastatin vs. 31/82 [37.8%] events with
placebo; ARR = 0.161, 95% CI: 0.033 to 0.290; NNT = 7; 95% CI: 4 to 30).
“A diabetic subgroup analysis from a sixth RCT (GREACE, 2003), found that,
“...compared with usual care, treatment with atorvastatin to achieve a target LDL of below
[< 100 mg/dL] significantly reduced the risk of all cause mortality, non-fatal myocardial
infarction, unstable angina, congestive heart failure, revascularization, and stroke over
three years (one RCT, 313 people with a diagnosis of CVD, mean age 58 years: RRR =
0.42; p = 0.0001; results presented graphically). The atorvastatin dose was titrated from 10
mg daily to a maximum of 80 mg daily to achieve a target LDL cholesterol of below 2.6
mmol/L [< 100 mg/dL]. Usual care consisted of treatment by the family practitioner,
which could include diet, exercise, weight loss and/or drug treatment including lipid
lowering agents; 14% of people in the usual care group received any lipid lowering
Mixed Primary and Secondary Prevention:
The following summary is excerpted from Clinical Evidence:
“One RCT (the Diabetes Atherosclerosis Interventions Study, 2001) that included 305 men
and 113 women, with mean age 57 years, and with or without CVD diagnosis, compared
the effect of fenofibrate 200 mg daily vs. type 2 diabetics for a minimum of
three years. After 39 months on treatment and six additional months of follow-up,
fenofibrate vs. placebo did not significantly reduce the number of patients who either had
myocardial infarction or died. [15/207 (7.2%) with fenofibrate vs. 21/211 (9.9%) with
placebo; ARR = 2.7%, 95% CI: -2.8% to +8.3%; RR = 0.73, 95% CI: 0.39 to 1.37)]; not
statistically significant.
“In the Heart Protection Study (2003) overall results reached statistical significance and
further illustrated the effectiveness of statin therapy in people with diabetes (includes
people with and without CAD) compared with placebo:
“5,963 out of 20,536 participants, aged 40 to 80, had DM when they enrolled in HPS.
“The following results pertain to the effects of statin on first major vascular event in the
DM population with different prior diseases:
DM with prior MI or other CAD: ARR = 4.4%; RRR = 11.6%; NNT = 23; p <
DM with no prior CAD: ARR = 4.8%; RRR = 25.8%; NNT = 21; p < 0.0001
DM with or without prior CAD: ARR = 4.9%; RRR = 19.5%; NNT = 20; p < 0.0001
“In summary, most published clinical trials with sufficient power to detect effects on
cardiovascular events have enrolled comparatively few people with diabetes or have
excluded them altogether. With the exception of one RCT (CARDS), much of the
available evidence is therefore based on subgroup analyses of the larger trials that did
include people with diabetes. The available evidence suggested that statins are more
effective than fibrates in reducing cardiovascular events when both drugs were compared
to placebo. There are currently no published data that compared resins or niacin to placebo
in people with diabetes.”
End of excerpt.
Overall Conclusion
Based on the Heart Protection Study and in view of these issues, the GDT recommends that all
people with diabetes aged 40 years or older be treated, regardless of baseline LDL-C, to an LDLC goal of < 100 mg/dL. However, the team agreed that the evidence is uncertain with regard to
patients who have very low 10-year CAD risk (< 7 to 10%), e.g., some patients with type 1
diabetes, low blood pressure, low LDL-C, and no smoking history. Therefore, clinical judgment
is advised when considering lipid-lowering medications in people with diabetes who have very
low CAD risk (< 7 to 10%).
Drug Therapy for Primary and Secondary Prevention of
Cardiovascular Events in the General Diabetes Population
ACE Inhibitor Therapy for Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
It is recommended that ACE inhibitors therapy for patients with diabetes aged ≥ 55 years with
one or more cardiovascular risk factors (total cholesterol > 200 mg/l, HDL cholesterol ≤ 35 mg/l,
hypertension, microalbuminuria, or current smoking);
or a history of CVD (CAD, stroke, or peripheral vascular disease).
Evidence-based: B
Evidence for Recommendation: Good
2007 Update:
No new evidence was found, the recommendation remain unchanged.
2005 Update:
One large multicenter RCT was found that compared an ACE inhibitor to placebo in the
prevention of cardiovascular events.
3,577 people with diabetes over age 55 with a history of cardiovascular disease [CAD,
stroke, or peripheral vascular disease (PVD)], or diabetes plus at least one other CV risk factor
(total cholesterol > 5.2 mmol/l, HDL = 0.9 mmol/l, hypertension, known microalbuminuria, or
current smoking) were randomized to either placebo or an ACE inhibitor (10 mg ramipril daily).
The study ran for 4.5 years and was stopped six months early due to the beneficial effect of
There were significantly fewer MIs in the treatment group (RRR = 22%; 95% CI: 6 to
36; p = 0.01), as well as fewer strokes (RRR = 33%; 95% CI: 10 to 50; p = 0.0074), and CV
deaths (RRR = 37%; 95% CI: 21 to 51; p = 0.0001). The relative risk reduction for total
mortality with an ACE inhibitor was 24% (95% CI: 8 to 37; p = 0.004).
There is evidence that an ACE inhibitor can prevent MI, stroke, and mortality in people
with diabetes with and without a history of CVD. Intensive therapy lowered the risk of CV
disease [HR = 0.46; (95% CI: 0.24 to 0.73)], nephropathy [HR = 0.39; (95% CI: 0.17 to 0.87)],
retinopathy [HR = 0.42; (95% CI: 0.21 to 0.86)], and autonomic neuropathy [HR = 0.37; (95%
CI: 0.18 to 0.79)].
Aspirin Therapy in Diabetes for Prevention of CVD
For patients with type 2 diabetes:
Initiate aspirin in men age 45-69 years and women age 55-69 years with ≥ 15% ASCVD
Consider aspirin in men age 45-59 years and women age 55-59 years with 5-14.9%
Consider aspirin in men and women age 60-69 years with 10-14.9% ASCVD Risk
Consider aspirin in men and women age 70-79 years with ≥ 15% ASCVD Risk
Aspirin is not recommended in men < 45 years and women < 55 years of age
There is no recommendation for or against aspirin therapy in men and women ≥ 80 years
of age
2014 Update:
Recommendation was updated to reflect the adaption of the 2009 USPSTF Aspirin
2007 Update:
No new evidence was found, the recommendation remain unchanged.
2005 Update:
One RCT(74) was identified which found that low-dose aspirin (100 mg/day) led to a
nonsignificant reduction in the main endpoint (CV death, nonfatal MI, and nonfatal stroke), a
nonsignificant reduction in total cardiovascular events, and a nonsignificant increase in
cardiovascular deaths. This study was underpowered due to its premature stop, so the efficacy of
aspirin in the primary prevention of CVD in patients with diabetes cannot be ruled out.
One systematic review(75) found that, compared with controls, antiplatelet treatment in
patients with diabetes and cardiovascular disease did not significantly reduce the combined risk
of non-fatal myocardial infarction, non-fatal stroke, death from a vascular cause, or death from
an unknown cause (nine RCTs, 4,961 people with diabetes and CVD; 403/2,568 [15.7%] with
antiplatelet treatment vs. 426/2,558 [16.7%] with control; RR = 0.94, 95% CI: 0.83 to 1.07).
However, antiplatelet therapy significantly reduced the combined outcome of any serious
vascular event by 25% in the total high-risk population (n = 135,000). The authors conclude that
“given the overall evidence for a reduction in serious vascular events of about one quarter among
such a wide range of patients at high-risk of occlusive vascular disease, it would
be...inappropriate to base conclusions on the effects of antiplatelet therapy in each small
subcategory of patients solely on the results from that subcategory. Although antiplatelet therapy
was associated with only a non-significant 7% proportional reduction in serious vascular events
among patients with diabetes mellitus (but, predominantly, no history of MI or stroke), these
results do not provide reliable evidence of a lack of worthwhile benefit in such patients.”
Although the evidence supports 75 mg aspirin daily, the GDT recommends 81 mg of
aspirin because this ASA dose is available in the United States.
Supporting Evidence for Aspirin use in the Primary Prevention of CVD
One systematic review(33) was found in Clinical Evidence that included three RCTs,(40, 76,
and one systematic review(78) that looked at aspirin use in people with diabetes. Two of the
(40, 59, 76)
RCTs studied primary prevention of cardiovascular outcomes.
The HOT trial(40) randomized participants with hypertension to either placebo or 75 mg
aspirin and followed them for 3.8 years. Of the 18,790 people included in the trial, 1,503 had
diabetes. Although the study did not provide the actual results for the diabetes subgroup, the
authors did note that aspirin reduced AMI in the diabetes subgroup similar to those patients
without diabetes (RR = 0.85).
The Physicians Health Study included 22,071 healthy males, age 40 to 85, who were
randomized to placebo or 325 mg aspirin every other day. 533 of the participants had diabetes.
Aspirin was associated with a decrease in fatal or non-fatal MIs within the diabetes subgroup
(RR = 0.39; (95% CI: 0.20 to 0.79); NNT = 16; (95% CI: 12 to 47) over five years).
Aspirin has been shown to prevent MIs in a population with a subgroup of people with
diabetes (Physicians Health Study) and in a population that included people with diabetes (HOT)
with no prior history of cardiovascular disease.
Supporting Evidence for Aspirin use in the Primary and Secondary Prevention of
One systematic review(33) was found in Clinical Evidence that included three RCTs,(40, 76,
and one systematic review(78) that looked at aspirin use in people with diabetes. One RCT
included in the Clinical Evidence systematic review studied the use of aspirin for primary and
secondary prevention of CVD.
ETDRS(77) included 3,711 people with diabetes. 48% of the participants had documented
Participants were randomized to 650 mg/day aspirin or placebo and were followed for five
There was a no statistically significant difference in mortality between groups. There were
fewer primary and secondary fatal or non-fatal MIs in the treatment group (ARR = 2%; 95% CI:
0.1 to 4.9; NNT = 50).
Aspirin has been associated with fewer MIs in people with diabetes with and without prior
history of cardiovascular disease.
Supporting Evidence for Aspirin use in the Secondary Prevention of CVD
One systematic review(33) was found in Clinical Evidence that included three RCTs,(40, 76,
and one systematic review(78) that looked at aspirin use in people with diabetes. The
Antiplatelet Trialists’ Collaboration systematic review included 145 RCTs studies and looked at
secondary prevention of CVD.(78)
The studies gave various doses of aspirin ranging from 75 to 1,500 mg aspirin/day. The
median follow-up was two years.
CVD morbidity and mortality were significantly less in the groups that received aspirin
(19%) than the control groups (22%). The NNT calculated by Clinical Evidence for the diabetes
subgroup was 26 (95% CI: 17 to 66).
Supporting Evidence Regarding the Adverse Effects of Aspirin
All studies included in the Clinical Evidence systematic review that looked at the effect of
aspirin or placebo on CVD reported adverse events.
No statistically significant differences were found for stroke (fatal and non-fatal) and all
GI symptoms (including ulcer) for the various doses of aspirin. These results were for the entire
study population, not specifically for the diabetes subgroup.
The major adverse effects associated with 325 mg aspirin every other day was hemorrhage
related to ulcer (RR = 1.78; 95% CI: 1.07 to 2.94; p = 0.04) and bleeding (e.g., easy bruising,
hematemesis, melena, non-specific GI, etc.) (RR = 1.32; 95% CI: 1.25 to 1.40; p < 0.00001).
These results included both participants with and without diabetes within the Physicians Health
Supporting Evidence for Treatment with Aspirin Based on CVD Risk
No RCTs were found that looked at the effect of aspirin in people with diabetes at high- or
low-risk for CVD.
One study was found that used a decision analysis model for use of aspirin in primary
prevention of CVD.(79) The study included men, without a history of cardiovascular events, with
varying risk of developing CVD. The investigators found that aspirin appeared to harm men at
low-risk for CVD, while men at high-risk appeared to benefit from aspirin therapy.
Although not formally documented, an analyst at Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound
performed a cost/benefit analysis of risk of GI bleed due to aspirin in patients with diabetes. The
costs of complications, related to the adverse effects of GI bleed, exceeded the benefit for a
patient with a five-year CAD risk of 4%.
Glucose Control
It is recommended that intensive glucose control in patients with diabetes age < 65 and without
serious comorbidities such as coronary artery disease (CAD), congestive heart failure (CHF), end
stage renal disease (ESRD), blindness, amputation, stroke or dementia.
Evidence-based: A
Evidence for Recommendation: Good
2007 Update:
New evidence was found that did not change the existing recommendations.
One meta-analysis (Stettler et al., 2006 ) was found that suggests that improved
glycemic control is associated with a decreased risk of macrovascular disease in patients
with diabetes. A greater effect was noted for patients with type 1 diabetes. The reduction
in the risk of peripheral vascular disease and stroke in type 2 patients was more
significant than the reduction in the risk of cardiac events.
2005 Update:
One meta-analysis was found which suggests that chronic hyperglycemia is associated
with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes.(88) This study pooled
three studies for type 1 diabetes (n = 1,688) and ten studies for type 2 diabetes (n = 7,435). The
pooled relative risk for cardiovascular disease was 1.18 (95% CI: 1.10 to 1.26) and 1.15 (95%
CI: 0.92 to 1.43) for each one percentage point increase in glycosylated hemoglobin, for type 2
and type 1 respectively. However, these effects and risk estimates are based on a small number
of studies.
Three systematic reviews within Clinical Evidence were found that looked at the effect of
glycemic control on cardiovascular outcomes.
Herman’s systematic review(89) in Clinical Evidence looked at the effect of intensive
glucose control on cardiovascular outcomes, microvascular, and neuropathic outcomes, and
adverse effects of intensive glucose control. One meta-analysis,(90) and two subsequent RCTs(85,
within Herman’s systematic review studied the effect of intensive glucose control on CV
outcomes. The meta-analysis and one of the RCTs also looked at the microvascular outcomes.
The Lawson meta-analysis(90) included six RCTs that compared intensive insulin therapy to
placebo in people with type 1 diabetes (n = 1,731 for all study populations combined). The
studies ranged from two to eight years. No significant impact on macrovascular mortality was
found for intensive glucose control (OR = 0.91; 95% CI: 0.31 to 2.65).
UKPDS 33(85) included 951 newly diagnosed patients with type 2 diabetes (mean age 54,
age 48 to 60) who were randomized to either conventional therapy (diet) or intensive therapy
(insulin or sulphonylurea). After ten years, intensive therapy did not statistically reduce MI
(RRR = 13; 95% CI: –2 to 27) or the combined endpoint of amputation or death from peripheral
vascular disease (RRR = 33; 95% CI: –20 to 63).
Ohkubo compared conventional insulin therapy to intensive insulin therapy in people
with type 2 diabetes > 70 years old (mean age 49). 110 participants were followed for six years.
No statistically significant differences were seen for CVD, but the study was small and not
powered to give significant results for CV events.
Sigal’s systematic review in Clinical Evidence(33) looked at primary and secondary
prevention of CVD in people with diabetes. Three RCTs (35, 84-86) were included in Sigal’s
systematic review that studied intensive glucose control in primary prevention of CVD.
UKPDS 33(85) is described above (included in the Clinical Evidence systematic review by
UKPDS 34(86) randomized 1,704 newly diagnosed people with type 2 diabetes to
conventional control (diet), intensive control with metformin, or intensive control with insulin or
sulphonylurea. When compared with conventional therapy, metformin was associated with a
32% risk reduction (95% CI: 13 to 47; p = 0.002) of diabetes-related end points (sudden death,
hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, fatal/non-fatal MI, angina, heart failure (HF), stroke, renal
failure, amputation, vitreous hemorrhage, retinopathy, blindness in one eye, or cataract
extraction). Metformin was also linked with fewer MIs (NNT = 16; 95% CI: 10 to 71) in type 2
diabetes. There was a risk reduction in diabetes related deaths associated with metformin of 0.58;
(95% CI: 0.37 to 0.91; NNT = 19).
The DCCT(35, 84) randomized 1,441 people with type 1 diabetes, age 13 to 39, to intensive
therapy (external insulin pump or three or more injections per day) or conventional therapy (one
to two insulin injections per day). Participants were followed for 6.5 years. There was a decrease
in CV events in the intensive therapy group, but the results were not statistically significant.
Sigal’s systematic review(33) in Clinical Evidence looked at primary and secondary
prevention of CVD in people with diabetes. Two RCTs were included in Sigal’s systematic
review that studied intensive glucose control in secondary prevention of CVD, but only one fit
our inclusion criteria.(92)
Abraira(92) randomized men 40 to 69 year old with pre-existing type 2 diabetes to intensive
(step therapy insulin injections) vs. conventional glucose lowering therapy (once daily insulin
injections). This was a small study (n = 151) with a relatively short follow-up period (27
months). There was no difference in cardiovascular mortality and the difference in new CV
events was not statistically different.
Supporting Evidence of the Effect on Microvascular and Neuropathic Outcomes:
Herman’s systematic review(89) in Clinical Evidence looked at the effect of intensive
glucose control on cardiovascular outcomes, microvascular, and neuropathic outcomes, and
adverse effects of intensive glucose control. Two meta-analyses (90, 93) and three subsequent
RCTs(84, 85, 91) were included in Herman’s systematic review that looked at the effect of intensive
glucose control on microvascular and neuropathic outcomes.
Wang(93) found 16 small RCTs that included people with type 1 diabetes. Follow-up ranged
from eight to 60 months. Intensive glucose control was associated with a decrease in progression
of retinopathy (OR = 0.49; 95% CI: 0.28 to 0.85) and development or progression of
nephropathy (OR = 0.34; 95% CI: 0.20 to 0.58).
The Lawson meta-analysis,(90) described in the cardiovascular section, found a positive
decrease in microvascular events associated with intensive therapy (OR = 0.55;
95% CI: 0.35 to 0.88).
UKPDS 33 included 951 newly diagnosed patients with type 2 diabetes (mean age 54,
age range 48 to 60). Participants were randomized to conventional therapy (diet) or intensive
therapy (insulin or sulphonylurea) and followed for ten years. Intensive therapy was associated
with a decrease in progression of retinopathy (NNT = 10), and development of neuropathy (NNT
= 5).
The DCCT(84) randomized 1,441 people with type 1 diabetes, age 13 to 39, to intensive
therapy (external insulin pump or three or more injections per day) or conventional therapy (one
to two insulin injections per day). Participants were followed for 6.5 years. Intensive control was
associated with a decrease in development of retinopathy (NNT = 6), progression of retinopathy
(NNT = 5), progression or development of nephropathy (NNT = 7), and development or
progression of neuropathy (NNT = 13).
Ohkubo(91) compared conventional insulin therapy to intensive insulin therapy in people
with type 2 diabetes. Participants were followed for six years (n = 110). Intensive therapy was
associated with a decrease in progression of retinopathy (NNT = 4) and a decrease in progression
or development of nephropathy (NNT = 5).
Intensive glucose control appears to reduce the development and progression of
microvascular and neuropathic complications.
Supporting Evidence of the Adverse Effects of Intensive Glucose Control
Herman’s systematic review(89) in Clinical Evidence looked at the effect of intensive
glucose control on cardiovascular outcomes, microvascular, and neuropathic outcomes, and
adverse effects of intensive glucose control. Twelve RCTs that studied the effect of intensive
glucose control on hypoglycemia, weight gain, and quality of life were included in Herman’s
systematic review.
The incidence of severe hypoglycemia was higher amongst people with type 1 diabetes
in the intensive therapy group (OR = 3.0; 95% CI: 2.5 to 3.6). Rates of major hypoglycemia were
significantly greater in the intensive therapy group for patients on insulin, chlopropamide, or
glibenclamide (p < 0.001).
BMI significantly increased (by 5.8%) for patients with type 1 diabetes (p < 0.01) in the
intensive treatment groups. Of the intensive therapies in people with type 2 diabetes, metformin
was associated with weight loss while sulphonylurea was associated with weight gain.
Quality of life was not impacted in the groups with hypoglycemia and weight gain.
In people with type 2 diabetes, there was a relative risk increase of -12% (95% CI: -17 to
51) for stroke with intensive therapy.
The adverse effects associated with intensive glucose control should be taken into
account when considering intensive therapy.
Overall Conclusion
There is good evidence to recommend intensive glucose control for patients with diabetes, if not
contraindicated. While intensive glucose control may result in the adverse effects of
hypoglycemia and weight gain,(89) there is good evidence that the positive outcomes of intensive
glucose control (e.g., decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, decrease in progression of
retinopathy and development or progression of nephropathy, and positive decrease in
microvascular events associated with intensive therapy)(88) outweigh its negative effects.
Other Considerations
Diabetic complications increase when HbA1c concentrations are above the non-diabetic
range. There is evidence to support intensive glucose control in both type 1 and 2 diabetes for the
prevention of retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy. Intensive treatment is associated with a
trend towards improvement in cardiovascular events and there is no evidence that intensive
treatment increases incidence of cardiovascular outcomes. Intensive treatment is associated with
hypoglycemia and weight gain without adverse impact on quality of life.
Older adults, people with a history of severe hypoglycemia, or people who are unaware of
hypoglycemia may not be good candidates for intensive treatment of type 1 diabetes. The
benefits of intensive treatment are limited by the complications of advanced diabetes (blindness,
ESRD, or CVD), major comorbidity, and reduced life expectancy. Risk of intensive treatment is
increased by history of severe hypoglycemia or unawareness of hypoglycemia, advanced
autonomic neuropathy, or CVD, and impaired ability to detect/treat hypoglycemia.
Intensive glycemic control is especially important in people with onset of type 1 diabetes
prior to age 40 and patients with early signs of progression of microvascular complications.
Intensive treatment in type 2 diabetes may be less appropriate in people over 65 years or in those
with longstanding diabetes.
Results from the EDIC trial(94) (a follow-up to the DCCT trial) seems to confirm that intensive
glucose control has a significant effect on decreasing CVD events in patients with type 1
diabetes. After 6.5 years of the DCCT, HbA1c levels averaged 7% in the intensively treated
group and 9% in the conventionally treated group. Even though both groups' HbA1c values have
leveled off at about 8% after a rise in blood glucose in the intensively treated group and a drop in
blood glucose in those formerly on conventional treatment, in the 1,375 volunteers continuing to
participate in the study, the intensively treated patients had less than half the number of CVD
events than the conventionally treated group (46 compared with 98 events). Such events included
heart attacks, stroke, angina, and coronary artery disease requiring angioplasty or coronary
bypass surgery. Thirty-one intensively treated patients (4%) and 52 conventionally treated
patients (7%) had at least one CVD event during the 17 years of follow-up.
Initial Drug Therapy for Glucose Lowering in Type 2 Diabetes
It is recommended that metformin as the first-line glucose lowering drug in patients with type 2
diabetes with BMI > 27.
Evidence-based: B
Evidence for Recommendation : Good
It is recommended that metformin as the first-line glucose lowering drug in patients with type 2
diabetes with BMI ≤ 27.
2007 Update:
New evidence was found that did not change the existing recommendations.
A Cochrane Collaboration systematic review (Richter, et al., 2006(95)) identified 16
RCTs of pioglitazone monotherapy. A pooled analysis of the data suggests that
rosiglitazone therapy is associated with an increased risk of death from any cause, MI, and
A Cochrane Collaboration systematic review (Richter, et al., 2007(96)) identified ten RCTs
of rosiglitazone monotherapy. Meta-analysis of available data indicated a significantly increased
risk of edema.
2005 Update:
One RCT was found that compared various types of intensive glucose therapy in people
with type 2 diabetes.
UKPDS 34(86) randomized 1,704 newly diagnosed people with type 2 diabetes to
conventional control (diet), intensive control with metformin, or intensive control with insulin or
Metformin showed a greater effect than other intensive therapies for any diabetes-related
endpoint (p = 0.0034) (sudden death, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, fatal/non-fatal MI, angina,
HF, stroke, renal failure, amputation, vitreous hemorrhage, retinopathy, blindness in one eye, or
cataract extraction), all-cause mortality (p = 0.021), and stroke (p = 0.032).
When compared with sulphonylurea alone, early addition metformin to sulphonylurea
increased diabetes-related death by 96% (95% CI: 2 to 275; p = 0.039).
Potential cross-over bias:
In the intensive treatment group with metformin, when hyperglycemia
developed, sulphonylurea (glibenclamide) was added. If hyperglycemia developed again,
therapy was changed to insulin.
In the non-overweight and overweight sulphonylurea treated patients, if a
person randomized to sulphonylurea had symptoms of hyperglycemia, metformin was
added. If the person on combination sulphonylurea/metformin developed hyperglycemia,
the patient was switched to insulin therapy.
Drug therapy with metformin for intensive glucose control is associated with a decreased
risk of diabetes-related end points (including all cause mortality, stroke and any diabetes-related
end point). Metformin is also associated with fewer adverse events (weight gain and
hypoglycemia) when compared with insulin and sulphonylurea.
Of the drug therapy for hyperglycemia in people with type 2 diabetes, metformin is
superior to insulin and sulphonylurea.
Only one RCT was found that compared metformin to other glucose lowering therapy and
results of this study were questioned by members of the GDT. A compromise recommendation
was agreed to such that metformin be considered as the first-line drug for glucose lowering in
type 2 diabetes.
Overall Conclusion
There is good evidence to recommend metformin as the first-line glucose-lowering drug in
patients with type 2 diabetes with BMI > 27 and BMI ≤ 27. The UKPDS,(86) a large RCT, found
good evidence that Metformin, when compared with other intensive therapies, had a greater
effect on any diabetes-related endpoint. (e.g., sudden death, stroke, heart failure, renal failure,
hyperglycemia). Based upon the evidence from this study, the GDT recommends Metfomin as
the first-line glucose-lowering drug in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Other Considerations
 A cost/benefit analysis based on the information from UKPDS 34 was performed using
generic pricing for metformin compared with conventional therapy.(97) The analysis revealed that
the use of metformin was cost saving in overweight, middle-aged patients with type 2 diabetes.
Although this guideline does not include cost analysis, and this analysis was not done with
Kaiser Permanente costs, this information may be helpful in creating regional policy.
Step Therapy for Glucose Control
Following failure to achieve goals on monotherapy, the GDT recommends more than one
It has been determined that there is insufficient evidence to recommend an optimal medication
combination for type 2 diabetes not controlled with a single agent.
2007 Update:
New evidence was found that did not change the existing recommendations.
Yki-Jarvinen et al. (Yki-Jarvinen, 2006(98)) reported the results of an RCT comparing
NPH insulin with glargine for adult patients whose type 2 diabetes was inadequately
controlled by metformin therapy. Both groups achieved good glycemic control. During
the first 12 weeks of the 36-week study, hypoglycemic events were more common in the
glargine group, but this difference did not persist.
2005 Update:
 UKPDS 49(99) found that three years after diagnosis, 50% of all patients will require more
than one drug for glucose control (HbA1c < 7%) and that by year nine, this increases to 75% of
all patients.
From an evidence-based review from the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE
Clinical Guidelines for Management of type 2 diabetes).
“Insulin secretagogues including sulphonylureas and the rapid-acting insulin
secretagogues effectively reduce blood glucose levels in people with diabetes.”
“The different insulin secretagogues appear to have comparable glucose lowering effects.”
“In the UKPDS, insulin secretagogues were among glucose lowering therapies which,
when considered together, reduced vascular complications compared to lifestyle
interventions alone.”
“Glyburide is associated with higher levels of hypoglycemia in comparison with other
insulin secretagogues and high rates of life threatening hypoglycemia in population surveillance
Thiazolidinediones (TZDs)
One meta-analysis did not demonstrate a difference in mortality or CV events between
thiazolidinediones and other antidiabetic agents.(100)
One meta-analysis(101) concluded that:
Thiazolidinediones lower hemoglobin HbA1c levels by as much as 1.0% to 1.5%.
Effects can be seen in as little as four weeks, but full lowering takes six to 12 weeks.
When used in combination with other diabetic agents, such as sulfonylureas and
biguanides, TZDs' hypoglycemic effects appear to be complementary.
Thiazolidinediones directly improve insulin sensitivity and recovery of pancreatic beta
cell function.
Nevertheless, there is no evidence indicating that TZDs are superior to other
antidiabetic agents currently available or that TZDs reduce the long-term complications of type
2 diabetes.
From an evidence-based review from the National Institute of Clinical Excellence
(NICE Clinical Guidelines for Management of type 2
diabetes) (
Thiazolidinediones (TZD) improve blood glucose control as both monotherapy
and combination therapy in combination with metformin or sulfonylureas.
TZDs can improve serum HDL and triglyceride combinations.
There are no studies yet reported to confirm whether TZDs reduce microvascular
or macrovascular complications or how they will perform in this respect in comparison
with metformin or insulin secretagogues.
TZDs result in weight gain, some of which is due to fluid retention.
After starting TZDs, there may be a delay of six to ten weeks before the full effect is seen.
From an evidence-based review from the National Institute of Clinical Excellence
Insulin therapy lowers blood glucose in people with type 2 diabetes.
In the UKPDS, insulin was among the glucose lowering therapies, which, considered
together, reduced vascular complications compared with lifestyle interventions alone.
Insulin therapy is associated with an increased risk of hypoglycemia greater than any risk
from insulin secretagogues.
There is no direct evidence to support the use of or choice of any one insulin type or
regimen over another.
For people on insulin therapy, glucose control is improved, and body weight and risk of
hypoglycemia are reduced when metformin is used in combination.
For people on insulin therapy, the evidence that blood glucose control is improved when
sulphonylureas are taken concomitantly is not conclusive.
Short-acting insulin analogues appear to be comparable to regular human insulin. A
Cochrane review of short-acting insulin analogues vs. regular human insulin suggests only a
minor benefit of short-acting insulin analogues in the majority of diabetic patients treated with
insulin.(102) A meta-analysis(103) suggests only a minor benefit to HbA1c values in adult patients
with type 1 diabetes, but no benefit in the remaining population with type 2 or gestational
diabetes from SAI analogue treatment.
Insulin in combination with oral agents appears to be as effective as insulin
monotherapy. A Cochrane review of insulin monotherapy vs. combinations of insulin with oral
hypoglycemic agents in patients with type 2 diabetes concludes that bedtime Neutral Protamine
Hagedorn (NPH) insulin combined with oral hypoglycemic agents provide comparable glycemic
control to insulin monotherapy and is associated with less weight gain if metformin is used.(104)
From NICE guidance on long-acting insulin glargine
“For type 1 patients, insulin glargine appears to be more effective than NPH in reducing
Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG) but not in reducing HbA1c and there is some evidence that
both insulins are as effective as each other in both FBG and HbA1c control. For type 2
patients for whom oral anti-diabetic agents provide inadequate glycaemic control, there is
no evidence that insulin glargine is more effective than NPH in reducing either FBG or
HbA1c and some evidence that both insulins are as effective as each other is in both FBG
and HbA1c control. Evidence for control of hypoglycaemia is equivocal.
In studies where insulin glargine is demonstrated to be superior to NPH in controlling
nocturnal hypoglycaemia, this may be only apparent when compared with once-daily NPH
and not when compared with twice-daily NPH. Further, this superiority of glargine over
NPH in the control of nocturnal hypoglycaemia may relate to one formulation of insulin
glargine and not another. There is no conclusive evidence that insulin glargine is superior
to NPH in controlling symptomatic hypoglycaemia and severe hypoglycaemia. Insufficient
data are available to conclude whether insulin glargine is different from each of the
commonly used NPH dosing regimens - once-daily and more-than-once-daily.”
Overall Conclusion
The UKPDS 49(99) found evidence that three years after diagnosis, 50% of all patients will
require more than one drug for glucose control (HbA1c < 7%) and that by year nine, the
percentage requiring more than one drug will increase to 75% of all patients. Although there is
no evidence indicating that TZDs or sulfonylureas, when used as monotherapy, are superior to
other antidiabetic agents available, there is evidence that when these drugs are taken in
combination with other diabetic agents, they are effective glucose-lowering therapies when
monotherapy fails.
Glycemic Control Target
An overall treatment goal of HbA1c < 7% is recommended for adults with known diabetes.*
An individualized HbA1c goal using shared decision-making is recommended.
A less stringent treatment goal is recommended for patients > 65 years of age, or
with significant comorbidities.*
Conversely, goals that are more stringent are an option in individual patients.
2014 Update:
No new evidence was found, the recommendation remain unchanged. However 2014 HEDIS
information in footnote replaced 2009 HEDIS information.
2009 Update
New evidence was found, the recommendation was changed.
Search Strategy
Studies reviewed included only systematic reviews and randomized, controlled trials. Because
searches on this topic were conducted previously, updates to those searches were performed. See
Appendix B for more information on the search strategy.
HEDIS 2014 lists the following exclusions (comorbidities) for the HbA1c indicator < 7% goal;
> 65 years of age; and/or, coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) or percutaneous coronary
intervention (PCI) in the current and/or prior measurement year; ischemic vascular disease
(IVD), thoracoabdominal or thoracic aortic aneurysm in the current and/or prior measurement
year; or any of the following at any time through Dec. 31 of the measurement year: congestive
heart failure (CHF) or cardiomyopathy; prior myocardial infarction (MI); stage 5 chronic kidney
disease, end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or dialysis; chronic kidney disease (stage 4); dementia;
blindness; and/or amputation
HEDIS 2014 offers HbA1c < 8% as a treatment goal for those not eligible for the treatment goal of < 7%.
Eligibility is to be based on laboratory data to identify the most recent HbA1c test during the measurement year.
Executive Summary
No studies randomizing adults with diabetes to a specific HbA1c target vs. another specific
HbA1c target in order to identify the ideal HbA1c target for effective glucose control were
identified. Previous iterations of this guideline highlighted indirect evidence, which concluded
that better glycemic control is associated with decreased incidence of complications, but with an
increased risk of hypoglycemia. Evidence identified in 2009 from studies with long-term followup indirectly links intensive glucose control (e.g., HbA1c 6.5 %, or FPG < 6.0 mmol/L) to
reduced cardiovascular risk, including a 10% reduction in risk for CVD, 11% reduction in risk
for CHD, and 16% reduction in risk for nonfatal MI. These studies also validated the potential
risks of intensive glucose control, including increased mortality (in one study) and a two-fold
increased risk for severe hypoglycemia, especially in those with a history of hypoglycemia,
advanced atherosclerosis, and advanced age. Even though there is evidence that intensive
glycemic control reduces CVD and microvascular disease outcomes, the glycemic control targets
varied considerably between trials. Therefore, there is insufficient evidence to determine an
optimal target for glycemic control.
In the absence of sufficient evidence, the GDT elected to adopt the NCQA HEDIS targets for
blood glucose and, therefore, recommends an overall treatment goal of HbA1c < 7% for adults
with known diabetes, and an individualized HbA1c goal (less stringent or more stringent) based
on shared decision-making for patients > 65 years of age, and those with comorbid conditions.
A comprehensive systematic review of the literature identified one high-quality systematic
review that meta-analyzed five landmark RCTs to determine the effect of intensive glucose
control vs. conventional control on cardiovascular outcomes, cardiovascular disease (CVD)
mortality and all-cause mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes. It concluded that intensive
glucose control results in a 10% reduction in risk for CVD; 11% reduction in risk for CHD;
and a 16% reduction in risk for nonfatal MI. The same studies are cited in the American Diabetes
Association’s (ADA) analysis to support its recommendation to set an overall treatment goal of
HbA1c < 7%.
HEDIS 2009 lists the following exclusions (comorbidities) for the HbA1c indicator < 7% goal: ≥ 65 years of age;
and/or, coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) or percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) in the
current and/or prior measurement year, regardless of setting; ischemic vascular disease (IVD) in the current and/or
prior measurement year, regardless of setting; and, at least one encounter in the measurement year, regardless of
setting, of the following—chronic heart failure (CHF); prior myocardial infarction (MI); chronic renal failure
(CRF)/end-stage renal disease (ESRD); dementia; blindness; and/or, amputation.
Kelly et al. (2009) (105) (N = 28,000) and Ray et al.(106) (N = 33,040) meta-analyzed RCTs to
determine the effect of intensive glucose control vs. conventional control on cardiovascular
outcomes, cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality and all-cause mortality in patients with type 2
diabetes. Ray reviewed the ADVANCE (2008), VADT (2009), UKPDS 33 and 34 (1998)
(combined as one), ACCORD (2008), and PROactive (2004) studies. Kelly reviewed the
ADVANCE (2008), VADT (2009), UKPDS 33 (1998), UKPDS 34 (1998) and the ACCORD
(2008) trials. PROactive, an RCT that examined the impact of piaglitazone on surrogates of
atherosclerosis, did not meet Kelly’s inclusion criteria, as it did not have a priori specification of
glycemic goals for the intensive and conventional glucose control groups, which are outcomes of
interest for this KP review’s clinical question. Furthermore, PROactive has been criticized
elsewhere for its composite primary endpoints, which included physician-driven as opposed to
disease-driven outcomes, including events in multiple vascular beds (cerebral, cardiac, and
peripheral). As such, this KP review will only report on the results of the Kelly meta-analysis,
supplemented by additional information from the Ray review. It is notable that the ACCORD
study was prematurely ended due to excess mortality in the intensive control group.
The Kelly meta-analysis was conducted with great methodological rigor. It used relative risk and
risk difference measures to identify the effect of glucose control on the outcomes of interest,
pooling the results using both fixed-effects and random-effects models, and assessing
heterogeneity using the DerSimonian and Laird Q test. The authors decided to present pooled
results from the random-effects model when they noted heterogeneity (P < 0.100) in median
diabetes duration, achieved HbA1c levels, and therapeutic regimens. Regardless of the Kelly
meta-analysis’ robust approach, its review is inevitably affected by biases present in each of the
studies, including but not limited to selection bias and publication bias. In addition, when
analyzing the effect of intensive glucose control, the review used summary data from the studies
and did not analyze individual participant data. Therefore, patient subgroup analysis is not
possible. Even though the authors do not provide a power calculation, the large sample size [N =
27,802] invariably helps reduce the confidence interval for the estimate to an acceptable range
(i.e., 95% CI: 0.83 to 0.98).
This meta-analysis concluded that intensive glucose control results in a 10% reduction in risk for
CVD; 11% reduction in risk for CHD; and a 16% reduction in risk for nonfatal MI. It did not
report risk reduction in cardiovascular and all-cause mortality, or fatal MI. Furthermore, it
reported a two-fold increased risk for severe hypoglycemia (absolute increase of 39 events per
1,000 patients over five years). A summary of the effect of intensive glucose control on the most
important health outcomes is presented below (for all outcomes, see Table 2, and Figures 2 to 4
The benchmark studies cited in the Kelly meta-analysis looked at the following composite
endpoints: cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, stroke, congestive heart failure,
cardiovascular deaths, peripheral artery disease (amputations from PAD) (not addressed in
ACCORD), severe hypoglycemia (See Figure 2 below). All other outcomes and side effects of
interest to this KP review were not addressed in detail and therefore a statement regarding their
relationship to intensive glucose control cannot be made at this time.
Supplemental Information
American Diabetes Association: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2009*
Excerpt begins.
Recommendation: Glycemic Goals in Adults
Lowering A1c to below or around 7% has been shown to reduce microvascular
and neuropathic complications of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Therefore, for
microvascular disease prevention, the A1c goal for nonpregnant adults in general is <
7%. (A)
In type 1 and type 2 diabetes, randomized controlled trials of intensive versus
standard glycemic control have not shown a significant reduction in CVD outcomes
during the randomized portion of the trials. Long-term follow-up of the Diabetes Control
and Complications Trial (DCCT) and UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) cohorts
suggests that treatment to A1c targets below or around 7% in the years soon after the
diagnosis of diabetes is associated with long-term reduction in risk of macrovascular
disease. Until more evidence becomes available, the general goal of < 7% appears
reasonable for many adults for macrovascular risk reduction. (B)
For an explanation of the letter grading in this excerpt, please see Appendix C.
Subgroup analyses of clinical trials such as the DCCT and UKPDS and the
microvascular evidence from the ADVANCE (Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease:
Preterax and Diamicron MR Controlled Evaluation) trial suggest a small but incremental
benefit in microvascular outcomes with A1c values closer to normal. Therefore, for
selected individual patients, providers might reasonably suggest even lower A1c goals than
the general goal of < 7%, if this can be achieved without significant hypoglycemia or other
adverse effects of treatment. Such patients might include those with short duration of
diabetes, long life expectancy, and no significant CVD. (B)
Conversely, less stringent A1c goals than the general goal of < 7% may be
appropriate for patients with a history of severe hypoglycemia, limited life expectancy,
advanced microvascular or macrovascular complications, and extensive comorbid
conditions and those with longstanding diabetes in whom the general goal is difficult to
attain despite diabetes self-management education, appropriate glucose monitoring, and
effective doses of multiple glucose-lowering agents including insulin. (C)
Glycemic control is fundamental to the management of diabetes. The DCCT, a
prospective, randomized, controlled trial of intensive versus standard glycemic control in
patients with relatively recently diagnosed type 1 diabetes, showed definitively that
improved glycemic control is associated with significantly decreased rates of
microvascular (retinopathy and nephropathy) as well as neuropathic complications.
Follow-up of the DCCT cohorts in the Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and
Complications (EDIC) study has shown persistence of this effect in previously intensively
treated subjects, even though their glycemic control has been equivalent to that of previous
standard arm subjects during follow-up.
In type 2 diabetes, the Kumamoto study and the UKPDS demonstrated significant
reductions in microvascular and neuropathic complications with intensive therapy. Similar
to the DCCT-EDIC findings, long-term follow-up of the UKPDS cohort has recently
demonstrated a “legacy effect” of early intensive glycemic control on long-term rates of
microvascular complications, even with loss of glycemic separation between the intensive
and standard cohorts after the end of the randomized controlled. In each of these large
randomized prospective clinical trials, treatment regimens that reduced average A1c to ≥
7% (≥ 1% above the upper limits of normal) were associated with fewer long-term
microvascular complications; however, intensive control was found to increase the risk of
severe hypoglycemia, most notably in the DCCT, and led to weight gain. Epidemiological
analyses of the DCCT and UKPDS demonstrate a curvilinear relationship between A1c
and microvascular complications. Such analyses suggest that, on a population level, the
greatest number of complications will be averted by taking patients from very poor control
to fair or good control. These analyses also suggest that further lowering of A1c from 7 to
6% is associated with further reduction in the risk of microvascular complications, albeit
the absolute risk reductions become much smaller.
Given the substantially increased risk of hypoglycemia (particularly in those with type 1
diabetes) and the relatively much greater effort required to achieve near normoglycemia,
the risks of lower targets may outweigh the potential benefits on microvascular
complications on a population level. However, selected individual patients, especially
those with little comorbidity and long life expectancy (who may benefit from further
lowering of HgbA1c below 7%) may, at patient and provider judgment, adopt glycemic
targets as close to normal as possible as long as significant hypoglycemia does not become
a barrier. Whereas many epidemiologic studies and meta-analyses have clearly shown a
direct relationship between A1c and CVD, the potential of intensive glycemic control to
reduce CVD has been less clearly defined. In the DCCT, there was a trend toward lower
risk of CVD events with intensive control (risk reduction 41%, 95% CI: 10% to 68%), but
the number of events was small. However, nine-year post- DCCT follow-up of the cohort
has shown that participants previously randomized to the intensive arm had a 42%
reduction (P = 0.02) in CVD outcomes and a 57% reduction (P = 0.02) in the risk of
nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, or CVD death compared with those previously
in the standard arm. The UKPDS trial of type 2 diabetes observed a 16% reduction in
cardiovascular complications (combined fatal or nonfatal MI and sudden death) in the
intensive glycemic control arm, although this difference was not statistically significant (P
= 0.052), and there was no suggestion of benefit on other CVD outcomes such as stroke. In
an epidemiologic analysis of the study cohort, a continuous association was observed, such
that for every percentage point lower median on study A1c (e.g., 8 to 7%) there was a
statistically significant 18% reduction in CVD events, again with no glycemic threshold.
A recent report of ten years of follow-up of the UKPDS cohort describes, for the
participants originally randomized to intensive glycemic control compared with those
randomized to conventional glycemic control, long-term reductions in MI (15% with
sulfonylurea or insulin as initial pharmacotherapy, 33% with metformin as initial
pharmacotherapy, both statistically significant) and in all-cause mortality (13% and 27%,
respectively, both statistically significant). Because of ongoing uncertainty regarding
whether intensive glycemic control can reduce the increased risk of CVD events in people
with type 2 diabetes, several large long-term trials were launched in the past decade to
compare the effects of intensive versus standard glycemic control on CVD outcomes in
relatively high-risk participants with established type 2 diabetes.
The Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) study randomized
10,251 participants with either history of a CVD event (ages 40 to 79 years) or significant
CVD risk (ages 55 to 79) to a strategy of intensive glycemic control (target A1c < 6.0%) or
standard glycemic control (A1c target 7.0 to 7.9%). Investigators used multiple glycemic
medications in both arms. ACCORD participants were on average 62 years old and had a
mean duration of diabetes of ten years, with 35% already treated with insulin at baseline.
From a baseline median A1c of 8.1%, the intensive arm reached a median A1c of 6.4%
within 12 months of randomization, while the standard group reached a median A1c of
7.5%. Other risk factors were treated aggressively and equally in both groups. The
intensive glycemic control group had more use of insulin in combination with multiple
oral agents, significantly more weight gain, and more episodes of severe hypoglycemia
than the standard group.
In February 2008, the glycemic control study of ACCORD was halted on the recommendation of
the study’s data safety monitoring board due to the finding of an increased rate of mortality in
the intensive arm compared with the standard arm (1.41%/year vs. 1.14%/year; HR = 1.22 [95%
CI: 1.01 to 1.46]), with a similar increase in cardiovascular deaths. The primary outcome of
ACCORD (MI, stroke, or cardiovascular death) was lower in the intensive glycemic control
group due to a reduction in nonfatal MI, although this finding was not statistically significant
when the study was terminated (HR = 0.90 [95% CI: 0.78 to 1.04]; P = 0.16).
Exploratory analyses of the mortality findings of ACCORD (evaluating variables including
weight gain, use of any specific drug or drug combination, and hypoglycemia) were reportedly
unable to identify an explanation for the excess mortality in the intensive arm. Pre-specified
subset analyses showed that participants with no previous CVD event and those who had a
baseline A1c < 8% had a statistically significant reduction in the primary CVD outcome.
The ADVANCE study randomized 11,140 participants to a strategy of intensive glycemic
control (with primary therapy being the sulfonylurea gliclizide and additional medications as
needed to achieve a target A1c of < 6.5%) or to standard therapy (in which any medication but
gliclizide could be used and the glycemic target was according to “local guidelines”).
ADVANCE participants (who had to be at least 55 years of age with either known vascular
disease or at least one other vascular risk factor) were slightly older and of similar high CVD risk
as those in ACCORD. However, they had an average duration of diabetes two years shorter,
lower baseline A1c (median 7.2%), and almost no use of insulin at enrollment. The median A1c
levels achieved in the intensive and standard arms were 6.3 and 7.0%, respectively, and maximal
separation between the arms took several years to achieve. Use of other drugs that favorably
impact CVD risk (aspirin, statins, ACE inhibitors) was lower in ADVANCE than in the
ACCORD or Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial (VADT).
The primary outcome of ADVANCE was a combination of microvascular events (nephropathy
and retinopathy) and major adverse cardiovascular events (MI, stroke, and cardiovascular death).
Intensive glycemic control significantly reduced the primary endpoint (HR = 0.90 [95% CI: 0.82
to 0.98]; P = 0.01), although this was due to a significant reduction in the microvascular outcome
(0.86 [95% CI: 0.77 to 0.97], P = 0.01), primarily development of macroalbuminuria, with no
significant reduction in the macrovascular outcome (0.94 [95% CI: 0.84 to 1.06]; P = 0.32).
There was no difference in overall or cardiovascular mortality between the intensive and the
standard glycemic control arms.
The VADT randomized 1,791 participants with type 2 diabetes uncontrolled on insulin or
maximal dose oral agents (median entry A1c = 9.4%) to a strategy of intensive glycemic control
(goal A1c < 6.0%) or standard glycemic control, with a planned A1c separation of at least 1.5%.
Medication treatment algorithms were used to achieve the specified glycemic goals, with a goal
of using similar medications in both groups. Median A1c levels of 6.9 and 8.4% were achieved
in the intensive and standard arms, respectively, within the first year of the study. Other CVD
risk factors were treated aggressively and equally in both groups. The primary outcome of the
VADT was a composite of CVD events (MI, stroke, cardiovascular death, revascularization,
hospitalization for heart failure, and amputation for ischemia).
During a mean six-year follow-up period, the cumulative primary outcome was nonsignificantly
lower in the intensive arm (HR = 0.87 [95% CI: 0.73 to 1.04]; P = 0.12). There were more CVD
deaths in the intensive arm than in the standard arm (40 vs. 33; sudden deaths 11 vs. 4), but the
difference was not statistically significant. Post hoc subgroup analyses suggested that duration of
diabetes interacted with randomization such that participants with duration of diabetes less than
about 12 years appeared to have a CVD benefit of intensive glycemic control while those with
longer duration of disease before study entry had a neutral or even adverse effect of intensive
glycemic control. Other exploratory analyses suggested that severe hypoglycemia within the past
90 days was a strong predictor of the primary outcome and of CVD mortality.
The cause of the excess deaths in the intensive glycemic control arm of ACCORD compared
with the standard arm has been difficult to pinpoint. By design of the trial, randomization to the
intensive arm was associated with or led to many downstream effects, such as higher rates of
severe hypoglycemia; more frequent use of insulin, TZDs, other drugs, and drug combinations;
and greater weight gain. Such factors may be associated statistically with the higher mortality
rate in the intensive arm but may not be causative.
It is biologically plausible that severe hypoglycemia could increase the risk of cardiovascular
death in participants with high underlying CVD risk. Other plausible mechanisms for the
increase in mortality in ACCORD include weight gain, unmeasured drug effects or interactions,
or the overall “intensity” of the ACCORD intervention (use of multiple oral glucose-lowering
drugs along with multiple doses of insulin, frequent therapy adjustments to push A1c and selfmonitored blood glucose to very low targets, and an intense effort to aggressively reduce A1c by
~2% in participants entering the trial with advanced diabetes and multiple comorbidities).
Since the ADVANCE trial did not show any increase in mortality in the intensive glycemic
control arm, examining the differences between ADVANCE and ACCORD supports additional
hypotheses. ADVANCE participants on average appeared to have earlier or less advanced
diabetes, with shorter duration by two to three years and lower A1c at entry despite very little use
of insulin at baseline. A1c was also lowered less and more gradually in the ADVANCE trial, and
there was no significant weight gain with intensive glycemic therapy. Although severe
hypoglycemia was defined somewhat differently in the three trials, it appears that this occurred
in fewer than 3% of intensively treated ADVANCE participants for the entire study duration
(median five years) compared with ~16% of intensively treated subjects in ACCORD and 21%
in VADT.
It is likely that the increase in mortality in ACCORD was related to the overall treatment
strategies for intensifying glycemic control in the study population, not the achieved A1c per se.
The ADVANCE study achieved a median A1c in its intensive arm similar to that in the
ACCORD study, with no increased mortality hazard. Thus, the ACCORD mortality findings do
not imply that patients with type 2 diabetes who can easily achieve or maintain low A1c levels
with lifestyle modifications with or without pharmacotherapy are at risk and need to “raise” their
A1c. The three trials compared treatments to A1c levels in the “flatter” part of the observational
glycemia-CVD risk curves (median A1c of 6.4 to 6.9% in the intensive arms compared with 7.0
to 8.4% in the standard arms). Importantly, their results should not be extrapolated to imply that
there would be no cardiovascular benefit of glucose lowering from very poor control (e.g., A1c >
9%) to good control (e.g., A1c < 7%).
All three trials were carried out in participants with established diabetes (mean duration eight to
eleven years) and either known CVD or multiple risk factors suggesting the presence of
established atherosclerosis. Subset analyses of the three trials suggested a significant benefit of
intensive glycemic control on CVD in participants with shorter duration of diabetes, lower A1c
at entry, and/or or absence of known CVD. The DCCT- EDIC study and the long-term follow-up
of the UKPDS cohort both suggest that intensive glycemic control initiated soon after diagnosis
of diabetes in patients with a lower level of CVD risk may impart long-term protection from
CVD events. As is the case with microvascular complications, it may be that glycemic control
plays a greater role before macrovascular disease is well developed and minimal or no role when
it is advanced.
The benefits of intensive glycemic control on microvascular and neuropathic complications are
well established for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The ADVANCE trial has added to that
evidence base by demonstrating a significant reduction in the risk of new or worsening
albuminuria when A1c was lowered to 6.3% compared with standard glycemic control achieving
an A1c of 7.0%. The lack of significant reduction in CVD events with intensive glycemic control
in ACCORD, ADVANCE, and VADT should not lead clinicians to abandon the general target of
an A1c < 7.0% and thereby discount the benefit of good control on what are serious and
debilitating microvascular complications.
The evidence for a cardiovascular benefit of intensive glycemic control primarily rests on longterm follow-up of study cohorts treated early in the course of type 1 and type 2 diabetes and
subset analyses of ACCORD, ADVANCE, and VADT. Conversely, the mortality findings in
ACCORD suggest that the potential risks of very intensive glycemic control may outweigh its
benefits in some patients, such as those with very long duration of diabetes, known history of
severe hypoglycemia, advanced atherosclerosis, and advanced age/frailty. Certainly, providers
should be vigilant in preventing severe hypoglycemia in patients with advanced disease and
should not aggressively attempt to achieve near-normal A1c levels in patients in whom such a
target cannot be reasonably easily and safely achieved.
Recommended glycemic goals for nonpregnant adults are shown in Table 9. The
recommendations are based on those for A1c, with listed blood glucose levels that appear to
correlate with achievement of an A1c of < 7%. The issue of pre- versus postprandial SMBG
targets is complex. Elevated postchallenge (2-h OGTT) glucose values have been associated with
increased cardiovascular risk independent of FPG in some epidemiological studies. In diabetic
subjects, some surrogate measures of vascular pathology, such as endothelial dysfunction, are
negatively affected by postprandial hyperglycemia. It is clear that postprandial hyperglycemia,
like preprandial hyperglycemia, contributes to elevated A1c levels, with its relative contribution
being higher at A1c levels that are closer to 7%. However, outcome studies have clearly shown
A1c to be the primary predictor of complications, and landmark glycemic control trials such as
the DCCT and UKPDS relied overwhelmingly on preprandial SMBG.
Additionally, a randomized, controlled trial presented at the 68th Scientific Sessions of the
American Diabetes Association in June 2008 found no CVD benefit of insulin regimens
targeting postprandial glucose compared with those targeting preprandial glucose. A reasonable
recommendation for postprandial testing and targets is that for individuals who have premeal
glucose values within target but have A1c values above target, monitoring postprandial plasma
glucose (PPG) 1 to 2 hours after the start of the meal and treatment aimed at reducing PPG
values to < 180 mg/dl may help lower A1c.
As noted above, less stringent treatment goals may be appropriate for adults with limited life
expectancies or advanced vascular disease. Severe or frequent hypoglycemia is an absolute
indication for the modification of treatment regimens, including setting higher glycemic goals.
Regarding goals for glycemic control for women with GDM, recommendations from the Fifth
International Workshop-Conference on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus were to target the
following maternal capillary glucose concentrations:
preprandial ≤ 95 mg/dl (5.3 mmol/l) and either
1-h postmeal: ≤ 140 mg/dl (7.8 mmol/l)
2-h postmeal: ≤ 120 mg/dl (6.7 mmol/l)
For women with preexisting type 1 or type 2 diabetes who become pregnant, a recent consensus
statement recommended the following as optimal glycemic goals, if they can be achieved
without excessive hypoglycemia:
premeal, bedtime, and overnight glucose 60 to 99 mg/dl
peak postprandial glucose 100 to 129 mg/dl
A1c < 6.0%
End of Excerpt.
2007 Guideline
No new evidence was found, the recommendation remains unchanged.
2005 Guideline
No studies were found that randomized people with diabetes to blood glucose targets that
were normal (e.g., HbA1c < 6%) or above normal (HbA1c > 6%).
One systematic review(89) was found in Clinical Evidence that included two RCTs(84, 85) that
randomized people with diabetes to either intensive or conventional glucose control and reported
the effect of HbA1c on health outcomes (all risk reductions were calculated by Clinical
Each 1% decrease in HbA1c was associated with a reduced risk in microvascular and
macrovascular events (RR = 0.79; 95% CI: 0.79 to 0.83).
For each 1% decrease in HbA1c, the risk reduction of diabetes related death was 0.79
(95% CI: 0.73 to 0.83) and 0.86 (95% CI: 0.81 to 0.91) for all causes of mortality.
Microvascular complications decreased with each 1% decrease in HbA1c (RR = 0.63; 95%
CI: 0.59 to 0.67).
The risk reduction for MI was 0.86 (95% CI: 0.79 to 0.92) for each 1% decrease in HbA1c.
Hypoglycemia was associated with intensive treatment in both RCTs.
As concentrations of HbA1c were reduced, the risk of complications decreased but the risk
of hypoglycemia increased. The risk of complications associated with uncontrolled
diabetes decreased and the risk of hypoglycemia increased with lower glycemic thresholds.
The results of these studies suggest that there is no lower glycemic threshold for the risk
of complications. The better the glycemic control, the lower the risk of complications.
Overall Conclusion
Based upon good evidence showing that better glycemic control is associated with decreased
incidence of complications, but insufficient evidence about a specific threshold, the GDT has
made a consensus recommendation that the overall treatment goal for HbA1c < 7.
Other Considerations
The ADA recommends that providers develop or adjust the management plan to achieve
normal or near-normal glycemia with an HbA1c goal of < 7%. The guidelines also include the
following statements/recommendations:
Lowering HbA1c has been associated with a reduction of microvascular and neuropathic
complications of diabetes.
More stringent goals (i.e., a normal HbA1c, < 6%) can be considered in individual patients
and in pregnancy.
A lower HbA1c is associated with a lower risk of myocardial infarction and cardiovascular
Aggressive glycemic management with insulin may reduce morbidity in patients with
severe acute illness, perioperatively, following myocardial infarction and in pregnancy.
Less stringent treatment goals may be appropriate for patients with a history of severe
hypoglycemia, patients with limited life expectancies, very young children, or older adults, and
individuals with comorbid conditions.
The American College of Endocrinology recommends targets for glycemic control of
HbA1c < 6.5%.(107)
Others have attempted to quantify HbA1c targets based upon age of onset of diabetes and
have tried to develop criteria starting with lower HbA1c’s at age < 45 compared with higher
HbA1c’s at age > 75.
It may be appropriate to target a less intensive goal for people who may have limited
benefit or increased risk with intensive treatment. It is best if HbA1c reflects a person’s self
determined goals of care and willingness to make lifestyle modifications.
In the opinion of the GDT, no studies have shown that there is one specific HbA1c target
that balances the risks and benefits of achieving that target.
Microalbumin Assessments for Patients with Diabetes and Documented
Microalbuminuria on ACE Inhibitors or ARBs
It is recommended that continued monitoring of microalbumin be optional in people with
diabetes and established microalbuminuria, who are on an ACE inhibitor or ARB.
2007 Update:
No new evidence was found, the recommendation remain unchanged.
2005 Update:
There is preliminary evidence that repeated testing of microalbumin levels might be
justified in order to measure the effectiveness of treatment, although this practice is not
One RCT was found that included 199 patients with type 2 diabetes with hypertension
and microalbuminuria.(51) The investigator found that patients showed improvement in
mean urinary albumin:creatinine outcomes when an ARB was added to the regimen.
One short-term RCT looked at intermediate outcomes and reported that ≥ 60 mg
ACE inhibitor showed progressive improvement in glomerular filtration rate (GFR), significant
change in albuminuria, and kidney size.(108)
Other Considerations
Experts are often asked if patients with microalbuminuria and diabetes who are on an ACE
inhibitor should have their microalbumin levels monitored.
HEDIS requires that a test for microalbumin be done every year for people with diabetes
unless the person has documented evidence of nephropathy (e.g., ESRD, renal failure, diabetic
nephropathy, dialysis, positive microalbumin test in prior year) or who had a negative
microalbumin test in the prior year and are either not on insulin or their HbA1c is < 8%.
The ADA states the following regarding testing for microalbuminuria after diagnosis:
“The role of annual urine protein dipstick testing and microalbuminuria assessment is less
clear after diagnosis of microalbuminuria and institution of ACE inhibitor therapy and
blood pressure control. Many experts recommend continued surveillance both to assess
response to therapy and progression of disease. In addition to assessment of urinary
albumin excretion, assessment of renal function is important in patients with diabetic
kidney disease.”
Retinal Screening
It is recommended that diabetes patients with background retinopathy, or more severe disease,
should be monitored at least annually; and those without retinopathy should be screened every
one to two years.
2007 Update:
No new evidence was found, the recommendation remain unchanged.
2005 Update:
Supporting Evidence that Treating Retinopathy can Prevent Blindness
There is evidence that retinal laser therapy is highly effective in slowing the progression of
retinopathy and preventing blindness (laser surgery recommendation not included in the scope of
these guidelines).(110, 111)
The leading cause of blindness in people with diabetes is vitreous or preretinal
hemorrhage, followed by macular edema or macular pigmentary changes related to macular
edema, and retinal detachment. An eye exam can detect retinopathy before it progresses beyond
the point of repair. Clinically significant macular edema (CSME) has been found to be associated
with benefit from focal or grid laser treatment. Treatments at earlier stages of macular edema
were not associated with benefit.
There is no evidence that screening every one to two years prevents blindness.
Supporting Evidence that Retinopathy Leads to Macular Edema or
Proliferative Retinopathy
There are no good studies to recommend screening or a frequency of screening.
Three observational cohort studies were found that show diabetic retinopathy leads to
macular edema or proliferative retinopathy.(112) The publications are subanalyses of a single
diabetes cohort where patients with diabetes were followed for four years. Each patient received
a physical and ocular exam (slit lamp, stereoscopic fundus photo with seven standard fields).
Experts graded each photo. Because of the subjective nature of grading, the experts did not
always agree on the grade.
Diabetic Retinopathy (Without Macular Edema) in People With Diabetes Age < 30
The first study included 996 young (age < 30) people with diabetes who were taking
insulin. 271 had no retinopathy in either eye and 20% had proliferate diabetic retinopathy.
The mean duration of diabetes was 14 years and the mean HbA1c was 12.5%.
Of the 271 persons with no retinopathy in either eye at baseline, 59% had some
retinopathy at four years, and one (0.4%) had proliferative diabetic retinopathy. One patient with
grade 21 retinopathy at baseline progressed to proliferative retinopathy with high-risk
characteristics after four years (0.4%).
Diabetic Retinopathy (Without Macular Edema) in People With Diabetes ≥ Age 30
The second study included 1,780 people with diabetes diagnosed at age 30 or older.(113) Of
the insulin-taking patients, 32% had no retinopathy in either eye and 12% had proliferate diabetic
retinopathy. The mean duration of diabetes was 14 years and the mean HbA1c was 11.8%. Of
those who were not using insulin, 64% had no retinopathy in either eye, 2% had proliferate
diabetic retinopathy. The mean duration of diabetes was eight years and the mean HbA1c was
Results were similar for patients who used insulin at baseline, and those who did not (p =
ns). Among persons with no retinopathy in either eye at baseline, the incidence of some
retinopathy at four years was 34% among the 320 persons not using insulin at baseline, 47%
among the 154 persons using insulin at baseline.
This evidence suggests that there is a very low rate of progression over four years of a
baseline of no retinopathy (grade 10) or grade 21 to proliferative diabetic retinopathy with or
without high-risk characteristics.
Diabetic Retinopathy (With Macular Edema) in the Entire Study Population
The third study combined patients from the first two studies to evaluate the incidence of
macular edema after four years (baseline characteristics described in previous bullets).(114)
Presence of macular edema was defined as thickening of the retina with or without
partial loss of transparency within one disc diameter (DD) of the center of the macula. Clinically
significant macular edema was based on the detailed grading and was defined as the presence of
any one of the following: thickening of the retina located 500 um or less from the center of the
macula; or a zone of retinal thickening one disc area larger in size, located one DD or less from
the center of the macula. Clinically significant macular edema (CSME) has been found to be
associated with benefit from focal or grid laser treatment. Treatments at earlier stages of macular
edema were not associated with benefit.
The proportion of cases of macular edema that were judged clinically significant was
26/52 (52%) of persons under 30 years old at onset of diabetes and 19/34 (56%) of persons 30
years or older at onset of diabetes.
 The evidence from these studies suggests that there is a very low rate of progression over
four years from a baseline of no retinopathy (grade 10) or grade 21 to proliferative diabetic
retinopathy with or without high-risk characteristics. There is an association with the
development of proliferate diabetic retinopathy with high-risk characteristics for severe visual
loss with a baseline of > 21 (i.e., ≥ 31).
Other Considerations
The ADA recommends annual screening based upon patient expectations, the ability to
detect other diseases and reinforce other diabetic messages, and known incomplete compliance
with guidelines.(21)
Cost/utility analysis of screening intervals cite that it may not be warranted to perform
annual retinal screening on all patients without previously detected retinopathy with type 2
diabetes.(115) Tailoring recommending intervals based on individual circumstances may be
HEDIS requires annual exams except if the patients meet two of the following three
criteria: no evidence of retinopathy on a prior exam, HbA1c < 8%, are not on insulin.(109)
A study underway in TPMG's Division of Research, reviewing ophthalmologist and
optometrist visits for diabetic retinopathy screening, found that clinicians under-reporting of
actual eye disease.(116) Level 21* was often entered when documentation clearly indicated greater
degrees of retinopathy.
Note: No retinopathy (grade 10). Microaneurysms only, blot hemorrhages, or soft exudates in the absence of
microaneurysms (grade 21). Proliferate diabetic retinopathy with high-risk characteristics for severe visual loss with
a baseline of > 21 (i.e., ≥ 31).
Foot Screening
It is recommended that all patients with diabetes should have a foot screening that includes a
monofilament test.
Evidence-based: B
Patients with an abnormal monofilament test are at a high risk for lower limb complications and
are candidates for entry into a podiatry population-based foot care program, or equivalent.
Evidence-based: B
Evidence for Recommendations: Fair
2007 Update:
No new evidence was found, the recommendation remain unchanged.
2005 Update:
Supporting Evidence for Identification of High-Risk Feet with a Monofilament
One prospective cohort study was found that evaluated the outcomes of identifying people
with diabetes with high-risk feet.(117)
Screening was based on sensation to the 5.07 monofilament, the presence of foot
deformity, and a history of lower-extremity events.
Three hundred and fifty eight Native Americans with diabetes were screened and stratified
into four risk categories based on the screening results and followed for
32 months.
The investigators found that plantar ulcer rate and amputations increased with the risk
categories. The rate of plantar ulcer was 300 (OR = 78) for the highest risk group. There were 14
amputations in the two highest risk groups.
Supporting Evidence for Population-Based Foot Programs
Two systematic reviews were found that included studies that screened for high-risk feet
and randomized people into a high-risk foot program.(118, 119)
The Health Technology Assessment systematic review(118) included one screening and
intervention RCT(120) for patients with feet at high-risk of ulceration.
2,001 people with asymptomatic feet were recruited from an outpatient diabetes clinic.
Screening included examination using Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments plus biothesiometry
and palpation of foot pulses. Inclusion criteria for the foot program were foot deformities, a
history of ulceration, or an Ankle Brachial Pressure Index* (ABPI) ≤ 0.75.
Participants were randomized to usual care or a podiatry intervention. The
intervention included weekly appointments with podiatry at a diabetic foot clinic, hygiene
maintenance, support hosiery, protective shoes, and education about foot hygiene and
The Ankle Brachial Pressure Index (ABPI) is a measure of the fall in blood pressure in the arteries supplying the
legs and as such is used to detect evidence of blockages (peripheral vascular disease). It is calculated by dividing the
systolic blood pressure in the ankle by the higher of the two systolic blood pressures in the arms. An ABPI of > 0.9
is considered normal.
The incidence of ulcers progressing to amputation was 66% in the control group and 29%
in the treatment group (p = 0.006; NNT = 2 based on calculations in the systematic review). The
incidence of amputation (major and minor) was 2.3% (25/1,000) in the control group and 0.7%
(7/1,001) in the intervention group (p < 0.04 total, p < 0.01 for major amputations, p > 0.15 for
minor amputations).
The Hunt systematic review(119) in Clinical Evidence included one systematic review(121)
that included the previously described screening and intervention study (120) along with other
studies that did not meet our inclusion criteria.
Other Considerations
An unpublished study presented at the 2001 ADA Scientific Session implemented a
population-based diabetic foot screening and treatment program.(122)
Patients were screened over a 26-month period and were stratified based on risk.
The program resulted in a 35.7% decrease in foot-related hospital admissions (from 5.3 per
1,000 members per year to 3.4 per 1,000 members per year).
Total hospital days per 1,000 members were reduced by 70.7%.
Amputation incidence per 10,000 people with diabetes at baseline was 125 compared
with 37.5 per 10,000 after 26 months of follow-up (70% reduction).
Frequency of Foot Screening
It is recommended that annual foot screenings for patients with diabetes.
2007 Update:
No new evidence was found, the recommendation remain unchanged.
2005 Update:
There is no evidence to recommend a frequency of foot screening.
Other Considerations
The ADA recommends that a foot examination take place at routine follow-up visits in
patients at risk. If abnormalities are identified, more frequent follow-up may be required.(21)
The GDT recommended annual foot screening because it is an easy interval for the patient
to remember and it is an opportunity to reinforce good foot care.
Self-Management Education
Patient training in self-care behaviors is recommended as a component of any diabetes
management program.
Evidence-based: A – (Effect on Glucose Control)
Consensus-based – (Effect on Other Outcomes)
Evidence for Recommendation: Good
2007 Update:
No new evidence was found, the recommendation remain unchanged.
2005 Update:
One meta-analysis was found that evaluated the efficacy of self-management education on GHb
in adults with type 2 diabetes.
compiled and analyzed literature between 1980 and 1999 and
Norris, et al.
concluded that diabetes self-management education (DSME) significantly improves glycemic
control in patients with type 2 diabetes. Increased contact time increases the effect.
The intervention decreased GHb by 0.76% (95% CI: 0.34% to 1.18%) more than the
control group at immediate follow-up.
GHb decreased more with additional contact time between participant and educator, 1%
decrease for every additional 23.6 hours of contact.
This benefit declined one to three months after the intervention.
Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Type 1 Diabetes
It is recommended that patients with type 1 diabetes monitor their blood glucose.
Evidence-based: A
It is recommended that when self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) is used, results be
accompanied by an appropriate adjustment in therapy.
Evidence-based: A
Evidence for Recommendations: Good
2007 Update:
No new evidence was found, the recommendation remain unchanged.
2005 Update:
There were no RCTs found that included long-term health outcomes for self-monitoring of
blood glucose (SMBG). One systematic review was found that looked at the effect of SMBG on
glucose control in people with type 1 diabetes.(124)
Eight RCTs were included in the systematic review.(125, 126) Inclusion criteria varied per
study. Sample size ranged from 16 to 69 and trial durations ranged from 24 weeks to two years.
Frequency of testing varied per study and ranged from three times per day to two days
within two weeks.
Seven studies encouraged patients to change their therapy in response to their monitoring
The review found the estimated absolute effect of blood monitoring on GHb was -0.56%
(95% CI: -1.073 to -0.061). Occurrence of hypoglycemia was low.
UKPDS(85) and DCCT(84) found that lower HbA1c is associated with a lower risk of
There was moderate improvement in GHb using blood glucose monitoring in studies of
people with type 1 diabetes where, in some studies, patients were encouraged to change therapy
based on monitoring results. The focus of intense management seemed to change glucose
control, not the SMBG itself.
Overall, glucose monitoring may result in improved glucose control, although a change in
management may be required for glucose monitoring to be effective.
Other Considerations
The ADA recommends frequent SMBG (at least three or four times per day) for people
with type 1 diabetes, in order to help achieve glycemic control and to prevent complications
associated with tight control.
There is conflicting Kaiser Permanente internal data regarding the effect of increased
frequency of monitoring glucose on HbA1c.
KP Northern California published internal data in cohort design that showed selfmonitoring of blood glucose three or more times per day was associated with lower HbA1c than
less frequent monitoring in type 1 and 2 diabetes. In type 1 there was a 1.0 percentage point drop
in HbA1c and a 0.6 percentage point drop in HbA1c in type 2
(p < 0.0001). Patients with type 2 diabetes who practiced self-monitoring at any frequency had a
0.4-point drop in HbA1c vs. no monitoring (p < 0.0001).(127)
KP Georgia presented internal data at the 2001 ADA Scientific Session that showed daily
self-monitoring of blood glucose significantly reduced HbA1c in both type 1 and 2 diabetes on
insulin compared with those who monitored their glucose less than daily. There was no
significant difference between groups in type 2 patients who were taking oral glucose lowering
agents and those who were not on insulin.(128)
SMBG is widely prescribed and practiced in diabetes. The role of SMBG in type 1
diabetes is fairly clear.
GHb = all glycosylated hemoglobin, not hemoglobin HbA1c alone.
Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Type 2 Diabetes
Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) is recommended for patients with type 2 diabetes.
When SMBG is used, it is recommended that results be accompanied by an appropriate
adjustment in therapy.
2007 Update:
No new evidence was found, the recommendation remain unchanged.
2005 Update:
There were no RCTs found that included long-term health outcomes for self-monitoring of
blood glucose (SMBG). One systematic review was found that looked at (SMBG) in type 2
Eight RCTs were included in the systematic review.(129) Inclusion criteria varied per study.
Sample size ranged from 27 to 108 and trial durations ranged from 16 to 52 weeks.
The interventions included blood monitoring, urine monitoring, and no monitoring. The
frequency of monitoring varied by study.
No study required patients to modify their drug therapy in accordance with their selfmonitoring results, although in some studies a physician made changes. Some
studies encouraged patients to change their behavior or diet in response to the results of
One study showed a small but significant decrease in HbA1c, and four studies found
a positive effect on GHb -0.25% (95% CI: -0.61 to 0.10). Three studies reported that neither
urine nor blood testing affected blood glucose control. One study suggested blood and urine
monitoring were equally efficacious. Four studies found no impact on health-related quality of
Studies included in the systematic review had low statistical power and were poorly
conducted and reported.
The effect of self-monitoring in type 2 diabetes was half of what it was in type 1. There
was a trend toward a small improvement in GHb although this was not statistically significant. It
should be noted that in type 2 diabetes, none of the studies encouraged patents to modify therapy
based on results of SMBG.
Other Considerations
The ADA recommends daily SMBG for patients treated with insulin or sulphonylureas to
monitor for and prevent asymptomatic hypoglycemia.(21)
A structured questionnaire, NHANES III, and clinical and laboratory assessment were
obtained on a national sample of people with type 2 diabetes. The data examined were therapy
for diabetes, frequency of self-monitoring of blood glucose, and HbA1c values. Before the data
were broken out into subcategories, it appeared that the amount of patients that tested their blood
glucose increased with increasing HbA1c value. When the data were examined by therapeutic
category, there was little correlation between HbA1c and testing at least once per day vs. testing
at least once per week.(130)
There are conflicting results from Kaiser Permanente internal data that increased frequency
of monitoring glucose affects HbA1c.
KP Northern California published internal data in cohort design that showed selfmonitoring of blood glucose three or times per day was associated with lower HbA1c when
In type 1 there was a 1.0
compared with less frequent monitoring in type 1 and 2 diabetes.
percentage point drop in HbA1c and a 0.6 percentage point drop in HbA1c in type 2 (p <
0.0001). Patients with type 2 diabetes who practiced self-monitoring at any frequency had a 0.4point drop in HbA1c vs. no monitoring (p < 0.0001).
KP Georgia presented internal data at the 2001 ADA Scientific Session that showed
daily self-monitoring of blood glucose significantly reduced HbA1c in both type 1 and 2 diabetes
There was
receiving insulin compared with those who monitored their glucose less than daily.
no significant difference between groups in type 2 patients who were taking oral glucose
lowering agents and those who were on insulin.
The role of SMBG is less clear in people with type 2 diabetes than in type 1 diabetes. The
evidence for SMBG in type 2 is not high-quality and is conflicting.
Self-Titration of Insulin
Self-titration of bedtime insulin dosage is recommended for patients with type 2 diabetes to
enhance glucose control.
Evidence-based: B
Evidence for Recommendation: Fair
Supporting Evidence:
Two RCTs were identified that examined the effect of different approaches to self-titration
of insulin therapy, and five other RCTs used self-titration in comparisons of different insulin
A large, multicenter, four-armed factorial trial (Kennedy et al., 2006(131)) studied the
effectiveness of a weekly self-titration algorithm according to (1) the intensity and frequency of
reinforcement of the algorithm (weekly by phone, fax or e-mail compared with every six weeks
at office visits) and (2) the lag in providing HbA1c levels to the patient within (1) two or three
days compared with (2) every six weeks. For the primary endpoint of reduction in HbA1c levels,
weekly reinforcement was more effective than reinforcement every six weeks, with reductions of
1.5% and 1.3%, respectively (p < 0.001). The timing of the provision of HbA1c levels was not
associated with a significant difference in HbA1c levels.
Davies et al.(132) reported the results of a large clinical trial that compared physician-led
titration of bedtime insulin once a week to patient self-titration every three days [AT LANTUS
study]. For the secondary endpoint of HbA1c, both groups achieved significant reductions in
HbA1c, but self-titration was associated with a significantly greater reduction than physician-led
titration (8.9 ±1.3 to 7.7 ±1.2%, and 8.9 ±1.3% to 7.9 ±1.2%, respectively (p < 0.001). There was
no difference in the primary endpoint, frequency of severe hypoglycemia.
Thus, in both cases, a more frequent “independent” (of the physician) activity (whether it
was self-titration every three days(132) or reinforcement of the algorithm by a nurse every
week(131)) was more effective than less frequent direct physician involvement (visit or phone call
every week(132) or visit every six weeks(131)).
The following five studies constitute “before-and-after” studies of self-titration, because
random allocation pertained to some element of care other than self-titration.
compared the effect of 24 weeks of treatment with self-titrated daily
Gerstein et al.
insulin added to oral antidiabetic agents with the effect of treatment with physician-titrated oral
antidiabetic agents [INSIGHT study]. Patients in the insulin group were significantly more likely
to reach target levels of HbA1c than were patients in the group taking titrated oral agents only.
Yki-Jarvinen et al.(98) reported the results of an RCT [LAN- MET study] comparing a
titrated dosage of NPH insulin or glargine for adult patients whose type 2 DM was inadequately
controlled by metformin therapy. Both groups achieved good glycemic control. During the first
12 weeks of the 36-week study, hypoglycemic events were more common in the glargine group,
but this difference did not persist.
A large, multicenter, randomized, open-label trial (Janka et al., 2005 ) compared the
effect of treatment with oral antidiabetic agents plus one daily injection of insulin glargine with
the effect of a regimen including two daily injections of premixed insulin for insulin-naïve
patients with poor glycemic control. Both groups titrated insulin dosages based on selfmonitored blood glucose, and both achieved significant reductions in HbA1c, although the group
receiving glargine plus oral medication had better HbA1C outcome.
Raskin et al.(135) in the INITIATE study randomized insulin-naive study subjects to receive
treatment with insulin glargine or biphasic insulin as part premixed 70/30 titrate, according to
patient-instructed algorithms based on self-monitoring of blood glucose. Both groups
demonstrated significant reduction in HgA1c with comparable incidence of hypoglycemia, but
the 70/30 insulin group achieved better glycemic control.
The Treat-To-Target trial (Riddle et al., 2003(136)) was a multicenter study comparing
titrated treatment with bedtime glargine injection with titrated treatment with bedtime NPH
insulin. Both groups achieved excellent results, but a significantly larger percentage of patients
in the glargine group did so without documented evidence of nocturnal hypoglycemia (33.2 vs.
26.7%, p < 0.05.)
Overall Conclusion
There is fair evidence from multiple before-and-after studies that the benefits of self-titration of
insulin substantially outweigh the harms and costs. In addition, there is fair evidence from two
RCTs that greater patient autonomy with more frequent reinforcement or self-titration is more
effective than less frequent direct physician involvement.
Appendix A: Criteria for Grading the Evidence
Kaiser Permanente Common Methodology
Label and Language of Recommendations
Reviewed/Revised: April 2010
JNC 8 Strength of Recommendation
NHLBI Grading the Strength of Recommendation
NHLBI Grading the Strength of Recommendation
High certainty based on evidence that net benefit† is substantial.
Moderate certainty based on evidence that net benefit is moderate
to substantial, or high certainty that net benefit is moderate.
At least moderate certainty based on evidence of small net
Net benefit is unclear. Balance of benefits and harms cannot be
determined because of no evidence, insufficient evidence, unclear
Expert Opinion
evidence, or conflicting evidence, but the Panel thought it was
important to provide clinical guidance and make a
recommendation. Further research is recommended.
Net benefit is unclear. Balance of benefits and harms cannot be
determined because of no evidence, insufficient evidence, unclear
Recommendation evidence or conflicting evidence, and the Panel thought no
For or Against
recommendation should be made. Further research is
At least moderate certainty based on evidence of no net
benefit or that risks/harms outweigh benefits.
For comparative effectiveness recommendations (Class I and IIa; Level of Evidence A and B only), studies that
support the use of comparators should involve direct comparisons of the treatments or strategies being evaluated.
ADA Evidence Grading System
Appendix B: Supporting Documentation
Prevention of Diabetes
Intervention to Delay the Onset of Type 2 Diabetes
Problem Formulation
Search Strategy
Article type and
"Diabetes Mellitus"[MeSH]
Meta-analysis, All
1965 –
Adult: 19+ years,
English, Human
No. Included /
"Diabetes Mellitus, Non-Insulincontrolled trial, All 2001 –
Dependent/prevention and control"[MeSH] Adult: 19+ years 07/30/07
English, Human
"Diabetes Mellitus, Non-InsulinDependent/prevention and control"[MAJR] Randomized,
AND ("glucose
controlled trial, All 1965 –
intolerance/complications"[MESH] OR
Adult: 19+ years 09/04/01
"glucose intolerance/drug therapy"[MESH] English, Human
OR "glucose intolerance/therapy"[MESH])
No terms used - searched list of systematic
reviews by Cochrane Metabolic and
Systematic reviews 7/15/05
Endocrine Disorders Group
No terms used - searched book by
(Vol. 13, June Endocrine Disorders
Systematic reviews
and RCTs
Note: “No. Included” refers to studies that are relevant to the problem formulation and, therefore, are
included in this analysis of the evidence. “Total Retrieved” refers to the number of studies retrieved in the
search, regardless of relevance. Because individual studies can be captured in multiple databases, they may
be counted more than once in the number included.
Evidence Tables
Interventions For Delaying the Onset of Type II Diabetes
Lifestyle vs. Placebo
Lifestyle vs. Placebo
Metformin vs. Placebo
Metformin vs. Lifestyle
Acarbose vs. placebo
Orlistat vs. placebo vs. lifestyle
2009 Update
Postpartum Screening for Diabetes in Women with a History of
Getstational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)
Problem Formulation
Is screening for diabetes recommended for women who have been
diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)?
Women who have been diagnosed with GDM
• Screening Health
• No Screening
• Prevention of diabetes Most Important
Health Outcomes:
• Prevention of diabetes complications
Clinical Question:
Search Strategy
Studies reviewed included only systematic reviews and randomized, controlled trials. Because
searches on this topic were conducted previously, updates to those searches were performed.
Additional evidence identified by a manual search.
Search Terms:
“Diabetes Mellitus”[MESH]
("diabetes mellitus"[MeSH
Terms] OR ("diabetes"[All
Fields] AND "mellitus"[All
Fields]) OR "diabetes
mellitus"[All Fields]) AND
(("2007/08/08"[EDAT] :
"2009/09/04"[EDAT]) AND
"humans"[MeSH Terms] AND
English[lang] AND MetaAnalysis[ptyp] AND
"adult"[MeSH Terms])
[MeSH] AND "Diabetes,
("diabetes, gestational"[MeSH
Terms] OR ("diabetes"[All
Fields] AND "gestational"[All
Fields]) OR "gestational
diabetes"[All Fields] OR
Article Type and
Other Limits:
Meta-analysis, All
Adult: 19+ years,
English, Human
Meta-analysis, All
Adult: 19+ years,
English, Human
controlled trial, All
Adult: 19+ years
English, Human
No. Included /
("gestational"[All Fields] AND
"diabetes"[All Fields])) AND
(("2007/08/08"[EDAT] :
"2009/09/04"[EDAT]) AND
"humans"[MeSH Terms] AND
English[lang] AND MetaAnalysis[ptyp] AND
"adult"[MeSH Terms])
No terms used - searched list of
systematic reviews by Cochrane
Systematic reviews
Metabolic and Endocrine
Disorders Group
No terms used - searched book
section Endocrine and
Systematic reviews
Metabolic Disorders,
and RCTs
Conditions: Diabetes, Pregnancy
and Childbirth
Search Terms:
Article Type and
Other Limits:
Meta-analysis, All
“Diabetes Mellitus”[MESH] Adult: 19+ years,
English, Human
Meta-analysis, All
Adult: 19+ years,
"Follow-Up Studies" [MeSH] English, Human
AND "Diabetes,
controlled trial, All
Adult: 19+ years
English, Human
No terms used - searched list of
systematic reviews by
Systematic reviews
Cochrane Metabolic and
Endocrine Disorders Group
Evidence (V No terms used - searched book Systematic reviews
olume 13,
by Endocrine Disorders
and RCTs
June 2005)
No. Included /
1965 –
1965 –
1965 –
Evidence Table
Postpartum Screening for Diabetes in Women with a Hx of GDM
Postpartum Follow-up of GDM
Problem Formulation
Search Strategy
Additional evidence identified by a manual search.
Search Terms:
“Diabetes Mellitus”[MESH]
("diabetes mellitus"[MeSH
Terms] OR ("diabetes"[All
Fields] AND "mellitus"[All
Fields]) OR "diabetes
mellitus"[All Fields]) AND
(("2007/08/08"[EDAT] :
"2009/09/04"[EDAT]) AND
"humans"[MeSH Terms] AND
English[lang] AND MetaAnalysis[ptyp] AND
"adult"[MeSH Terms])
[MeSH] AND "Diabetes,
("diabetes, gestational"[MeSH
Terms] OR ("diabetes"[All
Fields] AND "gestational"[All
Article Type and
Other Limits:
Meta-analysis, All
Adult: 19+ years,
English, Human
Meta-analysis, All
Adult: 19+ years,
English, Human
controlled trial, All
No. Included /
Fields]) OR "gestational
Adult: 19+ years
diabetes"[All Fields] OR
English, Human
("gestational"[All Fields] AND
"diabetes"[All Fields])) AND
(("2007/08/08"[EDAT] :
"2009/09/04"[EDAT]) AND
"humans"[MeSH Terms] AND
English[lang] AND MetaAnalysis[ptyp] AND
"adult"[MeSH Terms])
No terms used - searched list of
systematic reviews by Cochrane
Systematic reviews
Metabolic and Endocrine
Disorders Group
No terms used - searched book
section Endocrine and
Systematic reviews
Metabolic Disorders,
and RCTs
Conditions: Diabetes, Pregnancy
and Childbirth
Search Terms:
Article Type and
Other Limits:
Meta-analysis, All
Adult: 19+ years,
English, Human
Meta-analysis, All
Adult: 19+ years,
"Follow-Up Studies" [MeSH] English, Human
AND "Diabetes,
controlled trial, All
Adult: 19+ years
English, Human
No terms used - searched list of
systematic reviews by
Systematic reviews
Cochrane Metabolic and
Endocrine Disorders Group
“Diabetes Mellitus”[MESH]
Evidence (V No terms used - searched book Systematic reviews
olume 13,
by Endocrine Disorders
and RCTs
June 2005)
No. Included /
1965 –
1965 –
1965 –
Evidence Table
Postpartum follow-up of GDM
Screening for Type 2 Diabetes
Problem Formulation
Clinical Question: Is screening for type 2 diabetes recommended?
All adults aged 18 and older at average or increased risk of type 2 diabetes
• Screening Health
• No screening
• Prevention or delayed onset of diabetes Most Important
• Prevention or delayed diabetes complications Health Outcomes:
• Reduction in Morbidity and Mortality from diabetes
• Complications of diabetes, e.g., macrovascular disease, peripheral
vascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, or cardiovascular disease
Test to Screen for Impaired Glucose Control
Problem Formulation
Search Strategy
Search Terms:
Article Type
and Other
“Diabetes Mellitus”[MESH]
("diabetes mellitus"[MeSH Terms] OR
("diabetes"[All Fields] AND
"mellitus"[All Fields]) OR "diabetes
mellitus"[All Fields]) AND
(("2007/08/08"[EDAT] :
"2009/09/04"[EDAT]) AND
Meta- analysis,
All Adult: 19+ 8/08/07years, English, 09/4/09
Included /
"humans"[MeSH Terms] AND
English[lang] AND Meta-Analysis[ptyp]
AND "adult"[MeSH Terms])
Diabetes, screening(non-insulindependent[All Fields] OR (non[All
Fields] AND ("insulin"[MeSH Terms]
OR "insulin"[All Fields]) AND
dependent[All Fields])) AND ("diabetes
mellitus"[MeSH Terms] OR
("diabetes"[All Fields] AND
"mellitus"[All Fields]) OR "diabetes
mellitus"[All Fields] OR "diabetes"[All
Fields] OR "diabetes insipidus"[MeSH
Terms] OR ("diabetes"[All Fields] AND
"insipidus"[All Fields]) OR "diabetes
insipidus"[All Fields]) AND
("diagnosis"[Subheading] OR
"diagnosis"[All Fields] OR
controlled trial,
8/08/07 –
"screening"[All Fields] OR "mass
All Adult: 19+
screening"[MeSH Terms] OR
years English,
("mass"[All Fields] AND
"screening"[All Fields]) OR "mass
screening"[All Fields] OR
"screening"[All Fields] OR "early
detection of cancer"[MeSH Terms] OR
("early"[All Fields] AND "detection"[All
Fields] AND "cancer"[All Fields]) OR
"early detection of cancer"[All Fields])
AND (("2007/08/08"[EDAT] :
"2009/09/08"[EDAT]) AND
"humans"[MeSH Terms] AND
English[lang] AND MetaAnalysis[ptyp] AND "adult"[MeSH
Article Type
and Other
Search Terms:
Diabetes, screening (non-insulindependent[All Fields] OR (non[All
Fields] AND ("insulin"[MeSH Terms]
OR "insulin"[All Fields]) AND
dependent[All Fields])) AND ("diabetes
mellitus"[MeSH Terms] OR
("diabetes"[All Fields] AND
"mellitus"[All Fields]) OR "diabetes
mellitus"[All Fields] OR "diabetes"[All
Fields] OR "diabetes insipidus"[MeSH
Terms] OR ("diabetes"[All Fields] AND
"insipidus"[All Fields]) OR "diabetes
insipidus"[All Fields]) AND
("diagnosis"[Subheading] OR
Meta"diagnosis"[All Fields] OR
analysis, All
"screening"[All Fields] OR "mass
Adult: 19+
screening"[MeSH Terms] OR
("mass"[All Fields] AND
"screening"[All Fields]) OR "mass
screening"[All Fields] OR
"screening"[All Fields] OR "early
detection of cancer"[MeSH Terms] OR
("early"[All Fields] AND
"detection"[All Fields] AND
"cancer"[All Fields]) OR "early
detection of cancer"[All Fields]) AND
(("2007/08/08"[EDAT] :
"2009/09/08"[EDAT]) AND
"humans"[MeSH Terms] AND
English[lang] AND Randomized
Controlled Trial[ptyp] AND
"adult"[MeSH Terms])
Diabetes, detection, screening, diagnosis
Diabetes, early detection, diagnosis,
Metascreening ("diabetes mellitus"[MeSH
analysis, All
Terms] OR ("diabetes"[All Fields] AND Adult: 19+
"mellitus"[All Fields]) OR "diabetes
mellitus"[All Fields] OR "diabetes"[All English,
Fields] OR "diabetes insipidus"[MeSH Human
Terms] OR ("diabetes"[All Fields] AND
Included /
8/08/07 –
8/08/07 –
"insipidus"[All Fields]) OR "diabetes
insipidus"[All Fields]) AND
("diagnosis"[Subheading] OR
"diagnosis"[All Fields] OR
"screening"[All Fields] OR "mass
screening"[MeSH Terms] OR
("mass"[All Fields] AND
"screening"[All Fields]) OR "mass
screening"[All Fields] OR
"screening"[All Fields] OR "early
detection of cancer"[MeSH Terms] OR
("early"[All Fields] AND
"detection"[All Fields] AND
"cancer"[All Fields]) OR "early
detection of cancer"[All Fields]) AND
(("2007/08/08"[EDAT] :
"2009/09/08"[EDAT]) AND
"humans"[MeSH Terms] AND
English[lang] AND MetaAnalysis[ptyp] AND "adult"[MeSH
Article Type
and Other
Database: Search Terms:
Diabetes, detection, screening, diagnosis
("diabetes mellitus"[MeSH Terms] OR
("diabetes"[All Fields] AND
"mellitus"[All Fields]) OR "diabetes
mellitus"[All Fields] OR "diabetes"[All
Fields] OR "diabetes insipidus"[MeSH
Terms] OR ("diabetes"[All Fields] AND
"insipidus"[All Fields]) OR "diabetes
insipidus"[All Fields]) AND
("diagnosis"[Subheading] OR
"diagnosis"[All Fields] OR
"screening"[All Fields] OR "mass
screening"[MeSH Terms] OR
("mass"[All Fields] AND
trial, All
8/08/07 –
"screening"[All Fields]) OR "mass
Adult: 19+
screening"[All Fields] OR
years English,
"screening"[All Fields] OR "early
detection of cancer"[MeSH Terms] OR
("early"[All Fields] AND
"detection"[All Fields] AND
"cancer"[All Fields]) OR "early
detection of cancer"[All Fields]) AND
(("2007/08/08"[EDAT] :
"2009/09/08"[EDAT]) AND
"humans"[MeSH Terms] AND
English[lang] AND Randomized
Controlled Trial[ptyp] AND
"adult"[MeSH Terms])
Meta- analysis,
All Adult: 19+ 1965 –
"Diabetes Mellitus"[MeSH]
years, English, 8/08/07
"Diabetes Mellitus, Non-Insulintrial, All
2001 –
Dependent/prevention and
Adult: 19+
years English,
((("Diabetes Mellitus, Non-InsulinRandomized, 1965 –
Included /
Dependent/prevention and
control"[MAJR] AND (("glucose
trial, All
intolerance/ complications"[MESH] OR Adult: 19+
"glucose intolerance/drug
years English,
therapy"[MESH]) OR "glucose
No terms used - searched list of
systematic reviews by Cochrane
Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders
No terms used - searched book section
Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders,
reviews and
Conditions: Diabetes, Pregnancy and
Pharmacological Management of Diabetes and Hypertension
Blood Pressure Threshold to Initiate Drug Therapy in Patients with
Diabetes and Hypertension
Problem Formulation
Target Blood Pressure for People with Diabetes and Hypertension
Initial Treatment of Diabetes and Hypertension in the Absence of
Problem Formulation
Step Therapy in the Treatment of Diabetes and Hypertension in the
Absence of Heart Failure or Known Coronary Heart Disease
Problem Formulation
Drug Therapy for Patients with Diabetes, Hypertension, and Albuminuria or
Diabetic Nephropathy
Problem Formulation
Search Strategy
Studies reviewed included only systematic reviews and randomized, controlled trials. Because
searches on this topic were conducted previously, updates to those searches were performed.
Article type and
No. Included
/ Total
"Diabetes Mellitus"[MeSH]
Meta-analysis, All
1965 –
Adult: 19+ years,
English, Human
((((((("Diabetes Mellitus" [MESH])
AND (hypertension/drug
therapy[MESH] OR
hypertension/prevention and
((("Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme
Inhibitors/therapeutic use"[MESH]
OR Hydrochlorothiazide/therapeutic
use[MESH]) OR "Adrenergic betaAntagonists/therapeutic use"[MESH])
OR "calcium channel
blockers/therapeutic use"[MESH]))
controlled trial, All 2000 –
Adult: 19+ years 08/2007
English, Human
Meta-analysis, All
1965 –
Adult: 19+ years,
English, Human
“Hypertension"[MeSH Terms] AND
“stepped-care”[Text Word]
controlled trial,
1965 –
Adult, English,
("Hypertension"[MESH] AND
((((((((("Adrenergic betaAntagonists"[MESH] OR
"angiotensin-converting enzyme
controlled trial, All 1/2001 –
inhibitors"[MESH]) OR "Adrenergic Adult: 19+ years 3/2003
alpha-Antagonists"[MESH]) OR
English, Human
"calcium channel blockers"[MESH])
OR "Diuretics"[All Fields])
No terms used - searched list of
systematic reviews by Cochrane
Systematic reviews 7/15/05
Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders
No terms used - searched book by
(Volume 13, Endocrine Disorders
June 2005)
Systematic reviews
and RCTs
Evidence Tables
Summary of New Evidence - 2005 Search
ACE Inhibitors vs. Diuretics for Initial Treatment of Hypertension in Diabetes RCT
ARBs vs. Beta-Blockers for Initial Treatment of Hypertension in Diabetes RCT
Effect of Antihypertensive Agents vs. Placebo on the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Type 1
and 2 Diabetes Meta-Analysis
Note: Comparisons that are not stated in the results column were not disclosed by the author.
Effect of Antihypertensive Agents vs. Placebo on the Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular
Disease in Type 1 and 2 Diabetes Meta-Analysis
Note: Comparisons that are not stated in the results column were not disclosed by the author.
Effect of Antihypertensive Agents vs. Placebo on the Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Type 1
and 2 Diabetes Meta-Analysis
Note: Comparisons that are not stated in the results column were not disclosed by the author.
ACE Inhibitors vs. CCB for Initial Treatment of Hypertension in Type 2 Diabetes Meta-Analysis
ACE Inhibitors vs. Diuretics vs. Beta-Blockers (plus Diuretics if necessary) for Initial Treatment of Hypertension
in Diabetes (CAPPP) Summary of a Meta-Analysis from Clinical Evidence
Note: Comparisons that are not
stated in the results column were not disclosed by the author.
ACE Inhibitors vs. Beta-Blockers for Initial Treatment of Hypertension in Type 2 Diabetes (UKPDS 39) Summary
of a Meta-Analysis from Clinical Evidence
ACE Inhibitor vs. Angiotensin II Blockers in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes, Hypertension, and Nephropathy
Summary of a RCT
Note: Comparisons that are not stated in the results column were not disclosed by the author.
Placebo vs. Angiotensin II Blockers in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension, and Nephropathy (RENAAL)
Summary of a RCT
Note: Comparisons that are not stated in the results column were not disclosed by the author.
Placebo vs. Angiotensin II Blockers in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension, and Nephropathy (IRMA-II)
Summary of a RCT
Note: Comparisons that are not stated in the results column were not disclosed by the author.
Calcium Channel Blocker vs. Angiotensin II Blockers in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension, and
Nephropathy (IDNT) Summary of a RCT
ACE Inhibitor vs. ARB for Type 1 and 2 Diabetes, Hypertension, and Nephropathy (CALM) Summary of a RCT
Note: Comparisons that are not stated in the results column were not disclosed by the author.
Effects of ACE Inhibitor on Mixed Primary and Secondary Prevention of CV Outcomes in People with Diabetes
(HOPE study) Summary of a RCT
Target Blood Pressure for Type 1 and 2 Diabetes Summary of a Meta-Analysis from Clinical Evidence
Drug Therapy for Microalbuminuria in Normotensive Patients
Problem Formulation
Search Strategy
Studies reviewed included only systematic reviews and randomized, controlled trials. Because
searches on this topic were conducted previously, updates to those searches were performed.
Search Terms:
"Diabetes Mellitus"[MeSH]
("diabetes mellitus"[MeSH
Terms] OR ("diabetes"[All
Fields] AND "mellitus"[All
Fields]) OR "diabetes
mellitus"[All Fields]) AND
(("2007/08/08"[EDAT] :
"2009/09/04"[EDAT]) AND
"humans"[MeSH Terms] AND
English[lang] AND MetaAnalysis[ptyp] AND
"adult"[MeSH Terms])
("diabetes mellitus"[MeSH
Article Type and
Other Limits:
Meta-analysis, All
Adult: 19+ years,
English, Human
07/2008 0/65
08/31/07 - 2/5
No. Included
/ Total
Terms] OR ("diabetes"[All
Fields] AND "mellitus"[All
Fields]) OR "diabetes
mellitus"[All Fields] OR
"diabetes"[All Fields] OR
"diabetes insipidus"[MeSH
Terms] OR ("diabetes"[All
Fields] AND "insipidus"[All
Fields]) OR "diabetes
insipidus"[All Fields]) AND
microalbuminuria[All Fields]
AND normotensive[All Fields]
AND (("2007/08/31"[EDAT] :
"2009/09/04"[EDAT]) AND
"humans"[MeSH Terms] AND
English[lang] AND Randomized
Controlled Trial[ptyp] AND
"adult"[MeSH Terms])
"Diabetic Nephropathies/drug
therapy"[MeSH] OR
No terms used - searched list of
systematic reviews by Cochrane
Metabolic and Endocrine
Disorders Group
controlled trial, All 09/4/09
Adult: 19+ years,
controlled trial, All 08/31/07 1/36
Adult: 19+ years,
Systematic reviews
(Volume 13,
June 2005)
Search Terms:
Article Type and
Other Limits:
No terms used - searched book
section Endocrine and Metabolic Systematic reviews
Disorders, Conditions: Diabetes, and RCTs
Pregnancy and Childbirth
Meta-analysis, All
"Diabetes Mellitus"[MeSH]
Adult: 19+ years,
English, Human
"Diabetic Nephropathies/drug
therapy"[MeSH] OR
controlled trial, All
Adult: 19+ years,
"Diabetic Nephropathies/drug
therapy"[MeSH] AND
"Albuminuria/drug therapy"
controlled trial, All
[MeSH] AND "AngiotensinAdult: 19+ years
Converting Enzyme
English, Human
Inhibitors"[MeSH] AND
No terms used - searched list of
systematic reviews by Cochrane
Systematic reviews
Metabolic and Endocrine
Disorders Group
1965 –
1965 –
1965 –
No terms used - searched book by Systematic reviews
Endocrine Disorders
and RCTs
Evidence Tables
Summary of Meta-Analysis from the Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews
No. Included
/ Total
Note: Comparisons that are not stated in the results column were not disclosed by the author.
Summary of a Meta-Analysis Published in Annals of Internal Medicine
Use of ACE Inhibitors in Non-Hypertensive Type 1 Diabetes with
Note: Comparisons that are not stated in the results column were not disclosed by the author.
Summary of 2009 Evidence
Lipid Management: Drug Therapy
Problem Formulation
Lipid Management: LDL Goals
Problem Formulation
Search Strategy
Studies reviewed included only systematic reviews and randomized, controlled trials. Because
searches on this topic were conducted previously, updates to those searches were performed.
Article type and Time
((("hyperlipidemia"[Mesh terms]
1/1/66 –
Meta-analysis, All
OR "dyslipidemia"[tw]) OR
Adult: 19+ years,
"hypercholesterolemia"[tw]) AND
6/4/02 –
English, Human
(((((((((((((((((((("drug therapy"[All
Fields] OR "medicine"[Mesh terms])
1/1/66 –
OR "anticholesteremic
agents"[Mesh terms]) OR
"lovastatin"[Mesh terms]) OR
"simvastatin"[Mesh terms]) OR
"pravastatin"[mesh terms]) OR
"atorvastatin"[text]) OR
"fluvastatin"[text]) OR
"gemfibrozil"[mesh terms]) OR
Controlled Trial,
"Fibric Acid Derivatives"[text]) OR
All Adult: 19+
"Fibrates"[text]) OR
7/16/02 –
years English,
"cholestyramine" [mesh terms]) OR
"Colestipol"[mesh terms]) OR "Bile
Acid Sequestrants"[text]) OR
"Resins"[text]) OR "niacin"[mesh
terms]) OR "Nicotinic Acid"[text])
AND "meta- analysis"[pt]) AND
"human"[mesh terms]) AND
"adult"[mesh terms]) AND
"Diabetes Mellitus"[mesh]))
((("hyperlipidemia"[Mesh terms]
7/20/00 –
Meta-analysis, All
OR "dyslipidemia"[tw]) OR
Adult: 19+ years,
"hypercholesterolemia"[tw]) AND
2/20/04 –
English, Human
((((((((((((((((((("drug therapy"[All
Fields] OR "medicine"[Mesh terms])
7/20/00 –
OR "anticholesteremic
agents"[Mesh terms]) OR
"lovastatin"[Mesh terms]) OR
"simvastatin"[Mesh terms]) OR
"pravastatin"[mesh terms]) OR
Controlled Trial,
"atorvastatin"[text]) OR
All Adult: 19+
2/20/04 –
"fluvastatin"[text]) OR
years English,
"gemfibrozil"[mesh terms]) OR
"Fibric Acid Derivatives"[text])OR
"Fibrates"[text]) OR
"cholestyramine"[mesh terms]) OR
"Colestipol"[mesh terms]) OR "Bile
Included /
Acid Sequestrants"[text]) OR
"Resins"[mesh terms]) OR
"niacin"[mesh terms]) OR
"Nicotinic Acid"[text]) AND "metaanalysis"[pt]) AND "human"[mesh
terms]) AND "adult"[mesh terms]))
Article type and
No. Included
Time Frame:
/ Total
“(Drug OR statin OR fibrate OR
None applied 0/10
niacin OR colestipol OR
cholestyramine) AND
(hyperlipidemia OR dyslipidemia reviews
OR hypercholesterolemia) AND
drug AND ( primary prevention
None applied 0/4
OR secondary prevention) AND Systematic
(hyperlipidemia OR dyslipidemia reviews
OR hypercholesterolemia)”
“diabetes AND (statin OR fibrate
OR niacin OR colestipol OR
reviews and
cholestyramine)” via on-line
4/6/04; 5/1/06
search field
Note: – Initial studies reviewed included only systematic reviews and meta-analyses from
Evidence, Cochrane, and PubMed. The PubMed searches for RCTs were conducted to update the
systematic reviews found in Clinical Evidence and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
(3rd quarter, 2002).
Intermediate health outcome trials such as REVERSAL and trials involving rosuvastatin,
which have demonstrated reductions in LDL-C, have been excluded because they did not
measure direct health outcomes. Only studies where direct health outcomes were
evaluated have been included.
One study, CARDS (Colhoun et al., 2004),(70) was published after the search and was
included in the review of evidence.
Evidence Tables
Lipid-Lowering Drugs for Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Events
Lipid-Lowering Drugs for Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Events Meta- Analysis from Clinical Evidence
Note: Comparisons that are not stated in the results column were not disclosed by the author.
Lipid-Lowering Drugs for Prevention of Cardiovascular Events RCT
Summary of Randomized, Controlled Trials of Lipid-Lowering Pharmacotherapy in Subjects with Diabetes
Treatment Strategy for Lipid Lowering in People with Diabetes Mellitus (Primary Prevention) (adapted from CMI
Diabetes Guideline 2002)
Treatment Strategy for Lipid Lowering in People with Diabetes Mellitus (Secondary Prevention) (adapted from
CMI Diabetes Guideline 2002)
Drug Therapy for Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular
Events in the General Diabetes Population
ACE Inhibitor Therapy for Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
Problem Formulation
Aspirin Therapy in Diabetes for Prevention of CVD
Problem Formulation
Beta-Blocker Therapy for Secondary Prevention of CVD
Problem Formulation
Should all patients with prior cardiovascular events be on betablockers?
To assist primary care physicians and other health care
professionals in the use beta-blockers for secondary prevention
Intended Use of the Guideline:
of cardiovascular events in people with diabetes.
All adults with type 1 and 2 diabetes with and without a
documented CV event
Diabetes and the risk of cardiovascular events
Health Problem:
• Beta-blockers
Health Intervention:
• No treatment
KP physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses,
and pharmacists
Outpatient office visit
Most Important Health Outcomes
• Mortality Clinical Question:
Associated with the Intervention:
Side Effects of the Intervention:
Fatal or non-fatal MI
Weight gain
Glucose Control
Problem Formulation
Clinical Question:
Intended Use of the Guideline:
Health Problem:
Health Intervention:
Most Important Health Outcomes
Associated with the Intervention:
Should a multifactorial approach to decreasing
cardiovascular disease with simultaneous treatment of risk
factors be used in patients with diabetes?
To assist primary care physicians and other health care
professionals in counseling and treating patients with type
1 and 2 diabetes
Adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes
Diabetes and the risk of cardiovascular events
• Intensive therapy aimed at multiple risk factors
• Conventional therapy
KP physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners,
nurses, and pharmacists
Outpatient office visit
• Cardiovascular events
• Mortality
• Nephropathy
• Retinopathy
• Autonomic Neuropathy
Search Strategy
Studies reviewed included only systematic reviews and randomized, controlled trials. Because
searches on this topic were conducted previously, updates to those searches were performed.
"Cardiovascular Diseases
/prevention and control"
[MeSH] AND "Diabetes
"Cardiovascular Diseases
/prevention and control"
[MeSH] AND "Diabetes
Article type and
No. Included
/ Total
Meta-analysis, All
Adult: 19+ years,
English, Human
1/2001 –
controlled trial, All
Adult: 19+ years
English, Human
1/2001 –
Meta-analysis, All
"Diabetes Mellitus"[MeSH] Adult: 19+ years,
English, Human
((((("Diabetes Mellitus
therapy"[MESH] AND "Heart controlled trial, All
Diseases/prevention and
Adult: 19+ years
English, Human
No terms used - searched list
of systematic reviews by
Systematic reviews
Cochrane Metabolic and
Endocrine Disorders Group
Evidence (V No terms used - searched book Systematic reviews
olume 13,
by Endocrine Disorders
and RCTs
June 2005)
1965 –
1965 –
Evidence Tables
Summary of New Evidence- 2005 Search
Effect of ACE Inhibitors on Mixed Primary and Secondary Prevention of CV Outcomes in People with Diabetes
(HOPE study) Summary of a RCT
Note: Comparisons that are not stated in the results column were not disclosed by the author.
Effect of Aspirin on Cardiovascular Disease in Type 1 & 2 Diabetes (Primary & Secondary Prevention)
Note: Comparisons that are not stated in the results column were not disclosed by the author.
Effects of Beta-Blockers on Secondary Prevention of CV Outcomes in People with Non-Insulin-Dependent
Diabetes Summary of a RCT
Note: Comparisons that are not stated in the results column were not disclosed by the author.
Drug Therapy for Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Events in the General Diabetes
Population RCT
Management of Blood Glucose
Problem Formulation
Initial Drug Therapy for Glucose Lowering in Type 2 Diabetes
Problem Formulation
Step Therapy for Glucose Control
Problem Formulation
Glycemic Control Target
Problem Formulation
Microalbumin Assessments for Patients with Documented
Microalbuminuria on ACEIor ARBs
Problem Formulation
Search Strategy
Studies reviewed included only systematic reviews and randomized, controlled trials. Because
searches on this topic were conducted previously, updates to those searches were performed.
Article Type Search
and Other Date
Search Terms:
No. Included
“Diabetes Mellitus”[MESH]
("diabetes mellitus"[MeSH Terms] OR
("diabetes"[All Fields] AND
Meta"mellitus"[All Fields]) OR "diabetes
analysis, All
mellitus"[All Fields]) AND
Adult: 19+
(("2007/08/08"[EDAT] :
"2009/09/04"[EDAT]) AND
"humans"[MeSH Terms] AND
English[lang] AND Meta-Analysis[ptyp]
AND "adult"[MeSH Terms])
glycemic control AND diabetes AND
optimal hemoglobin a1c target
(glycemic[All Fields] AND ("prevention
and control"[Subheading] OR
("prevention"[All Fields] AND
"control"[All Fields]) OR "prevention
and control"[All Fields] OR
"control"[All Fields] OR "control
groups"[MeSH Terms] OR
("control"[All Fields] AND "groups"[All
Fields]) OR "control groups"[All
Fields])) AND ("diabetes
mellitus"[MeSH Terms] OR
("diabetes"[All Fields] AND
All Adult:
"mellitus"[All Fields]) OR "diabetes
19+ years,
mellitus"[All Fields] OR "diabetes"[All English,
Fields] OR "diabetes insipidus"[MeSH Human
Terms] OR ("diabetes"[All Fields] AND
"insipidus"[All Fields]) OR "diabetes
insipidus"[All Fields]) AND
(optimal[All Fields] AND ("hemoglobin
a, glycosylated"[MeSH Terms] OR
"glycosylated hemoglobin a"[All Fields]
OR ("hemoglobin"[All Fields] AND
"a1c"[All Fields]) OR "hemoglobin
a1c"[All Fields]) AND target[All
Fields]) AND (("2007/08/01"[EDAT] :
"2009/09/15"[EDAT]) AND
"humans"[MeSH Terms] AND English[l
ang] AND "adult"[MeSH Terms])
/ Total
8/08/07 09/4/09
8/01/07 09/15/09
Database: Search Terms:
(HbA1c OR hemoglobin A1c) AND diabetes
(("hemoglobin a, glycosylated"[MeSH Terms]
OR "glycosylated hemoglobin a"[All Fields]
OR "HbA1c"[All Fields]) OR ("hemoglobin a,
glycosylated"[MeSH Terms] OR "glycosylated
hemoglobin a"[All Fields] OR
("hemoglobin"[All Fields] AND "a1c"[All
Fields]) OR "hemoglobin a1c"[All Fields]))
AND ("diabetes mellitus"[MeSH Terms] OR
("diabetes"[All Fields] AND "mellitus"[All
Fields]) OR "diabetes mellitus"[All Fields] OR
"diabetes"[All Fields] OR "diabetes
insipidus"[MeSH Terms] OR ("diabetes"[All
Fields] AND "insipidus"[All Fields]) OR
"diabetes insipidus"[All Fields]) AND
(("2007/08/01"[EDAT] : "2009/09/15"[EDAT])
AND "humans"[MeSH Terms] AND
English[lang] AND Meta-Analysis[ptyp] AND
"adult"[MeSH Terms])
(HbA1c OR hemoglobin A1c) AND diabetes
(("hemoglobin a, glycosylated"[MeSH Terms] OR
"glycosylated hemoglobin a"[All Fields] OR
"HbA1c"[All Fields]) OR ("hemoglobin a,
glycosylated"[MeSH Terms] OR "glycosylated
hemoglobin a"[All Fields] OR ("hemoglobin"[All
Fields] AND "a1c"[All Fields]) OR "hemoglobin
a1c"[All Fields])) AND ("diabetes mellitus"[MeSH
Terms] OR ("diabetes"[All Fields] AND
"mellitus"[All Fields]) OR "diabetes mellitus"[All
Fields] OR "diabetes"[All Fields] OR "diabetes
insipidus"[MeSH Terms] OR ("diabetes"[All Fields]
AND "insipidus"[All Fields]) OR "diabetes
insipidus"[All Fields]) AND (("2007/08/01"
[EDAT] : "2009/09/15"[EDAT]) AND
"humans"[MeSH Terms] AND English[lang] AND
Randomized Controlled Trial[ptyp] AND
Type and
Included /
All Adult:
19+ years,
RCT, All
Adult: 19+
"adult"[MeSH Terms])
Article Type
and Other
Search Terms:
(intensive[All Fields] AND
("glucose"[MeSH Terms] OR
"glucose"[All Fields]) AND target[All
Fields]) AND ("diabetes
mellitus"[MeSH Terms] OR
("diabetes"[All Fields] AND
"mellitus"[All Fields]) OR "diabetes
RCT, All
mellitus"[All Fields] OR "diabetes"[All
Adult: 19+
Fields] OR "diabetes insipidus"[MeSH
Terms] OR ("diabetes"[All Fields] AND
"insipidus"[All Fields]) OR "diabetes
insipidus"[All Fields]) AND
(("2007/08/01"[EDAT] :
"2009/09/15"[EDAT]) AND
"humans"[MeSH Terms] AND
English[lang] AND Randomized
Controlled Trial[ptyp] AND
"adult"[MeSH Terms])
(target[All Fields] OR optimal[All
Fields]) AND (("hemoglobin a,
glycosylated"[MeSH Terms] OR
"glycosylated hemoglobin a"[All Fields]
OR "HbA1c"[All Fields]) OR
("hemoglobin a, glycosylated"[MeSH
Terms] OR "glycosylated hemoglobin
a"[All Fields] OR ("hemoglobin"[All
Fields] AND "a1c"[All Fields]) OR
"hemoglobin a1c"[All Fields])) AND
RCT, All
("diabetes mellitus"[MeSH Terms] OR Adult: 19+
("diabetes"[All Fields] AND
"mellitus"[All Fields]) OR "diabetes
mellitus"[All Fields] OR "diabetes"[All Human
Fields] OR "diabetes insipidus"[MeSH
Terms] OR ("diabetes"[All Fields] AND
"insipidus"[All Fields]) OR "diabetes
insipidus"[All Fields]) AND
(("2007/08/01" [EDAT] :
"2009/09/15"[EDAT]) AND
"humans"[MeSH Terms] AND
English[lang] AND Randomized
Controlled Trial[ptyp] AND
No. Included
/ Total
"adult"[MeSH Terms]) AND
(("2007/08/01"[EDAT] : "2009/09/15"
[EDAT]) AND "humans"[MeSH Terms]
AND English[lang] AND Randomized
Controlled Trial[ptyp] AND
"adult"[MeSH Terms])
Article Type
and Other
Included /
(target[All Fields] OR optimal[All Fields])
AND (("hemoglobin a, glycosylated"[MeSH
Terms] OR "glycosylated hemoglobin a"[All
Fields] OR "HbA1c"[All Fields]) OR
("hemoglobin a, glycosylated"[MeSH Terms]
OR "glycosylated hemoglobin a"[All Fields]
OR ("hemoglobin"[All Fields] AND
"a1c"[All Fields]) OR "hemoglobin a1c"[All
Fields])) AND ("diabetes mellitus"[MeSH
Terms] OR ("diabetes"[All Fields] AND
"mellitus"[All Fields]) OR "diabetes
mellitus"[All Fields] OR "diabetes"[All
Fields] OR "diabetes insipidus"[MeSH
Terms] OR ("diabetes"[All Fields] AND
"insipidus"[All Fields]) OR "diabetes
insipidus"[All Fields]) AND
(("2007/08/01"[EDAT] :
"2009/09/15"[EDAT]) AND
"humans"[MeSH Terms] AND English[lang]
AND Randomized Controlled Trial[ptyp]
AND "adult"[MeSH Terms]) AND
(("2007/08/01"[EDAT] :
"2009/09/15"[EDAT]) AND
"humans"[MeSH Terms] AND English[lang]
AND Meta-Analysis[ptyp]] AND
"adult"[MeSH Terms])
Metaanalysis, All
Adult: 19+
No terms used - searched list of systematic
reviews by Cochrane Metabolic and
Endocrine Disorders Group
reviews and
Database: Search Terms:
No terms used - searched book section
Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders,
Conditions: Diabetes, Pregnancy and
Metaanalysis, All
Adult: 19+
"Diabetes Mellitus"[MeSH]
Article Type
and Other
Database: Search Terms:
Included /
"Diabetes Mellitus"[MeSH] AND ("Blood
Glucose"[MeSH] OR "Blood Glucose/drug
effects"[MeSH]) AND ("Insulin"[Mesh]
OR "Metformin"[Mesh] OR "Sulfonylurea
Compounds"[Mesh] OR
"Thiazolidinediones"[Mesh] OR
"pioglitazone "[Substance Name] OR
"rosiglitazone "[Substance Name])
"Diabetes Mellitus"[MeSH] AND ("Blood controlled trial,
8/01/03 –
Glucose"[MeSH] OR "Blood Glucose/drug All Adult: 19+
years English,
(((((("Diabetes Mellitus"[MESH] AND
("blood glucose/drug effects"[MESH] OR
"Hemoglobin A, Glycosylated"[MESH]))
AND ((("metformin" [MeSH Terms] AND
"insulin"[MeSH Terms]) OR
("metformin"[MeSH Terms] AND
"Sulfonylurea Compounds" [MESH])) OR
("metformin"[MeSH Terms] AND
pioglitazones[All Fields]))) AND
Randomized, controlled trial[ptyp]) AND
English[Lang]) AND "adult"[MeSH
Terms]) AND "human"[MeSH Terms])
(((((("Diabetes Mellitus"[MESH] AND
("blood glucose/drug effects"[MESH] OR
"Hemoglobin A, Glycosylated" [MESH]))
AND ((("metformin"[MeSH Terms] AND
"insulin"[MeSH Terms]) OR
("metformin"[MeSH Terms] AND
"Sulfonylurea Compounds"[MESH])) OR
controlled trial,
Meta- analysis, 7/2005 –
All Adult: 19+ 7/28/2007
years English,
controlled trial,
1/2001 –
All Adult: 19+
years English,
controlled trial,
Adult, English,
("metformin"[MeSH Terms] AND
pioglitazones[All Fields]))) AND
Randomized, controlled trial[ptyp]) AND
English[Lang]) AND "adult"[MeSH
Terms]) AND "human"[MeSH Terms])
Search Terms:
Article Type
and Other
No terms used - searched list of
systematic reviews by Cochrane
Metabolic and Endocrine
Disorders Group
Clinical Evidence
No terms used - searched book by
(V olume 13, June
reviews and
Endocrine Disorders
No. Included /
7/15/05 0/47
7/15/05 6/18
Evidence Tables
Effect of intensive (near normal) glucose control or conventional glucose control (systematic review)
First-Line Therapy (systematic reviews)
Second-Line Therapy (Randomized Open-Label Trial)
Systematic Reviews- 2005 Search
onventional vs. Intensive Blood Glucose Lowering Therapy in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes on Microvascular and
Neuropathic Complications
Summary of Meta-Analysis from Clinical Evidence
Note: Comparisons that are not stated in the results column were not disclosed by the author.
Conventional vs. Intensive Blood Glucose Lowering Therapy in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes on Cardiovascular
Summary of Meta-Analysis from Clinical Evidence
Effect of Blood Glucose Control on Cardiovascular Disease in Diabetics (Primary Prevention)
Summary of a Meta-Analysis from Clinical Evidence
Effect of Blood Glucose Control on Cardiovascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetes (Secondary Prevention-VA study)
Summary of RCTs Included in Clinical Evidence
Note: Comparisons that are not
stated in the results column were not disclosed by the author.
Adverse Effects of Conventional vs. Intensive Blood Glucose Lowering Therapy in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Summary of Meta-Analysis from Clinical Evidence
Note: Comparisons that are not stated in the results column were not disclosed by the author.
Glycemic Control Target in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Summary of Meta-Analysis from Clinical Evidence
Note: Comparisons that are not stated in the results column were not disclosed by the author.
Summary of 2009 Search
Monitoring Microalbumin in Patients with Documented Microalbuminuria
Problem Formulation
Should repeat microalbumin measures be performed on patients with
diabetes and documented microalbuminuria who are on an ACE
To assist primary care physicians and other health care professionals
Intended Use of the
in understanding on whom and when to repeat microalbumin
Adults with type 1 and 2 diabetes with documented microalbuminuria
who are on an ACE inhibitor
Microalbuminuria (risk of end-stage renal disease - ESRD)
Health Problem:
• Repeat measurement of microalbumin levels
Health Intervention:
• No monitoring
KP physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists,
RNs, registered dieticians, and health educators
Outpatient office visit
• ESRD Most Important Health
Outcomes Associated
• Cardiovascular events
with the Intervention:
• Dialysis
• Inconvenience Side Effects of the
• Anxiety due to the test
• Inaccurate test results
Intermediate Outcomes
• Albuminuria
Clinical Question:
Search Strategy
Studies reviewed included only systematic reviews and randomized, controlled. Because
searches on this topic were conducted previously, updates to those searches were performed.
Article type and
Database: Terms:
Meta-analysis, All 1965 –
Adult: 19+ years, 08/2007
English, Human
"Diabetes Mellitus"[MeSH]
Included /
"Diabetic Nephropathies /drug
therapy"[MeSH] AND
"Albuminuria/drug therapy"[MeSH]
controlled trial,
All Adult: 19+
years English,
8/01/03 –
"Diabetic Nephropathies /drug
therapy"[MeSH] AND
"Albuminuria/drug therapy"[MeSH]
controlled trial,
All Adult: 19+
years English,
"Diabetic Nephropathies /drug
therapy"[MeSH] AND
"Albuminuria/drug therapy"[MeSH]
AND "Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme
Inhibitors" [MeSH] AND
controlled trial,
All Adult: 19+
years English,
reviews and RCTs
Retinal Screening
Problem Formulation
Clinical Question:
Intended Use of the
Health Problem:
Health Intervention:
Is there evidence to suggest a screening interval for diabetes patients,
with or without documented background retinopathy?
To assist primary care physicians and other health care professionals
on who, when, and how to screen for diabetic retinopathy
Adults with type 1 and 2 diabetes
Diabetic retinopathy
• Retinal screening
Most Important Health
Outcomes Associated
with the Intervention:
Side Effects of the
• No intervention
KP physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists,
health educators, registered dieticians, and RNs
Outpatient office visit
Retinopathy Macular edema
Anxiety Inconvenience Inaccurate test results
Search Strategy
Search Strategy
Studies reviewed included only systematic reviews and randomized, controlled trials. Because
searches on this topic were conducted previously, updates to those searches were performed.
Article type and
No. Included
/ Total
"Diabetes Mellitus"[MeSH]
Meta-analysis, All
Adult: 19+ years,
English, Human
1965 –
"Mass Screening"[MeSH] AND controlled trial, All
"diabetic retinopathy" [MeSH] Adult: 19+ years
English, Human
1965 –
No terms used - searched list of
systematic reviews by Cochrane
Systematic reviews
Metabolic and Endocrine
Disorders Group
Evidence (V
No terms used - searched book
olume 13, June by Endocrine Disorders
Systematic reviews
and RCTs
Evidence Tables
Retinal Screening in Younger People with Diabetes who Use Insulin Summary of a Prospective Cohort Study
Retinal Screening in Older Patients with Diabetes Who Use and Do Not Use Insulin
Summary of a Prospective Cohort Study
Retinal Screening in Patients with Type 1 and 2 Diabetes Older and Younger than Age 30 Summary of a
Prospective Cohort Study
Foot Screening
Problem Formulation
Can patients at a high risk for foot disease be identified?
To assist primary care physicians and other health care
professionals on who, when, and how regarding foot
Intended Use of the Guideline:
monitoring for people with diabetes
Adults with type 1 and 2 diabetes
Amputation and foot ulcers in diabetes
Health Problem:
Foot screening with monofilament No screening
Health Intervention:
KP physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners,
pharmacists, health educators, registered dieticians, and RNs
Outpatient office visit
• Plantar ulcerations
Most Important Health Outcomes
Associated with the Intervention:
• Amputations
• Anxiety Side Effects of the Intervention:
• Inaccurate test result
Clinical Question:
Frequency of Foot Screening
Problem Formulation
Do programs that target patients at a high risk for foot
disease decrease amputations or ulcers?
To assist primary care physicians and other health care
professionals on who, when, and how regarding foot
Intended Use of the Guideline:
monitoring for people with diabetes
Adults with type 1 and 2 diabetes
Amputation and foot ulcers in diabetes
Health Problem:
Population based program targeting high-risk people with
Health Intervention:
diabetes No screening
KP physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners,
pharmacists, health educators, registered dieticians, and
Outpatient office visit
• Plantar ulcerations
Most Important Health Outcomes
Associated with the Intervention:
• Amputations
• Anxiety Side Effects of the Intervention:
• Inaccurate test result
Clinical Question:
Search Strategy
Studies reviewed included only systematic reviews and randomized, controlled trials. Because
searches on this topic were conducted previously, updates to those searches were performed.
(Volume 13,
June 2005)
Article type and
Meta-analysis, All
"Diabetes Mellitus"[MeSH] Adult: 19+ years,
English, Human
"Mass Screening"[MeSH]
controlled trial, All
AND "diabetic foot
Adult: 19+ years
English, Human
No terms used - searched list
of systematic reviews by
Systematic reviews
Cochrane Metabolic and
Endocrine Disorders Group
No terms used - searched
Systematic reviews
book by Endocrine Disorders and RCTs
No. Included
/ Total
1965 –
1965 –
Evidence Tables
Identifying Patients with Diabetes at High-Risk for Lower-Extremity Amputations
Summary of a Cohort Study
Foot Screening and Follow-up Program
Summary of Meta-Analysis from Health Technology Assessment
Prevention of Amputation in Diabetes
Summary of Meta-Analysis from Health Technology Assessment
Self-Management Education
Problem Formulation
Search Strategy
Article type and
Meta-analysis, All
"Diabetes Mellitus" [MeSH] Adult: 19+ years,
English, Human
“Diabetes Mellitus” [MESH] Meta-analysis, All
AND (“Self- Care”[MESH] Adult: 19+ years,
OR “Patient Participation” English, Human
[MESH] OR “Patient
Randomized, controlled
trial, All Adult: 19+
No. Included /
1965 –
1965 –
1965 –
years English, Human
Meta-analysis, All
“Diabetes Mellitus” [MESH] Adult: 19+ years,
AND (“Self- Care”[MESH] English, Human
OR “Attitude to Health”
Randomized, controlled
trial, All Adult: 19+
years English, Human
No terms used - searched list
of systematic reviews by
Systematic reviews
Cochrane Metabolic and
Endocrine Disorders Group
No terms used - searched
Evidence (V
book by Endocrine
olume 13,
June 2005)
1965 –
1965 –
Systematic reviews and
Evidence Table
Diabetes Self-Management Education
Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Problem Formulation
Should patients with diabetes self-monitor their blood
To assist primary care physicians and other health care
professionals in counseling and treating all adults with
Intended Use of the Guideline:
type 1 and 2 diabetes.
All adults with type 1 and 2 diabetes
Health Problem:
• Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose
• Self-Monitoring of Urine Health Intervention:
• No treatment
• Interventions were compared with each other, not
in combination.
KP physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners,
pharmacists, RNs, registered dieticians, and health
Outpatient office visit
• Improved quality of life Most Important Health Outcomes
Associated with the Intervention:
• Decreased intermediate outcomes: HbA1c/GHb
• Decreased Quality of Life Side Effects of the Intervention:
• Increased intermediate outcomes:
hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia
Clinical Question:
* This problem formulation was originally two separate problem formulations, one for type 1 and the other
for type 2. In the 2010 iteration of this guideline they were combined into one problem formulation.
Search Strategy
Studies reviewed included only systematic reviews and randomized, controlled trials. Because
searches on this topic were conducted previously, updates to those searches were performed.
Article type and
Included /
Time Frame:
Meta-analysis, All
1965 –
Adult: 19+ years,
English, Human
"Diabetes Mellitus"[MeSH]
Diabetes mellitus[Text Word])
AND ((("self- care"[MeSH
Terms] OR self-care[Text
Word]) OR ("blood glucose
self-monitoring"[MeSH Terms]
OR blood glucose selfRandomized,
monitoring[Text Word])) OR
controlled trial,
("patient compliance"[MeSH
All Adult: 19+
Terms] OR patient
years English,
compliance[Text Word]))) AND
(((("glucose"[MeSH Terms] OR
glucose[Text Word]) AND
(("blood"[Subheading] OR
"blood"[MeSH Terms]) OR
blood[Text Word])) AND
levels[All Fields]) OR
("urinalysis"[MeSH Terms] OR
urinalysis[Text Word])))
No terms used - searched list of
systematic reviews by Cochrane Systematic
Metabolic and Endocrine
Disorders Group
(Volume 13,
June 2005)
No terms used - searched book Systematic
by Endocrine Disorders
reviews and RCTs
1/2001 –
Self-Titration of Insulin
Problem Formulation
Clinical Question:
Does self-titration of insulin lead to an improvement in diabetes outcomes,
including A1c control?
To assist primary care physicians and other health care
professionals in counseling and treating all adults with type 1
Intended Use of the Guideline:
or 2 diabetes.
All adults with type 1 or 2 diabetes
Health Problem:
• Self-managed, algorithm-driven titration of insulin
Health Intervention:
• Physician-managed, algorithm-driven titration of
insulin dosage
KP physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners,
pharmacists, RNs, registered dieticians, and health educators
Outpatient office visit
• Quality of life Most Important Health Outcomes
Associated with the Intervention:
• Intermediate outcomes: HbA1c/GHb
• Quality of life Side Effects of the Intervention:
• Increased intermediate outcomes:
hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia
Search Strategy
Studies reviewed included only systematic reviews and randomized, controlled trials.
Article type and
"Diabetes Mellitus"[MeSH
Terms] AND “SelfCare”[MeSH Terms]
Meta-analysis, All
Adult: 19+ years,
English, Human
"Diabetes Mellitus"[MeSH]
controlled trial, All
AND “Self-Care”[MeSH
Adult: 19+ years
English, Human
Included /
Time Frame:
1966 –
1966 –
Evidence Table
Effect of Self-Titration of Medication on HbA1c (randomized open-label
Note: Comparisons that are not stated in the results column were not disclosed by the author.
Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Type 2 Diabetes
Summary of Meta-Analysis from Health Technology Assessment
Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Type 1 Diabetes
Summary of Meta-Analysis from Health Technology Assessment
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