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Unit 3: Living Systems- Cell Reproduction
Part I- Introduction Reading: skim the paragraphs and write down what you think the
bold words mean.
Some organisms look and act exactly like their parent. Others share many similar traits, but they are
definitely unique individuals. Some species have two parents, whereas others have just one. How an
organism reproduces determines the amount of similarity the organism will have to its parent.
Reproduction is the process by which organisms give rise to offspring. It is one of the defining
characteristics of living things. There are two basic types of reproduction: asexual reproduction and
sexual reproduction. Each of these processes ensures that the parental generation gives genetic material,
DNA, to its offspring.
The process of cell division is how multicellular organisms grow and repair themselves. It is also how
many organisms produce offspring. For many single-celled organisms, asexual reproduction is a similar
process. The parent cell simply divides to form two daughter cells that are identical to the parent. Asexual
reproduction produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent, whereas sexual
reproduction produces a similar, but genetically unique offspring. In sexual reproduction, meiosis
produces haploid gametes or sex cells (sperm & egg) that fuse during fertilization to produce a diploid
zygote. In other words, a child inherits half of the genetic material from each parent. Take your family for
example. You and your sisters or brothers may resemble your parents, but you are not identical to them.
Instead, each one of you has a unique combination of characteristics inherited from both of your parents.
You and your siblings result then from sexual reproduction.
1. Reproduction:
2. Meiosis:
3. Asexual reproduction:
4. Sexual reproduction:
5. Zygote:
6. Gametes:
Part II Guided Notes and Practice
Number of
Division Process
Resulting Cell
Genetic makeup
of offspring
The three important reasons for cell division are: 1)
, 2)
Meiosis is the process of producing
Reproduction occurs from division of the parent cell without meiosis, gamete formation or
Mitosis is a type of
reproduction that produces offspring that are
parent cell. Mitosis is the type of cell division that is used for
In sexual reproduction, the offspring inherits the characteristics of
to the
Growth (used twice)
Repair (used twice)
Asexual (used twice)
Part IV: Independent Practice- identify each example of reproduction as asexual or sexual.
1. A hen lays a fertilized egg which then hatches.
2. A starfish is cut into three pieces. After a while there are three starfishes in its place.
3. A skin cell divides to replace cells in a cut.
4. Female and male gametes are fused which results in a zygote that then divides to form an organism.
Cell Reproduction Exit Ticket: answer the following questions.
1. What is sexual reproduction?
2. Mitosis is an example of:
a. Cell Division
b. asexual reproduction
c. sexual reproduction
d. a & b
3. What is the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction?
Cell Reproduction Exit Ticket: answer the following questions.
4. What is sexual reproduction?
5. Mitosis is an example of:
b. Cell Division
b. asexual reproduction
c. sexual reproduction
d. a & b
6. What is the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction?
Cell Reproduction Exit Ticket: answer the following questions.
7. What is sexual reproduction?
8. Mitosis is an example of:
c. Cell Division
b. asexual reproduction
c. sexual reproduction
9. What is the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction?
d. a & b