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Science 7
Unit 1
Name: ______________________________
Date: ______________ Period: __________
Sec 3.3
Reinforcing Key Concepts
KEY CONCEPT Both sexual and asexual reproduction involve cell division.
Asexual and Sexual Reproduction
Asexual reproduction involves one parent. Most unicellular organisms and a few multicellular
organisms use asexual reproduction to reproduce. In asexual reproduction, one organism produces one
or more new organisms that are identical to itself and that live independently. Identify and briefly
describe each form of asexual reproduction shown below.
Sexual reproduction involves two parent organisms. The diversity of life on Earth is possible
because of sexual reproduction. Explain why this is so.
Use the following words to answer “What Am I” and “Answer and Question”
cell cycle
asexual reproduction
binary fission
1. Scientists discovered that I am made of two strands of molecules resembling
a twisted ladder or a double helix. What am I? _________________________
2. For each species of organism, the pattern and number of me is the same
every time I am formed. What am I? _________________________
3. After mitosis and my part of the cell cycle, the cell splits in two and becomes two genetically identical
daughter cells. What am I? _________________________
4. I consist of two main phases—one in which the cell lives and carries out its functions and one in which
the cell divides. What am I? _________________________
5. Most unicellular organisms use me as a way to reproduce. What am I? _________________________
6. I am a period of a cell’s life. I used to be called the resting period, but that name was discarded when
scientists realized how much activity takes place during me. What am I? ________________________
7. I am the shortest period in the life cycle of most cells. What am I? _________________________
The answer to each vocabulary word question is given below. On the line, provide the question for each
A: The smallest unit that is able to perform the basic activities of life.
Q: What is a cell?
1. A: The part of the cell cycle during which the nucleus divides.
Q: ________________________________________________________________
2. A: The part of the cell cycle during which a cell is not dividing.
3. A: It results in two completely independent cells, that are genetically identical to the parent cell.
Q: ________________________________________________________________
4. A: The division of the parent cell’s cytoplasm, occurring immediately after mitosis.
Q: ________________________________________________________________
5. A: DNA is compacted into these structures that can be seen with a light microscope.
Q: ________________________________________________________________
6. A: A chemical code that contains information for a cell’s growth and function.
7. A: A process in certain multi-cellular organisms by which special cells can grow new tissue of different
Q: ________________________________________________________________
8. A: The normal sequence of development and division of a cell.
Q: ________________________________________________________________
9. A: This occurs when one organism produces one or more new organisms that are identical to itself and
live independently of it.
Q: ________________________________________________________________