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Asexual and Sexual Reproduction Study Guide:
3.4.2 Student will describe and compare sexual and asexual reproduction.
Reproduction is characteristic of all living systems and is essential to the continuation of
every species as evidenced through observable patterns. A distinction should be made
between organisms that reproduce asexually and those that reproduce sexually. In species
that reproduce sexuallt, including humans and plants, male and female sex cells carrying
genetic information unite to begin the development of a new individual.
Explain the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction (Meiosis and Mitosis)
Compare the advantages and disadvantages between asexual and sexual reproduction.
Asexual, sexual, meiosis, mitosis, interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase,
cytokinesis, budding, sporulation, regeneration, binary fission
1) What process creates offspring identical to the parent? Explain why this happens
Mitosis: Because before cellular division, the cell makes an exact copy of it’s
2) What process creates offspring that is not identical to the parent? Explain why this
happens : Meiosis: Because during meiosis the cell makes one copy of its
chromosomes but divides twice making 4 sex cells with only have half the
chromosomes of the parent cell. When that sex cell combines with another sex
cell it will create an offspring with half the chromosomes of one parent and half
the chromosomes of the other parent
3) What are the advantages of asexual reproduction?
Only needs one parent.
Can reproduce many identical offspring very quickly
Less energy required
4) What are the advantages of sexual reproduction?
Offspring with variation
Allows for adaptation of generations in a changing environment
5) What are the disadvantages of asexual reproduction?
No variations in offspring
All imperfections, flaws, etc… will be passed on to offspring.
Population may go extinct if there is a dramatic change in environment because
they are unable to change or adapt overtime
6) What are the disadvantages of sexual reproduction?
Must have two parents
Reproduction is a slower process.
More energy required
Slower population growth
7) Describe mitosis
Interphase: Cell makes a copy of its chromosomes
Prophase: New Chromosomes form
Metaphase: Line up along the equator
Anaphase: Break up into chromotids
Telophase: Move to opposite ends of the cell
Cytokinesis: Cell pinches together in the middle and divides
8) Describe meiosis:
Chromosome copied cell divides much like mitosis, but then divides again
without making another copy resulting in 4 daughter cells with ½ the
chromosomes of the parent cells. These cells become sex cells and are used in
sexual reproduction resulting in offspring that is unique to both parents as each
parent only contributes ½ the number of chromosomes
9) How many chromosomes does a human cell have? 46
10) Sex cells are produced through what process and how many chromosomes do they
have compared to the parent cell? Meiosis 23
11) Identify and explain the various types of asexual reproduction.
Plantlet: grows along the edge of a leaf falls off and grows into a new plant.
Tuber: Cut off a part plant it in the ground and it grows into a new plant (potato)
Runner: shoots out a stem that attaches to the ground and grows into a new plant.
Regeneration: is a way to grow back a part that is lost for example, a starfish loses a
leg, it will grow back.