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Virtual Field Trip
Carly Lockwood
Discuss the information regarding virtual field trips from the article, “Field-Tripping Goes Virtual”, then surf
the net and select a virtual field trip that supports the social studies curriculum to tour. After you have gone on
your virtual field trip, complete the following information page. Be mindful to save this document onto the
desktop according to the title of your site first. Upon completion, post this completed document to the
appropriate thread in Blackboard.
1. Title, website address, and grade level of your virtual field trip.
Great Wall of China 360° Aerial Panoramas,, and second grade.
2. General summary of what the site entails.
The website is dedicated purely to the Great Wall of China. There is 360° aerial panoramas, pictures, and facts
about the Great Wall that are easily accessible to any user.
3. What VA Standards of Learning AND NCSS standards are met in this virtual field trip?
VA Standards: 2.1 The student will explain how the contributions of ancient China and Egypt have influenced
the present world in terms of architecture, inventions, the calendar, and written language.
2.4 The student will develop map skills by a) locating the United States, China, and Egypt on world maps; b)
understanding the relationship between the environment and the culture of ancient China and Egypt.
NCSS Standards: The study of people, places, and environments enables us to understand the relationship
between human populations and the physical world.
4. How would you rate this site/trip; okay, good, or super? Explain your rating.
I think this website is a good place for students to use in class. The website is set up very basically so that users
do not have a hard time navigating around to get to what you need. The panorama of the Great Wall is the very
first box you can click on, when accessing the website. The website is not extravagant in anyway, but the facts
are useful and the pictures are truly incredible.
5. What was the best component/experience of the site/trip? Explain your response.
I really enjoyed the full panorama of the Great Wall. There are also little icons you can click on to learn more
facts or to get different viewpoints of the Great Wall.
6. What was the weakest component of the site/trip? Explain your response.
If I had to be really picky, I would say that the panoramas move so slowly. I can see kids getting kind of bored
of waiting for the next image to come up, or clicking to another image too fast and miss the full panorama shot.
7. Discuss at least two ways you could use this virtual field trip in your future classroom.
I see myself using this lesson in a second grade classroom. I could use this virtual trip to show students the
architecture of the Great Wall of China, and go into detail about the history of the Great Wall and why and
when it was built. I could also use this trip to talk about the significance and importance of a landmark the
Great Wall of China is, and specifically have students find the Great Wall of China using a map.