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Simply stated, stress is a stimulus perceived by the body
that elicits a response and dependent upon numerous
contextual factors, the outcome of the stimulus-response
exchange may be beneficial or detrimental.
For example, exercise is considered a “positive” form of
stress. As force is applied to the body, it demands an
increase in the body’s normal physiological and
mechanical output. If this is introduced gradually, with a
safe and proper approach, muscular strength,
cardiovascular functioning and flexibility are improved.
“Task” challenges undertaken may also yield positive
results. The practice required to
play a musical instrument or the
intellectual agility associated
with puzzles and brainteasers
develop physical and mental
acuity. The instinctual desire
for an infant to walk and a
child’s love of play promotes a
solid sense of ‘self’ both
physically and mentally.
However, the common use of
stress carries a negative
connotation. The difference
between a positive and a negative outcome is primarily
dependent upon the intensity, duration and/or the
frequency of the stressors involved.
How does the body respond?
Under normal conditions, the body functions in a highly
complex, integrated conglomeration of rhythms:
heartbeats, respiration, digestion, seasonal changes,
monthly cycles, hunger, sleep, work and play. Although
these are the most familiar patterns, there is a diurnal
(daily) rhythm highly critical for the maintenance of our
wellbeing: the production of cortisol and DHEA. This
daily production, via the adrenal glands, acts as the
body’s primary modulator to stress.
In a relatively healthy individual, these compounds have
a predictable, measurable pattern. In response to stress,
the balance of these substrates will shift accordingly. The
resulting change in their ratio will reflect the severity and
chronicity of the individual’s stress response.
A series of chemical reactions involving a part of the
brain known as the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland and
the adrenal glands occur in a feedback loop to control the
necessary amount of cortisol production. When the body
experiences stress, increased cortisol production occurs.
This in turn initiates the necessary glucose production, a
major fuel for energy, via the liver. If the accumulation of
stressors reaches high enough levels in both intensity and
duration, under the influence of cortisol, the body will
then convert protein from muscle tissue or triglycerides
from adipose stores into glucose.
For cortisol to be fully effective,
the body’s physiological
hierarchy is temporarily shifted
to direct its attention towards its’
immediate needs at the expense
of other biological activities
including hunger, the immune
system, sleep and reproduction.
As the stressors subside, cortisol
returns to its’ previous levels and
normal functioning is resumed.
This biochemical adaptation
evolved to handle short-term
If the stressful condition(s) persist and prevents the body
from returning to its’ previous levels, the stress responses
will accumulate and lay the groundwork for eventual
health dysfunctions.
What happens next?
The body will move through three basic stages of stress.
The first phase is the alarm stage. This is comparable to
the aforementioned description of short-term stress,
Initially, cortisol increases, accompanied by the increase
in DHEA levels. If the stimulus persists, DHEA output
gradually declines and shifts the body into the next phase
called the resistance stage, characterized by physical
alterations in organ tissue structure and invariably,
adaptive compromises in function.
Within the resistance phase (stage 2) the variable range of
cortisol/DHEA imbalances is beyond the scope of this
article. However, the effects are easily demonstrated in
asthma, bowel dysfunctions, hypoglycemia, fatigue,
thyroid impairment, and recurring infections.
Stage 3 is adrenal fatigue. The cortisol producing cells are
replaced by fat and hemmorhagic blood vessels that are
visibly noticeable. Daily cortisol output is below normal,
creating serious fatigue, chronic blood sugar instability
and impaired mental functioning i.e. memory, learning
and Alzheimers disease. Verification of this stage,
concurrent with the precipitous drop in cortisol, is
denoted by an increase in the DHEA levels.
The original groundbreaking groundwork in this field, by
Dr. Hans Selye, revealed
that regardless of the
illness, three changes
always occur; adrenal
gland hypertrophy,
atrophy of the thymus
gland and lymphatic
structures (immune
system related) and
gastric ulcerations. As
research progressed and
the mechanism by which
cortisol produced these
changes became clearly
understood, missing
pieces to numerous
illnesses started to fall
into place.
The implications of stress, termed the “neuroendocrine
response”, are one of the major cornerstones to be
considered when evaluating any health condition.
What Are the Stressors?
As stated previously, the neuroendocrine response,
though short term by nature, is an accumulative process
that varies for individuals depending upon their genetic
tendencies, temperament and exposure to numbers,
severity and chronicity of stressors. These stressors are
categorized as:
Trauma, burns and injuries requiring emergency medical
attention evoke an exponentially rapid and large rise in
cortisol. The more common stressors are long-term
endurance training or overtraining, late night exercise,
lack of sleep or poor sleep quality, graveyard shifts, long
work hours, lazy postural habits and poor ergonomic
work facilities.
This is the most familiar category. Our daily
conversations and interactions carry a list of complaints
from work and family to financial and social concerns.
Each specific incident carries a little weight but the
constant influx of numerous influences adds to the total
sense of ‘overwhelm’. Research indicates major life
changes carry an enormous impact with emphasis on
death of a loved one, divorce, moving, job loss, legal
entanglements and financial loss. Careful consideration of
these factors is crucial for an accurate evaluation of any
illness or symptom.
Maintenance of healthy
cortisol levels is
predicated upon the
protein to carbohydrate
ratio each time we eat.
Different experts vary
somewhat about the
relative balance between
the two. Our experience
indicates the more severe
the carbohydrate
intolerance, the greater the
restriction must be when
first making corrections.
As the individual’s cortisol
levels start to return to
normal, we find
individuals can tolerate carbohydrates more efficiently.
However, the consumption of refined carbohydrates is
prohibited. Only complex carbohydrates are permitted,
i.e. whole grains and fruits. Consumption of sugars,
breads, pastas, sodas and fruit juices stimulate an
overproduction of both insulin and the cortisol response
Cortisol has an intimate relationship with insulin. High
levels of cortisol desensitize cell receptivity to insulin.
This mitigates insulin’s ability to transport glucose into
the cell for energy production. The sugar levels in the
blood stay high, but the cells respond as if there is no
sugar available for energy. This leads to fatigue,
depression, and increased carbohydrate cravings.
Consequently, overeating occurs, especially of carbs,
until eventually the cells are satiated. However this leaves
a tremendous amount of excess sugar in the blood that
gets converted to fat. Obesity is the eventual outcome.
If this cycle of low cell sugar, high blood sugar and
subsequent overeating of carbs continues, it may
eventually fatigue the insulin producing cells of the
pancreas and insulin synthesis may come to a halt as in
diabetes. But before we reach diabetes, other organic
dysfunctions may manifest such as cardiovascular
disease, arthritis, premature aging, and the other
previously mentioned physiological repercussions, i.e.
Be aware of the following common tendencies: trendy
diets, weight loss gimmicks, skipping meals or
minimizing food intake. These all yield to an elevated
cortisol response. Other important chemical influences
are the pollutants from industrial waste or production,
herbicides and pesticides in our food and the side effects
of medication.
carries a heavy
metabolic price
tag. Quite often,
the diagnosis of
chronic illness
ignores the
response and offers
less than optimal
opportunity for
document the
strong influences
of the
response in the
Infectious and autoimmune disease-shut down
conditioning of immune cells
Gastrointestinal illnesses-depletion of intestinal
immune functioning makes the body vulnerable
to asthma, allergies, IBS, colitis, candida,
parasites etc.
Cardiovascular disease-hypertension,
atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease
Hypothyroidism-proper conversion of T4 to T3
is impaired.
Poor wound repair- skin, muscles and tendons
Chronic fatigue
Reproductive dysfunctions-ammenorhea, PMS,
polycystic ovary syndrome
Detoxification problems
Inflammatory conditions
Depression, Alzheimers disease, hyperactive
thought process, poor memory
Sleep disturbances
What to Do
Modification of lifestyle and common sense is always the
best choice. However, certain fundamental changes are
required to strongly offset and correct imbalances
incurred. This includes:
Diet: Eliminate refined foods, sugar foods and drink,
trans-fats and fried foods. Combine proteins, fats and
complex carbohydrates in proper ratio for your specific
Supplementation should be done under the direction of an
experienced practitioner. In a small number of situations,
exogenous cortisol
utilization may be
necessary for a short
time. This must be
carefully scrutinized.
Exercise: Find a
form of aerobic and
anaerobic exercise
conducive to your
needs. With your
aerobic program,
once you reach your
target heart range,
maintain this level
for a minimum of
20-30 minutes. More
than 40-50 minutes
may re-introduce the
stress response. You anaerobic regime should address all
the major body movements, with attention towards
strengthening your core muscles and flexibility.
Behavior: Develop a balance between work and play.
Relaxation may be achieved through meditation,
biofeedback, prayer, breath work, or some time alone.
Developing personal hobbies and creative interests are
beneficial. No smoking!
This is only a beginning point. To truly be able to
accurately address the negative influences of stress on
your body, please consult with a practitioner well-versed
in the field.