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Name ___________________________________________ Date ________________________ Period ____
Homework – Intro to Ancient Greece
World History with Mr. Golden
Directions: Read the passage below and answer the questions in complete sentences.
“We are a democracy because the power to make laws is given
to the many rather than the few. But while the law gives equal
justice to everyone, it has not failed to reward excellence. While
every citizen has an equal opportunity to serve the public, we
reward our most distinguished citizens by asking them to make our
political decisions. Nor do we discriminate against the poor. A
man may serve his country no matter how low his position on the
social scale.
An Athenian citizen does not put his private affairs before the
affairs of the state; even our merchants and businessmen know
something about politics. We alone believe that a man who takes
no interest in public affairs is more than harmless – he is useless.”
Pericles’s Funeral Oration
Athens, 5th Century BCE
1. According to the author, why was Athenian democracy greater than all others? Why would this make a difference?
2. Describe the value that Athenians placed on politics and participation in government?
3. Do you believe that Americans have the same access to the government that is being described in the passage?
Explain your response.
4. Do you think that this idea is reflected today? That is, do you believe that people who don’t vote or participate in
politics are “useless”? Explain your response.