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1 Interim
Unit 1
Read this account of important moments in the history of science. Then answer the questions that
Luck Favors the Prepared
by Maria Malzone
  1 Making a great discovery generally requires hard work, years of study, and experiment after
experiment. However, people sometimes accidentally stumble upon amazing discoveries. Some of the
things we use in everyday life—such as sticky notes, microwaves, and artificial sweeteners—were all
chance discoveries that changed the way we live. The inventor of the sticky note just happened to
stumble on a type of glue that could be reused. The scientist who discovered microwaves wasn’t
looking for them. He was doing experiments with a new type of vacuum tube. Then one day the
chocolate bar in his pocket began to melt, and he realized the machine in front of him could change
the way people cooked. A scientist who was trying to find new uses for coal tar happened by chance
to notice that it tasted sweet, thus discovering the first artificial sweetener.
  2 It is exciting to think that anyone could discover something important, such as sticky notes or
microwave ovens. However, most of the accidental discoveries you hear about required more than just
luck. While the discoverers may have been lucky, they were also prepared. Some of the most famous
“accidental” discoveries were made by scientists who had been working to solve problems for a long
  3 The discovery of penicillin, which is a medicine used to
kill bacteria, is one of the most famous stories of accidental
discovery. In the early 1900s, a scientist named Alexander Fleming
was trying to find ways to cure diseases and infections. While
doing his research, Fleming grew bacteria on special plates called
petri dishes.
  4 One day he noticed a type of mold, called penicillin,
growing on the plate. To Fleming’s amazement, the mold killed the
bacteria. He discovered that the mold could be used as an
antibiotic, which is a medicine that fights bacterial infections. The
penicillin antibiotic was used to treat cuts, infections, and diseases
that made many people seriously ill. Because of this, it was called a
“miracle drug.” It is still used today to help save lives.
Unit 1 Interim Assessment
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Mold growing in a petri dish.
Alexander Fleming’s chance
observation of how a type
of mold killed bacteria led to
the development of modern
Interim Assessment
Unit 1
  5 X-rays were another accidental discovery. A scientist named Wilhelm Röntgen, who had
studied physics and engineering, was working as a professor in the late 1800s. At that time, Röntgen
was performing experiments by passing an electric current through gas. His experiments sometimes
produced sparks in the gas. Röntgen noticed that every time the gas sparked, a plate treated with a
special chemical lit up. Röntgen thought that perhaps the sparks were producing some sort of rays.
These rays were not like anything known at the time, however. For this reason, Röntgen called them
 6 After making this discovery, Röntgen decided to
investigate the rays further. For example, he placed different
objects in front of the rays. He tested whether the X-rays would
pass through the objects or be blocked by them. Röntgen’s most
famous image is the X-ray shadow of his wife Bertha’s hand. This
image shows that the rays do not pass through bone. Doctors
quickly realized that they could use X-ray images to look at broken
  7 Another scientist who made an accidental discovery was
Charles Goodyear. Goodyear was experimenting with natural
rubber because he hoped to find a way to make it more useful.
Natural rubber, which comes from the sap of rubber trees, is too
soft and sticky to be used in many products. Goodyear was
determined to find a way to change the rubber so that it would be
more durable but also remain elastic, or stretchy. He tried to
change the rubber in countless ways, but each attempt disappointed
him. Goodyear even patented one method of changing the rubber,
but he was still unhappy with the results.
the first X-ray photograph,
showing Bertha Röntgen’s hand
  8 One day, Goodyear spilled a mixture containing natural rubber onto a hot stove. The result
was the hard, strong rubber he had been seeking. The process resulted in what we now call vulcanized
rubber. Goodyear patented a process for making vulcanized rubber in 1844 and then sold his product
to manufacturers. Today vulcanized rubber is used in everything from bowling balls to car tires to
shoe soles.
  9 These scientists and inventors are all known for their accidental discoveries. Could these
discoveries have been made by anyone else? Perhaps. But Fleming, Röntgen, and Goodyear all studied
and worked hard for many years. When their lucky accidents happened, they had learned enough to
understand what they saw. They then worked hard to make their observations useful. Lucky accidents
can happen to anybody, but great discoveries are almost always the result of hard work.
Unit 1 Interim Assessment
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Interim Assessment
Unit 1
Answer Form
1 Which sentence from the article best supports
the idea that the discovery of X-rays helped to
improve people’s health?
A “After making this discovery, Röntgen
decided to investigate the rays further.”
B “He tested whether the X-rays would
 1 A
2A A
 3 A
 4 A
 5 A
 6 A
D Number
D Correct
pass through the objects or would be
blocked by them.”
C “Röntgen’s most famous image is the X-ray shadow of his wife Bertha’s hand.”
D “Doctors quickly realized that they could use X-ray images to look at broken
2 Answer Parts A and B below.
Part A
Which statement is true about Alexander Fleming’s initial understanding of penicillin?
A He hoped that penicillin would cure certain diseases.
B He was unaware that penicillin would have any effect.
C He was sure penicillin would be a helpful medicine.
D He knew penicillin was deadly to some bacteria.
Part B
Select two pieces of evidence from “Luck Favors the Prepared” that support the
answer to Part A.
“one of the most famous stories of accidental discovery”
“a medicine used to kill bacteria”
“trying to find ways to cure diseases and infections”
“To Fleming’s amazement”
“the mold could be used as an antibiotic”
“it was called a ‘miracle drug’”
Unit 1 Interim Assessment
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Interim Assessment
Unit 1
3 The author believes that Charles Goodyear was a dedicated scientist who kept
improving on his work. Which sentence from the article best supports this statement?
A “Another scientist who made an accidental discovery was Charles Goodyear.”
B “He tried to change the rubber in countless ways, but each attempt
disappointed him.”
C “One day, Goodyear spilled a mixture containing natural rubber onto a hot
D “Goodyear patented a process for making vulcanized rubber in 1844 and then
sold his product to manufacturers.”
4 Which of the following best matches a central idea from the text with a detail that
supports it?
A Central idea: Many important discoveries are made during experiments.
Supporting detail: Doctors began using X-rays to examine injured patients.
B Central idea: Some important discoveries are not well understood at first.
Supporting detail: Artificial sweetener was based on a kind of coal tar.
C Central idea: Some scientists make accidental discoveries that help people.
Supporting detail: Penicillin is still used in modern times to save lives.
D Central idea: Dedicated scientists may accidentally become great inventors.
Supporting detail: Fleming used plates called petri dishes to grow bacteria.
5 Vulcanized rubber continues to be an important part of modern products. How does
the author illustrate this idea in the passage?
A She lists examples of different uses for vulcanized rubber.
B She tells the story of the invention of vulcanized rubber.
C She compares vulcanized rubber with natural rubber.
D She notes the year in which vulcanized rubber was patented.
Unit 1 Interim Assessment
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Interim Assessment
Unit 1
6 Which of the following best summarizes the article?
A Sticky notes, microwaves, and artificial sweeteners all have something in common.
Each of these useful things was discovered by accident. The same is true of a
number of other discoveries, including penicillin, X-rays, and vulcanized rubber.
B Many important scientific discoveries have been made by accident. These include
the discoveries of penicillin, X-rays, and vulcanized rubber. In each case, the
scientist making the discovery had the experience to see the usefulness in what
others might have considered a mere “accident.”
C Alexander Fleming may be the person who made the most important accidental
discovery of all time. He was working in his lab when he noticed a type of bread
mold that killed bacteria. This led to the invention of penicillin, an antibiotic that
has saved countless lives.
D When a good scientist discovers something by accident, the discovery involves
more than just luck. Microwaves, penicillin, and X-rays are all examples of useful
things discovered by scientists who knew how to turn a mistake into something
good. Their “lucky accidents” had more to do with hard work than good luck.
7 Explain how the author uses anecdotes, or stories, to illustrate key ideas of the
passage. Use details from the passage to support your answer.
Unit 1 Interim Assessment
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Interim Assessment
Unit 1
8 Below is information from paragraphs 5 and 6 of the passage “Luck Favors the
Prepared.” Organize the information by writing each phrase from the passage into
the proper section of the table: central idea, supporting detail, and example used to
make a point.
Röntgen was performing experiments by passing an electric current through gas.
Röngten’s image of his wife’s hand showed that X-rays do not pass through bone.
X-rays were another accidental discovery.
Every time the gas sparked, a plate treated with a special chemical lit up.
Central idea
Example used
to make a point
Unit 1 Interim Assessment
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