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Chemical poisoning (insecticide, pesticide, herbicide, artificial hormones and preservatives, chemical
compounds, chemical solvents, plastics, cleaning products, pollutants, detergents, paint thinner, nail polish
remover, new carpet fibers and any other products that may contain toxic fumes or fragrance)
Heavy metal poisoning in water, food and the environment (lead, arsenic, mercury)
Air pollution (gas exhaust, fumes, perfumes, air freshener, burned plastic, and other airborne toxins)
Drug overdose and/or poisoning
This formula is designed for long-term use to alleviate symptoms associated with chronic poisoning. It is not
suitable to treat acute conditions.
General detoxification effect 1
Treats overdose and poisoning by drugs 6,7
Treats herbicide and pesticide poisoning 6,7,8
Treats heavy metal poisoning 9
Treats overdose and poisoning of food and plants 2,3,4,5,6,7
Protects the liver and treats hepatitis and liver cirrhosis 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17
Protects the kidney and treats nephritis and renal impairment 18,19,20,21,22
Clears heat and eliminates toxins
Expels toxins through urine and stool
Nourishes yin
Tonifies Kidney and Heart
Take 3 to 4 capsules three times daily with a large glass of water for 6 to 12 months for optimal effect. This formula is
ineffective if taken only for a short period of time. Do not use this formula to treat acute poisoning. Herbal DTX is an
excellent formula for the prevention and treatment of overdose and accumulation of harmful chemicals and toxins. Herbal
DTX eliminates toxins through urination and defecation, invigorates blood circulation to accelerate recovery, and
strengthens the body to increase its natural defensive ability.
Bai Mao Gen (Rhizoma Imperatae)
Da Huang (Radix et Rhizoma Rhei)
Dan Shen (Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae)
Fang Feng (Radix Saposhnikoviae)
Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae)
Gou Qi Zi (Fructus Lycii)
Lian Qiao (Fructus Forsythiae)
Lu Dou (Semen Phaseoli Radiati)
Herbal DTX is designed to treat various symptoms related to different kinds of poisonings such as by drugs, chemicals or
heavy metals. Patients may exhibit symptoms of heat sensation, low-grade fever or high fever, thirst, dry mouth, headache,
nasal congestion, allergy, irritability, nausea, vomiting, turbid urination or disorientation.
The key to treatment of poisoning is to accelerate the elimination of toxins in the body and protect the organs at the same
time. Lu Dou (Semen Phaseoli Radiati) is sweet and cold, and clears heat and eliminates toxins. Gan Cao (Radix
Glycyrrhizae) is sweet and neutral, and is the most essential harmonizing herb to detoxify various substances. Dan
Shen (Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae) is bitter and slightly cold, and has great effect to invigorate blood and cleanse the
toxicity from the blood. It also clears heat, reduces irritability and tranquilizes the Heart. Bai Mao Gen (Rhizoma
Imperatae) is cold in property and clears heat and promotes the expelling of toxicity through urination. It also prevents
potential bleeding and protects the Kidney. Lian Qiao (Fructus Forsythiae) clears heat, detoxifies and further helps Bai
Mao Gen(Rhizoma Imperatae) to dispel toxins through the Kidney. Gou Qi Zi (Fructus Lycii) is sweet, and it is mainly
used for nourishing the Stomach yin and generating body fluids. It has a unique effect to create a protective layer in the
stomach to prevent the absorption of toxins from the digestive tract. Da Huang (Radix et Rhizoma Rhei) is a purgative herb
that detoxifies and purges heat simultaneously by invigorating blood circulation and purging downwards. Fang
Feng (Radix Saposhnikoviae) dispels internal Liver wind and is used to relieve stiffness, discomfort and pain in the
muscles associated with poisoning.
For liver damage or hepatitis due to poisoning, or to enhance the immediate effect, add Liver DTX.
For kidney damage or nephritis due to poisoning, add Kidney DTX.
To enhance the detoxifying function, add Herbal ABX.
For general signs and symptoms of heat and excess conditions, add Gardenia Complex.
For headaches, add Corydalin or Migratrol.
For toxicity manifesting in skin rashes or unexplainable itching of the skin, add Silerex or Dermatrol (PS).
For mild nasal congestion and post-nasal drip, add Magnolia Clear Sinus.
For severe nasal obstruction with yellow and sticky discharge, add Pueraria Clear Sinus.
For difficulty breathing and feeling of chest tightness, add Respitrol (Heat) or Respitrol (Deficient).
For excess perspiration or fatigue, add Immune +.
For diarrhea with weakness, add GI Tonic or GI Care II.
Zhu Dan (Fel Porcus) and Tu Fu Ling (Rhizoma Smilacis Glabrae) can be added to detoxify poison in difficult
cases. Dosage of Tu Fu Ling (Rhizoma Smilacis Glabrae) can be used up to 6 grams a day in addition to Herbal
DTX to achieve desired effect.
For unknown causes or strange symptoms of blood stagnation, add Circulation (SJ).
Organic products are highly recommended for patients who are suffering from poisoning.
Take lactobacillus acidophilus supplement to restore normal balance of intestinal flora.
Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help flush out toxins.
Avoid preserved foods such as ham, canned food, peanut butter, etc.
Exposure to the offending toxins should be avoided as much as possible. Do not drink tap water if it contains
high levels of heavy metals. Avoid eating foods that contain preservatives, artificial hormones, herbicides and
pesticides. Minimize outdoor activities if the air quality is poor, in order to avoid inhalation of air pollutants.
Avoid all products that may contain artificial scents and flavor. Lastly, individuals with hypersensitivity should
avoid the use and inhalation of certain chemicals, such as hair spray and perfumes. The work environment should
also be considered when determining the cause of poisoning. Chronic poisoning is sometimes related to the work
Taking deep breaths for ten minutes each day can enhance the elimination process of toxins in the body.
Herbal DTX should be used continuously for at least three months for optimal results.
Because of its effect to eliminate the accumulation of toxins and enhance the functions of the liver and
kidney, Herbal DTX is a good formula for individuals who have hypersensitivity to certain toxins, chemicals, and
environmental factors. Herbal DTX contains herbs that will enhance the body’s natural ability to break down and
eliminate the buildup of toxins in the body. Herbal DTX is a gentle formula that gradually and continuously
remove toxins from the body. It should be taken persistently for 6 to 12 months for optimal effect.
General actions for acute poisoning are as follows:
1. For inhaled poison, open the doors and windows and get the person fresh air as quickly as possible.
2. For poison on the skin, remove the contaminated clothing and flood the skin with water for at least 10
3. For poison in the eye, flood the affected eye(s) with lukewarm water poured from a glass 2 or 3 inches from
the eye(s) and repeat for 15 minutes.
4. For swallowed poison, give a glass of water (2 to 8 ounces) immediately unless the person is unconscious,
having convulsions, or cannot swallow. For more information, please contact the National Poison Control
System at (800) 222-1222.
Patients with an acute overdose or poisoning should be treated in an emergency room or urgent care center. Call
911, or contact the local poison control center for additional instructions.
Patients with hematuria (blood in the urine) should be treated with extreme caution because this symptom may
indicate the possibility of significant damage to the kidney.
Patients who are disorientated or having a seizure/convulsion associated with poisoning should consult their
medical doctor immediately.
Patients with a sensitive stomach should take this formula with food. If stomach upset still occurs, reduce the
dosage and increase the frequency.
Patients who are on anti-coagulant or anti-platelet therapies, such as Coumadin (Warfarin), should use this
formula with caution, as there may be a slightly higher risk of bleeding and bruising.
Herbal DTX is designed to treat various kinds of chronic poisoning reactions, including but not limited to such toxins as
environmental toxins, chemical compounds, heavy metals, and drugs. Such toxins are present in our everyday lives,
including but not limited to insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, preservatives, gas exhaust, artificial hormones, heavy
metals, air and water pollution. Acute poisonings are easy to diagnose, and are usually treated by physicians in the
emergency room or urgent care center. Chronic poisonings, however, are far more difficult to diagnose as the signs and
symptoms are often vague and non-conclusive. Chronic poisoning usually occurs following long-term exposure to toxic
agents and their gradual accumulation in the body. Eventually, the accumulation of toxins will begin to interfere with the
normal functions of the body to create various illnesses and diseases. Furthermore, since the liver and kidney are the two
organs that are primarily responsible for metabolizing and eliminating foreign substances, it is extremely important to
ensure that these organs are functioning properly. Individuals with chronic poisoning often have damaged liver and kidney
functions. Therefore, optimal treatment must address both detoxification of the offending agent and healing of these two
Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae) is one of the most commonly used herbs for treatment of overdose and poisoning reactions.
It has been proposed that Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae) should be used as the first agent in cases where the identity of the
ingested poison or the specific antidote is unknown. [1] Research and clinical reports have all confirmed Gan Cao (Radix
Glycyrrhizae) has a marked effect to reduce the toxicity of numerous agents, such as toxic foods and plants. [2],[3] More
recently, it was reported that the use of Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae) showed satisfactory results in treating 454 patients
with various types of food poisoning.[4] In another report, 20 out of 22 patients with mushroom poisoning had complete
recovery after being treated with an herbal decoction of Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae).[5] Furthermore, glycyrrhizin,
generally considered one of the main constituents of Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae), has a marked detoxifying effect to
treat various kinds of poisonings, including but not limited to drug poisoning (chloral hydrate, urethane, cocaine,
picrotoxin, caffeine, pilocarpine, nicotine, barbiturates, mercury and lead), food poisoning (tetrodotoxin, snake, and
mushrooms), and others (herbicides, pesticides, enterotoxin).[6],[7] In addition to Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae), Lu
Dou (Semen Phaseoli Radiati) has been used to treat cases of pesticide poisoning with complete recovery after only three
Herbal DTX also contains herbs that are effective for treating heavy metal poisoning. In one report, 278 patients were
treated for arsenic poisoning with an herbal decoction twice daily consisting of Fang Feng (Radix Saposhnikoviae), Lu
Dou (Semen Phaseoli Radiati), Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae) and sugar. At the end of the 28-day treatment, 155 patients
(55.76%) reported a significant improvement in subjective signs and symptoms, with normal levels of arsenic found
through urinalysis.[9]
Herbal DTX contains many herbs with marked hepatoprotective effect, and can be used to treat various disorders related to
the liver. Such herbs include Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae), Dan Shen (Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae) and Da
Huang (Radix et Rhizoma Rhei). In one report, 330 patients with hepatitis B were treated with glycyrrhizin with 77%
effectiveness. The study reported that glycyrrhizin reduced the damage and death of the liver cells, reduced inflammatory
reaction, promoted the regeneration of liver cells, and decreased in risk of liver cirrhosis and necrosis. [10] The mechanism of
action of Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae) was attributed to the increase of enzyme cytochrome P-450 in the liver, which is
responsible for the protective effect of the herb on the liver against chemical- or tetrachloride-induced liver damage and
liver cancer.[11] In addition, Dan Shen (Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae) is another herb with marked benefit to protect the liver
and treat hepatitis. Administration of Dan Shen(Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae) is associated with a marked hepatoprotective
effect against carbon tetrachloride by lowering liver enzyme levels. [12] The hepatoprotective function of Dan Shen (Radix
Salviae Miltiorrhizae) is due in part to its effect to improve blood circulation and promote regeneration of new liver
cells.[13] Clinically, the use of Dan Shen (Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae) was found to be 81.7% effective in treating acute
viral hepatitis.[14] It was also used with great success in treating patients with chronic hepatitis. [15] Lastly, Da Huang (Radix
et Rhizoma Rhei) can also be used to treat hepatitis and acute icteric hepatitis. Da Huang (Radix et Rhizoma Rhei)has an a
hepatoprotective effect by reducing the extent of liver damage (necrosis of hepatocytes), especially by carbon
tetrachloride.[16] According to one study, 80 cases of acute icteric hepatitis were treated with a large dosage of Da
Huang (Radix et Rhizoma Rhei) with 95% effective rate based on symptomatic evaluation and improvement of liver
In addition, many herbs in Herbal DTX have remarkable effects to protect the kidney and treat kidney related disorders,
including but not limited to acute and chronic nephritis. According to one study, an herbal formula with Lian Qiao (Fructus
Forsythiae) was found to have good success in treating 8 patients with acute nephritis and 1 patient with tuberculosis of the
kidney.[18] In another study, 11 children with acute nephritis were treated with an herbal decoction containing Bai Mao
Gen (Rhizoma Imperatae) for 32 to 59 doses with marked reduction in edema, lowered blood pressure, absence of protein
and blood cells, and normalization of urine. Out of 11 patients, there was complete recovery in 9 and moderate
improvement in 2 patients.[19] Furthermore, intravenous infusion of a Dan Shen (Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae) preparation
for 14 days was determined to be 62.5 to 80% effective for treating chronic nephritis of varying degrees of
severity.[20] Lastly, patients with general kidney impairment also respond well to herbs in Herbal DTX. Decoction of Da
Huang (Radix et Rhizoma Rhei) is effective in reducing blood urea nitrogen and creatinine as demonstrated in both in
vitro and in vivo studies.[21] In one clinical study, an herbal formula with Da Huang (Radix et Rhizoma Rhei) and others
was effective in treating 20 patients with various degrees of renal impairment by reducing the blood urea nitrogen and
creatinine levels significantly.[22]
In summary, Herbal DTX contains many herbs that have been used successfully to treat overdose and poisoning by many
substances, as stated in the paragraphs above. Furthermore, herbs in Herbal DTX prevent and treat disorders of the liver
and kidney caused by the accumulation of foreign and toxic substances. By restoring the normal functions of the liver and
kidney, Herbal DTX ensures the healing and recovery of toxic reactions.
One striking difference between western and traditional Chinese medicine is that western medicine focuses and excels in
crisis management, while traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes and shines in holistic and preventative treatments.
Therefore, in emergencies, such as gun shot wounds or surgery, western medicine is generally the treatment of choice.
However, for treatment of chronic idiopathic illness of unknown origins, where all lab tests are normal and a clear
diagnosis cannot be made, traditional Chinese medicine is distinctly superior.
In cases of chronic poisoning (from chemicals, heavy metals, and various environmental toxins), there are often many
vague, non-specific, non-diagnostic signs and symptoms accompanied by normal laboratory tests. Under these
circumstances, western medicine struggles to determine the exact diagnosis and corresponding treatments. On the other
hand, traditional Chinese medicine is beneficial as it excels in regulating imbalances and alleviating associated signs and
symptoms. This formula is extremely beneficial because many herbs in this formula have been shown to have marked
effect to detoxify various types of toxins, and to protect and restore normal functions of internal organs (liver and kidneys).
This, however, is a gradual process that requires long-term commitment. Herbs should be taken continuously for 6 to 12
months for optimal success. By treating both symptoms and cause, herbal therapy effectively prevents deterioration and
restores optimal health.
This formula has been used with great success in China for treatment of drug overdose (sedatives and hypnotics),
accidental ingestion of rat poison, and adverse reactions associated with Shang Lu (Radix Phytolaccae). This formula has
been used with excellent results by itself, in combination with drug treatment, or following gastric lavage.
W.C., Shanxi, China.
Jin Gui Yao Lue (Essentials from the Golden Cabinet) by Zhang Zhong-Jing in Eastern Han
Shang Hai Zhong Yi Yao Za Zhi (Shanghai Journal of Chinese Medicine and Herbology), 1964; 8:22
Fu Jian Zhong Yi Yao (Fujian Chinese Medicine and Herbology), 1965; 4:44
Xin Zhong Yi (New Chinese Medicine), 1985; 2:34
Xin Zhong Yi (New Chinese Medicine), 1978; 1:36
Zhong Yao Tong Bao (Journal of Chinese Herbology), 1986; 11(10):54
Zhong Yao Tong Bao (Journal of Chinese Herbology), 1986; 11(10):55
Zhe Jiang Zhong Yi Za Zhi (Zhejiang Journal of Chinese Medicine), 1965; 7:7
Xin Yi Xue (New Medicine), 1973; 7:6
Zhong Yao Tong Bao (Journal of Chinese Herbology), 1987; 9:60
Zhong Yao Tong Bao (Journal of Chinese Herbology), 1986; 11(10):55
Zhong Yi Za Zhi (Journal of Chinese Medicine), 1982; (1):67
Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi (Journal of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine), 1983; 3(3):180
Shan Xi Zhong Yi (Shanxi Chinese Medicine), 1980; 6:15
Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi (Journal of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine), 1984; 2:86
Zhong Guo Zhong Yao Za Zhi (People's Republic of China Journal of Chinese Herbology), 1989; 14(10):46
Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi (Journal of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine), 1983; 1:19
Jiang Xi Yi Yao (Jiangxi Medicine and Herbology), 1961; 7:18
Guang Dong Yi Xue (Guangdong Medicine), 1965; 3:28
Shang Hai Yi Yao Za Zhi (Shanghai Journal of Medicine and Herbology), 1981; 1:17
Chang Yong Zhong Yao Xian Dai Yan Jiu Yu Lin Chuang (Recent Study & Clinical Application of Common Traditional Chinese
Medicine), 1995; 181:190
Zhong Yi Za Zhi (Journal of Chinese Medicine), 1981; 9:21
Traditional Points:
 Needle w/ strong stimulation Renzhong (GV26), Yongquan (KI1), Hegu (LI4), Suliao (GV25), and Baihui (GV
 Apply moxa to Shenque (CV8) and Qihai (CV6).
Balance Method by Dr. Richard Tan:
Left side: Dadun (LR 1), Yinbai (SP 1), Yongquan (KI 1), Hegu (LI 4), Zhongzhu (TH 3), and Houxi (SI 3).
Right side: Daling (PC 7), Lieque (LU 7), Lingdao (HT 4), Zusanli (ST 36), Yanglingquan (GB 34),
and Xialiao (BL 34).
Left and right side can be alternated from treatment to treatment.
For additional information on the Balance Method, please refer to Dr. Tan's Strategy of Twelve Magical
Points by Dr. Richard Tan.