Download Important Biotoxin in Seafood

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Important Bio toxin in Seafood
This toxin is mainly found in the liver, ovaries
and intestines in various species of puffer fish.
• Fish: pufferfish,Goby (Gobius criniger)
• Octopus, Haplaochlae maculosa
• Shellfish(Gastropoda) Ivory shell, Babylonia
• Star fish , Astropeeton polyacanthus
Ciguatera toxin
• Fish that have become toxic by feeding on toxic
dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus toxicus
• Gastrointestinal and neurological systems are
affected due to the toxin.
• The most consistently reported symptoms are
1. Moderate to severe gastrointestinal disorders of
relatively short duration
2. Moderate to severe neurological disorders that
may persist for days, weeks,or months and/or
3. In some cases, death due to respiratory failure.
Paralytic shellfish poisoning
• Paralytic Shell Fish poisoning, (PSP) is caused
by a group of toxins [saxi toxins and derivatives]
produced by dinoflagellates of the genera
Alexandrium., Gymnodinium and Pyrodinium.
• PSP is a neurological disorder and the
symptoms are tingling, burning and numbness of
lips and fingertips
• In severe cases, death occurs due to respiratory
• Toxin is heat stables not destroyed by cooking.
One gram toxic meat can kill 5 people.
• US FDA limit is 80mg poison /100g.
Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP)
• Causative dinoflagellates which produce the
toxins are within the genus Dinophysis and
• At least seven toxins have been identified
including Okadoic acid.
• Symptoms are gastrointestinal disorder and
victims recover within 3-4 days. No fatalities
have ever been observed.
Neurotoxic shellfish poisoning(NSP)
• Neurotoxic shellfish poisoning [NSP] has been
described in people who consumed bivalves that
have been exposed to red tides of the
dinoflagellate [Phycodiscus breve].
• Brevetoxins are highly lethal to fish and red
Amnesic shellfish
• Amnesic shell fish poisoning intoxication is due
to domoic acid, an amino acid produced by the
diatom Nitzschia pungens.
• ASP vary greatly from slight nausea and
vomiting to loss of equilibrium and central neural
deficit including confusion and memory loss.
Control of disease caused by
• The control of marine biotoxins is difficult and
disease cannot be entirely prevented.
Toxic metals
Toxic metals like Cd, Hg, Se, Pb etc. Above the
normal level affect the safety and marketability of
It pose special problems in the environment
because they are
• Extremely persistent
• They are lipophilic is nature
• Filter feeders like oysters, mussels & clams
accumulate these compounds in their body muscles,
liver ovary & kidneys.
Antibiotic Residues
• Food additives including colours are used in
various fish & fishery products ( Council directive
95/2 EC on Food Additives)
Biogenic Amines
• Ingested histamine will be detoxified in the
intestinal tract by at least 2 enzymes the diamine
oxidase (DAO) and histamine N-methyl
transferase (HMT) (Taylor 1986).