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Spelling Choice Homework Activities
**Please keep this list of activities in a safe place to use
throughout the school year for your weekly spelling homework**
Choose from these activities in order to prepare for your spelling test on Friday. Please write
the name of the activity at the top of the Spelling Choice Worksheets in your Homework
Packet. If the activity that you choose does not have anything written to turn in, please have
a parent sign the paper acknowledging that you did a non-written spelling choice activity.
** Please choose different activies for each assignment**
1. Rainbow Words: Write your words in 3 different colors.
2. Three Times: Write each spelling word 3x each.
3. Spelling City: Go to the website and type in your list of
spelling words. Choose one of the “Free” games/activities to complete. Write “Spelling
City” on the Speller’s Choice page and have an adult sign it to say you practiced your
words on Spelling City!
4. Spelling Cheer: Pretend you’re a cheerleader and cheer out your words to an adult at
home. Write “Spelling Cheer” on the Speller’s Choice page and have an adult sign it to
say you cheered your words!
5. Computer Fun: Use your computer to type your words. Use different fonts and make it
look really fun! Be sure you print it out and turn it in with your weekly homework.
6. Practice Test: Have an adult quiz you on your spelling words.
7. Spooky Words: Write your words in spooky looking letters.
8. Super Sentences: Write each word in a sentence that includes plenty of details (Include
who, what, when, why, where kinds of details to make your sentence “super”)
9. Air Words: Use your finger to write each word in the air or on someone’s back. Have an
adult do the same. See if you can figure out their word! Please be sure to have someone
sign the Speller’s Choice page to say you did it!
10. Where are the vowels?: Write your words then trace over the vowels with a blue crayon
(a, e, i, o, u) ... and sometimes (y).
11. Sweet & Salty Words: Be sure an adult knows you are going to do this activity! Put
some sugar or salt on a plate. Use your finger to write your words in the sugar or salt.
12. 3D Words: Use play dough to make your words. Be sure an adult signs your speller’s
choice sheet telling you made your spelling words with play dough.
13. Scrambled Words: Scramble up the letters of each word and then write the correct
words next to the scrambled letters. For extra fun, see if an adult will write the words
scrambled and you unscramble them!
Example: slian!
14. Triangle Words: Write your words adding one letter at a time. The result will be a
triangle shape of word!
Example: ! !
15. Rhyme Time: Write your spelling words and next to them write a rhyming word.
! !
Example: make - cake
Underline your spelling word
16. Colorful Words: Write each spelling word. Write each letter using a different colored
17. Spelling Riddles: Write riddles for as many of your spelling words as you can. Don’t
forget to add the answer to your riddle.
Example: I cry when I am hungry. I wear diapers. I am cute and cuddly. What am I?
*Answer - baby
18. Consonant Circle: Write each spelling word. Then go back and circle the consonants in
each word.
19. Sidewalk Chalk: Use colored chalk to write your words on the pavement of your
backyard patio or sidewalk.
20. Disappearing Words: Use a paintbrush and water to write spelling words on the
pavement of your backyard patio or sidewalk.