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Personal Financial Responsibility
One Semester - Grades 11 and 12, Level 3 – No prerequisite
Course Description
Personal Financial Responsibility is a business course that focuses on personal financial planning. The
content includes financial planning, income and asset protection, income and money management, and
spending and credit management. Students will learn the financial concepts and principles that provide a
basis for avoiding financial pitfalls.
As a result of this course, students should be able to:
• Take responsibility for personal and financial decisions
• Find and evaluate financial information from a variety of sources
• Summarize major consumer protection laws
• Make financial decisions by systematically considering alternatives and consequences
• Control personal information
• Explore career options
• Identify sources of personal income
• Describe factors affecting take-home pay
• Develop a plan for spending and saving
• Develop a system for keeping and using financial records
• Describe how to use different payment methods
• Apply consumer skills to purchase decisions
• Consider charitable giving
• Develop a personal financial plan
• Examine the purpose and importance of a will
• Identify the costs and benefits of various types of credit
• Explain the purpose of a credit record and identify borrowers’ credit report rights
• Describe the ways to avoid or correct debt problems
• Summarize major consumer credit laws
• Identify common types of risks and basic risk management methods
• Explain the purpose and importance of property and liability insurance protection
• Explain the purpose and importance of health, disability, and life insurance protection
• Discuss how saving contributes to financial well-being
• Explain how investing builds wealth and helps meet financial goals
• Evaluate investment alternatives
• Describe how to buy and sell investments
• Explain how taxes affect the rate of return on investments
Personal Finance: A Lifetime Responsibility by Grady Kimbrell & Nathan Dungan, EMC Publishing © 2009
Foundations in Personal Finance by Dave Ramsey sponsored by Fifth Third Bank (This is a $900 plus
program, offered free of charge to Memorial High School by Fifth Third Bank.)
Required for every class: Textbook, flash drive, pen, loose-leaf paper
Recommended: Notebook, pocket folder, tissues/hand sanitizer - appreciated, but not required
Course Outline
Quarter 1
Unit 1—Income—Learning to Earn
• Chapter 1—Career Planning
o Your Income and Your Career
o Finding and Applying for Jobs
o Interviewing and Pre-employment Testing
• Chapter 2—Job and Career Success
o Success from the Start
o Promotions and Lifelong Learning
o Entrepreneurship: Owning Your Own Business
Unit 2—Managing Your Money
• Chapter 3—Financial Planning
o Establishing Healthy Financial Habits
o Sharing as Part of a Financial Plan
o Keeping Records and Paying Taxes
• Chapter 4—Budgeting
o Defining Your Goals
o Working Out Your Budget
o Using Your Budget
• Chapter 5—Checking Accounts
o Basic Banking Concepts
o Using a Checking Account
Unit 3—Saving and Investing
• Chapter 6—Saving: Starting Now!
o Savings Goals
o Savings How-To
• Chapter 7—Investment Options: Risks and Rewards
o Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds
o Other Types of Investments
o Advice, Information, and Transactions
Second Quarter
Unit 4—Spending Wisely
• Chapter 8—Influences on Buying Decisions
o Needs vs. Wants
o Advertising
o Making Buying Decisions
• Chapter 9—Transportation
o Transportation Choices
o Buying and Maintaining a Car
• Chapter 10—Housing
o Alternatives in Housing
o Buying a Home
• Chapter 11—The Necessities: Food and Clothing
o Buying Food and Clothing
• Chapter 12—Consumer Rights and Responsibilities
o Increasing Customer Awareness
o Basic Consumer Rights
Unit 5—Credit and Debt
• Chapter 13—Credit: Helpful or Hurtful?
o Advantages and Disadvantages of Credit
o Types of Credit
• Chapter 14—Using Credit Wisely
o Obtaining Credit
o Using Credit
Unit 6—Financial Risk Management
• Chapter 15—Auto and Home Insurance
o Insuring Your Auto
o Insuring Your Home and Property
• Chapter 16—Health and Life Insurance
o Choosing Health Care Insurance
o Buying Life Insurance
Student Assignments and Participation in Class
Students will be expected to participate in class. Students will work with other students in groups or
pairs, research and report findings to the class, obtain guest speakers, listen to lectures, contribute to
class discussions, ask questions, and take notes. All written or oral assignments are expected to be
submitted/presented by their due dates. However, late assignments will be accepted one block late with
a 50 percent grade deduction. Assignments and tests will be posted on the class website.
Quarter Grade
Class Participation/Assignments – 30%
Quizzes – 10%
Tests– 60%,
Semester Grade
First Quarter – 45%
Second Quarter – 45%
Final Exam – 10%
Since class participation is required of all students, good attendance is very important. Therefore, it is
imperative that students attend class regularly. However, if students are absent, it is THEIR
RESPONSIBILITY to find out what they have missed and to make up any assignments or tests promptly.
Assignments and tests will be posted on the class website.
Students must be in their assigned seats in proper uniform attire when the opening bell rings. They will
be allowed four tardies. Beginning with the fifth tardy, students will receive a detention for each tardy.
Every two hall passes from class will constitute a tardy. Students are to remain in their seats until
the bell rings signaling the end of class.
School Handbook, Lab Rules, Internet Policy Agreement
• All students must comply with the school handbook rules. For example, students are expected
to be in proper attire at all times.
• Students must follow the lab rules posted in the computer lab and adhere to the Internet Policy
Agreement. No food or drink is allowed in the classroom other than water.
• Cell phones and MP3 players are not allowed in the classroom.
• Computer games are not allowed during class time.
• Students are to remain in their seats until the bell rings signaling the end of class.
Cheating will not be tolerated. Students caught cheating (giving or receiving information) will receive a
zero for the assignment/test.
Students are to treat their teacher, guest speakers, and fellow students with respect and courtesy.
Mrs. Sheila Hoehn  Room 104  476-4973, Ext. 253  [email protected]
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