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Course SLO Assessment Report - 4-Column
El Camino College
Compton: Course SLOs (Div 2) - Spanish
Assessment Methods & Standard and Target
for Success / Tasks
Compton: Course SLOs (Div 2) - Spanish Assessment Method Description:
COM: SPAN 1 - Elementary Spanish I - SLO # 1 The Assessment Method was holistic. It includes
- Upon completion of Spanish 1, successful
a written, oral, comprehension, reading, and
students will converse in and comprehend
cultural aspects.
Spanish using present tense, simple past tense,
Assessment Method:
and “ir + a + infinitive” construction about
Multiple Assessments
everyday topics, such as introductions and
descriptions about themselves and others within
the limits of vocabulary appropriate to beginning
Spanish 1. (Created By Compton: Course SLOs
(Div 2) - Spanish)
Course SLO Assessment Cycle:
2013-14 (Spring 2014)
2014-15 (Spring 2015)
2015-16 (Spring 2016)
2016-17 (Spring 2017)
Input Date:
Course SLO Status:
Course SLOs
Action & Follow-Up
05/20/2014 - All students in all Spanish I courses did
not use proper accent marks in greetings such as “cómo
estás” and they all did use the accent mark in the
question of ¿De dónde eres? Plus, they use accent
marks in the wrong place.
05/20/2014 - The action plan to address
the SLO deficiencies are: Stronger
emphasis in accent marks
and more writing exercises in stemchanging verbs ending in -ar, -er, ir.
And mandatory tutor visits.
Correct usage of the simple present tense verb.
83% of the students in all Spanish I courses were not
Action Category:
able to correctly conjugate the simple present tense verb
Teaching Strategies
ending in –ar, -er, -ir.” The most common error was
found in the stem changing verb such as “preferir” and
71% of the students were able to correctly conjugate the
simple present tense verb of “tomar.”
17% of the students were able to correctly conjugate the
present tenser verb ending in –ar, -er, -ir.
Correct usage of the simple past tense verb.
15% of all students were able to correctly conjugate the
simple past tense in verbs ending in –ar, -er, -ir endings.
Observation: In the verb “dormir” the majority missed
the accent mark. Example: durmio” instead of
“durmió.” Plus, some students were not able to identify
the difference between the present and past.
Correct usage of the construction “ir + a + infinitive.
23% of all students in Spanish I were able to correctly
use the construction “ir + a + infinitive.”
50% of the students were able to correctly conjugate the
verb “ir” in the use of the “ir + a + infinitive
38% of all the students in Spanish I were able to
correctly use the prepositional “a” in the use of the
construction “ir + a + infinitive.”
28% of all the students in Spanish I were able to
correctly use the infinitive in the “ir + a + infinitive
Standard Met? :
Semester and Year Assessment Conducted:
2013-14 (Spring 2014)
Faculty Assessment Leader:
Axa Maradiaga
Faculty Contributing to Assessment:
09/26/2014 2:36 PM
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
Page 1 of 5
Course SLOs
Assessment Methods & Standard and Target
for Success / Tasks
Action & Follow-Up
Juan Antonio Tavarez
Assessment Method Description:
The Assessment Method is holistic. The
assessment includes an oral, written, reading
comprehension and a cultural aspect.
Assessment Method:
Multiple Assessments
Standard and Target for Success:
It is expected that 75% of Spanish students will
score 70% or above on this SLO.
Compton: Course SLOs (Div 2) - Spanish COM: SPAN 1 - Elementary Spanish I - SLO #2
- Upon completion of Spanish 1, successful
students will read and comprehend short
paragraphs in Spanish on topics such as places in
the city, daily routines, fields of study, pastimes,
vacations, and likes and dislikes. (Created By
Compton: Course SLOs (Div 2) - Spanish)
Course SLO Assessment Cycle:
2013-14 (Spring 2014)
2014-15 (Spring 2015)
2015-16 (Spring 2016)
2016-17 (Spring 2017)
Input Date:
Course SLO Status:
Assessment Method Description:
The Assessment Method includes a holistic
approach. It includes a written, oral, reading
comprehension and cultural aspects.
Assessment Method:
Multiple Assessments
Standard and Target for Success:
It is expected that 75% of Spanish students will
score 70% or above in this SLO.
Compton: Course SLOs (Div 2) - Spanish COM: SPAN 1 - Elementary Spanish I - SLO #3
- Upon completion of Spanish 1, successful
students will write a 5 to 10 sentence paragraph
in Spanish about themselves and everyday topics
such as leisurely activities and academic life
using the present tense, simple past tense, and “ir
+ a + infinitive” construction. (Created By
Compton: Course SLOs (Div 2) - Spanish)
Course SLO Assessment Cycle:
2013-14 (Spring 2014)
2014-15 (Spring 2015)
2015-16 (Spring 2016)
Assessment Method Description:
The Assessment Method is a holistic approach.
The assessment includes written, oral, reading
comprehension and cultural aspects.
Assessment Method:
Multiple Assessments
Standard and Target for Success:
It is expected that 75% of Spanish students will
score 70% or above on this SLO.
05/20/2014 - Correct usage of the verb (Gustar) and the
indirect subject pronoun.
39% of all the students were able to correctly use the
indirect subject pronoun with the verb “gustar.”
Observation: Some students were not able to correctly
use the articles after the verb and before a noun.
Example: Me gusta agua de piña, instead of “Me gusta
el agua de piña.”
Reading comprehension.
64% of all the students in Spanish I were able to
comprehend the reading material. Observation: In
answering the comprehension section, a few students
had grammatical errors in their sentences.
05/20/2014 - The action plan to address
the SLO deficiencies are: Stronger
writing exercises
with the reflexive verb in combination
with the verb "gustar." Mandatory tutor
Action Category:
Teaching Strategies
Standard Met? :
Semester and Year Assessment Conducted:
2013-14 (Spring 2014)
Faculty Assessment Leader:
Axa Maradiaga
Faculty Contributing to Assessment:
Juan Antonio Tavarez
05/20/2014 - Correct usage of Spanish grammar,
sentence and vocabulary.
67% of all the students in Spanish I were able to write a
paragraph using more than 5 sentences. Observation:
The majority of students wrote using the present tense.
Example: Yo soy María. The verb most commonly use
is the present tense of “ser” and the verb “gustar.” In
some cases, the student will use the possessive “mi”
instead of the reflexive “me.” Another grammatical
error is the confusion of the verb “to be” for indicating
age, instead of using the verb “to have.” Example: Yo
soy veintiún años, instead of “Yo tengo veintiún años.”
05/20/2014 - The action plan to address
the SLO deficiencies are: Stronger
emphasis in writing paragraphs and
and sentences.
Action Category:
Teaching Strategies
Standard Met? :
09/26/2014 2:36 PM
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
Page 2 of 5
Course SLOs
Assessment Methods & Standard and Target
for Success / Tasks
Action & Follow-Up
Semester and Year Assessment Conducted:
2013-14 (Spring 2014)
Faculty Assessment Leader:
Axa Maradiaga
Faculty Contributing to Assessment:
Juan Antonio Tavarez
2016-17 (Spring 2017)
Input Date:
Course SLO Status:
Compton: Course SLOs (Div 2) - Spanish COM: SPAN 1 - Elementary Spanish I - SLO #4
- Upon completion of Spanish 1, successful
students will demonstrate basic awareness of
Hispanic culture, such as values, customs,
surname system, meals, etc. (Created By
Compton: Course SLOs (Div 2) - Spanish)
Course SLO Assessment Cycle:
2013-14 (Spring 2014)
2014-15 (Spring 2015)
2015-16 (Spring 2016)
2016-17 (Spring 2017)
Input Date:
Course SLO Status:
Assessment Method Description:
The Assessment Method is a holistic approach. It
includes written, oral, reading comprehension
and cultural aspects.
Assessment Method:
Multiple Assessments
Standard and Target for Success:
It is expected that 75% of Spanish students will
score 70% or above on this SLO.
05/20/2014 - Hispanic Culture (Oral) dictation.
100% of all the students in Spanish I were not able to
correctly demonstrate basic awareness of Hispanic
culture, such as values and customs. Observations: The
students were not able to properly identify countries in
a geographical map. They do not use proper
capitalization for countries. Plus, there is a constant
miss spelling of the letter “H”. Example: abana instead
of Habana. Lack of punctuation is a constant
recurrence. The students improperly use the letter “n”
for the “ñ” in words such as “España.” Some students
also used the combination of “nia” in substitution of
“ñ”. Example: “Espania” instead of “España.” The
majority of students are not well rounded in general
history of Spain and of Latin America.
05/20/2014 - The action plan to address
the SLO deficiencies is: A language lab
is needed.
Action Category:
Program/College Support
Standard Met? :
Semester and Year Assessment Conducted:
2013-14 (Spring 2014)
Faculty Assessment Leader:
Axa Maradiaga
Faculty Contributing to Assessment:
Juan Antonio Tavarez
Compton: Course SLOs (Div 2) - Spanish COM: SPAN 52A - Spanish for Native Speakers
- SLO #1 - Upon completion of Spanish 52A,
successful students will converse in Spanish
using present tense, simple past tense, imperfect
tense, and basic vocabulary in the fields of art,
music, film, literature, fashion, sports, and
physical fitness. (Created By Compton: Course
SLOs (Div 2) - Spanish)
Course SLO Assessment Cycle:
2013-14 (Spring 2014)
2014-15 (Spring 2015)
2015-16 (Spring 2016)
2016-17 (Spring 2017)
Input Date:
09/26/2014 2:36 PM
Assessment Method Description:
The Assessment Method is a holistic approach.
The assessment includes written, oral, reading
comprehension and cultural aspects.
Assessment Method:
Multiple Assessments
Standard and Target for Success:
It is expected that 75% of students will score
70% or above on this SLO.
05/20/2014 - Assessment Tool: Oral presentation
100% of the Spanish native speakers had a strong
command in Spanish phonology.
The students showed competency in the present tense,
simple past and
the imperfect verb tenses. The student properly
exhibited a variety of vocabulary.
Themes explored in the oral presentation were
professional goals
and favorite past times.
Observation: Some students did use Spanglish in their
oral presentations.
05/20/2014 - To continue emphasizing
in oral exercises. One on one oral
conversation and group conversations.
Action Category:
Teaching Strategies
Standard Met? :
Semester and Year Assessment Conducted:
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
Page 3 of 5
Course SLOs
Assessment Methods & Standard and Target
for Success / Tasks
2013-14 (Spring 2014)
Faculty Assessment Leader:
Axa Maradiaga
Faculty Contributing to Assessment:
Juan Antonio Tavarez
Course SLO Status:
Compton: Course SLOs (Div 2) - Spanish COM: SPAN 52A - Spanish for Native Speakers
- SLO #2 - Upon completion of Spanish 52A,
successful students will read and summarize in
Spanish poems, short stories, and short essays by
Spanish-speaking authors. (Created By Compton:
Course SLOs (Div 2) - Spanish)
Course SLO Assessment Cycle:
2013-14 (Spring 2014)
2014-15 (Spring 2015)
2015-16 (Spring 2016)
2016-17 (Spring 2017)
Input Date:
Course SLO Status:
Assessment Method Description:
The Assessment Method is a holistic approach.
The assessment includes written, oral, reading
comprehension and cultural aspects.
Assessment Method:
Multiple Assessments
Standard and Target for Success:
It is expected that 75% of students will score
70% or above on this SLO.
Standard Met? :
Semester and Year Assessment Conducted:
2013-14 (Spring 2014)
Faculty Assessment Leader:
Axa Maradiaga
Faculty Contributing to Assessment:
Juan Antonio Tavarez
Compton: Course SLOs (Div 2) - Spanish COM: SPAN 52A - Spanish for Native Speakers
- SLO #3 - Upon completion of Spanish 52A,
successful students will write in Spanish about
historical, cultural, and literary aspects of several
Spanish-speaking countries and Hispanic
communities in the United States using preterite
and imperfect verb tenses basic command of
orthography and written phonetic and diacritical
accents. (Created By Compton: Course SLOs
(Div 2) - Spanish)
Course SLO Assessment Cycle:
2013-14 (Spring 2014)
2014-15 (Spring 2015)
2015-16 (Spring 2016)
2016-17 (Spring 2017)
Input Date:
Course SLO Status:
Compton: Course SLOs (Div 2) - Spanish COM: SPAN 52A - Spanish for Native Speakers
- SLO #4 - Upon completion of Spanish 52A,
successful students will demonstrate basic
awareness of cultural events and topics of Spain,
several North, Central, and South American
Spanish-speaking countries, and Hispanic
Assessment Method Description:
The Assessment Method is a holistic approach.
The assessment includes written, oral, reading
comprehension and cultural aspects.
Assessment Method:
Multiple Assessments
Standard and Target for Success:
It is expected that 75% of students will score
70% or above in this SLO.
05/20/2014 - 80% of the students wrote on the Hispanic
community celebration of 5 de Mayo in the United
States. The majority had a general understanding of the
holiday. The student did go into historical details of the
99% of the student properly use the correct verb tenses.
The verbs frequently use were “ser,” “estar,” and
09/26/2014 2:36 PM
Action & Follow-Up
05/20/2014 - The students had to summarize the poem
by Alfonsina Storni, “Hombre pequeñito.” The students
did well in comprehending the biography section of the
99% of the students were not able to correctly analyze
the metaphors in the poem.
Standard Met? :
Semester and Year Assessment Conducted:
2013-14 (Spring 2014)
Faculty Assessment Leader:
Axa Maradiaga
Faculty Contributing to Assessment:
Juan Antonio Tavarez
Assessment Method Description:
The Assessment Method is a holistic approach.
The assessment includes a written,
oral, reading comprehension and cultural
Assessment Method:
Multiple Assessments
05/20/2014 - 100% of the students concentrated their
topic on the South American country of Perú. The
students had a strong interest in the archeological ruins
of Machu Picchu.
100% of the students had a detailed awareness of the
Inca Empire and its culture, customs and language. The
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
05/20/2014 - To address the deficiency
in poetry analysis. Attention should be
emphasize in the
interpretations of metaphors in a poem.
Action Category:
Teaching Strategies
05/20/2014 - Smart classrooms will
assist in the advancement,
understanding and
awareness of the Hispanic culture in the
United States.
Action Category:
Program/College Support
05/20/2014 - Smart classroom can assist
in bringing more awareness of the
variety of the Hispanic culture
around the world.
Page 4 of 5
Course SLOs
communities in the United States. These topics
include the first inhabitants of these particular
Spanish-speaking countries as well as Latino
immigration in English-speaking North
America (Created By Compton: Course SLOs
(Div 2) - Spanish)
Course SLO Assessment Cycle:
2013-14 (Spring 2014)
2014-15 (Spring 2015)
2015-16 (Spring 2016)
2016-17 (Spring 2017)
Input Date:
Course SLO Status:
09/26/2014 2:36 PM
Assessment Methods & Standard and Target
for Success / Tasks
Action & Follow-Up
students successfully were able to distinguish between
Action Category:
the Inca period and the Spanish colonial era.
Standard and Target for Success:
Program/College Support
It is expected that 75% of the students will score 100% of the students wrote on the great potato varieties
of Peru and they successfully were able to have a global
70% or above on this SLO.
perspective of the impact of the potato during the
European famine.
100% of the students referred to the Peruvian dish
“lomo saltado.” They effectively recognized the main
components of the dish: steak, potatoes, onions, rice,
tomatoes, and Peruvian spices.
Standard Met? :
Semester and Year Assessment Conducted:
2013-14 (Spring 2014)
Faculty Assessment Leader:
Axa Maradiaga
Faculty Contributing to Assessment:
Juan Antonio Tavarez
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
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