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The Cycle of Bulimia
The binge and purge cycle as
found in bulimia nervosa has
the ability to perpetuate itself,
making this eating disorder a
dangerous, highly addictive and
debilitating illness. When you
starve yourself, the body responds with powerful cravings
usually for foods rich in sugar.
Not only is your body malnourished but your mental health
affected too. Food becomes
your main obsession both
physically and psychologically.
Bulimia nervosa is a chronic
eating disorder that affects an
estimated 1 to 4% of the female
population in the United States.
A smaller percentage of men
also suffer from the illness.
The binge/purge cycle is at the
heart of the bulimia disorder. A
bulimic will take part in a binge,
which consists of eating an unusually large amount of food in
one sitting. The binge is followed by a purging behaviour,
in which the bulimic tries to
counteract the binge by purging
the food consumed. The purge
can be from self-induced vomiting, taking laxatives, diuretics
or enemas or participating in
excessive exercise or periods
of fasting.
A binger can consume between
3,000 and 5,000 calories in one
short hour. Once the binge is
over, the overwhelming feelings
of guilt begin to take hold.
Binge eating is not caused by
hunger; it is a response to feelings of depression, anxiety, or
worthlessness. Binge eating
temporarily calms these emotions. Bulimics report feeling
Topic of the Month
from abuse of laxatives.
 Electrolyte imbalances from
dehydration and a lack of sodium and potassium in the
 Oesophageal and/or gastric
rupture from vomiting.
Unlike what a bulimic person
may think, purging isn’t effective in getting rid of calories.
Which is why most people suffering from bulimia end up gaining weight over time. You may
appear to weigh less but in fact
this is due to significant water
out of control during a binge.
Vomiting immediately after eat-
Without appropriate treatment,
ing will only eliminate 50% of
the calories consumed or even
much less. This is because
calorie absorption begins the
moment you put food in the
mouth. Laxatives and diuretics
bulimia nervosa can go on for
years, and have serious physiological effects such as:
 Dental problems such as
tooth decay and damage to
tooth enamel from selfinduced vomiting.
 Irregular bowel movements
Contact us
are even less effective. Laxatives get rid of only 10% of the
calories eaten, and diuretics do
nothing at all.
Cognitive based treatments are
available at our clinic to help in
the recovery from bulimia.
+961 1 202208
The National Institute of Mental Health: “Eating
Disorders: Facts About Eating Disorders and the
[email protected]
Search for Solutions.”Pub No. Accessed Feb. 2002.
Choices S.A.R.L. All Rights Reserved. Lebanon
Jeremy Alford