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It’s All About Value:
Creating an
ACO – Friendly
Marketing Approach
NAHC – 2016
Arnie Cisneros PT - HHSM
30+ year Post-Acute Provider (Hosp, SNF, HH)
30+ year Home Health rehab clinician
Leaders Post-Acute Clinical Management
Pioneer ACO (x3) – Post – Acute Strategist
Model 2 BPCI Award – DMC – DRG 469/470
JUMP = Joint Utilization Management Program
UR for Home Health – Value-Based Care
SURCH – VNAA 2016 Innovative Model Award
Preparing for ACOs:
Home Health
enters the
Value Era
Home Health enters the Value Era
CMS Initiatives based on “Volume to Value” shift
Multiple ACA – Based reforms connect w value ID
ACOs represent the working model of the ACA
ACOs rewire the payment and care delivery model
ACOs tie Provider payments to quality metrics
Focus on quality metrics (outcomes) reduces cost
Focus on Outcomes creates Volume to Value shift
Many ACA care models use value as payment factor
Home Health enters the Value Era
CJR – Episodic Bundling for Total Joint Replacements
Value Based Purchasing – P4P – 9 + 9 addn states
Pre Claim Review – addresses improper payments
Improper Payments rose to > 50% in 2015 – 5 states
Pre-Claim Review assures value via quality care
HH Legacy concerns inhibit Care Plan value quotient
ACO value expectations extend to All Part A Providers
ACO structure limits accessibility for HH Providers
Addressing the
Home Health
(Are We Ready? – Sort of)
Addressing the Home Health Value Proposition
Silo behaviors limit Home Health intrinsic value
HH Value concerns compared to CMS Part A Providers
HH Care Production specifics – address in value terms
Care Delivery for outcomes - Vet current programs
Admission accuracy suffers at OASIS SOC (coverage)
Front – line clinical management fails value approach
HH Legacy – failed to achieve value in terms of volume
Lack of Utilization Review compromises Part A value
Addressing the Home Health Value Proposition
ACOs look for Home Health to create finite value effect
Limiting readmissions, Care costs, Care volumes
Reducing Care Transition issues for efficiency
Ongoing, real-time communication for coverage
Assurance of Evidence-Based, Best Practice Care
IT use for intra-episode communication for value
Establishing & managing a DC for Outcomes culture
Creating a standardized level of care quality
Good News for
Home Health
Providers preparing
for the
Value Era
Good News for Home Health Providers
Potential Value comparison makes HH ACO choice
Inexpensive Care redesign allows for value shift
Comparable cost comparison makes HH PAC choice
Ability to manage PAC and Chronic population health
Eliminates risk of inpatient care – infections, re-admit
Global and functional care programs increase value
Legacy of community delivery addresses PAC issues
Patient care is not returning to inpatient culture
Home Health
is the
Preferred ACO
Provider of Choice
Good News for Home Health Providers
Legacy of Flexible Delivery – Pioneers New Models
Care Delivery over a changing acute care model
Patient & MD preference increases with education
Home Health offers ACA value beyond readmits
Reduction of silo-based inpatient Post – Acute
SNF LOS reduction decreases $$ + Reinfect/Readmit
HH ACA Future? – Leaders in Pre/Post-Acute Care
Care Redesign required for ACA value success
What Home Health
Metrics Are
Relevant For
ACO Success?
Home Health Metrics relevant for ACO success
Publicly Traded Quality Data – Re-admits, Star Rating
Attention paid to ACO – related clinical outcomes
Timely SOC, Meds, Improved Ambulation (Falls)
Respiratory, Wounds, ER Use, Patient Satisfaction
Clinical Visit Totals – Per discipline – Per Episode
Supervisory/Clinical Staff Education – Schedule
Not seeking Providers with Benchmark-level care
Not Relevant – Recert Rate, High per Episode Cost
What Home Health
Areas Should be
Targeted For
ACO Success?
Home Health Areas to Target for ACO Success
Inadequate SOC Response times – 24 hours?
Concerns regarding SOC OASIS accuracy & integrity
Incomplete Programming – multi-discipline PPS model
60 – Day Certification Period Mentality (Post-Acute)
Efficiency/Productivity/Lack of In – Episode Control
Lack of Safety-Based Frequency delivery model
Lack of Acuity–Based Programs w/o Utilization Review
Concerns - recerts, frequent flyers, compliance, MV
Home Health
Care Production
Targets For
ACO Success
Home Health Areas to Target for ACO Success
Intake Management – Referral Integrity (F2F) (POC)
OASIS Accuracy – Individualized Clinical Profile
OASIS UR Real-Time Control – Global POC
Proportional Care Plan Production – Clinical Deficits
Total Management of Nursing and Rehab Volumes
Universal Safety – Based Frequencies – Adapt to care
100% Provider – Managed Programming – Part A UR
Frequency & Duration Control – responsive to acuity
Home Health Areas to Target for ACO Success
IT Management – Documentation for Coverage
Discharge for Outcomes Management of all Programs
Change “Clinician – Centered” Home Health Culture
Address MV, Non – Compliant Programs, Eval Only
Assess areas where you can create ACO processes
Support Care Transition Efficiency – Liaisons, etc.
Telehealth for SNF Volume Reduction – PAC control
Break Culture of Traditional HH PPS Episode
Clinical Management of
Home Health
Value-Based Care
(Utilization Review)
Utilization Review in Home Health
The development and delivery of Home
Health services created from a Utilization
Review, PPS - compliant perspective. Patient
centered, case managed care; modified in an
ongoing manner for patient response to
treatment. UR-Managed HH produces levels
of clinical and fiscal outcomes not regularly
seen in homecare as it supports ACA episodic
program care model.
Utilization Review
Home Health
Creates Value
Address Home Health Clinical Targets
Pain – employ OASIS manual clarification (M1242)
Respiratory – OASIS guidance manual (M1400)
Dressing – OASIS guidance manual (M1810/1820)
Bathing – employ OASIS guidance manual (M1830)
Medications - OASIS guidance manual (M2020/2040)
Transfers - employ OASIS guidance manual (M1850)
Ambulation - employ OASIS guidance manual (M1860)
Post – Acute SOC Clinical Orders – 30 days
Home Health
Provider redesigns care
in terms of
Utilization Review
for Value
(HCS of Keene, New Hampshire)
(Cathy Sorenson, CEO)
HCS of New Hampshire – UR Care Redesign
Non – Profit Organization – Keene, NH
Census – 200 (approximate) Home Health
Installed UR program 7/15 – UR Kickoff 8/3
Addressed UR elements prior to UR Kickoff
Present to Administrative/Management UR – process
Present to Clinical Staff – Mandatory all front-line staff
Establishment of UR SOC Collaboration Call Line
UR Kickoff – first 30 day phase crucial for redesign
HCS of New Hampshire – UR Care Redesign
Inadequate SOC Response times – 24 hours?
Concerns regarding SOC OASIS accuracy & integrity
Incomplete Programming – multi-discipline PPS model
60 – Day Certification Period Mentality (Post-Acute)
Efficiency/Productivity/Lack of In – Episode Control
Lack of Safety-Based Frequency delivery model
Lack of Acuity–Based Programs w/o Utilization Review
Concerns - recerts, frequent flyers, compliance, MV
HH CMI Rating ----------- 0.9 / >1.25
HH CMI Rating ----- $2600 / >$3600
HH Star Ratings - 3 Stars / 5 Stars
Checklist for Marketing
Value-Based Care
for ACO
Clinical Programming
Checklist for Marketing Value – Based Care
Home Care Compare Star Ratings – 4 of 5 or better
Home Care Compare Clinical Outcomes
Special focus on Meds, Falls, Re – admissions
SOC Care Transition Management – timeliness
Communication Fluency – with direct care staff support
IT support – clinical reports on inter–connecting EMR
Ability to decrease inpatient PAC costs and risks
Willingness to go “AT RISK” for PAC programs
Checklist for Marketing Value – Based Care
Global Staff Productivity and Scheduling Control
Post-Acute Care Programming (30 Day POC)
Value – Based Clinical Protocols (Eliminate Volume ID)
Front – Line Clinical Staff Control
Transparent Utilization and Care Path Management
Identification & Reduction of HH Legacy Silo Behaviors
Internalization of APM models and savings/value ID
Belief in the reduction of in-efficient care practices
Home Health Strategic Management
1- 877- 449 - HHSM