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Interact with History
are caravan
a merchant
who to
J. came]
in order
sell and
goods. with
Me has
become increasingly difficult because bandits and thieves plague
the roads. They ambush and rob unwary travelers, particularly
merchants selling their wares. There is a new military power
expanding its empire throughout the region of your travels that
is suppressing the worst or the outlaw bands. At the same time
that it is putting down lawlessness and disorder, however, the
militmy empire is imposing harsh Jaws and heavy taxes on the
regions that it conquers.
E:Jnpire --. GOOt{ all' .Bad?
of order
an armed
and safety
a new
During the Middle Kingdom (about 2080-Hi40 B.C.), trade
The New Kingdom of Egypt
An armed
\vith ~lesopotamia and the Indus Valley enriched Eg)}1L located in nOltheastern
Africa. i\leanwhile, up the Nile Hiver, less than GOOmiles south of the Eg)vtian city of
Thebes, a major kingdom had clevploped in the region of Nuhia. For centuries, the
Nubian kingdom of Klish traded with Eg}1Jt. The two kingdoms influenced each other.
After the prosperity of the Middle KingtlOln, EgnJt desccnded into
waf and violence. This was caused by a succession of weak pharaohs
and power struggles amollg rival nobles. The weakened country fell
to im'aclers who swept across the Isthmus of Suez in chariots, a
weapon of war unknown to the Eg)})tians. These invaders, nom,lds
called Hyksus (IIIIIK·sohs). ruled Egypt from 1640 to 1570 B.C.
Tlte Hyksos invasion shook the Egyptians' confidence in the desert
barriers that had protected their kingdom.
Around 1600 B.C., a sf'ries of warlike rulers began to restore
Egypt's power. Among those who helped drive out the Hyksos was
Queen Ahhotep (ah.IIOIHehp).
The queen took over when her
llUsband died in battle. The next pharaoh, Kamose (KAH·mohs),
won a great victOl)' over· the helted Hyksos. His successors drovc the
H~'ksos completely out of Eg'tl)t and pnrs1led them across the Sinai
pCJlinsula into P'-llestine.
to travelers
and merchants.
After overthrowing the Ilyksos rulers, the pharaohs of the New
Kingdom (about 1570-1075 R.C.) sought to strengthen Eg}1Jt by
]nlilding an empire. Eg)lJt now entered its third period of glory in
the New Killgdom. During this time it was wealthier and more
powerfiJI than ever before.
this one, cross the Fertile
Crescent and travel the Silk Road
Such caravans
by thieves.
EUypt's Empire Builders in th~ New Kingdom Equipped with
• Why might a merchant or other
common person f avo!' th8
of a strong empire?
• Why might snch a person
a strong empire?
• Why might a victorious army
enslave a subject people?
learned about military conquest and
such the
as thein this ':j'
how the
• What advantages
or ",buses
might a strong military power
bring to a region?
treat the
the conquered
people under
their respond.
power and
Kingdoll] rulers, JIatshel;sut Sl)Cnt her reign encouraging
rather than just waging war.
reigned 1472-1458
of outstanding
was an excellent
she sent traders
Red Sea to bring
and myrrh
gold, ebony,
As male pharaohs
had done,
a tomb for her-
self in the Valley of the Kings. Carved
on the walls
reveal the glories
The inscription
at Karnak
and her feelings
"I swear
of the temple
of her reign.
(tall stone
her glory
as Re loves me, as
my father Amon favors me, as
my nostrils are filled with
satisfying life, as I wear the
white crown, as I appear in the
red crown, ... as 1rule this
land like the son of Isis.
82 Chaptcr 4
bronze weapons and two-wheeled chariots, the E~vtians became
con'lncrors. The pharaohs or the Eighteenth D)lJaSty (1570-136.5 B.C.)
set lip an army including archers. charioteers, and infantJ)', or f()ot
soldit'rs. TIIC symhols of roY-'ll power had always heen the red Crowll
amI the white CroWH. Now the pharaoh.,:; added a TICW piece' of ro:'al
bluc Cro\\11,a war crown shaped like a battle helmet.
Among the rulers or the New Kingdom, Hatshcpsut
\\'ho boldly clcclared herself pharaoh arolilid
1472 B.C., was uni(lue. She took oyer because her stepson, the Illale
heir to the throne, was a young chiJd at the time. Unlike other New
First Age of Empires 83
Hatsbepsut's stepson, Thutmose
III (thoot.MOIl.suh), proved to be a much more
warlike ntler. In fact, in his eagerness to ascend to the throne, Thutmose III
may even have murdered his stepmother, Hatshepsut. Bet\veen the
time he took power and his death around 1425 B.C., Thutmosc III
led a number of victorious invasions into Palestine and Syria.
Under Thutmose's rule, Egyptian armies also pushed farther
south into Nubia, a region of Africa that straddled the upper
Nile River. From the Blue Nile, the soutbern hOl\ndary of
Nubia, to the shores of the Mediterranean was a distance of
in the Bible. Whoever they IVere, the People of the Sea cansed great destruction.
From the east, the tribes of Palestine often rebellcd against their Egyptian
overlords. From the west, even the vast <.lesert 110 longer stopped Libyans froill
raiding Egyptian villages.
Egypt's Empire Fades After these invasions, Egypt never recovered its previous
power. Egypt broke apart into regional units. Isolated rural populations erected their
own waJIed defenses. In Egypt's former empire numerous small kingdoms arose.
Each was eager to protect its independence. As the empire faded to a distant memory,
princes of these small kingdoms treated Egyptian officials with contempt.
Powerless at home and abroad, E!,rypt fell to its neighhors' invasions. Libyans
crossed the desert to the Nile delta. There they established independent dynasties.
From 950 to 730 II.C., Lihyan pharaohs ruled Egypt and erected cities. Far from
imposing their own cnltnre, the Libyans emhraced the Eg)ptian way of life. When
the Nubians came north to seize power, they, too, would adopt the Egyptian religion,
manners, and culture.
approximately 1,000 miles. From Nubia, Egyptian soldiers
returned carrying gold, cattle, ivory, and many captives
whnm they enslaved. The destinies of Egypt and Nuhia
would be connected for hundreds of years.
Egypt was noW a migbty empire. It controlled lands
around the Nile and far beyond. In addition, it drew boundless wealth from them. Contact with other cultnres brought
The Kushites Conquer the Nile Region
Egypt ne"\' ideas as well a.<;j
materhll goods. Egypt had never
has it since--commallded
such pov,rer and
For centmies, Nubia, the area along the upper Nile River south of Egypt, had been a
source of products and slaves for Egypt. Eg)pt's domination of Nubia and the Nuhian
kingdom of Kush lasted for nbout a thousand years, betweeu 2000 B.C, and 1.000 B.C.
During this time, Egyptian armies raided and even occupied Klish for a brief period.
But as Eg)pt fell into decline around lOOO B.C., Kush was emerging as'a regional
wealth as during the reigns of the New Kingdom pharaohs.
The Egyptians
and the Hittites
By ahout 1400 B.C.,
Egyptian armies had crossed the Sinai Peniusula and conquered
In this wall painting
from an Egyptian
tomb, Nubians
bring tribute to
the pharaoh.
parts of Syria and Palestine, These conquests brought the Egyptians into conflict with
the Hittites. The Hittites had moved into Asia Mioor around 1900 B.C. and later
expanded southward into Palestine.
After several battles, the Egyptian and Hittite anrties met at the Battle of Kadesh
around 1285 B.C. There the two armies fought each other to a standstill. The pharaoh,
Ramses II (RAM'SEEZ), and a Hittite king later made a treaty that promised "peace
and brotherhood between us forever." Their alliance lasted for the rest of the century.
An Age or Builders Like the old Kingdom with its towering pyramids, rulers of the
New Kingdom erected magnificent palaces, temples, and tombs. In search nf security
in the afterlife, they hid their splendid tomhs beneath desert cliffs. In this way, they
would not be plundered by grave robbers and looters. The site they chose was the
remote VaHey of the Kings near Thebes. Besides royal tombs, the pharaohs of this
period also built great palaces aud magnificeut temples. Indeed, the word pharaoh
means "great house" and comes from this time period. The word became a royal title.
H.amses 11, whose reign exteuded from aI'proximately 1290 tn 1224 ILC" stood out
among the great builders of the New Kiugdom. lIe lived to the age of 99 and was the
father of 150 children. At Karnak, he added to a momU11ental temple to Amon
(AIl.muhn), Egypt's chief god. H.amses also ordered a temple to be carved into the
red sandstone cliffs above the Nile River at Abn simbe1 (AIl·boo SIIIM·buhl). Egypt's
last great pharaoh ordered these temples decorated with enormous statnes of himself.
The ears alone measured over three feet. Although these buildings are huge and
Nubia would now establish its own Kushite d)11asty on the
,U •
A. Recognizin~
Effects What v
some 01 the pol;
and economic e
of Egypt'scOnQl
a royal titleb\
the rU\8!'s ow
sacfed to use
Napata, the capital of Kush, was a center of trade in
Hte Nubian and Egyptian empires. Goods traded in
Napata included pottery such as the vessel with
giraffes shown above. This jug was probably used
for wine storage.
impressive, they were not as skillfully built as those of the Old Kingdom.
The Empire Declines
The empire that Thutmnse III had built and Ramses II had ruled came apart slowly
after 1200 B.C. ," other strong civilizatious rose to challenge Eb'YI't's power. Shortly
after Ramses died, the entire eastern Mediterranean suffered a wave of invasions
1200 B.C. These invasions destroyed many kingdoms.
by Land and Sea Both the Egyptian empire and the Hittite kingdom
were attacked by "the People of the Sea," Scholars have not conclnsively identified
these iovaders, although they may well have been the Philistiues often mentioned
Chapter 4
Fir,,! Age of Em!,iI'e"
Kenna's kings were hnried in ch,lmbers larger than those in any Egn)tian
PIANKHI. monument
Eg)-Vtian gods, They adopted the customs and clothing styles of the Eg)1)tian npper class.
\Vhen they returned hOlIlC, the Kl1shite nobles brought back royal rituals and hierogl)1")hicwtiling, They built pyramids based on Eg)1)tian models, hut witb steeper sides.
\Vith Egypt's decline, beginning about 1100 B,C., Kush regained 'its independence,
The Knshites viewe<.llhemselvcs as the gl1ardians of Egyptian values. They sought to
restore the Egyptian way of life. They tried to do this by conquerin~ Eg}1't and oust-
enough a~vay from Eg)1Jt to provide security, I\..·Ier?eJay
closer to the Hed Sea than Napata did. It became active
13. Making
in the booming trade between Africa, ~rabia, and India.
The Wealth of Kush It was here that Kush made use of
might the Kushites
nave viewedthem-
rich natural resources to thrive independently of Eg)'pt for
several hundred years. Unlike Egyptian cities along the Nile,
Meroe enjoyed significant rainfall. And, unlike Eg}1't, Merne boasted
abundant snppHes of iron ore. I\:leroe became a major center for tbe manufacture of
iron weapons and tools.
In Merae, ambitious merchants loaded iron bars, tools, and spearheads onto their
donke)'s. They then transported the goods to the Hed Sea, where they exchanged these
goods for jeweh)', fine cotton cloth, silver lamps, and glass bottles. As the mineral
wealth of the central Nile valley flowed out of Merae, Inxur)' goods from India al1d
Arabia flowed in. The Kushite kings lived like pharaohs, nl1ing from palaces and spending the afterlife in splendid stone-faced p)'ramids. Unlike the Egyptian pharaohs, their
succession was determined by the agreement of the leaders and nobles.
selves asguardiar:s
of Egvptianvalues?
Captures the Egyptian Throne In 751 B.C" a Kl1shite king named
led an army down the Nile and ovelthrew the Libyan dynasty that had ruled
Eg}'Pt for o\'er 200 years. He uniled the entire Nile Valley from the delta in the north to
NapLlta in the south. Piankhi and his descendants became Egypt's Twenty-fifth D)11asty.
After his victory. Piankhi erected a monument in his homeland of Kush. It tells the stOlY
of his military hiumph, which he \'iewed as the restoration of Egypt's glory.
,;:,'\.i., " .
0 --
•• ' •••
'~". -, ','
portraits? What qualities do they
suggest in the rulers?
Connect to Today
Egypt as a sphinx dates back to the
Twelhh Dynasty, 1844-1797 B.C.
a Portrait
What are
some elements that you would
include in a portrait of a poweriul
This granite sphinx of King Taharqa of
Nubia comes from the Amon Temple at
Kawa, 690-664
2. TAIliNG
• New Kingdom
• Hatshepsut
person in today's society?
Ramses II
and Kush.
o 0 0
gold with fusedglass
is a goddess
On the
wearing a vulture
and a
Create a time line showing
important events in the history of
• Nubia
• Hyksos
" Thutmose
of Amenemhat
in the
late firstcenturv
B.C, his made of
Centl11ies earJiel~ around the time the Kushite pharaoh sat on Egypt's throne, a new
empire had gathered in the north. Like Kush, AssyIia would come to dominate Eg)-pt.
What similarities
can you see between the two
from Meroe
the Egyptian pharaoh to the left is
over a thousand years older than
that of the Nubian king to the right.
This armlet
The Decline of Meroe After four centuries of prospelity, from about 250 R.C. to
1,50, Merae began to decline. The rise of Aksum, a rival power located 400 miles
soutbeast, contJibuted to Meroe's fall. With a seaport along the Red Sea, Aksum now
dominated North Aflican trade. Aksum defeated Meroe around A.D. 350.
The interaction of Egypt and Nubia
can be seen in the art and sculpture
of the two kingdoms, The portrait of
in Cairo Museum
Alier their defeal b)' the Assyrians, the Kushile ro)'al famil)'
eventunllv moved sOllth to ~'1er()e (MEIlRob'EE),
ing its Libyan rulers,
,n.'.-;i _:.'::.:_
..'"."."('..~.<,.. -:.::.:.: ..~,:
The Golden Age of Meroe
of Egyptian C.'ultureto Kush's other Allican trading partners.
Kushite princes went to Eg)Vt. They learned the Eg)·vtian language amI worshiped
HOIVever, Piaukhi's d)o1asty proved short-lived. In 671 B.C., the Ass)'rians, a warlike
people from Southwest Asia, conquered Eg}1)t. The Kushites fought bravel)', hut they
were forced to retreat south up the Nile by the Assyrians. There the Kushites would
experience a golden age, despite their loss of Eg}1)t.
pharaohs forcefllHy imposed Eg:VtiaH rule on Nubia's next grel\t kingdom, Kush. During a
long period, Eg)Vt ruled Kush. Eg)1)lian governors, priests, soldiers, and artists strongly
influcnced the Nl1bians, In<.h-·ecl,Knsh's capitaL Napata. became the center for the spread
i"(~', _.'. ,".~""""':' ,_. ,'~ . :' '_ . ~_.-'-. --"'.;'", ',..:"'
Hobles. Kcrma prospered during Eg)1)l's Ilyksos period.
\ mid. Hed-and-black Kenna pottel} of ~real beal1ty fetc·hed hi~h prices frum Eg}1)lial1
The Interaction
of Egypt and Nubia \Vith Eg)lJfs rC\'ival d1.1ling the Nc\\' Kingdom,
Then the ships were laden with silver, gold, copper, clothing, and everything of the
Northland, every product of Syria and all sweet woods of God's-Land. His Majesty sailed
upstream [south], with glad heart, the shores on his either side were jubilating. West
and east were jubilating in the presence of His Majesty.
They linked Eg)Vt and the !\lccliterranean world to the north \,·ith the interior of
Aft;ca to the south amI to the Heel Sea. Along the liver, goods and ideas flowed back
and forth for centuries. The first N llhian kiugcloJ}l, Kenna, arose shortly afh.>r 20()O
. R,C.
On the monument he had words inscribed that celebrated his victOlY.The insCliption
provided a catalog of the riches of the north, including those of Eg}pt and S)'lia:
The People of Nubia Nubia lay sOllth of Eg:1)t 1Jl-'twcen the first c,\taract of the Nile
and the division of the river into the Blue and \\'hite Niles. Despite se\'eral cataracts
around whicb boats had to be carried, the lengthy Nile provided the best north-south
trade route. Several Nubian kingdoms (including KlIsh) served as a trade corridor.
Which empire was invaded more
often? Why?
Empire Building
Read the temple inscription
written by Piankhi and quoted at
the top of this page. Explain how
an Egyptian might have written
the inscription differently.
• the role of trade and the
• what bias Piankhi had
movement of goods
• the impact of military
• the influence of cultural
• how Egyptians benefited from
Piankhi's invasion
• why Egyptians might have
disagreed with Piankhi
How did
Egypt and Nubia strengthen each
other at various times in their
First Age of Empires 87
Chapter 4
Assyrianwarriors were ferocious in combat.In this
relief-sculpture that has figures standing out froma flat
background-they are shown launching an assault on a
fortifiedcity.The Assyrianwar machine includeda variety
of weapons and methods of attack.
While Assyrianarchers launched waves of arrows
against their opponents defendingthe city walls,
Assyriantroops threw their ladders up against the walls
and began their climbinto the enemy's stronghold.
SE1TII\1G THE STf\GE For more than two centuries, the Assyrian arm)' advanced
across Southwest Asia. It overwhelmed foes \dlh its military strcngth. After the
Q 'Nenpow:;
Troopswere armed with the best weapons of the time,
iron·tipped spears, as well as iron daggers and swords.
They were also protected with armor and large shields.
Assyrians seized coutrol of Eg}l)t, the Assyrian king Esarh;uldoll proclaillled, "I ton:
up the root of Kush, amI not one therein escap(->dto suhmit to !IIc." The last Kushite
pharaoh retreated to Napata, Kush's capital city.
i!i) r"clics
A Mighty Military Machine
The Assyrianswere savage in their treatment of defeated
opponents. Those who weren't slaughtered in the initial
attack were often impaledor beheaded, whilewomen and
childrenwere sometimes murdered or sold intoslavery.
Beginning arou1lt18.50 B.C., Assyria (uh·SEEH·ee·nh) acquired a large
empire. It accomplished this hy Illeans of a sophisticated military organization and state-of.·the-art weaponry. For a time; this campaign of
made Assyria the greatest power in Sonthwest Asia.
1"'),;. :If
part of I\lesopotamia. Their flat, exposed ['lnnlamllllade
them easy to
attack. Invaders swept down from the nearby mountains. The Assyrians
may have developed their warlike behavior in response to these invasions. Lacking natural baniers such as 1ll00mtains or deserts, they
repelled invaders by developing a strong army. Through const,mt warfare, Assyrian kings built an empire that streldJPt1 from east and north
of the Tigris Hiver all the way to central Egypt.
One of these Assyrian kings, Sennaeherib
together, they connected these pontoons to the shore with beams. Then they erected
a raised dirt roadway at both ends. An armed guard protected the soldiers who
installed a support structure of stones, brush, and clay.
Before attacking, the Assyrians ring beneath the city's walls to weaken them. Then,
with disciplined organization, foot soldiers marched shoulder to shoulder. A trained
Causes WhatC<3used
develop a strong iJrmy
cavalry, or troops ricling horses, galloped into battle, following their generals, who rode
in chariots. \\lith courage and coordination, foot soldiers approadled to within an
arrow's shot of the city walls. At a signal from their commander, they stopped, strung
~heir haws, and reJeased a shower of arrows. \Vave upon wave of arrows hissed over the
bragged that he had sacked 89 cities and 820 \'iJlages, humeri Bahylon,
and ordered most of its inhabitants killed. Ccntllries Iat('r, in the 1800s,
the English poet G(>orge Gordon, Lord Byron, romanticized
A~S}Tians' bloody exploits ill a poem:
,valls of the besieged city. Meanwhile, another group of troops hammered the city's
with massive, iron-tipped battering rams. \"hen at last the city gates splintered,
Assyrians showed no mercy. They killed or enslaved their victims. Because soldiers
eived a bounty for severed heads, many of the defeated \'vere beheaded.
The Assyrian came down like a wolf on the fold,
And his cohorts were gleaming in purple and gold;
And the sheen of their spears was like stars on the sea,
When the blue wave rolls nightly on deep Galilee.
This detail
of a
an Assyrian
soldier with a
and iron-
tipped spear.
r. .'!.!!; T.-,·
'n~'f "'y~n;U"'!
One Assyrian king bragged of burning 3,000 captives to death. Another told how
of Sennacherib"
the chiefs who had revolted I flayed, with their skins I covered the pillar, some in
midst I walled IIp, others on stakes I impaled, still others r arranged arollnd the
r on stakes." To prevent later rebellions, the Assyrians forced groups of captives to
their homelands. They were forced to settle f~lraway as exiles in the empire's
ant provinces and dependent states.
Assyria was a soddy which glorified ll1i1ihllY
strengtll. Its soldiers W<:'I"(,
weB equipped f(H' ('oIHlllering an l'11Ipirc. Making Ilse of tlw
iron-working ted,nology of tIle tilllC, the soldiers covered thclnsc'l\'cs in stilT Jeathcr
and J}letal armor. They wore copper Of iron hd1l1ets, padded loincloths, and leal her
skirts laYl'rl'd with metal scales. Thdr weapolls WCr<'iron swords and iron-pointed
spears. InfantJ)', archers, and spear throwl'rs protected thelllsl~l\'cs with hllge shi(']ds.
Advance planning amI technical skill allowcd the Assyrians to lay sie~(' to em'IIIY
cities. \Vhcn deep water blocked their passagc', enginecrs wOllld hridge the rin:'fS with
pontoons, or floating strnctllres \lsed to support ,1 bridge. ~lYjng inflated animal skins
The Assyrian army used sappers-soldiers who dug
tunnels to sap, or undermine,the foundations of the
enemy'swalls so that they would fall.
·'.'?-npl;; The Ass\Tians came from the llorthern
'een 850 and 650 B.C., the kings of Assyria defeated Syria, Palestine, and
siege: a military
blockade to force a
Reaching beyond tlie Fertile Crescent, Assyrian rule extended into Eg)pt
Anato]ia. With the conquest of Eg}pt, the Assyrian Empire had estahlished itself
rth Africa.
city to surrender
c:ltapter 4
First Age of Empires
Many people in the region rejoiced at Nineveh's destruction,
NahnlO (NAY·hulnn) gave voice to the feelings of mallY:
Assyrian Ru\e At its peak around 6'sO
H.C., this empire included almost all of
tIle old centers of ci\ilizalioll and power
in Southwest Asia. \ Vith great efficiency,
And it shall come
themselves with Ass)'lia. Assyrhm
armies protected the dependent lerritolies from invasion by other enemies.
1n adclitioll, tl)c 111ilitary canlpaigns
added neW territory to the empire.
This brought in ta.xes and tJilmte to the
B. Recognizing
Causes What
Assyrians toruletheir!
empile effectivel,,?
Assyrian Culture Some of Assyria's
most fearsome warriors e~lfneda reputation as great builders. For example,
the same King Sennacherib who bad burned Babylon also established Assyria's capital
at Nineveh (NIHN.uh.nrh)
aloug the Tigris !\iver. This great walled city, about three
miles long and a mile wide, was famous as the largest city of its day. Iu the ruins of
Nineveh and other Assyrian cities, archaeologists fonnd finely caf\"cd scnlptnres. Two
artistic subjects particularly fascinated the Assyrians: brutal militmy campaigns and
the lion hunt.
In addition to the treasures of empire, Niueveh also held oue of the ancient world's
largest libraries. King Ashmhanipal
(AH.shllr.BAIl-nuh.PAHL) prided himself on his
ability to read in several1angnages: "The beantifnl writings in Sumerian that are
obscure, in Akkadian tl",t are diflkult to bear in mind, it was my joy to repeat:' This
kingly reader cllHected more tban 25,000 clay tablets from thronghout tbe Fertile
Crescent. Some were dictionaries containing the same words in severallangoages.
When archaeologists uncovered the library's remains in the mid- ISOOs. the dictionary
tablets enahlc'>(lscholars to better lIiHlerstaJltl1\'1csopot~11llian writing.
C. Making
had such a great
interesl in writing a
N01 ES
Create a diagram showing the
causes of the rise and of the
decline of Assyrian power.
Aslmrbanipa1 proved to be one of the last of the mighty Assyrian kings. Ass)'Tian
power \,ad spread itself too thin. Also, tbc crnelty displayed by thc Assyrians bad
earned them many enemies. Shortly after Asbnrhanipal"s death, Nineveh fell.
Oecline and Fall just as Assyrialls had tlestrllyed so mallY cities, Assyria's enemies
demolished Nilleveh. III 612 I1.C., a combined anllV of Medes (lllee,1z). ChaMeans
(kal.DEE.uhuz). ami others rammed open the cit/s gates. Their armies burned and
leveled Nineveh. The [ire glazed the tablets in the hhrary, which preserved them for
archaeologists to stmlv centllries later. So thoroughly did the armies destroy Nineveh
that t\'\-'ocenturies later on1)' mounds remained.
I,It 'I
Chapter 4
shall flee from
thy nobles
shall dwell
in the dust:
missed the flmvering shrubs of her
mountain homehmd. To please
her, the king had fragrant trees
and mountain sh11lbs plmlted on
terraces. They rose 75 feet above
Babylon's Rat, dry plain. Slaves
watered the plants from hidden
Indeed, the entire city \vas a
wonder. Its walls were so thick that, according to one report, a four-horse chariot
conld wheel around on top of them. To ensure that the world knew who ruled
Babylon, even the bricks were inscribed, "1 am Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon."
The highest building in Babylon was a great, seven-tiered ziggurat more than 300
feet high. It was visible for miles. At night, priests obsef\"ed the stars from tlte top of
tltis tower and others in the city. They kept detailed records of how the stars and planets seemed to change position in the night sky. The Chaldeans' observations formed
the basis for both astronomy and astrology.
Nebl1chadnezzar's empire fell shortly after his death. The Persians who next came to
power adopted mauy Assyrian military, political, and artistic inventions. The Persians
would use the organization the Assyrians had developed to stabilize the region.
The Empire Crumbles
of the World. According to legend,
one of Nebuchac1nezzar's wives
i 1\
gardens. Greek scholars later listed
them as one of the Seven \Nonders
Assyrian treasury. These beeal!le an
instrument of control. If a conquered
and Thebes?
2. Location What is the southernmost
part of the Assyrian Empire
and to what other empire did it previously belong?
0 king of Assyria:
Rehirth of Bcbyl'CJn Under the Chaldeans
After defeating the AssyIians, the
Chaldeans made Babylon their capital. AronmlGOO B.C., Babylon became tlte center of a
new empire, more than 1,000 years after IIammurabi had ruled there. A Chalclean king
named Nebuchadnezzar
(NEIlB·ult·kuhd·NEIIZ·ultr) restored Babylon. The most
impressive part of his palace may
have been the Eunous hanging
dependent re~ions by choosing their
rulers. Or, they supported kin~s \vho
Interpreting Maps
1, location What is the approximate distance between Nineveh
NAHUM 3:7,18
provinces and Blade them dependent lerlitones. Assydan kings inflnenced these
people into exi1e. By tliese means the
AssyJians developed an effectiw~ method
of governing ,m extended empire.
. Thy shepherds
thy people is scattered upon the mountains, and no man gathereth them.
govenll'u bn<1s closest to Assyria as
people refused to pay, the Assyrians
destroyed their cities and sent the
all they
say, Nineveh is laid waste: who will bemoan her? Whence shall I seek comforters for
the Assydans organize(l their conquered
territoIies into an empire. AssyIian officials
to pass, that
The Hebrew prophet
lions made
of glazed
decorated walls
along the broad
road that passed
the Ishlar Gate of
in Babvlon.
3. roruV!lrM;
The Assyrians relied almost
exclusively on military power in
building, maintaining, and ruling
their empire. Explain whether you
think this was a good strategy .
4. 'T~IEr'!lEActnnn'
Scien<:e and Technology
Work with a partner to draw
a mural highlighting how
developments in technology
influenced the rise and decline
of the Assyrian Empire.
. I
• the causes of Assyrian
military power
• the stability of the empire
• the methods that empires use
to become stronger
First Age oJ Empires
Under Persian rule, subject peoples enjoyed remarkable
edom. Indeed, Babylon peaceful1y opened its gates for
rus in 539 B.C. Thankful for the bloodless victory, Cyrus
cred prayers to Babylon's chief god, Marduk. According to
rsian accounts, "all the inhabitants of Babylon ... princes
.\ governors included, bowed to Cyrus and kissed his feet,
,ilant and with shining faces."
Cyrus also al10wed the Jews, who had been deported from
,ir homeland by the Babylonians, to return to Jemsalem in
3 B.C. Under Persian mle, the Jews rebuilt their city and
nple. They also resumed their sacred rituals. Many portions
the Old Testament first appeared in written form dming this
iod. The Jews were forever grateful to Cyms, whom they
lsidered one of God's anointed ones. The Hebrew prophet
ra te]]s of Gyms's kindness:
SF-TTiNG HJE STt~(iE The Medes, along with the Chaldeans, helped to overthrow
the Assyrian Empire in 612 B.C. The Medes marche(l to Nineveh from their homeland in the area of present-day northern Iran. Meanwhile, the Medes' close neighbor
to the south, Persia, began to expand its horizons and tenitorial ambitions.
The Rise of Persia
The Assyrians employed military fence to control a vast empire. In contrast,
the Persians would base their empire on tolerance and diplomacy. They relied
on a strong military to back np their policies. Ancient Persia included what is
of Iran
always had substantial minealth and natural resources.
have attracted invaders
hout the ages. In the past, its
Jposits of iron, copper, and
3zuli attracted bands of invadmads and warriors, including
an raiders. Equally important,
mineral wealth encouraged
Nith the outside world.
lay, huge reserves of oil lie
th the surface of Iran. Various
1 powers compete for these
I fields. The Iranian govern,wards contracts to compa,develop oil fields in Iran and
rsian Gulf. Iran's economy
heavily on revenue from its oil
,apter 4
The tomb of Cyrus
the Great still
with other royal
tombs of the
:RA 1 :2-3.
ancient world.
It is notable
'or its simplicity
This wise and tolerant ruler was above all a warrior. Cyrus lost his life in battle,
1ting nomadic invaders on the eastern border of his empire. According to the
eek historian Anian, his simple, house-shaped tomb bore these poignant words:
man, 1 am Cyrus the son of Cambyses. I established the J>ersian Empire and was
g of Asia. Do not begrudge me my memorial."
! About 1000 B.C., Imlo-Europeaus first
migrated from Central Europe aud southern Russia to the mountains
and plateaus east of the Fertile Crescent. This area extended from
the Caspian Sea in the north to the Persian Gulf in the south. In
addition to prosperous farmland, ancient Iran boasted a wealth
of minerals. These included copper, lead, gold, silver, and gleaming
blue lapis lazuli. A thriving trade put the settlers iu contact with their
neighbors to the east and the west.
At first, dozens of tiny kingdoms ruled in the region. The Medes
and others joined lorces to overthrow the Assyrian Empire in 612 B.C.
Eventually two major powers emerged: the Medes and the Persians. A
remarkable ruler would soon lead Persia to dominate not only the
Medes but also a huge empire.
~rsian Rule and Religion
e task of organizing and unifying conqnered territoties fell to rulers who followed
rus. They succeeded by combining IJersian control \vith local self-government.
,.",,,1 u,·,·;" ....
, Cyrus died in 530 B.C. His son Cambyses (kam·BY·seez),
ned after Cyms's father, extended the Persian Empire by conquering Egypt.
'wever, the son neglected to follow his father's wise example. Cambyses publicly
rned the Egyptian religion. He ordered the images of Egyptian gods to be burned.
er mling I,)r only eight years, Cambyses died. Immediately, \videspread rebellions
,ke out across the empire. Persian control had seemed strong a decade earlier. It now
med surprisingly fragile.
Cambyses's successor, Darius (duh·HY·uhs), a noble of the ruling dynasty, had
begun his career as a member of the king's bodyguard. An elite
group of Persian soldiers, the Ten Thousand Immortals, helped
Darius seize the throne iu 522-521 n.c. Darius spent the first
three years of his reign putting down revolts. He spent the
next lew years establishing an unusual1y emdent aud we]]organized administration.
Soon the new king extended Persian conquests in the
east. He led armies up into the mounlains of present-day
Afghanistan and down into the river valleys of India. The
immense Persian Empire now embraced Egypt and Ana-
The rest of the world paid little attention to the Persians l1nti1550 B.C. That year, Cyrus (SY'lllhs),
Persia's king, began his couquest of several neighboring kingdoms in
Iran. A new power was rising in the region. Eventually, the Persians
extended their rule [i'on, the Indus Hiver in the east to Analolia in the
west. This empire spmmecl over two thollsal1dmiles.
Cyms's soldiers wore leather pants andlhiek fell boots. Hiding
n,onntain ponies, they shot arrows Ii'om the short bows that their
al1cestors had used on lhe steppes of HlIssia. Their leader proved to be a milit,uy genius.
IIe led his army li'om victoty to victmy between ,5,50and 539 B.C. Cyms and his armies
cOllquered the entire Fertile Crescenl and most of Anatolia.
Even more than his milit,uy genius. though, Cyrus's most emlming legacy was his
method of governing. I-lis kindness toward conqnered peoples revealed a wise and
tolerant view of empire. For example, when Cyrus's army n,arched into a dty, his
generals enforced slrict discipline against looting and burning. Unlike other
conquerors, Cyrus helieved in honoring local cnstoms and religions. Instead of
destroying the local temple, Cyrns would kneel there to pray.
1is is the word of Cyrus king of Persia: The Lord the God of heaven has given me all the
ngdoms of the earth, and he himself has charged build him a house at Jerusalem
I Judah. To every man of his people now among you I say, God be with him, and let
im go up to Jerusalem in Judah, and rebuild the house of the Lord the God of Israel,
1e God whose city is Jerusalem.
legacy: something
the past
down from
Crescent in the center. This vast empire extended
over 2,500 miles from east to west. Darius's only failure,
and that of his son, was his inability to conquer Greece.
First Age of Empires
tolia in the west, part of India in the east, and the Fertile
I ..
Royal Road
'ys in which societies build and maintain empires
: systems of communication and transportation.
built by the Persian Empire
n Persia to Sardis in Anatolia.
oad royal commands
Ich ;no;t parts of
chariot dates lrom the
Itury B.C. It is the type 01 vehicle
have traveled the Royal Road in
Darius. The studs on the wheels
ned to help prevent the chariot
.g. The large wheels provided a
de over rough ground.
I 1. Region What part of the ancient world did Cambyses add to the Persian Empire?
I 2. Region Compare the map of the Persian Empire with that of the Assyrian Empire. What areas
1\.. did the Persians
I.'--.-.---'----'... -- ru/~that
- ·-.~
.. ---.'
..-- - -'---'- ."'''---- ,-
. ---.'-
' .
.._ _..,
pro\linces and Satr ••ps Although a great warrior, Darius's greatest genius lay ill
The Ride
administration. To govern his sprawling empire, the king clh~ded it into 20 provinces.
These provinces were roughly similar to the homelands of the lmUlYgronpS of people
within the Persian Empire. Uncler l'ersian rule, the people of each pro\~nce still practiced thcir own religion. They also spoke their own langm\ge and followe,1 m,my of
their own laws. This administrative po\icy of nmny gronps_sometilnes
called "nation'
by their own laws within one empire wonkl be repeatedly practice,l in
Southwest Asia. This eontinned in the early \.\)00, in the Ottoman Empire.
Althongh toleranl of the many groupS withill his empire. Darius still rnkd with
absolute power. In each proviuce of the Persian Empire, Darius installed a governor
calle<l a satrap (SAY.TIIAP), who ruled locally. To enSllre his salrapS' loyally. Dalius
sent out inspcctors known as the "Killg's Eyes amI Ears." They chec\w,l np on the
administration of each province in every coraer of lhe kingllo1n. Darins also appointed
an army leader amI a tax colledor for each province.
'I\vo other tools helped ti,e Persian king ho1<lhis empire together. An exceHent road
Relay stations were equipped with fresh horses for the
king's messengers. Royal messengers could cover the
length of the Royal Road in seven days. Normal travel
system and the nse of stamh\rd 1noney helped nnite the empire. The famous Hoyal
Hoae\ of the l'ersiall El11pire raU [rom Susa in Persia to Scu'dis in Anatolia, a distance
of 1,677 miles.
Darins borrowed his second idea. n"Ulubduring
metal COillS,fronl the Lydians of
Asia Minor. For lhe first time, coins of a standard valne dreuhttecl thronghollt an
extended empire. No longcr ,lid people have to weigh aud measure odd pieces of gold
or silver to pay for wlmt they bought. Like the road system, the \\~der nse of standardized coins promoted trade. Trade, in tU111,helped to hold the empire together.
. Chapter 4
time along the road was longer. A caravan, for example,
might take three months to travel the whole distance.
of Interaction
hing in the world which travels faster than these Persian couriers,"
rote about the messengers of the Royal Hom!. Strong road
works like the Ho)"!1Hoad enabled empires to expand and
jntain control over people and places. Like the Persians,
the Inca of South America created a road svstem thonsands
{~, of miles long. These roads allowed the Inc,{ to extend their
\':. rule over as many as ] 6 million people. Empires throughout
histOlY have shared characteristics such as efficient communi,
cation ;ystems, efleetive leaders, and powerful armies.
Effects How
would the Royal Road enable
the ruler to maintain power in
the empire?
Connect to Today
What systems of
communication and transportation
today might be compared to the
Royal Road of the Persians?
It:iLY;:Ii¥.~J Building Empires: The Rise of the
Persians and the Inca
First Age of Empires
By the time of Darius's rule, about 2,,500 years had passed since
the first Sumerian city-states had been built. Dnring those years, people of the Fertile
Creseent had endured war, conquest, and (,unine, This gave rise to a basic question:
Why should so much suffering and chaos exist in the world? A Persian prophet ami
religious reformer named Zoroaster
(ZA\VH,oh,AS,tuhr), who lived around GOO B.C.,
olTered an answer.
Zoroastcr taught that two spiritual armies
fight for possession of a person's soul. The god
of truth and light, Ahnra Mazlla (ah-IlUH·nh
MAZ,duh), lealls one army. The gOlI of evil
and darkness, Ahriman (AH,rih.muhn), leads
the other. At the end of time, Zoroaster
of Zoroaster.
the life
Even the
date of his birth is
early as the 11 ODs
8.C .. although
date it around
sixth century
preached, all souls would be judged according to which side they had choscn, Followers
of Ahura Mazda would be lifted into
THE STAGE The Zhou D)~1asty, as you read in Chapter 2, endured for at
least eight centuries, from approximately 1027 B.C. to 256 B.C, For the first 300 years
of their long reign, the Zhou kings controlled a large empire, including both eastern
and western lands, Local rulers represented the king, but he had the ultimate power,
By the latter years of the Zhou Dynasty, the lords of dependent territories began to think of themselves as independent kings, Their
bloody wad'ire led to the decline of the Zhou Dynasty.
paradise. Followers of Ahriman would suffer
forever in a fiery pit. A collection of books
called the Auesta became the holy writings of
the Zoroastrian
religion. In Zoroaster's reli-
gion, people's own choices controlled their
Elte. At the final jmlgment, those who had
chosen the side of goodness would not be
doomed to a dismal undenvorld. Instead,
Philosophy and the Social Order
China's ancient values of social order, harmony, and respect
for authority were put aside toward the end of the Zhou
Dynasty, To restore these values, Chinese scholars and
philosophers developed different solutions.
they would ascend to paradise.
The Zoroastrian religion developed ideas
about heaven, hell, and a final judgment that
were similar to concepts in Jndaism, Chlistianity, and Ishun. The faith of Zoroaster
spread eastward into India, There, it became the Parsi sect, the largest gronp of
ZoroastJians in the world today. Zoroastrianism also was an impOltant inflnence in the
devclopment of Manicheanism, a religious system that competed with early Christianity
I(JI'believers, The cult of Mithra, a Zoroastrian god, spread westward to become a pop-
B. Comparing
ideas and world
the Persians
brought political order to Southwest Asia. They prescrved ideas from earlier civiliza·
tions and f()tlnd new ways to live and mle. Their respect for other cultures helped to
Create a Venndiagramto show
the similaritiesand differences
between Cyrusand Darius.
Why do you think Persians and
other peoples were able to turn
their thoughts to religion?
• past history of peoples in the
Fertile Crescent
, livingconditionsin the Persian
• role of leaders in the Persian
Which ofthe differences do you
consider most important?Why?
~/" ~'Jt;~'j" i,q";~~.!l~':$
Empire Building Howdid
Darius's methods of administration
give stabilityto his empire?
, the structure of the empire
• policyoftolerance
• the role ofthe satrap
This 18th-century
taking an examination on the
Confucian classics.
They wish to
advance in the
In serving his parents, a filial son renders utmost respect to them at home; he supports
them with joy; he gives them tender care in sickness; he grieves at their death; he
sacrifices to them with solemnity ...
civil servants in
China go back to
the Han Dynasty,
the Analects
Confucius was not content to be merely a great teacher, He wanted to reform
Chinese society by showing a prince or duke how to govern wisely. Impressed by
Confucius's ,,1sdom, the duke of Lu appointed him Minister of Justice, According to
legend, Confucins so ovenvhelmed people by his kindness and courtesy that almost
overnight, crime vanished from Ln, vVhcn the ,hIke's ways changed, however,
Confucius felt compelled to resign.
Born in 551
brother and younger brother, and 5) friend and friend. A code of proper conduct regulated each of these relationships, For example, rulers should practice kindness and
\irtuolls living. In return, subjects should be loyal and law-ahiding.
Thrce of Confucius's five relationships were based lip on the family. Confucius
stressed that children should practice what he called filial piety, or respect for
their parents and eldcrs:
preselve those cultures for the fnture. The powerful dynasty Cyms cstablished in
Persia lasted 200 years and grew iuto a huge empire. Likewise in China, as you will
kart! ill Section 4, great empires arose that dominated their regions.
China's most influential
Confucius lived at a time when the Zhou Dynasty was
being torn apart by waning lords. He led a scholarly life,
studying and teaching history, music, m1d moral character.
Confucius believed that social order, harmony, and good
government could be restored in China if society was organized
around fivc basic relationships, These were the relationships between:
1) ruler aud subject, 2) father and son, 3) husband and wife, 4) older
ular religion among the militmy legions in the Homan Empire,
Throngh their tolerance and good government,
did Zoroastrianism
share with
"'. d""
scholar was Confucius
First Age of Empires
Confucius spent tbe remainder 01' his life kaching. The onlv record of his ideas
are the writings of his studellts. His stndents bter collected his words in a book called
the Analects. A disciple named ]\Ieucius (MEHN·shee.nhs)
also spread Confucins's
ideas. Both Confucins and Mencins tanght that leaelers shonld be virtuous.
COli fudall
Conl1,cius "litl tbat educatiou
compiled around 4QQ
B.C. It became a fUndamental pa~ of
could trans-
in China. The word
analects means
form a humbly born pcrson into a gentleman. [n saying this, he laid the gronnclwork
for the creation of a bureaucracy,
a traiued civil service. or those who rnll the
from a literary \\Iork."
• Thinkersand their ideas
should be strictly controlled
bythe government.
government. According to Confucills, a gentleman had four virtues: "In liis private
condnel he was courteous, in serving his master he was punctilious [precisc], ill
providing for the ueeds of the people he gave them even more than thcir due; in
exacting service from the people, be was jnst." Edllcation became critically
importaut to career advancement ill the bureallcracy.
Confucianism was never a religion, but it was an etbical system. It bec",nc the
for Chinese government
spread beyond China ami inflnenced
5e,,'< lIarmony
I was most important.
5 K ILL BUll D ER: Interpreting
and social ordcr. In addition, the ideas of
civilizations throughout
East Asia.
For Confncius, the social order of hunily aud govcrnment
For another Chinese thinker named Laozi, who may have lived
during the sixth centmy B.C., only
the natural order was ilnportallt.
His book Dcw De Chillg (TllC Waf}
socia! order: ~aving
to do with relations
between people.
to do with relations
between al\ living
expressed Laozi's belief.
He said tlu;t a uuiversal l(nTe called
the Dao (tow), meauing "the \Vay,"
551-479 B.C.
Legendhas it that Laozi'smother
carried himin her womb for 62
years and that he was born with
6th century B.C.
I white
hair and wrinkledskin.
he wasLaoz;'s
us won a post as minister
j contemporaryof
Jrding to legend, he set
,irtuous example that a
j that governmentshoulddo as littleas
, possibleand leavethe people alone:
ringin the middleofthe
Therefore in governing the
,ould lie untouched for
s Confuciussaid, "Ifa ruler
people, the sage empties their
minds but fillstheir bellies,
is upright,allwillgo well
weakens their wills but
: orders. But if he himselfis
strengthens their bones. He
ight,even though he gives
always keeps them innocent of
they willnot be obeyed."
renfrom officeby political
knowledge and free from
desire, and ensures that the
J, Confuciusreturned to
clever never dare to act.
19. He considered himself
'e because he had never
Laozithoughtthat people could
gh office.YetConfucius's
do littleto influence the outcome of
lave moldedChinese
events. Daoism offered communion
Itfor centuries.
with nature as an alternativeto
a poorfamily,Confucius
lis livingas a teacher.
)nged to put his principles
on byadvising political
Finally,at around age 50,
"'pter 4
the Dao or way.
Of all the creatures of nature,
according to Laozi, only hnmans fail
to follow th~ Dao. They argne about
<[nestions 01 right and wrong, gOOlI
manners aml had. According to
Laozi, snch argnments are pointless.
The philosophy of Laozi came to
be known 'LS Daoism, lts search ror
knowledge, and undcrstanding of
natnrc led DaoisIll's followers to pmsne scicntific studies. Daoists made
contribntions to the sciences or
alchcIllY, astronomy, and me(licinc.
Urge Harsh
Rule In
shmV contrast to the followers or
Conrncins was a gronp or practical
political thinkers called the Lcgalists.
They believed that a highly efficient
and powerfnl go\'el1lment was the
key to restOling order. They got their
uame from their
restore harmony.
The Legalists
carried out their
belicf that government shou]d use'the law to end ci\'il disordcr and
Among the I(Jlmders of Legalism were llanleizi and Li Si.
taught that a ruler should provide rich rewards for people who
duties well. Like\\~se, the disobedient should be harshly punished.
In practice, thc Lcgalists stressed punishment more than rewards. Fo,- example,
anyone caught outside his own \'illage without a travel permit should have his ears
or nose chopped ofl, said the Legalists.
The Legalists believed in controlling ideas as well as actions. They
suggested that a ruler burn all wlitings that might encourage people
to think critically about govenunent. After all, it was for the plince to
govern ancl the people to obey. Eventually, Legalist ideas gained favor
\\~th a prince of a new dynasty that replaccd the Zhou. That power/ill
rnler was soon to put an end to China's long period of disorder.
guides all things.
If yon seek order and harmony,
said Laozi, go up into the hills, sit
by a stream, and observc a drifting
cloud or a soft breeze. Observe that
nothing in nature strives {()rl'l1ne,
power, or even wisdom. The clond,
the hreeze, and the stream move
withont effort hecause they follow
1. Which of these three systems stress the importance of government and a well-ordered society?
2. Which system emphasizes the natural order over the social order?
3. Which of these systems seems to be most moderate and batanced? Explain.
·.,,.r.·· ..
rJ: ~',~t
I Ching and Yin and Yang People \\~th little interest in these
a story
down from
times, espe-
cially one believed
be historical.
philosophical debates consulted a book of oracles calledl Ching
(also spelled YiJil1g) to answer ethical or practical problems. Readers
used the book by tlmming a set of coins, intelvreting the results,
and then reading the appropliate oracle. The I Chil1g (The Book of
Changes) helped people to lead a happy life by dispensing good
aeh~ce and simple commou sense.
Ancieut thinkers developed the concept of yin and yang, two
powers that together representeel the natural rhythms of life. Yang
represents the masculine qnalities in the universe, yin the feminine.
Both forccs represent thc rhythm of the universe and complement
each othcr. Both the I Chillg and yin and yang helped Chinese
people uuderstand how they fit into the world.
The Qin Dynasty
A short-lived dyuasty replaced the Zhou D)'llasty in thc thircl centUlY
B.C. It emerged Ii-om the western state of Qin (cllihn). The 13-year-old
Qin Dynasty mler who caUle to the thronc in the third century B.C.
employed Legalist ide'L>to subdue warriug states aud unify his countJy.
A New Emperor Takes Control After rnling I()r over 20 years,
in 221 B.C., the Qin ruler assumed the name Shi Huangdi (shihr
which means "First Emperor."
Yin and Yang
The symbolofyinand yang is a
circle dividedintohalves;as shown
in the emblemabove.The circle
represents the harmonyofyinlearth,
female,passivel and yang Iheaven,
male,active).Yinis represented by
the tiger and the colororange;yang
is represented bythe dragon and the
color blue.
Ancient Chinese thinkers
believed that pain is caused by an
imbalance in the body between the
forces of yinand yang. They
believed that acupuncture helped
to restore this balance byreleasing
blocked energy.
The new emperor had
First Age of Empires
begun his reign by halting the internal battles that had sapped China's strength. Next
he turned his attention to defeating invaders and crushing internal resistance to his
From the Yellow Sea in the east to the
Gobi Desert in the west, the Great Wall
twisted like a dragon's tail for thousands
of miles. Watch towers rose every 200
to 300 yards along the wall.
rule. Shi Huangdi's armies attacked the invaders north of the Yellow River and south
as far as what is now Vietnam. His victories doubled China's size. Shi Huangdi was
determined to unify China.
The Qin emperor acted decisively to crush political opposition at home. To destroy
the power of rival warlords, Shi Huangdi instituted a policy called "strengthening the
trunk and weakening the branches." He commanded all the noble families to live at
the capital city under his suspicious gaze. This edict, according to tradition, uprooted
120,000 noble families. Seizing their land, the emperor carved China into 36 administrative districts. He sent Qin officials to control them.
To silence criticism, the emperor and his prime minister, the Legalist philosopher
Li Su, murdered hundreds of Confucian scholars. They also ordered "useless" books
burncd. These books were the works of Confucian thinkers and poets who disagreed
Slabs of cut stone
on the outside of
the wall enclosed
with the Legalists. Practical books about medicine and fanning were spared. Through
measures such as these, Shi IInangdi established an autocracy-a
government in
which the ruler has nnlimited power and. uses it in an arbitrmy manner.
a heap of pebbles
and rubble on
the inside. Each
section of the wall
II Pm{)',~m nf C"••I.ralizillion Shi Huangdi's sweeping program of centralization
rose to a height
of 20 to 25 feet.
included the building of a highway network of over 4,000 miles. He forced peasants to
work on roads against their will. He also set uniform standards for Chinese writing,
law, currency, and weights aod measures, down to the length. of cart axles. This last
standard ensured that all vehicles could fit into the ruts of China's main roads.
Under Shi Huangdi's rule, irrigation projects increased farm production. Trade
blossomed, thanks to the new road system. Trade pushed a new class-merchantsinto prominence. Despite these social advances, harsh taxes and repressive government made the Qin regime unpopular. Shi Huangdi had unified China at the expense
of human freedom.
B. Recognizing
Effects What were
the positive
and nega·
tive effects of
In the time of Shi Huangdi, hundreds of
thousands of peasants collected, hauled, and
dumped millions of tons of stone, dirt:and
rubble to fill the core of the Great Wall. Many
who died working on the wall were buried in
the core.
G,,,,,,t Wail of China Scholars hated
Shi Huangdi for his book bnrning; poor
people hated him for their forced labor
in building a unified wall. Earlier, Zhou
rulers had erected smaller walls to
discourage attacks by northern nomads.
Shi Huangdi determined to close the
gaps and unify the wall 1,400 miles to
the west. Now enemies would have to
gallop halfway to Tibet to get around it.
The Great Wall of China arose on
the backs of hnndreds of thousands of
peasants. The wall builders worked neither for wages nor for love of empire.
They faced a terrible choice: work on
the wall or die. Many of the laborers
worked on the wall and died anyway,
victims of the crushing labor or the
winter winds. The Great Wall of China
is so huge that it is one of the few
human-made features on Earth visible
from space.
i RA
PHY SK I LLB U I LD ER: Interpreting
m How far south did the Qin empire extend?
ct Jts function?
How does the wall's location
lhe ['"II
<,f the
Qin The Qin Dynasty
proved short-lived. Though fully as cruel
as his father, Shi H uangdi's son proved
less able. Peasants rebelled just three
years after the second Qin emperor took office. One of their leaders, a peasant from
the land of I-Ian, marched his troops into the capital city. By 202 B.C., the harsh Qin
D)~lasty gave way to the Han D)~last)'.
\Vhile the Chinese explOl-ed the best ways to govern, ancient Greece was experimenting with different forms of government, as you will read in Chapter ,5.
Create a web like the one below,
and indicate how the chaos of the
warring states affected Chinese
philosophy, politics, and the
growth of cities.
;1!,~, •...•:,_,
In 1776, the American Declaration
of Independence declared that
"all men are created equaL" How
would followers of the three
philosophical traditions in China
react to that statement?
• their views on equality
• views on opposition to
4. 'rHU,qE
Interaction with
Environment Make
a chart
that compares and contrasts the
monumental projects of the
Persian Royal Road and the Great
Wall of China. Include their
purposes, how they changed the
environment, and how they
affected the peoples living there .
First Age of Empires