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The Age of Napoleon
Chapter 3 Section 3
Essential Questions:
1. What was the overall effect of
Napoleon’s Civil Code?
2. What were the three parts of
Napoleon’s Empire & what did
they include?
3. What was the most important
factor in Napoleon’s defeat and
what did it mean?
4. Why did Napoleon invade Russia?
The Rise of Napoleon
Napoleon Bonaparte moved
through the ranks and became
a lieutenant in the French army
In 1794, general of the
Committee of Public Safety
In Italy he won many battles
and became well known and
respected by his men
He returned to France a hero
and planned to invade Britain
Their navy was too powerful so
he abandoned his army and
returned to Paris
In Paris, he participated in the
coup de’ etat of 1799 and
overthrew the government
He established a consulate, in
theory it was a republic, but
Napoleon had absolute power
He was called the first consul
and he appointed officials,
controlled the military, and
influenced legislature
In 1804, he crowned himself
Emperor Napoleon I of France
Napoleon’s Domestic Policies
Napoleon’s first order of business is to mend
relations with the Catholic Church
Napoleon was a believer of reason himself, but
knew most of France was Catholic
He made a deal with the Pope
-he said that the Catholic church was allowed to
be the major religion
-in return, the Pope would not ask for lands
taken during the revolution to be returned
This won Napoleon great support
Codification of Laws
Civil Code or Napoleonic Code
-equality for all citizens, right to choose a
profession, religious freedom, etc.
Civil Code made things worse for women
-women were not equal to men under the law
-when they married, they lost control over any
property they had
A New Bureaucracy
Napoleon also created a strong centralized
He created a bureaucracy of capable
People received jobs on the basis of their
Napoleon: Good or Bad?
He did keep some major reforms of the
The Civil Code gave all citizens equality before
the law
Government jobs were open to more people
He did destroy some liberties
He shut down 60 of France’s 70 newspapers and
restricted freedom of speech
When Napoleon became consul
in 1799, he was at war with
Britain, Austria, and Russia
In 1802, a peace treaty was
signed, but war broke out again
a year later-Britain was joined
by Austria, Russia, Sweden, and
Napoleon emerged victorious
and was master of a three part
empire: French Empire,
Dependent States and Allied
■ French Empire was core,
included enlarged France
■ Dependent states were
kingdoms ruled by
Napoleon’s relatives
■ Allied states were countries
defeated and forced to join
the fight against Britain
Napoleon’s Empire
Spreading the Principles of the
In his new empire,
Napoleon tried to spread
revolutionary ideas
These included legal
equality, religious
toleration, and economic
In many countries, he
destroyed the old order
by getting rid of the
privileges of nobles and
The European Response
Two reasons Napoleon’s
Empire failed
1) Napoleon was never able
to defeat Britain
-Britain was a sea power
-Napoleon massed a fleet of
ships to attack the British
navy, but was defeated at
Trafalgar in 1805
-Next he tried to cut off
trade between Britain and
the allied states, but the
allied states smuggled
goods anyway
Called the Continental
-the sense of unique identity of a people
(common language, religion, and national
-Countries taken over by Napoleon began
to unite against the invaders and
overthrow them
-these people were able to see power of
national feeling
The Fall of Napoleon
Russia did not want to be a part of the Continental
Napoleon decided to invade
In June 1812, Napoleon’s Grand Army of 600,000
people invaded Russia
The Russians refused to fight
Instead they retreated, and burned homes and
crops- so that Napoleon and his army could find no
food or shelter
When the Grand Army finally reached Moscow, it
was on fire
While in Moscow, the winter set it, so the Grand
Army organized the Great Retreat
Thousands of soldiers starved and froze along the
Only 40,000 of the original 600,000 made it to
Now that the French army was crippled, European
states joined together and captured Paris
Napoleon was exiled to the island of Elba off the
coast of Italy
Louis XVI brother was installed as king
The Final Defeat
The new king was not liked
Napoleon slipped back into
France and was welcomed
He began to raise another
army to attack a British and
Prussian army in Belgium
At Waterloo, Belgium we
was defeated by the Brits
and Prussians led by the
Duke of Wellington
Again, Napoleon was sent to
exile, this time in St.
He stayed there until his