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September 18, 2015
Part One
7 Little
Words /
Part Two
Oedipus Ask
Me Anything
Part Three
Is Oedipus
Is Oedipus
Oedipal? Essay
due Monday
EQ: How does Aristotle define tragedy
and tragic hero?
7 Little Words
Vocabulary Builder
Using the MS Store tile,
download 7 Little Words onto
your tablets and play today’s
This Do Now will be a
vocabulary builder for us.
Oedipus the King
In Google Chrome, navigate to and complete the 10question Oedipus the King quiz.
Oedipus: Ask Me Anything
Reading Guide Review
Reading Guide Review
Next week, we’ll be analyzing and evaluating the major
structures, paradigms, and themes in Oedipus.
Today, we’ll circle up and discuss the plot of the play.
In Ask Me Anything, you’ll have the chance to review the
reading guide with your teacher and peers, plus you’ll have
an opportunity to ask further questions about Oedipus.
Is Oedipus Oedipal?
Article and Writing Prompt
What is the Oedipal Complex?
The Oedipal complex is a term used
by Sigmund Freud in his theory of
psychosexual stages of development to
describe a boy's feelings of desire for his
mother and jealously and anger towards
his father. Essentially, a boy feels like he is
in competition with his father for
possession of his mother. He views his
father as a rival for her attentions and
Major Aspects of the Oedipal Complex
•The Oedipal complex occurs in
the phallic stage of psychosexual
development between the ages of
three and five.
•The phallic stage serves as an
important point in the formation of
sexual identity.
•The analogous stage for girls is known
as the Electra complex in which girls
feel desire for their fathers and jealousy
of their mothers.
“The Real Oedipal Complex”
Today, download and read “The Real Oedipal Complex”
by Jeffrey Rubin Ph.D.
This weekend, craft an essay (four paragraphs) that
advances Rubin’s claim that “Freud misread Oedipus
Rex—which does not illustrate the Oedipus complex—
and distorted its meaning to suit his theoretical
All essays should:
Be typed and double-spaced
Be written in Times New Roman, size 12
Contain a strong intro, body, and conclusion
Use several cited quotes from the article and play
Be revised and edited for content and mechanics
* Download the corrected hackers essay for
On your own
Hardcopy of “Is Oedipus
Oedipal?” essay is due