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The circulatory system moves
Blood through the body
 The circulatory system includes
The heart, blood, and blood vessels
 The 3 kind if blood vessels are
Arteries, capillaries, and veins.
 Most arteries carry blood
With lots of oxygen
 Unlike arteries and capillaries, veins
Have valves.
blood vessels
 Valves
are flaps that act like doors to keep
blood moving in only one direction.
 Veins have thinner walls than arteries but
thicker walls than capillaries.
 Side by side , ten capillaries would barely as
thick as one hair
 Some capillaries are so narrow that blood
cells must flow through them in a single-file
 The
capillary is the tiniest kind of blood vessel
 Oxygen and the nutrient move from the blood in the
capillaries through your thin walls to your body cells.
 The capillaries have to join together to form the
smallest veins.
 Veins are blood vessels because that transport blood
to your heart
 A lot of tiny veins join many times to form larger
The Heart Diagram
In mammals, the function of the right side
of the heart (see right heart) is to collect
de-oxygenated blood, in the right atrium,
from the body (via superior and inferior
vena cavae) and pump it, through the
tricuspid valve, via the right ventricle,
into the lungs (pulmonary circulation) so
that carbon dioxide can be dropped off
and oxygen picked up (gas exchange). This
happens through the passive process of
diffusion. The left side (see left heart)
collects oxygenated blood from the lungs
into the left atrium. From the left atrium
the blood moves to the left ventricle,
through the bicuspid valve, which pumps
it out to the body (via the aorta). On both
sides, the lower ventricles are thicker and
stronger than the upper atria. The muscle
wall surrounding the left ventricle is
thicker than the wall surrounding the right
ventricle due to the higher force needed
to pump the blood through the systemic
 The
right and left atria and the right
ventricles are the four chambers of the heart.
 The veins from the lungs are colored blue because
they contains blood with less oxygen-rich blood.
The arteries going to the lungs are
colored blue because they contain
blood with less oxygen.
Your heart was still pumping when
you were born because your alive.