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Vocab. 1-10 defined
1. array (pg. 2): an orderly arrangement.
2. desolation (pg. 9): loneliness; abandonment.
3. indignant (pg. 10): angry because of something unjust,
mean, or unworthy.
4. voluminous (pg. 13): having great size, volume, fullness, or
5. spray (pg. 14): a small branch bearing flowers, leaves, or
6. consternation (pg. 17): great fear or dismay.
7. defile (pg. 23): to make filthy or dirty; pollute; to make dirty
or corrupt; to spoil the sacredness or purity of
8. tersely (pg. 27): briefly or in a “to-the-point” manner.
9. maliciously (pg. 29): done in a way that shows you are
motivated by a desire to harm others; spitefully.
10.covey (pg. 35): a group or small flock of partridges, grouse,
and/or similar birds.
Vocab 11-15
11. impassively (impassive) (66): in a manner that shows no
feeling or emotion.
12. guileless (66): free of treacherous cunning or skillful deceit.
13. fervor (86): intensity of emotion.
14. furtively (furtive) (94): done or acting in a stealthy manner;
sneakily; behaving in a quiet, secretive, cautious manner so
as to avoid notice.
15. harangued (harangue) (98): to deliver a long, loud speech—
often one in which the speaker denounces a person, group,
or thing.