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The Cold War
Chapter 16
American convicted
and executed for
passing nuclear
sexrets to the Sovies
Who is Julius
Term used to
describe extreme,
reckless charges
What is
Weaker country
under the control of
a stronger country
What is a Satellite
War to achieve
specific goals rather
than the total defeat
of the enemy
What is Limited War
American diplomat
who stressed the
need to contain
Who is George
Endless race to
acquire greater
numbers of more
and more powerful
What is Arms Race
General in command
of U.S. forces in the
Korean War
Who is Douglas
Fear of communists,
both outside and
within the United
What is Red Scare
Having so many
weapons that both
sides would be
totally destryed in an
alll-out war
What is Mutually
Assured Destruction
U.S. policy to use
force to help
countries in the
Middle East fend off
What is the
Eisenhower Doctrine
What best is the best
underlying cause of
the Cold War?
Basic political and
economic differences
between the U.S. and
Soviet Union
HUAC was created in
1938 to investigate
possible subversive
activities by…
What are
Fascists, and Nazis
What was the
outcome of the civil
war in China?
The communists led
by Mao Zedong
defeated the
Why was the conflict
between the Soviet
Union and the United
States described as a
“cold” war?
The two sides did
not engage each
other directly in a
military conflict
A Red Scare occurred
at what earlier
period in American
1917-1920, after the
Russian Revolution
In the Korean War,
United Nations
Fought together with
U.S. troops against
North Korea
What was a
consequence of
secret CIA
operations in the
Why did J. Robert
oppose development
of a hydrogen bomb?
He thought it would
lead to an arms race
Why did the United
States get involved in
the Korean War? In
what ways was the
war a success, and in
what ways was it a
After the Soviet Union got the
atomic weapon how did the
relationship between them and
the U.S. change? Arms Race,
MAD, and Brinkmanship should
be discussed.