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Why did people want to come to Canada?
a) Economic opportunity
b) Better standard of living
c) More rights and freedoms
How did the government assimilate natives?
a) Banned cultural functions
b) Took away their land
c) Residential schools
What were the 7 causes of WWI?
1) Nationalism
2) Alliances
3) Naval rivalries
4) Arms race
5) Russia wanted to expand
6) France wanted Alsace and Loraine back
7) Germany wanted colonies
8) Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
9) Imperialism
What 3 countries were in the Triple Alliance?
1) Germany
2) Italy
3) Austria Hungary
What 3 countries were in the Triple Entente?
1) France
2) Britain
3) Russia
Define the following terms:
 Nationalism: Pride. The belief that your country
is the greatest
Alliances: When countries work together to
protect each other
Allies: Countries that are on the same side
Conscription: Forced military service
Suffrage: The right for women to vote
Trenches: Tunnels, soldiers slept/ate fought here
No Man’s Land: The land between the trenches
Internment: Placing people of the same ethnicity
in concentration camps
Idealism: The belief that everything can be
resolved in a peaceful way, making everyone
Retribution: Revenge
Treaty: Document/agreement setting the terms
of a resolution
War Measures Act: A law allowing the
government to arrest/detain/search and deport
without warrant or trial
What are the following people known for?
Wilfrid Laurier:
 Anti-conscription, Liberal, pro-French
Woodrow Wilson
 President of the USA, 14 points, idealism
Franz Ferdinand
 Archduke of Austria-Hungary, assassinated
Clifford Sifton:
 Minister of immigration
Robert Borden
 Prime Minister, pro-conscription
Sam Hughes
 Minister of the militia, organized war effort
Arthur Currie
 General, led Canadians to Victory at Vimy
8. What was the Conscription Crisis?
 There were not enough volunteers
 French did not want to join b/c they believed it was
an English war, many officers were English
9. How did the conscription crisis divide the nation?
 The English wanted conscription, the French did not
 English (conservative), French (Liberal)
10. Why did Canada end up in the war?
 We decided to follow Britain. They were in charge of
our foreign policy
11. How did the Halifax explosion happen?
What are the 3 consequences of Trench Warfare?
1. Trench foot
2. Rats, lice
3. Shell shock
13. How did the Wartime Elections Act help Borden
win the election?
 Did not allow immigrants to vote?
 He allowed women with relatives at war to vote
14. Write a one line explanation for each of the
following battles:
Ypres: First use of chlorine gas
Cambrai: Use of tanks
The Somme: Blood bath
Passchendaele: muddy, huge loss of life
15. Vimy Ridge
 Tactics: Mock ridge to practice
 Outcome: Canadian victory
Why is this important for Canada: All Canadians
fight under a Canadian General
16. Why did the U.S. not want to join the war?
 They thought the war had nothing to do with
17. Why did they finally join?
 1917 – Germans declared unrestricted
submarine warfare on trading partners of the
Triple Entente
18. Nurses, worked on the home front
(ammunitions, factory work)
19. Summarize the plan of Woodrow Wilson (14
 Woodrow Wilson – President of US during WWI
“14 points” was a plan for peace, end WWI
Open covenants of peace, openly arrived at.
Freedom of the seas.
The removal of all economic barriers, and establishment of equality of trade.
Guarantees that national armaments will be reduced.
Adjustment of colonial claims, that in determining all such questions of sovereignty, the interests
of the people concerned must have equal weight with the claims of the government whose title is
to be determined.
Russian territory should be evacuated, and Russia welcomed into the society of free nations.
Belgium should be evacuated and restored.
All French territory should be freed and the invaded portions restored.
The frontiers of Italy should be readjusted along clearly recognizable lines of nationality.
The peoples of Austria-Hungary should have the freest opportunity to independent development.
Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro should be evacuated and restored, Serbia should have free
and secure access to the sea, and the relations of the several Balkan states to each other should
be determined by friendly counsel, and political and economic independence and territorial
integrity of the several Balkan states should be internationally guaranteed.
The Turkish portion of the Ottoman Empire should have a secure sovereignty, but the other
nationalities which are under Turkish rule should have an undoubted security of life and an
opportunity of independent development, and the Dardanelles should be permanently opened as
passage to the ships and commerce of all nations.
An independent Polish state should be erected including the territories inhabited by Polish
populations, which should have free access to the sea.
The League of Nations should be formed.
Treaty of Versailles
 Peace treaty that ended WWI
 Signed in Versailles (Paris), France
Made Germany accept blame for the war
 Made Germany pay reparations
 Limited German military
 Forced Germany to give territory back to France
This makes Germany upset, embarrassed
 Possible cause of WWII