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6.4 & D6
O2 is vital to life!
Oxygen is required for cellular respiration
Humans can survive for only a few minutes
without oxygen (3-4 minutes is enough to
cause some brain damage)
Air is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1%
other gases including carbon dioxide
C6H12O6 +
6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP
Waste products
From the food
we eat!
The primary responsibility of the respiratory
system is to provide O2 from the ambient
(outside) air to the blood and to pick up
waste gas, CO2 from the blood and transport
it out of the body
Protects body from microorganisms
Respiratory system also provides sound by
vocal cords (in larynx)
these cords vibrate as air is forced past them,
producing sound
Nostrils and Nasal Cavity or Mouth
right bronchus left bronchus
(into right lung) (into left lung)
Air enters through the mouth and or nose.
The air is warmed and moisten in the nasal
passages and mouth before entering the
(Prevents damage to the thin tissues
surrounding the lungs)
Tiny hairs and mucus line the nasal passage
to filter dust and airborne particles and
prevent them from entering the lungs.
Air then moves to the pharynx (throat).
During swallowing, the epiglottis closes the
passage to the respiratory tract.
During breathing, the glottis (the opening to
the trachea) stays open.
Air passes the larynx (the voice box) and
flows to the trachea.
The trachea (windpipe) is a semi-rigid tube.
◦ It’s rigidity is because it is made of rings or cartilage
(“cartilaginous rings”) which keep the walls strong and
The cells of trachea secrete mucus that can
trap foreign objects that were not stopped in
nasal cavity
microscopic cilia (hair-like structures) then
work to “sweep” out trapped substances back
to the pharynx
once in pharynx these substances can be
swallowed or expelled
Coughing and sneezing will aid the cilia in
removing the foreign substances
The trachea then branches into two bronchi
(singular= bronchus).
Each bronchi is connected to a lung.
The bronchi branch into smaller tubes called
The bronchioles end in a cluster of alveoli
(singular = alveolus)
An alveolus is a tiny sac in the lung, at the end of
a bronchiole, where gas exchange occurs.
Each cluster of alveoli is surrounded by a network
of capillaries (small blood vessels).
O2 from the air that enters the alveolus,
dissolves onto the moist surface of the alveoli
and diffuses into the capillaries to be transported
by red blood cells to the rest of the body
Meanwhile, CO2 leaves the capillaries and
diffuses into the alveolus so it can be exhaled.
NOTE: It is important that alveoli are moist.
The moisture allows the oxygen to diffuse
through the alveolar membrane into the
(DIFFUSION: the movement of particles from an
area of high concentration to low
See pages 311, 313
Type I pneumocytes
◦ Most of the cells in the epithelium
◦ Flattened cells
◦ cytoplasm ~0.15µm thick
Type II pneumocytes
◦ About 5% of the alveolar surface
◦ Rounded cells
◦ Secrete a fluid (pulmonary surfactant) to coat the inner
surface of the alveoli keeping it moist so that:
Gases (O2) can dissolve before diffusing into alveolar
b) Prevent the sides of the alveolus from sticking to each
The fluid secreted by the type II pneumocytes
contains a pulmonary surfactant.
The molecules are similar to phospholipids
They form a monolayer on the surface of the
moist alveolar walls with the hydrophobic tails
pointing out (to the alveolar lumen) preventing
walls from sticking together and collapsing.
The alveoli are very thin. They are only one
cell thick!!
This allows for diffusion to occur easily
across the alveoli.
(Capillaries are also only one cell thick which
also facilitates diffusion)
Each lung contains approximately 150 million
alveoli. That’s 300 million alveoli in total!!!
Having so many alveoli increases the surface
area for gas exchange.
(If all the alveoli in an adult pair of lungs were
flattened out, their combined surface are
would be equal to half a tennis court!)
1. Large surface area
◦ This means there are more sites for diffusion
2. Thin
◦ Short Distance for gases to move
These eight small spheres
with radius 1unit have the
same total volume as the one
larger sphere with radius 2,
but they have four times the
total surface area
3. Moist
◦ Gases need to dissolve
before passing through
4. Good Blood supply
◦ Maintains concentration
Lungs are situated in the thoracic (chest) cavity
and are surrounded by a double-walled sac,
called the pleural membrane
The inner layer of this sac is attached to the
outside of the lungs
The outer layer of this sac is attached to the
inside of the rib cage
A thin space exists between the double wall
which is filled with a fluid. This is known as the
pleural space
Because of surface tension, the double wall
behaves like two plates of glass stuck
together by a film of water. They can slide
over one another, but are difficult to separate
This allows movement of lungs to be coupled
with the movement of rib cage
When you breathe in, your rib cage moves up
and out
 the outer layer of the pleural membrane
moves up too
 pulls the inner layer of the pleural
 which pulls the lungs up and out too!
the act of ambient air exchange via the
process of inhalation and exhalation
(movement of gases between lungs and
humans ventilate or fill the lungs by the
process of breathing (alternating inhalation
and exhalation)
the process is best described as negative
pressure breathing which works by pulling air
down into the lungs
air moves from an area of high pressure to an
area of low pressure
so how do the lungs create a low pressure so
that air can move inwards?
In between the ribs are muscles called
intercostal muscles
When muscles contract, they become shorter
When muscle relax, they are elongated.
Oftentimes, a muscle relaxes because it is
pulled into a elongated state by another
muscle contracting.
These are known as antagonistic pair of
Inspiration and expiration involve opposite
movements working together as antagonistic
1) External intercostal muscles contract and
lift the rib cage which pulls the lungs up and
out - this increases the volume (space) in
the lungs
At the same time the internal intercostal
muscles are relaxed.
lung volume =
lung pressure
(because there is more
2) a dome shaped muscle called the
diaphragm is located under the lungs (forms
bottom wall of thoracic cavity)
During inhalation the diaphragm contracts
and moves downward (flattens) pushing the
relaxed abdomen wall out.
this further increases lung volume
increased lung volume caused by these 2
events reduces the air pressure in the lungs
to a point where the air pressure in lungs is
less than air pressure outside body (negative
the result is that air moves inward, from
higher pressure to lower pressure
1) The internal intercostal muscles contract
and pulling the ribcage and the lungs back
down and in.
Meanwhile the external intercostal muscles
2) The diaphragm relaxes and is pushed
upward into a domed shaped by abdominal
muscles contracting.
External Intercostal muscles
contract (lungs move up and
Diaphragm contracts and
moves down
Lung volume
increases and
(because more
External intercostal muscles
relax (lungs move down
and in)
Diaphragm relaxes and
moves up
Lung volume
decreases and
pressure increases
(because less
When you eat ribs what you are really eating
is intercostal muscle!
If the diaphragm was ripped or torn it would
not be able to regulate pressure in thoracic
Normally an individual takes approximately
12 breaths per minute
However, this can vary depending on
circumstances (physical activity will increase
rate and depth of breathing)
The maximum volume of air that can be
taken into the lungs
During normal breathing, only a small
fraction of the total capacity enters our lungs.
Lung capacity depends on sex, body type,
and life style.
Males, non-smokers, and athletes tend to
have larger lung volumes
the volume of air an individual inhales or
exhales with each breath
averages about 250mL to 500mL in humans
only a fraction of total lung capacity because
after you exhale some air still remains in the
even if you exhale forcefully air remains
the maximum volume of air that can be
exhaled after (beyond) a tidal volume
the maximum volume of air that can be
inhaled after (beyond) a tidal volume
the maximum volume of air that can be
inhaled or exhaled during forced breathing
MALES: 4.4 L - 4.8 L
FEMALES: 3.4 L – 3.8 L
always 1 - 1.5 L less than total lung capacity
because if lungs become completely deflated
they would collapse
the amount of air remaining in the lungs after
a maximum exhalation because it is
impossible to completely collapse the alveoli
We’ve been using respiration as a general
term for the entire process of gas exchange
in our bodies.
Some other respiration definitions:
◦ External respiration
◦ Internal respiration
◦ Cellular Respiration
involves the exchange of gases (O2 & CO2)
between the alveoli and the blood (capillaries)
The blood then carries O2 to all cells of the
Body cells
involves the exchange
of gases between the
capillaries and the cells
(Interstitial Fluid is the
fluid between cellsthe gases dissolve into
it before moving into
body cells or
occurs at cellular level
When O2 gas diffuses across into the
mitochondria it is used in the biochemical
reaction of cellular respiration to make ATP.
CO2 is produced as a waste product
C6H12O6 +
6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP
Gas exchange takes place at the
approximately 300 million alveoli found in
the human lungs
Gasses diffuse on the moist surface of the
alveoli where the capillary beds are located in
close proximity to the alveoli
Gas exchange occurs because there is a
pressure difference
When you inhale, oxygen is taken into the lungs
Therefore, there is a higher oxygen pressure in
(alveoli = high O2 and low CO2)
Heart sends deoxygenated blood to the lungs to
pick up this oxygen
Therefore, there is a lower oxygen pressure in
(capillaries = low O2 and high CO2)
Hence O2 flows from the moist alveoli surface
(high O2) to the blood capillaries (low O2)
Oxygen is not very water soluble and so O2
gas binds with the iron atom found in each
hemoglobin molecule and is transported in
this manner to the body cells
HEMOGLOBIN – blood protein that transports
(When oxygen is attached it is called
oxyhemoglobin) (HbO)
Oxygen is then transported to body cells to
be used for cellular respiration where CO2 is
produced as a by-product
CO2 must be transported back to the lungs to
be exhaled (CO2 moves from capillaries
(high) to alveoli (low)
High Pressure O2;
Low pressure CO2
Low Pressure O2;
High pressure CO2
The differences in pressure also allows for
internal respiration (gas exchange at the
When the oxygenated blood reaches the body
cells, there is a high pressure of O2 and a low
pressure of CO2 in the capillaries and a low
pressure of O2 and high pressure of CO2 in
the cells
The transport of CO2 back to the lungs occurs
by three different methods:
7% of CO2 dissolves in blood plasma (liquid
part of blood) and is carried by plasma
23% binds to amino groups of hemoglobin
(forms carboaminohemoglobin) and is
70% is transported as bicarbonate ions
CO2 is converted to bicarbonate because it
reacts with water (assisted by the enzyme
carbonic anhydrase) in plasma
reaction produces carbonic acid
acid immediately breaks down into a
hydrogen ion and a bicarbonate ion (HCO3-)
CO2 + H2O ⇄ H2CO3 ⇄ H+ + HCO3-
breathing is an involuntary activity – one can
alter their breathing pattern for only a short
time before the body regains control
it is the concentration of CO2 in the blood
that controls the rate of breathing
our breathing control centers are located in
two areas of the brain the medulla oblongata
and the pons
The control centers monitor the carbon
dioxide levels in blood and regulate breathing
how does brain know that carbon dioxide is
Remember, carbon dioxide changes into
H2CO3 and then into H+ and HCO3-
An increase in H+ causes a drop in pH (more H+
in blood therefore, more acidic)
(Blood pH needs to remain within a pH of 7.35 –
the blood flows to the brain
Sensors (chemoreceptors) in the medulla detect
these changes
When medulla gets this signal it increases the
individual’s breathing rate to help eliminate the
extra carbon dioxide (increases the rate of
contraction of the intercostal muscles)
Other sensors in the walls of the aorta and
carotid arteries in neck (major branches of aorta)
can also detect changes in pH of blood
The sensors send nerve impulses to medulla
Medulla adjusts breathing rate
(Sensors in aorta and carotid arteries can also
detect changes in O2 levels in blood, however it is
mostly the CO2 that will control breathing)
Nerve impulses are sent to medulla which adjusts
breathing rate (by increasing intercostal muscle
Two sets of nerves
travel from medulla
to the lungs
The intercostal
nerves stimulate the
intercostal muscles
The phrenic nerves
stimulate the