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The Middle Ages: 500 – 1500
The Medieval Period
Rise of the Middle
Decline of the Roman
Western Europe
Think of a chess set
Provide knights in
times of war
Fiefs – land grants
Military protection
Fiefs – land grants
Based on mutual obligation
Feudalism at NEHS???
Early Middle Ages
450 - 1050
A. Roman Empire Vs. Germanic Tribes
 1. Rome
• a. Unified by loyalty to
public government and
written law
• b. Orderly government
• c. All peoples followed
the same rules
 2. Germanic
 a. Family ties and
personal loyalty
• b. People lived in small
communities governed
by unwritten rules and
• c. Ruled by a Chief who
led a band or warriors
loyal only to him – not
some emperor they’d
never seen
B. End of Democracy
 1. Roman empire overran by Germanic groups with repeated
invasions and constant warfare
• a. Breakdown of trade: money became scarce.
• b. Cities abandoned – no longer center of economy or
• c. Population became rural.
• d. Decline of literacy – priests and other church
officials were the few that were literate.
• e. Breakup of unified empire
C. European Empire Evolves
• 1. After the decline of the Roman Empire small kingdoms
sprang up all over Europe.
• 2. The largest and the strongest was controlled by the Franks
• a. Lead by Clovis – first Christian king
• b. Greatest king was Charlemagne
• 1. most powerful king in Western Europe
• 2. encouraged learning
D. Rise of Charlemagne
• His father, Pippin, left Charlemagne his Frankish empire when
he died in 768 AD. The Franks were already very powerful
when Pippin died, but Charlemagne made them more powerful
• Charlemagne organized a centralized system of governors
(counts) throughout his kingdom, sending out men he knew to
keep order all over his kingdom, and then sending out other
men to check up on the counts.
• Charlemagne also greatly expanded the size of his kingdom. He
conquered France down to the Pyrenees mountains, and even
into northern Spain . He crossed the Rhine river and conquered
Germany , Switzerland and Austria , even into modern
Hungary. To the north, he conquered Belgium . And in 774 AD
Charlemagne also conquered the Lombards in northern Italy
D. Rise of Charlemagne
• 1. Death of Pippin, in 768 AD
▫ a. His Son Charlemagne was next in line
 1. The Franks were powerful when Pippin died
 2. Charlemagne made them more powerful still.
• 2. Charlemagne’s Rule
▫ a. Organized a centralized system of governors (lords)
 1. Keep order all over his kingdom
 2. Sending out other men to check up on the lords
▫ b. Expanding the size of his kingdom
 1. He conquered
a. France down to the Pyrenees Mountains
b. Northern Spain
c. Rhine river and Germany
d. Switzerland
e. Austria
f. Hungary
g. Belgium
h. Lombards in northern Italy
Charlemagne on the Rise
• On Christmas Day, 800, Pope Leo III repaid
Charlemagne for defeating the Lombards. As
Charlemagne rose from prayer, Leo placed a crown on
his head and proclaimed him "Augustus," emperor of
the "Holy Roman Empire." The coronation united
Christendom under Charlemagne's rule, but it
troubled him. If the Pope had the power to crown
Charlemagne king, did the Pope also have the right to
remove the crown? When Charlemagne named his son
as his successor, he presided over the ceremony
himself and did not invite the Pope.
▫ What did this indirectly tell the Pope about
Charlemagne’s feelings for him?
High Middle Ages
1050 - 1300
E. A Violent Society
1. Noble’s constantly fought
each other
 a. Defend estates
 b. Seize new territories
 c. Increase wealth
 2. Kept Europe fragmented
 3. Glorification of warriors
F. The Age of Chivalry
 1. Chivalry – a
complex set of ideals,
demanded that a
knight fight bravely
in defense of three
a. His feudal lord
b. His Heavenly Lord
c. His Lady
d. Meant to protect the weak
and the poor
F. Age of Chivalry
• 2. Sons of nobles began training at an early age for knighthood
 a. Page – at 7 they were sent to another lord to be trained
 b. Squire – at 14 they act as a servant to a knight
 c. Knight- at 21 they become a knight and gain experience in
local wars and tournaments
G. The Great Schism
• 1. Division of the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Church
▫ a. 1054 and 1378
• 2. “Great Divide” “Western-Eastern Schism” “Great
• 3. Reasons
▫ a. Charlemagne not inviting pope to the “party”
 1. Meant he had ultimate power over the church
 2. Caused Tension (1054 – Eastern and Western Churches)
▫ b. Death of Gregory XI and the mob
 1. Started getting along again
 2. French people and priests were not happy
 3. Elected their own pope
G. The Great Schism (cont’d)
• 3. Reasons (cont’d)
▫ c. People Involved
 1. Pope Urban VI – Italy
 2. Pope Clement VII – France
 3. Other Random pope for the rest
• 4. Council of Constance 1414 – 1418
▫ a. Outcomes
 1. Kicked them all out a picked someone new
Europe 1000-1100
Project Questions to Answer
1. Relate the outcome of the Crusade to something
that is happening today. (ie: 1 of the Crusades had a 3 against 1 battle.
There are many countries helping us in Afghanistan right now)
2. What were the 2 sides of the battle trying to win?
3. How did this Crusade affect the lives of the people
4. How did this Crusade affect the relationship
between the people of the Roman Catholic Church
and the Byzantine Orthodox Church?
5. How did this Crusade affect the relationship
between the people of the Roman Catholic Church
and the Muslims?
H. Magna Carta
 1. Richard I and John “Softsword”
 2. Lords revolted against John
 a. Forced Him to sign the document
 b. Stated he no longer had ultimate
 c. King had to follow the laws
Late Middle Ages
1290 - 1527
I. 5 Major Developments of the Late
Middle Ages
 1. The Hundred Years War
a. Fought between the French and English for the French
b. Gun powder and heavy artillery
 2. The Papal Schism
a. 3 popes
b. Loss of respectability due to political involvements
 3. The Fall of the Byzantine Empire
a. Turks begin assault on Western boarders
d) Famines
Climate became colder and rainier
Harvests shrank
Population doubled
Move back to towns
e) Black Death
The Bubonic Plague
killed 1/3 – ½ of European population
I. 5 Major Developments (cont’d)
• 4. Famines
• a. Climate became colder and rainier
• b. Harvests shrank
• c. Population doubled
• d. Move back to towns
• 5. Black Death
• a. The Bubonic Plague
• b. killed 1/3 – ½ of European population
Castles and Keeps