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Evolution Unit Vocabulary
1. Absolute age: the age of a rock given as the number of years since the rock was formed
2. Acquired traits: traits (characteristics) that are gained by an organism after birth (from Genetics
3. Adaptation: a trait that has become common to a population because it promotes survival and
reproduction in a certain environment
4. Atom: the smallest particle of an element
5. Carbon film: a type of fossil consisting of an extremely thin coating of carbon on rock
6. Cast: a fossil that is a solid copy of an organism’s shape, formed when minerals seep into a mold
7. Catastrophism: is the theory that the Earth has been affected in the past by sudden, short-lived,
violent events, possibly worldwide in scope.
8. Element: a type of matter in which all the atoms are the same
9. Endangered species: species that have such a small population that they are in danger of
becoming extinct
10. Era: one of the three long units of geologic time between the Precambrian and the present
11. Evolution: the process by which all the different kinds of living things have changed over time
12. Extant: still in existence, surviving
13. Extinct: describe a type of organism that no longer exists anywhere on Earth
14. Extrusion: an igneous rock layer formed when lava flows onto Earth’s surface & hardens
15. Fault: a break or crack in Earth’s lithosphere along which the rocks move
16. Fossil: the preserved remains or traces of living things
17. Fossil record: all fossils that have been found on Earth (not complete)
18. Genes- basic unit of heredity (smallest piece of genetic information), part of DNA, found in every
cell (from Genetics unit)
19. Geologic time scale: a record of the geologic events and life forms in Earth’s history
20. Half-life: the time it takes for half of the atoms of a radioactive element to decay
21. Index fossil: fossils of widely distributed organisms that lived during only one short period
22. Inherited traits: traits/characteristics that are passed from parent to offspring through
reproduction (from Genetics Unit)
23. Intrusion: an igneous rock layer formed when magma hardens beneath Earth’s surface
24. Invertebrate: an animal without a backbone
25. Law of superposition: the geologic principle that states that in horizontal rock layers of
sedimentary rocks, each layer is older than the layer above it and younger than the layer below
26. Mammal: a warm-blooded vertebrate that feeds its young milk
27. Mass extinction: when many types of living things become extinct at the same time
28. Mold: a fossil formed when an organism buried in sediment dissolves, leaving a hollow area
29. Mutations: the cause of genetic variation, a change in a gene
30. Natural selection: the process of how animals with certain features, or traits, are more likely to
survive to adulthood and reproduce
31. Paleontologist: a scientist who studies fossils to learn about organisms that lived long ago
32. Paleontology: the study of fossils to learn about organisms that lived long ago
33. Period: one of the units of geologic time into which geologists divide eras
Evolution Unit Vocabulary
Petrified fossil: a fossil in which minerals replace all or part of an organism
Radioactive decay: the breakdown of a radioactive element, releasing particles and energy
Relative age: the age of a rock compared to the ages of rock layers
Reptile: a vertebrate with scale skin that lays eggs with tough, leathery shells
Scientific theory: a well-tested concept that explains a wide range of observations
Sedimentary rock: the type of rock that is made of hard sediments
Species: a group of similar organisms that can mate with each other and produce offspring that
can also mate and reproduce
Speciation: the formation of new species through natural selection; accounts for biodiversity
Stratigraphic column: a diagram representing a series of rock layers
Trace fossil: a type of fossil that provides evidence of the activities of ancient organisms
Unconformity: a place where an old, eroded rock surface is in contact with a newer rock layer
Uniformitarianism: the geologic principle that the same geologic processes that operate today
operated in the past to change Earth’s surface
Variation: the differences between individuals within ONE species
Vertebrate: an animal with a backbone
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