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Rise of Islam
Ch. 10 section 1
Page 233
Myths and Reality
The religion is called
The people are
Myth #1:
Most Muslims are
Arabs who live in the
Middle East.
Of more than 1
billion Muslims
worldwide, only
about 1/5 are
Try to Guess:
Which country has more
Muslims than any other
country in the world?
Indonesia - with over 200
million Muslims.
Note: The U.S. has about 5
million Muslims.
Myth #2:
Muslims have a
strange religion and
worship a god
called Allah.
Muslims are
monotheistic and
worship the same
one God as
Christians and Jews.
Allah’ is the Arabic
word for ‘God.’
Myth #3:
Muslims believe it is
o.k. to kill civilians in
a holy war (“jihad”).
Only Muslim
extremists believe
this. (Just like most
Christians do NOT
believe in bombing
abortion clinics.)
Myth #4:
Most Muslim women
wear veils over their
faces and are treated
very badly.
► Muslim
women have many different styles
of dress. (Very few cultures require
women to cover their faces.)
► The treatment of women varies from
country to country and family to family.
► Some Muslim countries, like Pakistan,
have had female prime ministers. The
U.S. has never had a female president.
Muslim girls in Texas protesting
discrimination for wearing head
Something to think
Should women in a Western
country be allowed to wear
a headscarf if they choose?
► Cultures
of Arabian Peninsula were in
constant contact with each other for
► Southwest Asia (referred to as the Middle
East) was a bridge between Africa, Asia and
Europe, where goods were traded and new
ideas shared
► One set of shared ideas that would become
a powerful force in the world was the
religion of Islam
Arabian Peninsula
► Arabian
Peninsula was the crossroads of 3
continents: Africa, Asia and Europe
► Was only a tiny strip of fertile land, remainder of
land was desert
► Nomads called Bedouins were organized into clans
► Bedouins adapted to conditions, defended against
raids by other clans seeking water, livestock or
food supplies
► Nomadic fighting skills became core of armies who
later built a huge empire
Armed Bedouins
► Areas
with more fertile soil had enough
water to support farm life
► eventually they turned into market towns
and were known for local, regional, and
long distance trade goods
► By the early 600s, trade routes connected
Arabia to major ocean and land routes
► Merchants
transported silk, spices and
► Ideas and information were carried from the
outside world
► Petra and Palmyra had become important
cities on the trade route
► Petra
was a trading
city literally built from
► Petra means “rock” in
► Buildings were carved
out of red sand stone
► City
of Mecca in western Arabia became an
important stop on trade routes
► During certain holy months, caravans
stopped in Mecca and brought religious
pilgrims who came to worship at an ancient
shrine in the city
► The simple house of worship is called the
► Arabs associated this house with Abrahama believer in 1 God
The Ka’aba in Mecca
► Over
the years, they had introduced worship
of many gods and spirits to the place
► The Ka’aba contained over 360 idols
brought by many tribes
► Many traveled to the site as a pilgrimage
► Concept
of belief in 1 God, called Allah in
Arabic, was not new on Arabian Peninsula
► Many Jews and Christians lived in Arab
lands and practiced monotheism- belief in 1
► Muhammad was born into this mixed
religious environment of Mecca around 570
Prophet Muhammad
► Muhammad
born into powerful Meccan family
► Was orphaned at age 6 and raised by his
grandfather and uncle
► Had little schooling and began working in trade as
a young man
► Became a trader and business manager for
Khadijah, a wealthy businesswoman
► Fell in love and married her at age 25, had a good
partnership and marriage
► Muhammad
spent time meditating alone
and praying
► At age 40, his life changed overnight as
heard a voice calling to him as he meditated
in a cave outside Mecca
► According to Muslim belief, the voice was of
the angel Gabriel who told him he
(Muhammad) was the messenger of God
► Came to believe that the Lord who spoke to
him through Gabriel was Allah, and he was
the last of the prophets
Islam Religion
► Muhammad
taught that Allah is the one and
only God, and all other gods must be
► People agreeing to basic principle of Islam
called Muslim
► Islam- submission to the will of Allah
(the religion)
► Muslim- one who has submitted (one
who belongs to the religion)
► Muhammad’s
wife and friends become first
► By 613, he began preaching in Mecca with
little success
► Many Meccans thought his new ideas would
neglect worship of traditional Arab gods and
Mecca would lose its position as a
pilgrimage center if people accept
monotheistic beliefs
Muhammad Preaching to Mecca
The Hijrah
► Some
of his followers were beaten up or
stoned in the streets
► Muhammad left Mecca in 622, and settled
200 miles from Mecca in a town called
► The
migration from
Mecca to Yathrib is
known as Hijrah
► This marked a turning
point and attracted
many followers
► Later, Yathrib was
renamed Medina which
meant city of prophet
Muhammad’s Many Hats
► Muhammad
had great leadership skills
► Worked out an agreement that joined his own
people with the Arabs and Jews of Medina as a
single community
► These groups accepted him as a political leader
► He drew many converts from those who found his
message appealing
► Also became a military leader in hostilities
between Mecca and Medina
The Prophet Takes Mecca
► Many
Bedouin tribes converted to Islam and
joined Muhammad and followers
► During the years that Medina and Mecca
battled, Mecca’s power as a city declined
► 630, Muhammad the Prophet and 10,000
followers marched just outside Mecca
► Mecca’s leaders surrendered knowing they
would be defeated
► The Prophet entered the city in triumph
► When
Muhammad entered the city, he went
to the Ka’aba and declared “Truth has come
and falsehood has vanished.”
► He then destroyed the idols in the Ka’aba
and had the call to prayer from the rooftop
► Many
Meccan’s pledged loyalty and
converted to Islam, joining the umma
(Muslim religious community)
► Muhammad died 2 years later
Dome of the Rock
► Located
in Jerusalem, earliest surviving Islamic
► Completed in 691, and sits on Mount Moriah, the
site of a Jewish temple destroyed by the Romans
in A.D. 70
► Muslims say spot is where Muhammad ascended
into heaven to learn of Allah’s will
► Jews identify the same rock as the site where
Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac
► In
September 1996 violence erupted near the
Dome of the Rock after Israeli workers opened a
tunnel that runs alongside the compound of the
Dome of the Rock. The tunnel connects the
Western Wall (the holiest Jewish site) with the Via
Dolorosa, where Jesus is said to have walked
before his crucifixion
► Palestinians opposed opening the tunnel because
they feared it would violate the compound which
is the third holiest site for Muslims
Beliefs and Practices of Islam
► Main
teaching is there is 1 God
► There is good and evil and each person is
responsible for his/her actions
► Believe each person will stand before Allah
on final judgment day and enter heaven or
► To be Muslim all believers must carry out 5
duties known as Five Pillars of Islam
5 Pillars of Islam
►1. Faith
►3. Alms
►4. Fasting
►5. Pilgrimage
► Faith-
must testify to the following
statement: “there is no God but Allah, and
Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”
► Prayer-
five times a day, face toward Meccaprayers are said at dawn, mid-day, lateafternoon, sunset and nightfall
► Alms-
social responsibility to give alms
(money) to the poor
► Fasting-
fast between dawn and sunset
during the holy month of Ramadan- eat a
simple meal at end of day to remind that
“there are greater needs than bread”
► Pilgrimage-
those who can perform a hajj
(pilgrimage to Mecca)
► Was once a grueling journey crossing
deserts, but today, many people arrive by
A Way of Life
► Believers
are forbidden to eat pork or drink wineconsiders the pork to represent filth, and wine
alters your mind and spirit
► Friday afternoons are set aside for communal
worship and prayer
► There is no priest or central authority- worship
God directly
► Ulama are religious leaders who study the words
of Muhammad and apply them to everyday life
Sources of Authority
► Original
source of authority is Allah , who
expressed will through angel Gabriel, who
revealed it to Muhammad
► After Prophet’s death his revelations were
collected in a book called the Qur’an (Koran)-only
the Arabic version is considered true word
► Muslims believe the Sunna (Muhammad’s
example) is the best model for proper living
► The shari’a is a system of law that regulates family
life, moral conduct, and business and community
lives of Muslims
► The
Muslim Views
► Muslims
view Allah as the same God
worshipped by Jews and Christians
► View Jesus is a prophet, not God’s son
► Believe the Qur’an is the final book, and
Muhammad the final prophet
SimilaritiesJews, Christians, Muslims
► All
believe in heaven and hell and trace ancestry to
► All have a “book”
*Jews- the Torah
*Christians- the Bible
*Muslims- the Qur’an
► Muslims consider Jews and Christians “people of
the book”
► Shari’a law required Muslim leaders to extend
religious tolerance to Christians and Jews
Muslim Empire
huge Muslim empire grew to include
people of many different cultures and