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Explorer/Exploration Notes
As explorers began to make voyages to the New World, major European
countries began to compete with one another. Countries such Spain, France,
& England all wanted to claim land in North America.
There were many reasons for exploration:
 Economic-explorers were seeking riches and gold (Gold)
 Some wanted to find valuable natural resources
 The desire to spread religion, especially Christianity to other lands.
 Some were looking for fame and excitement. (Glory)
Obstacles-anything that gets in the way or stops progress
 Climate/weather
 Running out of supplies during a journey
 Food was hard to find-many died of starvation
 Insects carried diseases
 Hard to find crewmen to go to an unknown places
 Greatest obstacle-fear of the unknown
Accomplishments-to do something successfully
 Main accomplishment was the discovery of new lands- to find a
trade route to Asia.
 Exploration allowed goods & ideas to be exchanged by different
 Navigational tools improved
 New areas were mapped
 Transportation improved
Individual Explorer Accomplishments
John Cabot-(Italian) He was trying to travel to Asia. In 1497, he landed on
the eastern shores of Canada. He claimed the land for England.
Vasco Nunez Balboa-In 1513, he discovered the Pacific Ocean. He wanted
wealth and fame.
Juan Ponce de Leon-In 1513, he discovered Florida and claimed it for
Spain. Legend says he was looking for the “Fountain of Youth.”
Christopher Columbus- (Spanish) First European to reach the New World
in 1492. He was sent by Spain. He reached the Bahamas. He was trying to
sail to Asia to find riches.
Jacques Cartier-This French explorer was searching for gold. In 1534, he
discovered the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the St. Lawrence River in Canada.
Henry Hudson-(English captain) He was trying to find a northern path to
Europe and Asia. In 1609 and 1610, he explored the Hudson River near
present-day New York and the Hudson Bay. He claimed the area for
Holland. Hudson found new waterways for sailors to travel.
Traveling Was Not Easy!
Explorers often traveled in rough weather for a long time.
They tried to adapt to the physical environment by being prepared.
Some explorers could not adapt to the weather during their journey.
For example-Henry Hudson’s crew was cold & unhappy. They traveled in
the cold North Atlantic Ocean.
Other explorers such as Vasco Nunez Balboa traveled in the Caribbean and
South American. The climate was warm so he adapted well to the
Cooperation & Conflict among Europeans & the Native Americans
Areas of Cooperation-Technologies (farm tools and weapons), trade, and
Areas of Conflict-claims to land, competition for trade, differences in
culture and language.
Opportunity cost is the value of what is given up when a choice is made.
Every time you make a choice, you give up something. For example, you
might decide to go play with your friends instead of washing your mom’s
car to make some money. Your opportunity cost is the money you could
have made washing the car.
Opportunity costs for exploration. Exploration required ships, supplies,
and manpower.
 The money spent for expeditions could have been used for important
things in the home country.
 Ships used for expeditions could have been used to trade with other
countries. This would have brought money back sooner to the rulers
than settling a new colony would have.