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Eu = True
Pro = before
Homo = same
Macro = large
Uni = one
Multi = many
Chloro = green
Cyto = Cell
Karya = nucleus
Sphere = Round
-ism = state or condition
-sphere = Round
-elle = small
-phyll = leaf
-cyte = cell
Characteristics of Life
What are the
that all living
organisms share?
Created by Coach Blocker
Schley County Middle School
Ellaville, Georgia
All living organisms are ORGANIZED
• Organisms are organized in two ways:
– Chemical Structure
– Cell Structure
All Organisms Have A Similiar Chemical Structure
Chemical - a substance, such as an element or
compound, that is made by a chemical process.
 Element - atoms of only one kind and that cannot be
separated by ordinary chemical means into simpler
 Compound – two or more elements chemically
combined. Two types:
 Inorganic compounds – compounds that do not contain
carbon atoms. (H2O)
 Organic compounds – any compound containing carbon
atoms. (C6H12O6). Four types:
 Proteins (made of amino acids), Carbohydrates (sugars/starches),
Nucleic acids (DNA/RNA), and Lipids (Fats/oils/waxes)
All Organisms Have an Organized Cell Structure
Cells – The basic units of all organisms that carry out the
functions of life.
* Unicellular – consisting of only one cell.
• Bacteria and protists
* Multi-cellular – consisting of two or more cells.
• Animals, Plants, and Fungi
animal cell
plant cell
All Organisms Respond To A Stimulus
Respond to internal and external changes
– Stimulus – any factor that directly influences the activity of a
living organism.
– Homeostasis - Any self-regulating process by which a
biological or mechanical
stability while adjusting
to changing
did they
go! conditions.
• Adaptation - the process of changing to fit some purpose or
All Organisms Take In And Use Energy
Metabolism - the chemical changes in living cells by which energy is
provided for vital processes and new material is assimilated. Two
 Anabolism – The phase of metabolism in which simple substances are
synthesized into the complex materials of living tissue.
 Catabolism – the breaking down in living organisms of more complex
substances into simpler ones, with the release of energy.
 Eat, Digest and Elimination of waste
Autotrophs – self feeders, Producers
Photosynthesis – Creation of food from light energy.
Photo = light Synthesis = building
Heterotrophs – Other feeders, Consumers
Cellular respiration – break down of carbohydrates
and lipids to release energy. (ATP)
All Organisms Grow and Develop
Organisms change during their Life Span
Life Span – The time between birth and death of an organism.
Grow – the organism becomes larger in size.
Unicellular organisms – increase their cell size
Multi-cellular organisms – increase their cell number
Develop – means to mature, become more complex
Gain the ability to perform more difficult task
Such as reproduction
All Organisms Can Reproduce
Reproduction - the process of producing new organisms of
the same type. Two types:
Asexual Reproduction
A single parent organism reproducing by itself
Sexual Reproduction
Two different parent organisms contribute genetic
Involves the combination of male and female sex cells
The Major Characteristic of All Organisms
All organisms are organized of similar chemicals
All organisms have an organized cell structure
All organisms respond to a stimulus to maintain
All organisms take in and use energy
All organisms grow and develop
All organisms reproduce
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Three parts of an atom:
Protons – positive charge
Neutrons – No charge
Electrons – Negative charge
Carbon’s chemical symbol is C
Other elements w/ symbols:
The chemical formula for water is:
Water is an compound that has two
hydrogen atoms (H2) bonded to one oxygen
atom (O).
The chemical formula for glucose is:
Molecule – the smallest particle of a compound that retains all the
properties of the substance.