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Master 7.20
Extra Practice 1
Section 7.1: Classifying Figures
Which figures are:
a) regular polygons?
b) irregular polygons?
Identify each polygon.
Describe it as many ways as you can.
Draw a quadrilateral for each of the following attributes:
a) all sides equal
b) opposite sides equal
c) exactly two lines of symmetry
Draw each polygon.
a) an equilateral triangle
b) a parallelogram with a 70 angle
c) a kite with no right angles
d) a concave hexagon
e) a convex quadrilateral
f) a polygon with 5 lines of symmetry
g) a polygon with rotational symmetry of order 3
c) not polygons?
Master 7.21
Extra Practice 2
Section 7.2: Congruent Figures
Look at the triangles below.
Find pairs of congruent triangles.
Explain why they are congruent.
An isosceles triangle has a side of length 8 cm and an angle of 40°.
How many triangles can you draw that are not congruent to one another?
∆PQR and ∆KLM have QR = LM = 8 cm, and angle PQR = angle KLM = 50°.
a) Sketch the triangles.
b) What else do you need to know to tell if the triangles are congruent?
a) Draw two triangles with corresponding angles equal, but the triangles are not congruent.
b) Draw two triangles with 2 angles equal and 1 side equal, but the triangles are not congruent.
c) Draw two triangles with 2 sides equal and 1 angle equal, but the triangles are not congruent.
a) Are all quadrilaterals with 4 pairs of corresponding sides equal congruent? Explain.
b) Are all quadrilaterals with 4 pairs of corresponding angles equal congruent? Explain.
c) What do we need to know for two quadrilaterals to be congruent?
Master 7.22
Extra Practice 3
Section 7.3: Transformations
You will need grid paper and tracing paper.
Use the figures to the right.
Identify the transformation for which:
a) Figure A is the image of Figure X.
b) Figure B is the image of Figure X.
c) Figure C is the image of Figure X.
d) Figure D is the image of Figure X.
Draw the figure on a coordinate grid. The coordinates are A(5, 6), B(6, 7), C(8, 7), and D(8, 5).
Draw the image of the figure after each transformation.
a) a translation 6 units right and 2 units down
b) a reflection in a vertical line through (11, 0)
c) a rotation of a 4 turn clockwise about point D
d) a reflection in a horizontal line through (0, 4)
e) a rotation of a 2 turn about point A
Write two ways that Figure B can be described as a transformation of Figure A for
each diagram.
a) Which pairs of congruent figures represent a figure and its transformation image?
Describe the transformations.
b) Which pair of congruent figures does not represent a figure and its transformation image?
Master 7.23
Extra Practice 4
Section 7.4: Tiling Patterns
Use dot paper.
Draw a non-symmetrical quadrilateral on dot paper.
Show how it can be used to tile the plane.
Copy each figure on grid paper.
Show one way each figure can be used to tile the plane.
a) Use dot paper.
Draw a hexagon that will tile the plane.
Show part of the tiling.
Explain how it tiles the plane.
b) Draw a hexagon that will not tile the plane.
Show how it does not tile the plane.
Explain why the hexagon does not tile the plane.
Which figures will fill the gaps?
Use dot paper or grid paper.
Draw a polygon with exactly one line of symmetry.
Can it be used to tile the plane?
Explain using diagrams and words.
Master 7.24
Extra Practice 5
Section 7.5: Using Transformations to Make Designs
Start with the shaded square.
Use transformations to describe how to create squares A, B, C, and D.
Start with the shaded rectangle.
Use transformations to describe how to create rectangles F and G.
Start with the shaded figure.
Use transformations to describe how to create figures A, B, C, and D.
Use grid paper or dot paper.
Use a trapezoid and a rhombus to make a design.
Use transformations to describe the design.