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A View from the Cultured
Barrett S. Caldwell, PhD
School of Industrial Engineering
Purdue University
Fall 2002 AAAI Symposium
Etiquette in Human-Computer Work
15-17 November 2002
What is A Barbarian?
Jeanne Comeau presentation: “Someone who
does not adhere to the norms of the cultural elite
to which I aspire”
Inherent in this is that I am (can be?) accepted
in the elite, which has power over another,
whom I devalue via the label “Barbarian”
New victors declare old residents “savage /
Advancement-- becoming more like what the
elite prefer now
Etiquette as Negotiation of
Social Complexity
Emerging Rulesets to Manage Belief Systems
and Dynamics of Social Environment--All Social
Behavior Based on Negotiated Rulesets
Developing Formal Rules Based on Power
Norms --Consensus, Majority, Elite
Stereotyping (6 sec sizing) as Self-Fulfilling,
Inertial Simplification
Ease of Defining Etiquette Based on Number of
Simultaneously Valued Cultures
Cultures of Culture
Sociology and Cultural Anthropology Perspectives
Hall: Formal, Informal, Technical Cultures
Berger / Luckman: Social Construction within Culture
Goffman: Presentation of Self, “Roles”
Socialization of Cultural Affiliations and Adoption
Central / Primary: most central to self-concept
Peripheral / Secondary: later to develop, more situational
Category Membership: origin, profession,
organization, avocation, class, etc.
 Observation: US Ascribes Central Value to Professional Culture
Affiliation (“What do you do?”)
Why is Etiquette Powerful?
Belief That Adhering to Ruleset Can Have
Personal Advantages
Reputation and Social Advancement
Recognition of Power Dynamics: What is The
Golden Rule?
“Do unto others as you would prefer”
“The ones with gold make the rules”
Sanctions And Isolation As Controls
Alignment of Subcultural Etiquettes (through
Range of Participants) Makes Etiquettes Less
Assumptions by the Fish
Studying Water
Other’s Motivations Are Similar to Yours
Conflicting goals on the way to productization
Do users have a similar general background
Empirical research as a paternalistic legacy of DWMs
Others Share Your Sense of Fairness / Equity
Retribution / recompense for past inequity
“Don’t trust the other ones, trust me”: friend or con?
Sociopath: one who exploits etiquette for personal
gain, without normal restrictions for social control
Views from the Margin
“Generalized” Culture Assumes Central,
Primary, Unitary Affiliations (of Elite?)
Minority Groups as Managing Multiple Cultures
Observing elite within minority structure
Survival in majority culture (which is often not aware
of itself as non-universal)
Range of Cultural Affiliations for Interaction
Simplicity: select and manage small set
Finding the place to “fit in” with “your kind”
Complexity: self-consistency across multiple groups
Consistency for self = marginalism in all groups
Cultural Flexibility and Access
All Culture is Contextual
Thus, All Etiquette is Specialized
Just some cultures are assumed general--for a
simple, unitary group affiliation and ruleset adoption
Cultural Flexibility Is A Different Skill
Etiquette following as rule memory / execution
Etiquette selection as strategic recognition of context
and appropriate shifting of rule application
Some Rules are Meant to Exclude
Geek Chic and Nerd Revenge
Intentional Creation of New Norms with
New Power in Response to Devaluing
“Violating” Norms to Indicate “True”
Cultural Affiliation
Goffman: Use of Stigma as Valuing Criterion
Complexity of Distinct Groups of Elites on
Different Cultural Criteria
 Should we Trust Computer People to Create Etiquette
Challenges for the Cultured
Fitting In to Existing Rules vs. Creating
Opportunities for Acceptance and New Rules
Willingness to Accept Aspects of Formal
Cultures as Part of Personal Style
Managing Multiple Elites, and Not Being Too
Devalued in Any
Not Getting Too Tired of People Who Cannot
Navigate Cultural Complexity
Acceptance and Cultivation of One’s Stigma
Berger, P. L., and Luckman, T. (1966). The
Social Construction of Reality.
Goffman, E. (1959). The Presentation of Self in
Everyday Life.
Goffman, E. (1963). Stigma.
Goffman, E. (1967). Interaction Ritual.
Hall, E.T. (1958). The Hidden Dimension.
Kaplan, D., and Manners, Robert A. (1972).
Culture Theory.