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Ancient Greece & Rome
By Ms.
© A. Weinberg
By Ms. Weinberg
In this lesson, we will study the
Ancient cultures of Greece & Rome
You may be surprised to find out how much we
learned from these people of long ago…
© A. Weinberg
The people of Ancient Greece &
Rome made many contributions to
today’s society.
Some of those contributions were in:
© A. Weinberg
contribution is
the act of giving or doing something
The ancient Greeks & Romans made
by giving people today ideas for architecture,
government, and sports.
© A. Weinberg
What is an Architect?
If you are interested in lines, shapes, and
drawing, then maybe you will be an architect
some day.
An architect is someone who plans and
designs buildings and structures.
© A. Weinberg
The Greeks used columns when they
designed many buildings.
This is a column
© A. Weinberg
This is a picture of the Parthenon in
The Romans used arches when they
constructed (made) buildings.
This is an arch
This is the
© A. Weinberg
Colosseum in Rome.
The Romans used arches when they
constructed (made) aqueducts.
This is an arch
© A. Weinberg
Not only did the people of Ancient Greece &
Rome influence architecture, they also
influenced Art.
Can you
see the
tiles in
Many Greek & Roman buildings display mosaics
and sculptures.
© A. Weinberg
Have you ever heard of the Olympics?
You have probably enjoyed watching the
athletes compete in the Winter Olympics as
well as the Summer Olympics.
The Olympic Games began back in Ancient
© A. Weinberg
So far we have learned how the Greeks
and Romans influenced architecture
and sports. We will learn about one
more way they made a contribution to
the people of today.
© A. Weinberg
Our government is based on ideas from
Ancient Greece & Rome.
We call Greece “The Birthplace of
A democracy is a government ruled by the
© A. Weinberg
The people of Greece used a
Direct Democracy.
A Direct Democracy is a government where
people vote to make their own rules & laws.
© A. Weinberg
The Romans used a
Republican form of Government Representative Democracy.
A Representative Democracy is a government in
which the people elect (vote for) a smaller group to
make the rules & laws for everyone.
© A. Weinberg
Which kind of government do we have in the
United States?
Do we have a Direct Democracy?
Do we have a Representative Democracy?
This one is correct!
© A. Weinberg
Now that we have learned about the
contributions of the Greeks and Romans, let’s
focus on where these places were located and
find out about the people who lived there.
© A. Weinberg
Both Greece and Rome are located on the
continent of Europe. They are both located on
the Mediterranean Sea. Both places have
many hills, too.
© A. Weinberg
The Greeks were shipbuilders.
The Romans were road builders.
© A. Weinberg
Because of where they lived, the Greeks &
Romans needed to adapt to their environment.
Ancient Greece & Rome were located along the
Mediterranean Sea, so the people who lived
there were traders.
© A. Weinberg
Since there were many mountains & hills, the
Greeks built many, small communities.
© A. Weinberg
Both ancient Greece & Rome had only a small
amount of the rich soil needed for farming. Still
some of the people were farmers. They had to
farm on hillsides
© A. Weinberg
Hmmm…Time for a check.
Can you complete this table about Greece &
Located in mountains,
characteristics hills; surrounded by
Mediterranean Sea &
limited, rich soil
© A. Weinberg
traders, road
Located in hills,
surrounded by
Mediterranean Sea &
limited, rich soil
What’s this?
The Parthenon
Where can it be found?
What’s this?
The Colosseum
Where can it be found?
© A. Weinberg
We have learned about the many contributions that the
Ancient Greeks
made to the world.
We can thank the Greeks & Romans for
•The Olympics
•Arches & Columns
•Arts (mosaics, sculpture)
© A. Weinberg
•Model of Democracy
© A. Weinberg